Md Uzi Doorman - Tumblr Posts

this place is filling up with cobwebs, anyway here are some robo-studies i did like, 5 months ago. Posting them cause they took my peace and my sanity away just like Liam lmao

A continuation to this silly post here!
Again thanks to @threeaxolotlsinatrenchcoat this came to fruition XD all thanks to asking for Uzi with ALL the plushies. undefined-- so I couldn't forget the gorl and Uzi's reaction

I painted the prettiest girl on the show for funsies! I don't paint too often, so I'm rather proud of this!
Gave her eyes a little yellow glint too, I thought it'd look pretty ehehe
Flats under the cut

Drew this a week ago but forgot to post it here my bad yall

Call me your nymph Praise me for martyr, praise me for sin Call me your muse A sprite or an elf you cry to, then use

let's say this is an alternate ending... drew the sketch of this art before ep7 came out and these were my ideas about possible events. previously the end of the cross was pointed, but after ep7 I drew it as flash drive according to the canon xd would like to thank the people who helped me with this art and supported me, thank you !! close-ups below


Silly little doddles I made in school in my free time

The solver is taking control :(
@incorrectly-quoting-murderdrones @demonicwriterwannabe
Helluva Boss/Murder Drones crossover shitpost
(Please ignore that some clips have a watermark, you have no idea how hard it was to even find clips of these characters laughing/smiling)

had to put the blank version to use somehow

Blank version

Goretober Day 6: Transformation
I swear Murder Drones keeps coming in clutch for goretober lmao
thys is such a great detal, look

here Nori gets "null" activated

both her and Yeva know what to do wich shows thys isn't the first time thys had happend

btw many people think Yeva cuts of her arm wyth solver, but in reality she created a knife

they NEED to cut it of, but who doesn't?


thys IS the first time it happens

yet she closes "null" wyth just a little dificulty

and thats the moment you say "but it wasn't the first time it happened it first happened at the elavator" and i say no

thys isn't "null"


is just a black hole not "null"
but contynuing
it just slowly builds up sense to

almost from begining we get how much power uzi has of solver
from her easy learning about its abilities to controling its main host
we had so many clues we just didn't see them