Mechanical Bulls Are Something Ive Always Wanted To Try They Sound So Fucking Fun - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

The Shaw pack going out to a sports bar with their mates- and they just happen to have a mechanical bull.

Everyone gets drunk as fuck, Sweetheart and Sam are downing shots together while Angel and Babe do the same. Milo and Ash are fighting over the jukebox while David fights himself not to get a migraine just watching everyone. (He’s the designated driver ofc)

90’s rock plays loudly over the conversations in the bar, and that’s when Angel pretty much darts past the jukebox to check out the mechanical bull. You bet they’re hauling ass on that thing, demanding the mechanic not to take it easy on them. This only catches the rest of the packs attention when the huge crowd of the bar pretty much huddles around the small arena. David’s ears perk up at the loud cheering, and he notices Babe slam their drink down to join them.

That’s when David sees his mate atop this huge ass mechanical bull, back arched and hair a mess as they struggle to stay upright. He’s tall enough to see over the crowd, and he’d be a damn liar to say that he didn’t absolutely love the sight. But the fact that the rest of these strangers got to see them like this too- yea, David didn’t like that too much either.

Angel’s laughing like a maniac, occasionally yelping as they hit a difficult spot in the programming. Once they do fall however, they’re just laughing harder despite the nausea. David flinches, but Asher holds his shoulder as Angel jogs back to the rest of the group. “I didn’t die!” “Fucking hell-“

Babe is a little clumsier than Angel, so they refuse to get on the “robotic cow”. However, Sweetheart sneaks past the group to give it a try themselves- despite the alcohol soaked nerves that threaten to reach the surface. Milo was drinking and chatting with Angel and Ash when David’s mate stood on the step of their barstool to start cheering and laughing.

Milo choked on his drink by the time he reached their line of sight.

And yes Sam absolutely rode the bull and almost reached Angel’s top score. David- sober as fuck- never even got near the thing unless his mate was the one riding it. Asher tried to stand on it and sprained his wrist so they had to go home. Milo couldn’t even last three seconds on the bull- to which Sweetheart cackled from their seat and booed him. (Which he returned with a very loving middle finger)

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