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I’ve been rereading Finder No Hyouteki and I needed to draw something more lighthearted to contrast all the drama :D
Asami is pressed :D also his hair killed me and then threw salt at my ghost

Time to go.

Would you like a cup of tea? 🍵 Enjoy some of my recent studies ✨ Done in Photoshop CC with Wacom Cintiq 27QHD like usually.
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A couple prototype minifigures from the upcoming Rocky Mountain Minifigs woodland creatures 6-figure initial release.
Planned figures:
Dark Tan Abbey Mouse with Sword
Orange Abbey Mouse with Sling
Long Patrol Hare Officer with Spear
Long Patrol Hare Soldier with Spear
Corsair Rat with Cutlass
Vermin Wildcat Sage with Staff

Milo Murphy’s Law - Spider-Man AU
I just love this AU concept so much, it’s so fun. Milo would make a great Peter Parker, and Melissa would make an awesome Michelle. I also think that Amanda would absolutely suit the role of Liz Allan (and Bradley would probably be Flash)! Zack is going to be Miles Morales, and I have a separate sketch for that meeting in the works.
I’m still deciding whether I want to use Mort as Ned, or have Zack still be Milo’s best friend and Miles!Zack can just be the Zack of another dimension (since he pretty much has to be, anyway.)
Deleted Scene from the episode “Be Very Afraid” of Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure! 1/5 This was my vision for Varian’s nightmare, since, to me, the thing he fears the most is losing Quirin and the damaging effects his alchemy has/ can have. (I’m mostly sad we missed out on jammie Varian/ seeing more of his cool room!) Either way, this was a really fun thing to board!
As a mentally unstable woman, I find Ghost to be very attractive.

·̩͙ ₊ ᨦ ♡ ᨩ ໋₊ ·̩͙
a sneak peak into the summer life of rafe's kook girlfriend pt 2.
good , day at work,. had so many men old enough to be my dad or even grandpa coo and fawn over me for being such a ha rd worker ,,,,.,. sayinf if they were younger they,d date me 😵💫😵💫😵💫😵💫😵💫😵💫..
“My towns not dead, I’m just dead to most of the people in it”
(yes I can be poetic sometimes @Archie I’m too lazy to put your username lmao)
Imagine Lennon being completely oblivious about his feelings for you, because he's a dummy. Anything romantic he interprets as lust so he says raunchy thins to you, trying to get in your pants (it's really like a little boy pulling a girl's pigtails). Paul catches on and says "Wow. You're in love-love." John gets flustered and says "No, I just wanna hold her and feel her cheek against mine." "Mm-hmm." "No wait... I mean... Butt.. Cheeks. I wanna touch her... Hair. FUCK. Shut up Paul!" -🍒
Cherry, you’re back with yet another wonderful concept and I love it 🧡
You gave yourself a once over in the mirror before going into the living room where the boys were, writing songs and having a couple beers.
“What do you think? Does it look alright?” you asked, twirling this way and that to showcase the new skirt you’d gotten over the weekend.
“I like it. Goes with your eyes,” Ringo smiled.
You beamed and looked down to see if you needed to make any adjustments.
“I do too, although I think it’d look better on the floor,” John grinned cheekily, waggling his brows.
You felt your cheeks grow hot, like they always did when John said something suggestive, so you ignored him, choosing to disappear back into your room to change.
“Really, John? You know it flusters Y/N when you say things like that,” Ringo sighed.
“I know. I like seeing her blush. It’s cute,” John announced proudly.
Paul snorted and exchanged a look with the others.
“What?” John demanded defensively.
“You’re so in love with her. It’s painfully obvious.”
“No, I’m not! I just think she’s pretty and I want to kiss her - er, I mean hold her. Yeah, like in bed,” John smirked.
Paul looked very unimpressed.
“Hold her? In your arms? So you can tell her how pretty and smart she is?”
John sighed dreamily.
“She is really smart — way smarter than me. And so kind. Her hair smells good too. Like coconuts and vanilla.”
“Steady on, Lennon. Don’t give us heart attacks with all that dirty talk of yours,” Ringo laughed.
“You’ve got it bad,” George agreed.
“I do not! Come on, are we going to eat or what?” John grumbled, standing just as you reappeared. You’d opted for a plain red, floral printed sundress, and once again, John was staring.
“Hello, earth to John?” you asked, waving your hand in front of his face.
“My eyes are up here,” you huffed.
John crossed his eyes and stuck out his tongue.
“And why would I look at your eyes when your tits are right there?” he smirked, but it didn’t have as much of his regular gusto.
“Charming,” you replied dryly, grabbing your purse and walking ahead of him.
He stared listlessly after you and Paul rolled his eyes.
“Come on, Casanova. Keep it moving.”
At the restaurant, you slid in next to Paul and John sat next to you, purposely sitting extra close so his right side touched your left. After ordering, John touched the ends of your hair gingerly.
“Did ya get a new shampoo?” he asked suddenly, looking over your head.
You blinked in surprise.
“Yes, actually. Cherry blossom. They were out of my usual one.”
John hummed but when Paul gave him a look, he pulled back.
“Well, I like your other one better,” he declared and you squinted.
“I mean - I don’t care about your hair! That’s gross.”
John got up promptly, mumbling something about needing the loo. You sipped your water, wondering why the hell John was acting so weird.
“Twit,” Paul murmured. You hummed.
“I agree, but why do you say that?” you asked.
“He likes you,” Paul replied simply.
“Well, I know that. I like him too. And I like you all,” you shrugged, purposely misinterpreting Paul’s words.
“You know what I mean, Y/N. He’s in love and unfortunately, he’s also too thick to act on it properly.”
John came back then and you’re left to mull over Paul’s words silently. John had been acting a bit off but you didn’t figure that was because he was in love with you.
And he had no problem making his regular lewd comments that you knew had no real heat behind them. He just liked saying them to get a reaction.
But wasn’t that Boys Having Crushes 101?
You got curious, so you decided to test Paul’s words.
“I went out on a blind date last weekend. Ended up being one of your friends, George.”
You winked at him and nodded at John. George nodded back.
“Oh? Was it Chris?” he asked, keeping his tone casual.
“That’s him. He was very nice. Such a gentlemen. Gave me compliments and was polite. Paid for my meal. So sweet.”
You pause to invite comments but John is oddly silent. He’s picking at his food with a sulky look on his face.
Hm. Maybe Paul’s theory did hold some water.
“He was too boring though,” you continued with a sigh. “Guess I’m just too used to the excitement of hanging around you four.”
John perked up at that and turned.
“So you’re not going out with him again?”
You shook your head no.
“Oh. Well, good, because... because it’d be boring without you and your skirts.”
Instead of rolling your eyes like you usually would, you decide to respond and see what’ll happen.
“So you only like me around because I’m something nice to look at?”
Behind you, Paul snickers.
John’s eyes widen and his cheeks and ears go beetroot.
“No! No, you’re fun to be ‘round and talk to. And you’re funny and smart. ‘s not just ‘cause you’re pretty,” John corrects quickly, strangely concerned with what you’ll think of him.
Your gaze softens and you lean in and kiss his cheek, somehow making John blush even harder, lips parting in shock.
“Aww, he’s all red!” Paul chuckled.
“Who’s flustered now, Lennon?” Ringo teased.
“Piss off, yeh wankers,” John hissed, covering his cheeks with his hands.
You gently turn his chin to meet your eyes.
“Why didn’t you just say you have a crush on me?” you asked.
“What? No, you - I don’t- don’t be ridiculous-“ John spluttered.
You sighed and leaned over once more, cradling his cheeks with your hands and kissing his lips this time, effectively silencing him.
The boys cheered and you were sure other patrons in the restaurant were staring by now but you didn’t care.
You pulled back and landed one final peck on John’s nose.
“Silly Johnny. You’ve already got my attention. I like you too. All you had to do was ask,” you tutted.
John nodded mutely, evidently still shocked out of a response.
“I think you broke him,” Paul laughed.
You smiled mischievously, patting John’s cheek.
“With only a kiss? He’s in for a treat then.”

literally me. a self-portrait of sorts, hah
some fanart based on scenes and designs from this amazing fic 'The echo garden' by @altraviolet 🙏 🙏