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How heavy is our Ridiculous Metal Laughs episode? TOO HEAVY. And while you're at it, check out our other episodes for some kickass metal jams and good times. Music by all your favorite bands!

New Hand ov Doom episode up on Metal Injection. The theme is Cults, Covens, & Rituals. We are joined by vomit-retcher and necrodude Hräsvelg of the Boston cult known as Nachzehrer as they debut their new song "Consorting with the Devil". Come to the Sabbath.

This picture is so awesome I could fucking cry. I won't, but I could. LONG LIVE THE FUCKING KING!!!!
Black Metal bands that Slow the Fuck Down!
The title may confuse you, honestly I’m still not sure what to title it, but I’m essentially going to be recommending a series of Black Metal bands that hardly or don’t use tremolo, are mid-paced, have an old school first-wave approach, or some sort of doom metal influence. Assuming you’re already familiar with Bathory and its slower moments I will be avoiding the more known bands.
This really fucking raw and dark approach to heavy metal that sometimes borders on thrash metal with these slower grand moments, I would highly recommend their debut “Zjevení“ from 1990.
Master’s Hammer
The evil twin of Root, even though they’re both evil. Jokingly called the first “Norwegian Black Metal band” by Fenriz of Darkthrone (the joke being they’re Czech). If you give any of their albums a try I’d recommend “Ritual” from 1991.
Mortuary Drape
I’ve talked about them before on a post about the Italian metal scene, but essentially it’s this raw and primitive form of black metal that thrashes about. You may enjoy their debut “All the Witches Dance” from 1994. I feel I must clarify, my use of the word “primitive” here is more so in reference to the sound of the Old School, and not meant to imply anything that would give you the impression this is a Bestial Black Metal/War Metal or otherwise noisey band.
Black/Doom Metal band from Finland, their first few albums sound cavernous and yet fuzzy (God I wish they were on Spotify), but their later stuff is alright. Check out this song if you so dare.
Negative Plane
I’m not exactly sure how to describe this one, they’re definitely a unique band. I would definitely recommend them though.
Born for Burning
Specifically, the Swedish band that released “The Ritual” in 2019. Since they’re named after a Bathory song, you’d assume I’d recommend them to fans of Bathory, and you’d be right! Check this one out!!
Amen Corner
Root’s Brazilian cousin. I would recommend most highly their debut “Fall, Ascension, Domination”.
I think this might be one of my favorite bands from the Portuguese scene, the speeds of their songs vary but I’d recommend this one.
This band is difficult to navigate through bc they have a lot of stuff that’s just eh. Surprisingly, the album I recommend most highly is not going to be their debut but their eighth album “Heilig Vuur”, I would also recommend this song.
Oooo this is the juicy stuff. I would highly recommend “The Silence of December” and “The Weeping of a Thousand Years”, because texturally they’re some of the most interesting in all of extreme metal, at least in my opinion.
I’m not recommending all of this band’s discography, but particularly their albums “Worship Him” and “Blood Ritual”.
Diabolical Masquerade
The speed of their music varies and they have more traditionally second wave-esque songs, so I would recommend most highly this one.
Hades/Hades Almighty
For fans of Bathory, especially “Blood Fire Death” era. The double name is because they were formerly known as Hades but changed their name to Hades Almighty to differentiate themselves from an American band of the same name, but despite that they’re still known as “Hades” on some streaming platforms. I would recommend most their first two albums, “...Again Shall Be” and “The Dawn of the Dying Sun”.
Sometimes closer to Death Metal, I would recommend “Rites of the Black Mass” on the warning that there’s really annoying and unnecessary intros to each song.
While varying in speed, they don’t tend to rely on tremolos and blast beats as often as, say, Marduk. I would like to highlight their third album, “Mad Grandiose Bloodfiends” in particular, which has a flavor of vampirism and necromanticism and an excellent cover of Mercyful Fate.
I would most highly recommend their sophomore release “Mortuus Decadence”, generally just some excellent black metal with influences from doom and traditional heavy metal.
Rotting Christ
Pioneers of the Greek-style of Black Metal, a style that blends more traditional heavy metal grooves with Black Metal. To recommend one album out of their discography, check out “Thy Mighty Contract”.