Merwaine - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago
Redrew This Comic Because I Was Never Satisfied With How It Came Out
Redrew This Comic Because I Was Never Satisfied With How It Came Out
Redrew This Comic Because I Was Never Satisfied With How It Came Out
Redrew This Comic Because I Was Never Satisfied With How It Came Out
Redrew This Comic Because I Was Never Satisfied With How It Came Out
Redrew This Comic Because I Was Never Satisfied With How It Came Out

Redrew this comic because I was never satisfied with how it came out

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8 months ago
Unstoppable Slut Meets Immovable Object Or Whatever That Saying Is

unstoppable slut meets immovable object or whatever that saying is

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Give Me Character A Thinks Their Hands Are Only Used As Weapons And Character B Knows Theyre Capable

give me “character A thinks their hands are only used as weapons and character B knows they’re capable of love” and i’ll eat that shit up time and time again 🍽️🍽️

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They Are Important To Me Personally

they are important to me personally

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Yeah Hes Drawing Merwaine Again. Yeah. He Wont Stop

yeah he’s drawing merwaine again. yeah. he won’t stop

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2 years ago

I've spent the day watching Colin Morgan in his interviews and now I'm reading the fics in an Irish accent.


But it's fine. Because we love this accent. And the voice in my head sounds exactly like Colin and that's just ridiculously sexy.

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2 years ago

I've spent the day watching Colin Morgan in his interviews and now I'm reading the fics in an Irish accent.


But it's fine. Because we love this accent. And the voice in my head sounds exactly like Colin and that's just ridiculously sexy.

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2 years ago

I love Merthur. I really do.

But. Have you thought of Arwaine? They just fit somehow. One is a wanderer, avoiding settling down and responsibilities and the other has the weight of the whole kingdom on his shoulders. One of the best rare pairs I've read on Merlin A03. The small amount of people who write Arwaine. Thank you!

You know what's even better? Merwainthur! You can make any one of them the long-suffering one! And the whole strength, courage and magic thing is just so much potential. We need so much more of this.

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2 years ago

I love Merthur. I really do.

But. Have you thought of Arwaine? They just fit somehow. One is a wanderer, avoiding settling down and responsibilities and the other has the weight of the whole kingdom on his shoulders. One of the best rare pairs I've read on Merlin A03. The small amount of people who write Arwaine. Thank you!

You know what's even better? Merwainthur! You can make any one of them the long-suffering one! And the whole strength, courage and magic thing is just so much potential. We need so much more of this.

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2 years ago

There was a time -a long, long, dark and dreary time- where I hadn't watched BBC Merlin and had no clue about it. One of the only things I read on A03 at that time was the HP fandom among others. But I had one or two of my favourite authors write in both BBCM and HP and with my basic Arthurian knowledge (old Merlin living as a hermit), I always wondered where did Arthur and Merlin as a couple come from!!?

LOOK AT ME NOW! Look at me as I consume my Merthur and Merlin content like I breathe air. I pity my younger self where I was unaware and lived in darkness without Arthur and Merlin to liven it up!

Thank you A03 Merlin writers for writing Merthur. And also introducing me to Arwaine and Merwaine and Merwainthur and so so many pairings I would not have even dreamt of. You're all absolutely brilliant and you all write such good stuff! And the people drawing Merlin are so bloody talented!! You're all really, really amazing.

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2 years ago

There was a time -a long, long, dark and dreary time- where I hadn't watched BBC Merlin and had no clue about it. One of the only things I read on A03 at that time was the HP fandom among others. But I had one or two of my favourite authors write in both BBCM and HP and with my basic Arthurian knowledge (old Merlin living as a hermit), I always wondered where did Arthur and Merlin as a couple come from!!?

LOOK AT ME NOW! Look at me as I consume my Merthur and Merlin content like I breathe air. I pity my younger self where I was unaware and lived in darkness without Arthur and Merlin to liven it up!

Thank you A03 Merlin writers for writing Merthur. And also introducing me to Arwaine and Merwaine and Merwainthur and so so many pairings I would not have even dreamt of. You're all absolutely brilliant and you all write such good stuff! And the people drawing Merlin are so bloody talented!! You're all really, really amazing.

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7 months ago

Merlin Gotcha for Gaza Event.

We now have a carrd for the event to keep all information condensed, so please feel free to check that out!

Our Donations period has officially closed!!!! But stay tuned and check out this account to see all of the prompts that have been finished so far, and if you’re looking for somewhere to just donate then check out the links on the carrd!

We are looking for a couple more artists to join as creators, if you’re interested then DM this account!

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2 years ago

I love how Gwaine would've probably been more responsible with Merlin's magic.

Like yeah he would've wanted to see the craziest shit but like. In a safe place where no one could see

Meanwhile Lancelot's like hey. Hey Merlin. Do unnecessary magic in this crowded corridor. Go on. Do it. It'll be awesome.

Gwaine's inherent chaos is slightly moderated when it comes to Protecc Merlin. Lancelot's is not.

I Love How Gwaine Would've Probably Been More Responsible With Merlin's Magic.

They're a terrible influence on each other and I love them

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2 years ago
But I Write Too Much About Home And Ghosts And Battlesi Write Too Much About Broken Promises And Broken
But I Write Too Much About Home And Ghosts And Battlesi Write Too Much About Broken Promises And Broken
But I Write Too Much About Home And Ghosts And Battlesi Write Too Much About Broken Promises And Broken
But I Write Too Much About Home And Ghosts And Battlesi Write Too Much About Broken Promises And Broken
But I Write Too Much About Home And Ghosts And Battlesi Write Too Much About Broken Promises And Broken
But I Write Too Much About Home And Ghosts And Battlesi Write Too Much About Broken Promises And Broken
But I Write Too Much About Home And Ghosts And Battlesi Write Too Much About Broken Promises And Broken

but i write too much about home and ghosts and battles i write too much about broken promises and broken hearts i write too much about lost souls - Window Seat // M.J.M (insp) - for @nextstopparis

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I hope you are ready for my therapy bill😭



It’s kind of really bad but eh.

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What is grief, if not love preserving💔

Merlin and grief

"Grief, I have learnt, is really just love. It's all the love you want to give but cannot. All of that unspent love gathers up in the corners if your eyes, in the lump in your throat, and in that hollow part of your chest. Grief is just love with no place to go."

- Jamie Anderson

Merlin And Grief
Merlin And Grief
Merlin And Grief
Merlin And Grief

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11 months ago

Merlin: God, if only someone loved me… Arthur: standing behind them with a wedding ring roses Freya: holding box of chocolates Gwaine: has balloons Gwen: holding out a flower crown Mordred: has a card Morgana: bringing him special books Lance: literally just dropped everything he was doing because Merlin needed help carrying things Gaius: facepalms This is sad.

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