Gwencelot - Tumblr Posts

Gwen: Oh my God, have you ever seen Lancelot with his shirt off?

Merlin: Ew, Lancelot? No!

Merlin: But Arthur... Arthur looks so good in a tuxedo.

Gwen: Arthur was born in a tuxedo.

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2 years ago


word count: 1,926

read on A03 or read below the cut <3


Lancelot du Lac has never been a man of faith, but the sight of Gwen wearing his clothes and looking so pliant and gentle is something that very nearly brings him to his knees. A pious man at the altar of her body. He can’t find it in himself to hold it against her.


a soft morning with Gwen and a soft evening with Lancelot!

Lancelot du Lac smells like oranges and tastes like sunshine.

The first time Guinevere relayed this observation to Merlin, the other man had nudged her side with his elbow, grinning from ear to ear.

“Oh, so you’re in love love?”

Gwen flicked him on the arm in retaliation.

“Listen, I had to hear you waxing poetic about Arthur for years before you finally got over yourselves. Let me have this, Merlin.”

“I’m only teasing, Gwen. I’m happy for you, truly. And for Lancelot.”


“You and Lancelot are my best friends,” Merlin squeezed her hand gently as he spoke, blue eyes light and playful. “And I’d like to be the pageboy at your wedding.”

He earned himself two more flicks and a pinch for that.

Now, Gwen considers the simple wedding she and Lancelot had, and the small cottage they love each other in and thinks to herself that Merlin was right. She is in love love. All the time, every day. In the evenings, when they make dinner together, in the nights when he whispers that he loves her against her bare skin. In the mornings, like this one, when they’re only half awake.  Loving Lancelot is a wonderful feeling, Gwen thinks. Being loved by him is even better, and the woman knows she wouldn’t change it for the world.

The sound of Lancelot rousing behind her pulls her out of her head.

“Good morning, my love.”

She turns around and it’s at that moment that Gwen knows she will never get used to how Lancelot looks and sounds in the morning. There, in the comfort of their tiny cottage, eyes honey sticky, warm with sleepiness; looking at Guinevere like she’s heaven-sent. Slightly mussed brown curls, low and easy voice. An angel lying sweetly on the soft mattress next to her.

No, Gwen thinks. She will never get used to this.

Oblivious to her inner musings, Lancelot’s arm wraps around her and pulls her closer so that their fronts are touching. He shifts easily then, keeping one hand sweet and soft on her bare waist whilst the other moves to clasp Gwen’s fingers warmly between their bodies. Tugging her to him so that their intertwined hands rest against the place where his heart is beating.

Words aren’t needed for Gwen to understand what he’s trying to say, and she feels herself go hot under his tender gaze. After a beat, she untangles her hand from his grasp to cover her face with it, blushing.

“It’s too early for you to be looking at me like this, Lancelot.”

“Like what, sweetheart?”

At first, his voice is innocent, curious, like he hasn’t the slightest idea of the effect he has on her. But then he carries on, and Gwen realises that Lancelot is fully aware of what he’s doing.

“Like you’re the best thing to ever happen to me? Like the moment I met you, my whole world rearranged and you became its axis?”  His thumb presses circles into her hip gently before slipping under her shirt to trace the underside of her breast making it hard for her to concentrate on what he’s saying.

“No,” he muses. “It is never too early to look at my wife like she is the light of my life.”

“I am going to leave,” Gwen murmurs sitting up, ignoring the way her body craves his touch the moment it’s gone. It’s a warning, but there is no real threat behind her words.

“That’s okay,” Lancelot sounds light and easy when he replies. “Wherever you turn, I will follow.”

Then, he whispers conspiratorially, “Don’t leave just yet though. It’s warm here.”

Gwen laughs out loud at this. Sinking back into the mattress and curling up against him.

“We’ll need to get ready at some point, you know. We’re supposed to meet the others this afternoon, and I have lots to do at the castle, and- are you listening to me?”

Lancelot shakes his head, tender and sweet and ever so slightly teasing., “I am far too busy admiring my wife.”

Gwen snorts and shuffles closer. “Hm, you’re sappier than usual this morning.”

Lancelot’s fingers trace gentle patterns on her shoulder as he replies. “I am a man in love, Guinevere. Can you blame me?”

They have been married for over a year now, but hearing Lancelot so openly profess his love for her still causes the butterflies to take flight once again in Gwen’s stomach.

“I love you too, Lancelot.”

His eyes light up slightly at this and Gwen feels her heart flutter. Despite the fact that nowadays she’s no stranger to telling Lancelot that she loves him, there was a time when she had said it sparingly - too shy and too worried it would be overstepping her place as a servant. Now, she says it often because she knows that with Lancelot she doesn’t need to be shy, and he knows exactly how to chase her worries away.

“What’s going on up there, my love?” The man taps her temple once, twice.

“I’m just happy.”  

“Good. Stay like that forever.” Then, Lancelot sits up, and Gwen has to hold back the urge to not laugh at the way his curls stand up at different angles.

“What are you doing?” She makes to sit up too but Lancelot pushes her back down gently.

“I’m going to make my beautiful, wonderful wife some breakfast.” Lancelot leans over her to presses kisses to her temple, then the tip of her nose, and finally her mouth.

“You stay right here, dove,” the words are murmured against her skin. “As pretty as a painting.”

He pulls away then, leaving Gwen with the taste of sunshine on her lips.


Guinevere smells like rosemary and tastes like strawberries and Lancelot tells her this one summer afternoon.

They’re in a meadow on the outskirts of Camelot with their friends, Gwen’s head in his lap as his fingers card through her hair gently. Nearby, Gwaine is talking about his newest conquest - a barmaid at the tavern. Merlin is laughing and Arthur is too. Elyan, Percival, and Leon are sparring good-naturedly in the distance.

Lancelot, however, has eyes only for Gwen. The gentle slope of her jawline. The loose curls that brush over her forehead whenever the wind picks up a little. The pretty pink dress that hugs her figure.

She looks beautiful like this, he thinks. Safe and tender and so lovely that Lancelot is half thinking that he must have made her up.

When he says so, Gwen just shakes her head and laughs, “I’m real, Lance. I’m right here.”

Lancelot brushes a thumb over her cheekbone, smiling down at her. “Sometimes I do not know what I have done to deserve you.”

Then, Lancelot catches the tail end of Gwaine's musings beside him and looks up at his friend who is still rambling about the barmaid.

“She’s so lovely . Her eyes are the warmest brown I’ve ever seen. And her voice, oh it could part the clouds and make sunshine return.”

“And when do you hear her voice, Gwaine?” Merlin’s head is on Arthur's shoulder, hand intertwined with his when he asks.

Gwaine’s reply is lovesick and sappy. “When she’s cutting me off or kicking me out.”

“She kicks you out?” Gwen sits up laughing, pulling herself from Lancelot’s lap and dusting herself off. Lancelot suppressed the urge to protest, missing her already, but Gwen leans her head on his shoulder before he can complain.

“Quite often,” Gwaine smiles dopily in response to Gwen’s question. “It’s how we flirt.”

Arthur looks like he’s about to tell Gwaine that it’s not flirting at all, but Merlin pokes the king in his ribs once and silences him.

It’s a wonderful thing, Lancelot thinks, that they found eachother. He’s about to say so to Gwen, but when he looks down, he finds her eyes shut and her lips slightly parted. Asleep.

Lancelot doesn't have it in him to rouse her, so he stays stock still instead, indulging Gwaine’s antics as his wife sleeps on.

The hours pass and afternoon turns to evening. As the other men begin to pack their belongings, Lancelot nudges Gwen’s cheek gently and the woman opens one bleary eye.

“Time to go?”

“Yes, my love. You fell asleep.”

“Oh,” she lowers her eyes a little - embarrassed. “Sorry, I had a long day.”

Lancelot wishes he could chance away her every insecurity with his sword unsheathed. “You don’t have to apologise for resting, Guinevere.” He helps her up, walking her to their horses as she dusts her skirts off.  “C’mon,” he smiles, stopping in front of his mount, “We can ride together.”

“I can ride on my own, Lancelot. I’m okay.”

But Lancelot can see the way her eyelids droop a little and so he shakes his head resolutely.

“You’re dead on your feet is what you are. Ride with me, it won’t hurt.”

Guinevere is too tired to protest clearly because when he lifts her up onto his horse carefully, sitting behind her and grabbing the reins, she doesn’t say a word.

“You can lean back, sweetheart. I’ve got you.”

And so Gwen leans back into him. Her body fitting perfectly into the slight curve that his makes.

“Sleep, my love. I’ll wake you up when we reach home.”

By the time they get back, Gwen is asleep again. Pliant and warm against him.

Lancelot pulls her down from the horse and into his arms easily, making his way to the front door. Gwen mumbles softly and Lancelot holds her tighter as he shoulders his way in.  The next time he looks down at her, Lancelot finds Gwen looking up at him. Eyes tired and soft.

“There she is,” he keeps his voice gentle, careful to not speak too loudly.

He sets her down on two feet, moves behind her, and begins to untie her dress as Gwen yawns.


She hums in agreement and stretches her neck slowly.


“A little,” she concedes. “I had a lot to do at the castle today.”

Lancelot wishes Gwen wouldn’t work herself so hard, but it’s late and she’s sleepy, and he doesn’t have it in him to risk upsetting her over something like that. He promises himself that he’ll bring it up tomorrow, but for now, he focuses on his wife. Moving back so he’s facing her again, Lancelot rubs Gwen’s cheek gently.

“Arms up for me?”

Guinevere obliges, raising her arms so he can pull her second layer off, a light pink shirt that matches the darker tones of the dress. Then she’s bare before him, and Lancelot has to force his legs not to buckle underneath him.

“Here,” he murmurs, passing her one of his shirts. “Before you kill me.”

Gwen just laughs, pulling it on as she leans into him ever so slightly.

“I would never kill you, Lancelot. I like you too much.” She walks over to the bed and flops onto it, eyes blissfully shut.

(Lancelot du Lac has never been a man of faith, but the sight of Gwen wearing his clothes and looking so pliant and gentle is something that brings him to his knees. He can’t find it in himself to hold it against her).

Rapidly, he changes out of his own clothes before joining her, pulling the covers around them both before tugging Gwen into his chest.  His wife burrows into him with a sleepy smile, a hand moving up to find his.

Lancelot falls asleep to the smell of rosemary and the sound of Guinevere’s gentle breathing.

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1 year ago
digital painting of bbc merlin's gwen and lancelot. it's a screenshot redraw of the scene where they are introduced to each other. they're over a white background with touches of bright pink wherever there should be lighting on them. gwen is wearing a yellow dress and has her hair in a half ponytail, and she has a measurement tape around lancelot's neck. he's wearing a grey shirt that looks slightly blue and has his longer hair. they're looking at each other, their profiles to the audience.

We need men like you. You do?

for @merlinrarepairfest

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1 year ago
S1E5: Lancelot

S1E5: Lancelot

Redrawing a screenshot from every episode of Merlin... (or until I get bored of it)

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10 months ago

If you ship Gwencelot or Mergana, this is the book for you. I can't find any good Gwencelot fics. I did not seek it out when I read this book. I went into this one blind so this was kind of a fix that I did not see coming.

GAAAAAHHH I NEED SOMEONE TO TALK TO ABOUT THE HACIENDA BY ISABEL CAÑAS. Gothic horror has me on a chokehold. It's my new personality.

This book creeped tf out of me.

The atmosphere.

The religious imagery.

The horrors of colonialism.

Also I don't think I've ever rooted for two people so much in a book in a long time. I actually SHIPPED them. Who knew it would be with a witch priest and the general's daughter lol. Please, thank yew


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9 months ago
Favorite Pairings Of 2015 (as Voted By My Followers)20. Gwen/lancelot - Bbc Merlin
Favorite Pairings Of 2015 (as Voted By My Followers)20. Gwen/lancelot - Bbc Merlin
Favorite Pairings Of 2015 (as Voted By My Followers)20. Gwen/lancelot - Bbc Merlin
Favorite Pairings Of 2015 (as Voted By My Followers)20. Gwen/lancelot - Bbc Merlin
Favorite Pairings Of 2015 (as Voted By My Followers)20. Gwen/lancelot - Bbc Merlin
Favorite Pairings Of 2015 (as Voted By My Followers)20. Gwen/lancelot - Bbc Merlin
Favorite Pairings Of 2015 (as Voted By My Followers)20. Gwen/lancelot - Bbc Merlin
Favorite Pairings Of 2015 (as Voted By My Followers)20. Gwen/lancelot - Bbc Merlin

favorite pairings of 2015 (as voted by my followers) 20. gwen/lancelot - bbc merlin

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9 months ago
Hiding My Heart Away
Hiding My Heart Away

Hiding my heart away

I wish I could lay down beside you When the day is done And wake up to your face against the morning sun But like everything I’ve ever known You disappear one day So I spend my whole life hiding my heart away

- Guinevere and  Lancelot : a forbidden love story.

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8 months ago
TOP 15 PAIRINGS AS VOTED BY MY FOLLOWERS13. Guinevere & Lancelot (12.2% Of Votes)
TOP 15 PAIRINGS AS VOTED BY MY FOLLOWERS13. Guinevere & Lancelot (12.2% Of Votes)
TOP 15 PAIRINGS AS VOTED BY MY FOLLOWERS13. Guinevere & Lancelot (12.2% Of Votes)
TOP 15 PAIRINGS AS VOTED BY MY FOLLOWERS13. Guinevere & Lancelot (12.2% Of Votes)
TOP 15 PAIRINGS AS VOTED BY MY FOLLOWERS13. Guinevere & Lancelot (12.2% Of Votes)
TOP 15 PAIRINGS AS VOTED BY MY FOLLOWERS13. Guinevere & Lancelot (12.2% Of Votes)
TOP 15 PAIRINGS AS VOTED BY MY FOLLOWERS13. Guinevere & Lancelot (12.2% Of Votes)
TOP 15 PAIRINGS AS VOTED BY MY FOLLOWERS13. Guinevere & Lancelot (12.2% Of Votes)
TOP 15 PAIRINGS AS VOTED BY MY FOLLOWERS13. Guinevere & Lancelot (12.2% Of Votes)
TOP 15 PAIRINGS AS VOTED BY MY FOLLOWERS13. Guinevere & Lancelot (12.2% Of Votes)

TOP 15 PAIRINGS AS VOTED BY MY FOLLOWERS 13. Guinevere & Lancelot (12.2% of votes)

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1 year ago
You Are Everything That Is Right With This World.
You Are Everything That Is Right With This World.
You Are Everything That Is Right With This World.
You Are Everything That Is Right With This World.
You Are Everything That Is Right With This World.

You are everything that is right with this world.

MERLIN | 2x04   Lancelot and Guinevere

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7 months ago

Merlin Gotcha for Gaza Event.

We now have a carrd for the event to keep all information condensed, so please feel free to check that out!

Our Donations period has officially closed!!!! But stay tuned and check out this account to see all of the prompts that have been finished so far, and if you’re looking for somewhere to just donate then check out the links on the carrd!

We are looking for a couple more artists to join as creators, if you’re interested then DM this account!

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1 year ago
Gwen And Lancelot That I Drew For The Lovely, @birdnoisesart

Gwen and Lancelot that I drew for the lovely, @birdnoisesart

[click for better quality!]

[done on Krita]

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