Metier Judgement - Tumblr Posts

reblog with a troll or two to see what this criminal guy thinks of them :)!!
i did this with nallea but it started overwhelming me because of all the attention it was getting, but now that i'm doing better mentally i decided to try again!!!

"// We// aren't you an interesting one.. You must know a /ot about tro//s within the higher castes, don't you? I'// have to keep you in mind if I ever continue my o/d work. We'd make an interesting team, don't you agree?"

"// 10/10. I /ove your hoodie by the way, it /ooks very comfortab/e!"

reblog with a troll or two to see what this criminal guy thinks of them :)!!
i did this with nallea but it started overwhelming me because of all the attention it was getting, but now that i'm doing better mentally i decided to try again!!!

"// I've a/ways admired tro//s whose goa/s are motivated pure/y by se/f fu/fi//ment. You a/so seem very co/orfu/ and re/axed. A rarity in the wor/d we /ive in, rea//y. Just for that, I must give you a good score, right? 9/10."

reblog with a troll or two to see what this criminal guy thinks of them :)!!
i did this with nallea but it started overwhelming me because of all the attention it was getting, but now that i'm doing better mentally i decided to try again!!!

"// It's you.. He//o."

"// Norma//y you're a/ways with your matesprit. I'm g/ad I'm fina//y ab/e to ta/k to you without him threatening to break any of my bones. From what I've seen and heard, you're very sweet, and I /ove your makeup. I hope we'// be ab/e to get to know each other better soon. You, my dear, are a 10/10 in my book."

reblog with a troll or two to see what this criminal guy thinks of them :)!!
i did this with nallea but it started overwhelming me because of all the attention it was getting, but now that i'm doing better mentally i decided to try again!!!

"// You're an assassin ? I was something simi/ar once, though I've been retired for a whi/e now."

"// Though you do seem a bit on the unfriend/y side, I must say. I've never worked we// with those types. P/ease don't take that as an insu/t; when you're working in this career, you need that tough she// in order to survive. But on a persona/ /eve/... 6/10."

reblog with a troll or two to see what this criminal guy thinks of them :)!!
i did this with nallea but it started overwhelming me because of all the attention it was getting, but now that i'm doing better mentally i decided to try again!!!

"// 'Fina//y getting he/p', huh? I don't know what you've gone through, but I'm happy for you. If you choose to remember anything specific about my words, remember this."

"// Don't be afraid to seek he/p. Never hesitate to talk to someone about how you fee/ no matter what. If you keep those fee/ings buried, they'// come back and, we//. Bite you in the ass at the worst possib/e time, for /ack of a better term!"
"// You don't know me, and I don't know you or your troub/es. But I am proud of you for reaching out when you needed it most. That takes a /ot of strength. 10/10."

reblog with a troll or two to see what this criminal guy thinks of them :)!!
i did this with nallea but it started overwhelming me because of all the attention it was getting, but now that i'm doing better mentally i decided to try again!!!

"// Oh wow. Um."

"// I /ike your.. Hair. Yes, I /ove your hair! It /ooks very nice. Very well taken care of, yes."
>He's having a tough time paying attention. He trails off, staring at the goldblood in awe. Suddenly, he blurts out-
"// May I ho/d your /usus?? Oh my gosh, they're just so adorab/e, I can't- I can't take it!"
>He laughs in embarrassment. He forgets about the whole judgement thing, but yes, he does rate this goldblood a 10/10. Might be a bit biased because of the lusus, though. He's got a soft spot for cute things.

reblog with a troll or two to see what this criminal guy thinks of them :)!!
i did this with nallea but it started overwhelming me because of all the attention it was getting, but now that i'm doing better mentally i decided to try again!!!

"// I don't tend to get a/ong with tro//s with poor manners, but you seem fine enough. I /ike your tattoos, I have a few of my own, but I cou/d never hand/e the pain very we//. I'// have to visit your brewery sometime, maybe we can get to know each other. 7/10."

reblog with a troll or two to see what this criminal guy thinks of them :)!!
i did this with nallea but it started overwhelming me because of all the attention it was getting, but now that i'm doing better mentally i decided to try again!!!