Judgement Meme - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago
Since I Just Got Done With My Talkspritesto Show Them Of Ill Be Doing A Judgment Meme, You Can Reblog

since i just got done with my talksprites to show them of ill be doing a judgment meme, you can reblog with as many trolls/humans/ anything else you can think of as you like and this son will judge them.

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6 years ago
First Of All Xeo Beloved Youre The Most Beautiful Troll In All Of Alternia And You Deserve All The Best,

First of all xeo beloved you’re the most beautiful troll in all of alternia and you deserve all the best, also I love you with all my heart, you’re amazing and never let anyone convince you otherwise.

First Of All Xeo Beloved Youre The Most Beautiful Troll In All Of Alternia And You Deserve All The Best,
First Of All Xeo Beloved Youre The Most Beautiful Troll In All Of Alternia And You Deserve All The Best,

Secondly we have the the twins, tritum you’re pretty fucking creepy and you should really work on murdering less trolls as well as getting some friends, it might help you dear.

Daelus you’re doing much better then your brother and you seem like a sweet heart, I would actually like to know you better, also when are the grand grubs comming?

Since I Just Got Done With My Talkspritesto Show Them Of Ill Be Doing A Judgment Meme, So Reblog With

since i just got done with my talksprites to show them of ill be doing a judgment meme, so reblog with a 2-3 trolls/humans/ anything else you can think of and this son will judge them.

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5 years ago
Judgement Meme Time

Judgement meme time

So my gf @faithlines (huge thanks to her) got me this gorgeous girl from @twink-ocs so its time for a judgment meme, reblog with 1-3 trolls for Adrean (aka corrupt lawyer lady) to judge

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5 years ago
My Gog What Did Your Ancestors Pail In Order For You Two To End Up Like That? A Lusus? 0/10

”My gog what did your ancestors Pail in order for you two to end up like that? A lusus? 0/10”

Judgement Meme Time

Judgement meme time

So my gf @faithlines (huge thanks to her) got me this gorgeous girl from @twink-ocs so its time for a judgment meme, reblog with 1-3 trolls for Adrean (aka corrupt lawyer lady) to judge

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5 years ago
Hm For Someone Who Wants To Dig Around Dead Bodies Youre Pretty Cute 8/10

”Hm for someone Who wants to dig around dead Bodies you’re pretty Cute 8/10”

Hm For Someone Who Wants To Dig Around Dead Bodies Youre Pretty Cute 8/10

”Hmm, arent you the seadweller that has made the whole economy departement go haywire? -10/10”

Hm For Someone Who Wants To Dig Around Dead Bodies Youre Pretty Cute 8/10

”Eh, you just look like your everyday purple 5/10”

Judgement Meme Time

Judgement meme time

So my gf @faithlines (huge thanks to her) got me this gorgeous girl from @twink-ocs so its time for a judgment meme, reblog with 1-3 trolls for Adrean (aka corrupt lawyer lady) to judge

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5 years ago

”My my, what a pleasure to meet sucha lovely lady, 10/10”

Judgement Meme Time

Judgement meme time

So my gf @faithlines (huge thanks to her) got me this gorgeous girl from @twink-ocs so its time for a judgment meme, reblog with 1-3 trolls for Adrean (aka corrupt lawyer lady) to judge

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5 years ago
Oh Shit Waddup Bois Time For Yet Another Judgement Meme! This Time We Have My Dorky New Boi Roanor Xorren

Oh shit waddup bois time for yet another judgement meme! This time we have my dorky new boi roanor xorren that i got from @wileywastoolazy so feel free to yeet some trolls or other crazy aliens for him to judge

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5 years ago
G1rl What Are Y0u Wear1ng? D1d S0me0ne Dare Y0u 1nt0 Jump1ng 1nt0 A Bucket 0f Pa1nt? L0ve Y0ur Cl0wn

G1rl what are y0u wear1ng? D1d s0me0ne dare y0u 1nt0 jump1ng 1nt0 a bucket 0f pa1nt? L0ve y0ur cl0wn pa1nt th0, 4/10

Oh Shit Waddup Bois Time For Yet Another Judgement Meme! This Time We Have My Dorky New Boi Roanor Xorren

Oh shit waddup bois time for yet another judgement meme! This time we have my dorky new boi roanor xorren that i got from @wileywastoolazy so feel free to yeet some trolls or other crazy aliens for him to judge

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5 years ago
*he Gets Up Pretty Close To The Blue Blood, Too Close To Most Likely Many*

*he gets up pretty close to the blue blood, too close to most likely many*

”My my 1 d1dnt expect a to see a blue Beauty up cl0se t0n1ght, l00ks l1ke 1’m lucky”

*he whinks at the blue v flirtatiously before deciding to give him a 12/10*

Oh Shit Waddup Bois Time For Yet Another Judgement Meme! This Time We Have My Dorky New Boi Roanor Xorren

Oh shit waddup bois time for yet another judgement meme! This time we have my dorky new boi roanor xorren that i got from @wileywastoolazy so feel free to yeet some trolls or other crazy aliens for him to judge

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5 years ago
Ayyy Fellow Gold, You Seem Pretty Cool 8/10

”Ayyy fellow gold, you seem pretty cool 8/10”

Oh Shit Waddup Bois Time For Yet Another Judgement Meme! This Time We Have My Dorky New Boi Roanor Xorren

Oh shit waddup bois time for yet another judgement meme! This time we have my dorky new boi roanor xorren that i got from @wileywastoolazy so feel free to yeet some trolls or other crazy aliens for him to judge

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5 years ago
Bastard Pirate Roanor?

Bastard pirate roanor?

Judgement Time From His Imperial Chamberlain! (1 Troll Or Human Per Reblog Plz)

Judgement time from His Imperial Chamberlain! (1 troll or human per reblog plz)

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2 years ago
I Mentioned Doing A Judgement Meme So Reblog With 1-2 Trolls And Theyll Get The Big Judgement From Reyila

I mentioned doing a judgement meme so reblog with 1-2 trolls and they’ll get the Big judgement from Reyila my little rogue of Hope

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2 years ago
8ig H4t G4ng Indeed! 4nd Y0u L00k Like Quite The De4rie, 10/10 F0r Style 4s Well!

”8ig h4t g4ng indeed! 4nd y0u l00k like quite the de4rie, 10/10 f0r style 4s Well!”

I Mentioned Doing A Judgement Meme So Reblog With 1-2 Trolls And Theyll Get The Big Judgement From Reyila

I mentioned doing a judgement meme so reblog with 1-2 trolls and they’ll get the Big judgement from Reyila my little rogue of Hope

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1 year ago
Tough Girl Who Looks Soft And Can Be Soft Sometimes (but Don't Count On It)? :0

tough girl who looks soft and can be soft sometimes (but don't count on it)? :0

Cervin Judgement~

Cervin Judgement~

Anyone interested in seeing what Cervin thinks of you? Judge backs are appreciated, but not required!

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1 year ago
A Tough Girl With A Soft Side And Just A Hint Of Insecurity ........ Despite Her Being Able To Match

a tough girl with a soft side and just a hint of insecurity ........ despite her being able to match skill in a fist fight with an indigo shh

fuck it, dracma judgement meme

Fuck It, Dracma Judgement Meme

in honour of him somehow being my most popular character and also to get back into the swing of things...... a super special limited time offer... talk business with alternia's most notorious crime boss (honest)

just so you're aware he is a huge rude asshole BUT he's got a soft spot for goldbloods and fellow cobalts. every other caste he is either mean about or scared of <3

plz specify your character's age & let me know if there's anything off limits in the rbs!

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1 year ago
I Think They Might Get Along But Let's See!!! >:)

i think they might get along but let's see!!! >:)

0)-> Sherco Judgements <-(0

0)-> Sherco Judgements

Come see what this funny motorcycle guy thinks about you!! <3

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1 year ago



see what this prick thinks of you. i'm joking she's actually quite sweet :)! she's quite critical of most highbloods unless they meet very specific requirements that are based on pure vibes alone

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1 year ago



reblog with a troll or two to see what this criminal guy thinks of them :)!!

i did this with nallea but it started overwhelming me because of all the attention it was getting, but now that i'm doing better mentally i decided to try again!!!

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1 year ago



see what this guy thinks of you .....

judge-backs are appreciated if you would like to have your troll judge him as well!!! >:D he needs friends ngl

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1 year ago



she is just a little silly

rb with one of your trolls (with a little info) and she will give her opinion and rating!! just like with johein's, judge-backs are appreciated if you want to!! :D

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