Mewthree - Tumblr Posts

Woo, it's my 20th bday (was too lazy to post about it last week) and the day already sucks *sigh* I'm not gonna hold my breath and hope for something to change that though. So yeah, I didn't have time due to gaming and some boring homework and decided to make a quick sketch instead. He's a Mewtwo gijinka, based on the new form (however it's gonna be called). He's got horns because of the "ears" it has; they're sharper in that form. His hair's long cuz of what happens to its head in that form (tail hair growth? lol), though he's supposed to have a scarf which I didn't feel like drawing atm. He's levitating through the air using psychic or something.
The new Mewtwo form shall forever remain Animewtwo in my head (Animu/Anime, derp). Hell, the transformation sequence from the trailer would look like Sailor Moon if it actually showed him changing instead of praying then getting covered with light.

This new Mewtwo-like fellow is awesome, so here's some fanart! I wonder if it's a new forme or a separate but related Pokémon… if it's the latter, maybe it could be called Mewtagen? Mewnique? Mewnicity? The Emperor's Mew Groove? I should definitely be put in charge of coming up with Pokémon names, you guys.