Mgfs - Tumblr Posts
Stitchy isn't as nice as he thought
Hey! I just wanted to say sorry for not posting for a hot minute, I had gotten pretty sick and as I have a weakish immune system I couldn't work on any of my bigger projects. I will be repicking up ask little eclipse! I been thinking due to how well I feel its going, I may make a blog specifically for it. For now take some FC angst! He is one of my favorite characters next to Lunar.
However on FC I feel he's been getting much to hate recently, it's like people are forgetting it isn't just an act, FC is an actual child. He needs more guidance and neither Stitchwraith or Foxy can provide that stability so he chooses the 'better' parent based on strength and strength alone. People don't pay attention to these facts of FC being emotionally neglected by Foxy, and physically neglected by Stitchwraith with the exceptions of updates and repairs. But even then the only one emotionally caring for FC is Jake, while the other one exhibits abusive behaviors regularly and snaps at FC consistently. When Foxy was parenting properly he still seemed to be a bit neglectful, he was constantly dropping FC on those around him so it is understandable when people started to tell him no.
In the end my total thoughts are: FC is in an abusive situation, he needs some sort of third party caretaker that can properly guide and care for him, he needs more proper (supervised) bonding time with Foxy, FC could benefit from therapy, he needs to be properly acknowledged as a child and even though Foxy will need help healing he needs to stop seeing FC as some sort of adult that's there to use him and abuse him. Considering the fact FC is a child that is something he cannot comprehend properly, considering the facts he still uses a bottle and pacifier and the fact Francine is smarter then him I believe he is between the ages 2-6, he cannot be held responsible fully to his actions if he cannot even understand his emotions.
This art was lightly referenced off of the scene back during 2022 October takeover when Lunar had been slapped inside el' chips. Here the other one had finally snapped hard enough due to the fact Foxy didn't want his son at all, slapping FC as hard as he could due to how badly he messed up. He didn't even care about hurting them and Jake didn't have the ability to step in yet, FC was trying to desperately explain why he did what he did but he was struggling to de-escalate the situation. Due to how sharp stitchys hands are they sliced poor FC's face open causing oil to drip and fall. FC was internally begging to be saved by the great foxy! He was scared and his face hurt so bad. He knew better that foxy would of never let this happen to him.. He wanted to snuggle next to his father and watch Bluey again. He knew he was bad but he was hoping and near praying Foxy would still come save him and take him home, he wanted to play gatorgolf, he wanted daycare, he didn't wanna be Stitchys helper anymore.

Family day out!

Earth has been feeling guilty about how often Lunar is left alone while Earth spends so much time with Monty, and Monty spends so much time with her. So what originally was supposed to be a date night changes up into being a 'Family day'. Earth had proposed this idea to Monty after having bumped into and discussed various topics with Roxanne, who had given her the 'Family Day' idea so her and Monty would be able to give Lunar more attention while still doing something together! Monty was unsure but then decided to agree to agree to the idea. And the first stop they were going to for this family day? Mcdonalds! As they wanted to get Lunar a happy meal. However as Monty was holding Lunars hand when crossing the parking lot, and also while walking by Earth and Lunar. The couple couldn't help but begin to feel parental towards the tiny lil' animatronic.

Presenting !
The new family haha !
Working on a detailed analysis of FC and his relationship with Puppet and Foxy right now. Reason? Because FC is my favorite character and he has FLAVOR. And I have some thoughts cooking up and am gathering clips for it.
Hey so I'm angry at YouTube now over what I learned they did yesterday, from what I learned apparently the reasons the Lunar and Earth Show got deleted. So one of the reasons YouTube deleted the channel was cuz they accused the voice actors of partaking in scams relating to Lunar Plush bootleg merchandise of one of their characters being sold on TEMU. But Davis made it clear on his Twitch Stream that him and his colleagues were not taking part in that and they were accused of this. And the second reason which Davis pointed out was because of one of their characters called "Dazzle the Deer" and over the fact that they revealed their backstory about what happened to Dazzle when she was alive and called "Evelyn" which which involves Sun getting possessed by BloodMoon and murdering her, and YouTube deemed it to violent resulting in what is happening now. Davis also said they had three requests sent to YouTube already to try and get the show back up and running but they were all denied, he made it aware to us that he only had one request left and if it gets denied then the Lunar and Earth Show will be gone for good. So he asked us his viewers to get the word out to try and make everyone aware of the situation any way possible on all platforms we have. And since Davis doesn't have an account here on Tumblr and there's a lot of people I saw here who are fans of the show i wanted to help by starting here so I wanted to make awareness of this to try and get people to make noise and get YouTube to reinstall the Lunar and Earth Show so it's not gone forever.
Davis Explaining the LAES situation:

Encase anyone is paranoid: Link is a safe and genuine video, if scared to click on/copy paste it I'll provide the video below so you dont have to! Spread the word, be peaceful but prideful if you make posts about the situation. Help bring back LAES.
Toybox/Kidscove/treasurechest? Doodles
Is there a ship name for Foxy x Puppet x Sun?

i had so much fun working on my part and Ken was absolutely so patient, everyone else on this did so good to I'm so amazed how good everything looks together! Im so happy I had the chance to do a part as I absolutely loved the MGFS cough FC is my favorite character and the writing in MGFS was absolutely immaculate the VA's and writer(s) did amazing cough
Even though the channel is in a new era, some fans wanted to show appreciation for the story that the Monty and Foxy Show had set up. This Show has helped me make a lot of really cool friends - not just some of the artists in this video, but certain somebodies who I failed to keep this project a complete secret from.
This is a gift, for both the fans of MGFS and for the VAs who make it happen. Thank you, and here's to new adventures!
Artists involved are linked in the description of the video, as well as named in the video itself!
Random thought but imagine if Andrew helps FC cheat in his schoolwork and tests and that's part of how he passes with flying colors?

I drew them smol and eepy. I find it cute!
the allegations shall not be ignored, Montgomery Gator. (by me at least-)

Have some LBS Monty and Sun! They’re just chilling right now because Moon needs a break from watching over Sun and the daycare constantly-
Anyways time for bed- Good night guys!
Villian show! AU

Its my take on Villian show! Miku and Eclipse
I love them:]
"Shut up."
Villian Show! Stalker Miku x Eclipse

Tags: Unhealthy relationships, obsession, threat of murder, gun pointing, freak x freak ship, crackship, a bit of possesive behavior(???)(Miku having a bit of freak thoughts), Eclipse is kinda tsundere lol
Words: 456
Sidenote: English is not my native language!:_
"Shut up."
He pointed at the blue-haired girl with an expression of clearly fake deep annoyance, but she didn't even raise an eyebrow as she tried to get closer to the tall animatronic. A really bad attempt to approach was quickly cut short, though, when Miku's eyes fell on the barrel of a gun. Ah, the Glock 17, Eclipse's favorite. The girl would never have thought that a robot would be interested in such a thing, but who was she to judge? It was always nice to learn something new about the center of her thoughts.
"You started holding it more often!" She points out, watching her opponent's face get rougher. That makes her smile a little wider, and she murmurs the next words in a playful tease. "I almost think I'm getting on your nerves, Clipsy."
Not a second longer when the muzzle of the gun hits the blue-eyed girl's forehead. Well, ouch, that will leave a bruise. But that doesn't matter right now, it was their little game that took all the attention at the moment as they stood in the empty, lifeless street of the city.
"It's really disappointing how you can't handle a simple command." His gaze makes its way up and down her entire body, taking little time before continuing. "Be the usual obedient dog or some shit and shut your mouth for me."
Oh, to always hear the serenade of his voice, the blessing of his eyes looking at her, giving the most precious gift of his full attention, showing the true colors of the situation they are in right now. The desire to hold him and never let go, to pray for him as he is there, next to her! In chains and a slapped mouth, screaming curses directed only at the sight of her figure... Oh the sweet desires that she decides to put it on the back shelf this time, coming back to reality.
"Your eyes are truly a bright white flame." She speaks as her hands move to the barrel, gently moving it as confused eyes watch her. "They make my heart beat faster for your beautiful warmth."
The hands stop moving, allowing Eclipse to see where the barrel now rests. On her chest. Straight to her core.
"My soul belongs to you." Her last confession echoing between the buildings.
Silence pervades the atmosphere, letting them hear the movement of a light breeze passing by. The unreadable gaze of the animatronic and the minutes of inactivity fill the void until it finally moves. Eclipse scoffs as he puts the gun down, moving eyes away and grumbling something about her being fucking ridiculous.
Her eyes can't help though but notice the faint dark blush on his cheeks.
Damn i forgot i can just-
Yeah does anyone interested in my Miku x Eclipse playlist?
I'm still in the process of finding songs for this playlist so if you want you can send suggestions
Also youtube version:
Yooooooooooo, lets goooooo! It's finally been made! To the mod: can can we RP now?

Hi!! My names FC >:3
I saw my mama.. father.. And almost everyone else had a thingy for Tumblr and I just had to have one to! I couldn't make my own blog but! but! Francis is sharing this with me cause he's one of my bestest buddies. This blog originally was his and it was all pink and glittery but he never used it so he is letting me make it me!! But he's still gonna interact with people and stuff something something about the positivity being delicious and how it's making him proud!

Rules of interacting:
No vagueing or name dropping, cool people don't leak names just cause you don't like em'! Namedropping someone in a positive light is ok as it shows support!
No sexism, racism, homophobia, ect. No discrimination!!
no sending harrassment, gore, or questions trying to make mod snap at you!
Me and Francis believe in three laws of fandom an' this blog works off of them!!
DLDR/DLDL - don't like don't read / don't like don't look
Ship and let ship - some stuff is weird to you and that's ok but let peoples enjoy stuff cause for them its enjoyable!
YKINMK - Your kink is not my kink and that's ok! I don entirely understand this stuff but I know it's not nice to make fun and judge people. well- when I make fun of people I get in trouble which isn't cool but you never know who'll you'll make sad- OH!! ALSO Francis will answer innapropiate asks

FC's asks - questions given to FC that are answered
Foxiful heckling around - RP time
Foxiful OOC - out of character talk
Francis asks - questions given to Francis to answer!
Foxiful confessions - posted confessions
CV Treasurebox fam - puppet, foxy, and FC!

Miku got him a plushie (Villain Show AU)

bambi eyed frat boy leaves 12 dead, 60 injured
My art entry for the SBS pride event on discord

(Click on image to see better)
Drew this yesterday but forgot to post it- I hope it gets into the video once the event is over in two weeks-
Gonna draw my FV AU pride thing next so stick around to see that ig-