The Stitchwraith - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Stitchy isn't as nice as he thought

Hey! I just wanted to say sorry for not posting for a hot minute, I had gotten pretty sick and as I have a weakish immune system I couldn't work on any of my bigger projects. I will be repicking up ask little eclipse! I been thinking due to how well I feel its going, I may make a blog specifically for it. For now take some FC angst! He is one of my favorite characters next to Lunar.

However on FC I feel he's been getting much to hate recently, it's like people are forgetting it isn't just an act, FC is an actual child. He needs more guidance and neither Stitchwraith or Foxy can provide that stability so he chooses the 'better' parent based on strength and strength alone. People don't pay attention to these facts of FC being emotionally neglected by Foxy, and physically neglected by Stitchwraith with the exceptions of updates and repairs. But even then the only one emotionally caring for FC is Jake, while the other one exhibits abusive behaviors regularly and snaps at FC consistently. When Foxy was parenting properly he still seemed to be a bit neglectful, he was constantly dropping FC on those around him so it is understandable when people started to tell him no.

In the end my total thoughts are: FC is in an abusive situation, he needs some sort of third party caretaker that can properly guide and care for him, he needs more proper (supervised) bonding time with Foxy, FC could benefit from therapy, he needs to be properly acknowledged as a child and even though Foxy will need help healing he needs to stop seeing FC as some sort of adult that's there to use him and abuse him. Considering the fact FC is a child that is something he cannot comprehend properly, considering the facts he still uses a bottle and pacifier and the fact Francine is smarter then him I believe he is between the ages 2-6, he cannot be held responsible fully to his actions if he cannot even understand his emotions.


This art was lightly referenced off of the scene back during 2022 October takeover when Lunar had been slapped inside el' chips. Here the other one had finally snapped hard enough due to the fact Foxy didn't want his son at all, slapping FC as hard as he could due to how badly he messed up. He didn't even care about hurting them and Jake didn't have the ability to step in yet, FC was trying to desperately explain why he did what he did but he was struggling to de-escalate the situation. Due to how sharp stitchys hands are they sliced poor FC's face open causing oil to drip and fall. FC was internally begging to be saved by the great foxy! He was scared and his face hurt so bad. He knew better that foxy would of never let this happen to him.. He wanted to snuggle next to his father and watch Bluey again. He knew he was bad but he was hoping and near praying Foxy would still come save him and take him home, he wanted to play gatorgolf, he wanted daycare, he didn't wanna be Stitchys helper anymore.

Stitchy Isn't As Nice As He Thought

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4 years ago

Nah, I'm fine with that. Also what else is going on in your FNAF AU? Wasn't the Stitchwraith forming a group to destroy cursed artefacts?

Sorry to Everyone That's Randomly Getting This Long Answer In There Main Tumblr Screen-

Oh, Your Talking about my Stitchwraith Gang AU. It wasn't made with the intention of fitting with my Emily Family AU, but it is possible for both to take place within each other, just that they don't interact.

And yes, he is. Although he wasn't oringally going to. He just keep finding these lost souls and was like. "Welp, your part of my family now." They mostly stay in the warehouse anyway, as Stitch doesn't want them being hurt.

Since I'm on the topic, I should go ahead and mection there's a new member of the Stitchwraith gang, I just never made any post with him before because I didn't want anyone that sees it too look at me strangely.

It's the Springtrap form In the flesh. And I'll go ahead and say that you can hate the story all you want. I hated it as well when I frist heard what it was about, and it wasn't until the idea of Stitchwraith finding him that I started to view the story in a softer light.

In my AU, it wasn't Springtrap himself that caused what happened to Matt. It was Glitchtrap. Still trying to figure out the exact details, but it's mostly Vanny uploaded Glitchtrap into the game, and it took over Springtrap in an attempted to finally leave the game relem, but it ended up failing with only Springtrap leaveing and not Glitchtrap.

He was found warp in Matt's jacket outside by Stitchwraith and he went "My child now" and brought him back to the base. Thanks to Stitchwraith's agony he manuage to grow quickly to teenager size in a few mouths. He knows Glitchtrap was the one who caused Matt's (who he saw as a father even in the game world) death, but he is always feeling guilty, being the one who actually killed him.

Nah, I'm Fine With That. Also What Else Is Going On In Your FNAF AU? Wasn't The Stitchwraith Forming

His eyes are permently stuck purple because of how he was born, and the bit of hair in his head is a result of him having some human DNA.

Also as a final note, whlie he isn't drictly part of the Stitchwraith gang, Stitchwraith was able to save Stanely from the Minirina's, so he's a freind of the group. Keeps their sercet and tries to locate some of the items for them, as he knows stuff like the Plushtrap Chaser (even though it has already been collected at this point) could easily be in public areas where Stitchwraith would have to be sneaky about in order to get it without adding another Murder onto his criminal record. My freind on Amino came up with this and its really is a cool idea.

Sorry for the long answer I just like to talk about my AUs when I get the chance.

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4 years ago

Hey thank you for all the lovely ideas and fan art. Any Christmas headcanons in the FNAF AUs?

Your welcome!

As for Christmas Headcanons, they are not too in depth. For my Emily Family AU, I always just imagine they celebrate it normally, Henry usealy hand making Sammy and Charlie gifts that should last a long whlie (such as Stanely and Ella) or getting them gifts that should keep their entertainment for awhile, such as movies or gaming devices when those hit the shelf's. If there's enough snow outside and there's no risk of someone coming by, they are allowed to go outside and play in the snow. It's also a bit if a family joke that if the heater broke, Sammy will have to act as a fireplace until he can get it fix. The Nightmare before Christmas is a tradition to watch and it's one of Sammy's favorite movie, if not his favorite.

As for Stitchwraith Gang AU, nothing really much. Stitch will have the agoney flowers place Somewhere they won't wilt. Maybe he digs up a broken Christmas tree and decorations and used them to try and make the werehouse more lively. Stanely might come by with small gifts for them since they missed out on a few Christmas (excluding Springtrap, for it would be his Frist.). I don't have an exact idea in what the gifts might be, but he probably got them all a heater since they likely been freezing.

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4 years ago

Wow, that Stitchwraith gang meme was random. Got any ideas for the Blackbird book?

Thank You! I am well aware it is Random!

And By “Ideas” do you mean the re-write of the Stitchwraith epilogue by me and a Friend on discord that s currently 7 pages long and hasn’t been updated in awhile??

I’m guessing not, also since I’m currently on a laptop while answering this I’ll put the main answer under cut so it hides spoilers form anyone who just happens to be scrolling.

Please note that I have yet to get a copy of the book for myself nor do I have the means too. Even if I did I likely wouldn’t be getting to it in awhile with the way I’m doing art based on the books rn. And since Dawko has yet to post a review on any of the story (which he doesn’t have to do soon, he can do whatever he want), I’ll be basing all this on the spoiler book on reddit, and want my friend who has the book told me

As for Blackbird itself? Nothing really. The only thing I came up with it was LONG before the book came out, and based on the image alone. It takes place in my “Framed AU”, something I have yet to post anything about, but it’s based on the idea William had a twin brother who was the actual killer, and ended up becoming Springtrap due to the kids thinking he was his brother. The idea was Black Brid was a small animatronic bird (ironic to what blackbird actually was) with a camera inside made by Vincent (William’s Brother, who would’ve guessed) that can be connected to a USB to show the footages on a laptop. It isn’t haunted but is an self aware AI that mimics a bird’s personally for the most part. It’s name was “Blackberry” 

The Real Jake is what is gonna bring the most changes to my au. For one, I’m sadly gonna have of get rid of my cool eye designs for Stitch because we know Simon was based on Jake, who has simple brown hair and green eyes. Also speaking of Simon, in my AU his father put so much love and work into making him that a part of his soul got attached to the doll, allowing it to “live” and him fully become Simon after he died. He didn’t mean to put Jake’s soul in the doll too, he was just trying to cheer Jake up after sneaking out of the drawer he was locked in and it happened. He only managed to get a bit away from the house before he was knocked out.

Hide and Seek, is an interesting case. I always been a fan of the Shadows. My personally theory/idea is that they were both workers who in Springlock failures in two incomplete suit. The only other person there, who was the one who was supposed to test the suits, hide there bodies away, and now the two haunt the pizzeria’s usually moving to the next pizzeria when stuff from the one they were at moves. They were Cushions in human life, Shadow Freddy once being a man named “Victor” and Shadow Bonnie once being a women named “Sliver”. (side note, shadow bonnie uses the Them/They because of this). They at some point forgot nearly all about there human lifes besides how they died and why they likely aren’t able to move on, so they came up with there own name. “Shadow Freddy goes by “Shade” and Shadow Bonnie goes by “RWQFSFASXC”, but more often then not goes by “Dusk” because no one besides them can say there name.

ANYWAY BACK ONTO TRACK OF THE STORY- Most humans are unable to see the Shadows, in fact the only other souls who can see them are ones that possesses the animatronics. So when the game in the story came in, Dusk had quickly tried to play it despite going through all psychical things normally, and ended up getting sucked in. It was Originally meant to be a game with toy bonnie or normal bonnie, but Dusk ended up taking the  spot of them, and found they gain some control over the game. to the first few people who played Dusk tried to tell them what happen in hopes of someone finding their and Shade’s bodes and burying them to put them to rest, but after awhile stop trying because the strange messages were making Employees talk about unplugging it. However the ability to interact with normal people again was something Dusk held close to heart, which is why they went crazy when Toby destroyed the game and wouldn’t let him go until it was fixed and won by him. At this point Dusk hardly leaves the Machine during the day now. Shade still hasn’t let go of the fact that for a moment Dusk had a chance to find there bodies and put them to rest and spent it all chases after a man who broke a video game.

Epilogue 6.... NEEDS TO DIE IN A WHOLE.  This couldn’t have waited until, like, the 8 book?? So here’s what happens in my Stitchwraith gang AU. JAKE AND ANDREW DO NOT DISAPPER. They just get hurt and layed besides the remains of Stitchwraith, which does not get fused with the The Miscreation.   Simon/Evan (who was locked away inside of Stitchwraith by William, and was the one who gave Jake his memories flashback.) becomes some sort of Phantom Stitchwraith and helps Jake and Andrew into a new Endo. They go back to the warehouse and plot murder. Also  The Miscreation ends up outside Vanny’s house 

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4 years ago

How do agony flowers work?

They were frist created by accident. Stitchwraith's battery got to low on agoney, allowing William to gain control. Keep in mind that he was going under "The Agoney Sprit" then. Since he was still trap in Stitchwraith, he did the only thing he knew how too, kill. He killed someone in a very brutal way, and some of the person blood/agoney got into the flowers growing nearby. They started letting off a faint red glow that sorta trap William in a daze state until Jake could take back contorl. Jake digged up the flowers, and brought them back to the hideout. After awhile he discovered the the Flowers were growing agony that he could drain with a simple touch. They having been able to figure out exactly why, but Jake just says 'its Agony magic, don't question it and be gald it did something good for once'. Ever since then, he keep the flowers safe and keep them growing so he could keep the battery charge. It's also a nice distraction from everything else going on.

I know you didn't ask for a picture of them, but I feel like sharing one. It was at the end of my "What Is Logical" meme so that's why there's the "Thanks for Watching" text

How Do Agony Flowers Work?

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4 years ago

Agony flowers sound interesting, but how would Stitchwraith and co handle Shadow Bonnie?

Thank you! I just took the idea of the random flowers from Epilogue 5 and was like “let’s make them very important to Stitch-Boi”

As for handling Shadow Bonnie, they really wouldn’t. Outside of scarring the few night gruads and people who CAN see the shadows, outside of the Hide And Seek game, and going after that one person who I forgot that name off, Dusk isn’t really a threat to anyone. Can’t even physical touch most who can see them. They’re stuck in the pizzeria most of the time anyway. Besides, they would most likely have found out about the game AFTER the events of Epilogue 6 (my au’s Version because canon can go die-) and Evan isn’t letting Jake go after anymore items until he’s sure he’s ok enough to stand ageist people or hide from the Miscreation if it shows up.

Oh yeah! Evan is a part of the Stitchwraith gang now. I’ll go into more detail if anyone askes, but to sum it up semi-quickly: Evan possessed Simon after he died because he poored so much of his soul into Simon (think of it like reverse-agony in a way), had try to get to Jake but Jake ended up possessing Simon as well, William had locked Evan away from the others and he was the one trying to pull Jake away and out of the Stitchwraith with the memory vision, epilogue 6 happens but Jake and Andrew don’t fade away, Evan leaves the Simon head as a Phantom version of Stitchwraith, and helps the boy quickly remake Stitchwraith so they’re souls don’t fade. And yeah, he’s just there now.

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3 years ago

What is Evan's role in the Stitchwraith gang?

Basically the father figure they all need, the one that keeps things together. I probably mentioned this before, but the frist thing he did after becoming Phantom Stitchwraith was find Jake, then Andrew. He’s a very “family/self care frist, other things second” person. He most likely keep Jake from going right after the Miscreation as soon as Jake felt like he ‘could’. He most likely also goes out in his own to try and locate the rest of the agony-affected objects. Even if he himself can’t garb then, it makes the rest of the Gang’s job much easier, since he doesn’t have to worry about being hurt if he gets spotted by someone. Outside of that, he mostly stays around base, watching after the kids and making sure nothing else gets in. One things for sure: If Miscreation or anyone associated with them tried to hurt his children agein, he will find some way to interact with the physical world, and make them regret even thinking of harming them.

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