Mhaescenarios - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago


hello welcome to my profile i am a fan of mha who loves to write about her favorite characters

here you will find -scenarios -oneshots -requests

It should be noted that English is not my first language so I apologize in advance if I make a mistake, I hope you like my content


hola, bienvenido a mi perfil soy una fan de mha que le encanta escribir sobre sus personajes favoritos  

aqui encontraras -escenarios  -oneshots -peticiones

cabe recalcar que el ingles no es mi primer idioma asi que me disculpo de antemano si llego a cometer un error, espero que les guste mi contenido

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3 years ago

Midoriya Izuku/Realizing his feelings

Like most of the class since you entered the U.A you noticed that Midoriya always watched you closely at the academy, not because he disliked you or something like that. On the contrary, he thought you were very cool. This was all new to him.

He just wanted to get to know you better and the only way he believed he could achieve it would be by observing from afar since he did not dare to even speak to you, as time passed he was able to gather the courage to be able to approach you.

The next few weeks the shy baby was cheerful but a little worried that you might be bothered by the fact that he talked all the time about All Might and wrote some new superhero in his notebook so he thought he needed to stop doing that.

To your surprise he was acting in a strange way, more than usual and it was not until you mentioned the great performance that Mt Lady did the day before that his inner fanboy exploded and filled you with details about what happened, but he abruptly snapped. something was happening to him and you had to know it.

-. Midoriya are you okay? - you asked raising an eyebrow

-. I-I'm perfectly fine yn-san! Said the green haired boy

- Are you sure? Did you stop suddenly while you were talking?

- W-well, I ...

- I ... Midoriya - you answered something impatient to know his answer

- I'm trying not to bother you with all my absurd chatter about heroes! I don't want you to stop being my friend just because I can't control my mouth! - he shouted desperate and with tears in his eyes, now you understood his strange behavior towards you. He was worried that you would get away from him as everyone had done since his sad childhood.

As an act of reflex your body moved by itself, tightly wrapping the body of the boy who was trembling under your embrace, he returned the hug silently until you could speak to him.

 -. I don't mind you doing it - you said sweetly

- D-do w-what? - he released while trying to calm down

- talk about what you like, that's something no one should feel bad about. I personally like the face you make when you talk about heroes and how cool they are, your eyes have a beautiful shine, your smile is priceless, and your voice is confident and cheerful. If people don't like it then screw them, you're a great person izuku, and I'm proud of you.

Those were the words that he wanted, no, he needed to hear from you, words that warmed his heart in a way that he had never experienced, this combined with your touch made him blush after a new and silent discovery that he would hold in his heart along with this precious moment

 falling for you, a feeling that warmed his heart and a secret that he must keep.

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2 years ago

withered thoughts

bakugou was something special, especially on the good side, he was in a few words the man you had always dreamed of, someone determined and persevering who, no matter what or who, would achieve his goals with effort and hard work, downplaying such banal things for which he most would fall and that was what hurt.

You knew deep down that Bakugou only had eyes for what he longed for the most, to be a hero and that's partly why you admired him, he was so strong and independent... And that bothered you knowing this and that he always treated you like a "extra" only made the hopes you had of one day being his source of happiness wither like a flower waiting for water that would never come.

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2 years ago


You never really thought if this could happen, falling in love, something strange that you hadn't had the chance to experience, it felt weird but right. He never tried to get romantically close but… That seemed so attractive that he wouldn't mind looking for a girlfriend a bit like the others did. He only focused on himself, on his goals, on his ideals.

The way he looked when he was enjoying what he was doing caused indescribable things in you, it's like listening to someone you love about something they love, that feeling that you could be there forever just watching and trying to understand why he likes it, even if you never understand why.

It was strange the way you softened your heart for someone who was unaware of your existence and someone who never considered you more than a nuisance.

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1 year ago

Heart Eyes

- hey, what happens to your eyes?

- "Nothing, they are as always, full of my love for you," kirishimq said with a smile. That damn smile that he only dedicated to me was no longer the same, it felt plastic and false like your feelings in the last two weeks.

- Yes, I'm glad that it continues like this- I knew that it was fake, I realized that your eyes were not the same ones you had when you were in love with me, it's better to finish this before I hurt myself seeing who the person is for which your eyes are heart-shaped now.

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1 year ago

Lab Rat

To be honest, this was what you wanted, right? Being by his side will cost what it will cost, how stubborn you are, you never understand, no matter how much he shows you, you always came dragging yourself along. Why would someone like you mess with such a vengeful villain like him?

Perhaps it was his arrogance and flirtation that caught you, but you were not the only one, you never were, you are not, and you never will be. He has a choice, knowing him will conquer any girl to satisfy his most twisted desires. He uses them and then gets rid of them, that was the only thing he didn't do with you, oh poor thing, the little mouse feels special because they treat it differently. Big mistake.

don't complain now, you're the one who has endured the most by her side, you've taken all her tantrums and outbursts you end up with some burns but it's not something that can't be cured with a couple of bandages, you should be happy, happy to be sick of love for someone who hardly recognizes you. You let yourself be carried away by pleasure and here you are, on the floor with cuts and your medications all over the room, everything is spinning and after a long time your mind becomes lucid.

The day he gets tired of you and you no longer serve him, he's going to leave you to your own devices or maybe you'll end up like all the others, remember your place, Dabi said, you're just a simple laboratory mouse, when he finishes experimenting with you, you're going to die for all the side effects of the devotion he showed him and the "love" you thought he showed you.

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