Dabi X Y/n - Tumblr Posts
(in)correct Bnha quotes Pt. 8 ☆::::::::☆::::::::☆:::::::::

Uraraka: I don´t feel bad for rich people, it`s like feeling bad for famous people. Iida: But we did'nt ask for it, we were born into it! Uraraka: Neither did I. While you guys are crying in your mansion in gucci pyjamas , I´m crying at the Mc-Donalds parking lot. 'Cause I can't afford my chicken nuggets Todoroki: That is truly heartbreaking🤧 ●○●○●○●○●○●○●
Hawks: Well, villainry is all about POV right? Twice: True look at Stain and Dabi. Look at our relationship. Hawks: Most people think I´m a hero, but in reality I'm the villian. Twice: It's not even funny how true it is🥴 ●○●○●○●○●○ Reader: Can I have a confession? There was a time where I was sexually attracted to you👉👈 Dabi: You mean yesterday? 'Cause I can't relate🤡 Reader: Bitch my tongue was down your throat and I felt your di** rubbing onto me. Don`t lie into my face, you burned rat🤥 Shigaraki: wheezing ●○●○●○●○●○
Allmight: I'm sorry we broke your vase Recovery Girl:🙂 Midoriya: You're not mad? Recovery Girl:🙂 Allmight: Please don't be creepy, Ma'am Recovery Girl:🙂 Aizawa: She's probably thinking about a way to kill ya Recovery Girl:😀 Aizawa: Oop! She got an idea now
Villain's love
Dabi x reader
Mentions: scolding, torture, pain, betrayal, heartache.
no proof read. Will be a part 2!
“You’re a disgrace to us heroes. How could you stoop so low and fall in love with a villain, and who is the right hand man of the leader of the LOV!” Midnight yelled. Mr.Aizawa, a.k.a your father called you to the principal's office. At first you thought it was about the fact you skipped school for 3 days while he was gone for hero duties. The big 3 are your best friends and they would beg you to attend class and you refused. “ What have you told him?” Principal Nezu asked sternly. All you could do is cry and grip your father’s shirt. “ I haven’t said anything and I don’t plan to.” you replied. “ How did you meet him? How do you even talk to him? These past couple days have you been with him?” Midnight asked so many questions it was overwhelming you. Aizawa gave a dirty look at her signaling to leave his daughter alone. “ I was walking out at night in the city because I needed to clear my mind and I wanted to be alone… There was a group of men… They tried raping me..they tore my clothes off…then Dabi beat them and burned them alive… He tossed his jacket to me due to my torn clothing… I knew he’s a villain..that he’s in the League of Villain. I was terrified and he saved me. I thanked him. He walked me back to campus..he stayed across the street hidden just in case. After about a week later we bumped into each other and we just talked..we set up a day and time to meet up. I needed to give his jacket back… we spent the whole saturday hanging out..No villain shit to be clear. From there we just met up multiple times…We’ve been together for 6 months.” You replied crying. The teachers stayed silent. They felt bad about what could’ve happened to you. “ We can’t trust her..I’m sorry Aizawa but we have to report her to the authorities.” Principal Nezu said. “Are you kidding me? This is my daughter! She’d never do such a thing! She’d never betray UA. If she did, the LOV would’ve made a move long ago.” your dad defended you keeping you close to him if he had to fight.
“ We can’t automatically accuse her of being a traitor without any proof. We can bring in a doctor to give her a lie detector test. His tests are a bit more painful.” All might, said. “I’ll do it. I’d never do anything to hurt people.” you replied. Little did you know it would be painful on the next level.
You were taken to a room and a man started strapping you down to a table. Cables were being attached around your body. You were scared and confused. You looked at the large glass mirror knowing everyone was on the other side listening and watching. You whimpered as a doctor injected a large amount of a clear liquid in your neck. “ What the hell did he inject?” Aizawa asked. “He’s not only checking her heart rate and her brain but also forcing the truth out of her. The serum is the very painful part. If she lies it will torture the truth out of her and if that doesnt work they have other ways apparently.” a nurse replied to him starting the recording.
“I’m going to ask you simple questions and If you don’t want to feel like you're being stabbed or shot continuously you will answer.” the doctor said looking over at your vital signs. “ Are you Y/n Aizawa?” He asked, “ Yes, I am Y/n Aizawa.” “ How old are you?” he asked. “ I’m 18 turning 19.” you replied scared of what crazy he will eventually ask. “ Your heart rate is up a bit. Are you hiding something?” He asked, writing something down on his tablet. “ No.” You lied and suddenly felt pain through your body. “Tell me the truth,” he ordered. Your body twitched. “ Yes! I am hiding something. I’m scared about all of this.” you said as sighed in relief. “Mhm see how easy that is. “ Who is the villain you fell in love with?” he continued with his questions. You started crying. “ I’m in love with Dabi.” you replied. “ You’re crying? Are you sure? Is he forcing you to say that?” he asked, looking at the high tech monitors. “ I am sure. I’m in love with him. He isn’t forcing me to say anything.” you replied knowing this will lead to you being tortured. “ How did you meet him? In detail.” the doctor said. “ I walked alone in the city at night. There was a group of men who grabbed me and took me into a dark alleyway… I tried my best to get them off me… They called me dirty things..like I’m a slut..and whore..that I would be a good treat to them.. They tore my clothes off and their hands roamed my body. Dabi showed up throwing them off me..he took his coat off and covered me..then proceeded to beat them up..he burned them alive. He walked me back to campus making sure we were unseen by anyone. He stayed across the street from campus hidden, making sure I got inside safely. I thanked him for saving me and said goodnight. ” you replied crying. Hating to remember how the men tried raping you. Take your innocence away. “ Did you meet him again after that encounter?” he asked. You nodded yes. “ We bumped into each other a week later after the incident.” you replied. You saw two nurses walk inside with a weird machine. “ Where did you see him again and what was done?” He asked, signaling the nurses to start setting up something. “I saw him by the park…it was around 6am. I was out to do basic errands for myself. We ended up spending the entire day together. No villain activities were done.” you replied. “ What were your errands for that day? Were you planning to do more that day? How did no one recognize him? What activities were done?” he asked. “I needed to get to the store to buy snacks, a heating pad and some pads. I got my monthly period. I was planning to do more. Just watch movies, play video games and eat junk food. No one recognized him. He was wearing a hoodie and he had a face mask to hide his burned face. I saw Tamaki and asked him to take my things to the dorms. After that Dabi and I talked for hours and played some stupid games.It was fun” you replied smiling.
The questions went on and on. Then the difficult ones came up.
“ Have you met any of the other villains?” he asked. You refused to answer because you didn’t want your father to hate you. Your body shook and twitched. Your body moved so much, the straps held you down. “ They’re hurting her! Give her a break!” Aizawa yelled, grabbing a nurse's collar. “ Stop, she agreed to this.” All might, said. He did feel bad. “ Give her another one.” the doctor said. You felt a prick. Another dosage of the truth serum. You screamed in pain. “Yes! I have!! Shigaraki, Toga, Twice and Kai!” you yelled. You cried and cried. “Has any of them asked you for information or threatened you?” you couldn’t handle it. You needed a break. You were overstimulated. “ Y-Yes!!! Toga. She asked for Ua intel on what we have planned. She threatened me.” you replied. “What did she say she’d do?” the doctor said. You couldn’t say what she said to you. “ She’d kill me.” you lied. You cried out in excruciating pain. “If you don’t answer our questions we won’t inject more serum. We’ll just use the old way. Electricity doesn’t seem nicer.” he said. “She said she’d kill my papa! She’d give him a slow and painful death !I don’t want him to hate me if he gets hurt! I can’t let him get hurt! I don’t want him to hate me! My dad is everything I have!”you cried loudly,trying to relax. Failing at it. “ Did you give them any information?” he asked. “No. After that Dabi told Shigaraki to not let anyone lay a finger on me. To keep me out of it. Since then I’ve been safe. He takes great care of me.” you replied breathing heavily. “Why do you think he takes care of you?” you looked at the doctor in rage. “He saved me from two horrible situations and maybe more after this! You and other heroes only care about the greater good!” you yelled trying to get out of the grip of the straps. “You’re talking like a villain alright. What makes you think that? Are you planning to betray the heroes? You’re father?” he asked, taunting you. You fell into it. “ Heroes would sacrifice someone for the greater good. It could be a loved one..a friend..or a civilian. It sucks to know that you don’t matter as much as you think you do to them. At the end of the day they will more than likely sacrifice you…a villain would burn the world to save someone..a loved one and random person who needs help. Dabi knew I was eraserheads daughter. A hero in training and even then he stepped in. He saved me. He’s done so much for me in 6 months. I know every one who knows about him and I highly disagree but it's the truth. I know my dad would never give me up. He’d protect me in the end regardless if he’s a hero or not. He’s the best dad ever. Better together. I’m lucky to still have him even after I caused all this mess. ” you replied. “Him doing so much is the truth and you have a strong bond with your father, you're not in any pain. You are very lucky and privileged” the doctor agreed. You were asked more questions and they let you go 2 hours later. Your dad and All might make sure to take you to the hospital. You stayed there for about 2 weeks. Missing Dabi like crazy.
Your quirk is an amazing one. Very strong. You hold multiple quirks and can create new ones. You were scared. Having to control multiple quirks was difficult as a child. Most parents would keep their children away from society. Your dad didn’t. He sent you to daycare, elementary school, middle school and now High school. To him you grew up fast. He loves and cares for you, his daughter. He’s so proud of the woman you’ve become regardless of who you are in love with. Yes it’s crazy but you found kindness and love within Dabi and the other Villains they just were treated horribly in their past and had no one to help them. They had to fend for themselves. They lost it along the way.
You communicating with Dabi was not through anything cellular. It was through handwritten letters. You managed to buy a bird through the black market. He gets the job done in delivery and fast.
As soon as you were discharged from the hospital and back to your dorm you fed the little fella and started writing.
Dear Dabi,
The heroes found out about us and I don’t know who and how someone saw us together. Don’t worry since I don’t have any info on you guys besides Toga threatening me, you’re all fine.They tortured me badly. They asked how I met you and it was hard to tell them what had happened. It was terribly excruciating pain. All I thought about was trying to relax, being honest and needing you.
I was at the hospital for 2 weeks. I miss you a lot. We should meet up soon. Actually they’re probably going to escort me when I need to go into the city so after awhile.
How are you? Has anything come up? Are you safe? No cough or cold? No fever? Are your friends being nice, if not let them know even if you need to scare them.
I love you very much. Please stay safe. Keep the the love of fire within you ( you’re telling him to get a new hide out or move to a different one.) Keep in touch if you can.
Love you very much. I’ll respond every 3 days after I receive your letter okay so no need to worry if I’m okay.
Much love, Haru
(both agreed on your code name being Haru after all you met in clear weather and since then you felt love and joy.)
Pt.2 will come.
Villain's Love
Dabi x reader
mentions: Contacting Dabi, friends reveal, the truth, Menstrual, New place.
1.8k words read part 1 ( Masterlist)
No proofread.
You attached the letter onto your bird and said, “ You know where to go. Love you Niki.” He went flying away quickly. Mirio pushed open your door. “ You’re here!!” Neijire yelled, attacking you with a hug. You weren’t in the mood for a visit but they’re your best friend so who cares? She let go of you since you were so tensed up. “ Did the villain you were with threatened you? How did it go?Did principal Nezu get angry and yell at you? They’re not expelling you right?” she asked. You looked angry. “ You told them I was speaking to a Villain?” you asked. She nodded. “ He was probably going to hurt you! But then I saw him leave so I thought he was telling you to warn the heroes about war or something?” she replied. “ ARE YOU STUPID!? WAR STARTED EVER SINCE THE LEAGUE OF VILLAINS 1ST SHOWED UP AT UA!! YOU SHOULD’VE KEPT YOUR MOUTH SHUT,BUT YOU CAN’T YOU LOUD MOUTH!!” You yelled wanting to slap her in the process but you held back. Neijire frowned. “ Why? He could’ve hurt you y/n. I care about you.” she replied. Tamaki closed the door and locked it. “ She had to tell the principal. It’s crucial.” Tamaki said. “ Since when do you ever comment about my decisions?” you asked. Defensively. “ What’s your problem? We want to make sure you’re doing alright. What’s going on with you? You leave the city early in the morning and come back late at night? What the hell have you been doing? Oh then suddenly you’re stuck at the hospital for 2 weeks and there’s no fucking visitors allowed?” Mirio asked. “We care about you," Neijire said with tears in her eyes. “ I’ve been great, actually Neijire ruined everything! I was tortured for god knows how many fucking hours!” you replied kicking a soccer ball you have. “ How is that my fault? I didn’t do anything bad.” she replied. “ That villain you caught me with is my boyfriend. Dabi.” you replied. The three of them were shocked as fuck. “ w-what since-what the fuck?” Tamaki said. “ We've been together for 6 months. Won’t tell you the details on how we met..it will make me relive the trauma. All I can say is he saved me from something horrible.” you replied. “You’re in love with a criminal. Y/n I think you took “ Criminal”by Britney Spears seriously.” Mirio said concerned as hell. “ Okay hold the fuck up. He treats me correctly, if he didn’t he would’ve been dead by now. I know my worth. Don’t play with me. I’m powerful, smart, kind and I have killer instincts. Our love is rational..beside the fact im a hero's daughter, hero in training and he’s a villain.” you replied. “ Cause,he’s a bad boy with a tainted heart and even I know this aint smart,but mama I'm in love with a criminal.” Neijire sang, You smacked her head. “Don’t try to be funny. I’m still mad at you. What they did to me 2 weeks ago..was painful. I could’ve died at any moment with my body being overworked. Being in excruciating pain.” you replied sitting down on your chair. “I’m sorry I ruined things. You really love him.” Neijire said. “ We won’t tell anyone just between the Big 4.” Tamaki said, smiling. “ Big 4.” You replied smiling.
Dear Haru,
I’ve been missing you. Seeing Niki land on the fence in front of me made me feel joy and relief. I love you. I love you. I love you. I’ve been desperate to meet with you or even receive a letter. I got you a phone. It's for us to text..if anyone else touches it, it will self-destruct along with everything in it, so take great care of it. If it does happen I can get you another one as many times as I need.
I’ve had love of fire within me. I won’t forget it. It’s burning brighter.
I’m upset that you had to experience that. Thanks for letting me know. I want and need to make sure you’re okay. I’m glad you’re doing better. The next time we meet I’m holding you closer than ever before. I love you my flame, more than anything. I’d do anything for my girl.
I’m doing well. Nothing has come up my flame. I’m safe. I have no kind of sickness, silly girl. I’m so honored you love and care about me, my queen. ;) I love you very much. My friends know to not mess with me. You know I’ll defend myself from those idiots.
Hey…I know you want to know more about my past. I’m ready to tell you. It’s better to meet up. I need to do it face to face. I know you’ll understand. I’ve come to reason that there shouldn't be anything hidden between us. It’s about time isn’t it. Haha.
Also The show you told me to watch, I’m mid way into it and it's still boring, but as promised I’ll watch the entire thing! The main character is whiney as fuck. He needs a rude awakening. Does he really think he can get by that easily? He’ll be one stupid King. I swear if the ending is shitty I’m spanking you when we meet again.
I love you baby.
Love, Dabi
“ I’m sorry…for dragging you into this..If anything happens you guys know nothing. “ You said. “ We have each other's back no matter what Y/n.” Mirio said. “ Does anything seem out of place here?” you asked. They examined the room. Every corner. “ No. It’s all clear. Why do you have some stuff of his in here?” Tamaki asked. “ You guys need to be more observant. That's totally her boyfriend's hoodie. The beanie too. Holy shit did he get you the album set?” Neijire asked. Mirio checked out the hoodie. “He’s into emo music?” he asked. “ Yeah mostly but he listens to other genres as well. I got him to listen to Taylor Swift. Cool right?” you responded smiling . “Ugh I’m dying for a boyfriend who listens to Taylor.” Neijire said, flopping onto your bed. “ You guys in all seriousness..I really am in love with him. I never thought I’d ever fall in love.” You said putting on his hoodie. “ Do you love him that much y/n?” Neijire asked, holding your hand. “ Yes. We learned so much from each other it's insane. He made me a bit of a rebel. I won't deny that. He’s maken me feel free. He made me realize I do have more choices than the ones given to me. That it’s alright to feel good after doing something bad. I felt great kicking that rude ass, annoying, asshole of a 1st year. I know fighting with him wasn’t allowed but it felt so good, ya,know. Yes, he ended up with recovery girl but it felt good. He disrespected my and I” you replied, hugging your pillow. “ You really didn’t have to go too far.” Tamaki said. “Mhm all heroes in training need to behave but someone like him needs a rude awakening.” you replied. “ We support you if you love him that badly.” Mirio said. Tamaki agreed. Neijire smiled and nodded yes. They said their goodbyes and left. About an hour later Niki came back. You opened the window allowing him in. “Good boy. Thank you.” you closed and locked your window. As you read the letter you felt relieved that he got the memo for the LOV to relocate. You cherished all the I love yous and how he was safe. You smiled throughout the entire thing. You grabbed the phone attached to Niki and Immediately called him.
Phone call
He heard his phone ring and pulled it out. Answering. You both were nervous for some god apparent reason.
Y/n: “ D-Dabi?”
Dabi: Hi my flame. I’m glad to hear your voice. I thought you'd respond in 3 days.
Y/n: Yeah fuck that. Also don’t tease me.
Dabi: I love you.
Y/n: I love you too.
You started crying. Happy to hear his voice knowing he’s okay. He started silently crying.
Dabi: Y-you okay? Wh-y are you crying?
Y/n: I’m happy to hear from you. . Why are you cr-crying?
Dabi: Same reason as you. I’m happy to hear from you. You have no Idea how worried I was about you. I couldn’t even do my job right when Shigaraki sent me out. He eventually made me stay with him at the hideout. We’re getting ready to leave. He told me to tell you he says Thank you once we got in contact. Are you really okay now? Your body doesn’t feel drained or differently?
Y/n: I’m good, okay. I’m just pissed I got my period an hour ago. It totally sucks. I know my cramps will come soon. I still have tea to help.
Dabi: Damn that does suck. If the tea doesn’t work, take Midol. Do you have some?
Y/n: I think so, If I don't, I’ll ask the girls. I need them. My breasts are swollen and it hurts a bit and back pain sucks. I don’t get fatigued so that's good.
Dabi: Yes, flame, that's good. Please get some Midol. I wish I were there. I could be your personal heating pad. Hey, do you have one of my hoodies? I can’t find one.
Y/n: Yes I do and a beanie. Hehe sorry.
Dabi: Sneaky girl. How did you do it?
Y/n: You made me sneaky, babe
Dabi: Mhmm yes I did. Good girl.
Y/n: That’s me! Don’t hang up, I need to use the bathroom real quick.
You put yourself on mute. Doing your business. He stayed on the line waiting for you. After 5 minutes you were back unmuting yourself
Y/n: I’m back. First two days are always heavy.
Dabi: I’m highly aware those days you’d stay over with me. You’d get up like 3 times in the middle of the night to change. We’d both ended up restless.
Y/n: I know Hehe but you loved having me over regardless.
Dabi: Obviously maybe soon you’ll be able to sleepover with me.
Y/n: We can sleepover at my vacation home. It’s about 3 hours away. You have to agree this time okay.
Dabi: Okay let's do it. Anything for you.
You got into bed turning on the heating pad to help with the cramps.
Y/n: Babe… can you stay on the line until I fall asleep. Please. I don’t want to be alone tonight.
Dabi: Anything for you my flame.
That night you guys talked for hours. They reached the hideout and eventually everyone went their separate ways within the building. He heard your snores, even then he didn’t hang up. He slept comfortably hearing you. It’s like you were there with him.
Villain's Love
Dabi x Reader
Mentions: Bad behavior, forbidden love, humor, great friends. Sfw.
Reblogs are appreciated. Check Masterlist for pt.1 and pt.2
You woke up to his voice in the morning,
Dabi: Time for school. Wake up already. You need to get ready.
You shifted thinking you were hearing shit.
Dabi: Flame please get the hell up. You’ll be late!
You shot up from bed checking the time.
Y/n: 35 minutes!? Wait wait..”
Dabi: You’re finally awake.
Y/n: You didn’t hang up last night.
Dabi: Yeah I ended up knocking quickly after you did. I forgot.
You got up rushing to the bathroom getting ready to shower.
Y/n: Keep me updated with the time please.
Dabi: 13 minutes passed.
You finished your shower and started your routine.
Body lotion
Brushing teeth
Make up
Y/n: Fuck my life. It’s over if I show up late.
You laughed in the process of putting on a bit of concealer to not look dead. Skipping foundation. You always do your eyeliner quickly. A total pro. You quickly put on mascara and a dark red matte lipstick.
Y/n: I look tired.
Dabi laughed through the phone.
Dabi: Wake up early next time my flame. 10 minutes left.
Y/n: My hair! I don’t have time.
Dabi: Screw the hair! Hair clip it or whatever. It’s not the end of the world.
You clipped up your hair.
Dabi: Menstrual products packed in your bag?
You always have it packed just in case.
Y/n: Yup. All set.
You grabbed your bag using your quirk to get to class.
Y/n: Bye babe. I’m about to enter. Love you so much we'll talk later bye.
End of call
“ You’re late Ms. Aizawa.” The teacher said, “ I’m highly aware of that.” you responded rudely as you were walking to your seat. “ You come in late to class during an exam that started 10 minutes ago and have the audacity to respond to me rudely. You have an F. Get out.” the teacher said. “Listen here! If you don’t know I’ve had 2 weeks of hell! I’ve been yelled at, slapped in the fucking face with agonizing pain. I haven’t been able to sleep right these past 2 weeks due to all the trauma piled up on me! I’m physically and mentally tired! Now I have to come in not knowing what the hell is on that test since I was stuck in the goddamn hospital and don't use the excuse of “ You should’ve studied.” Study what? My teacher didn’t care to come see me or contact my father and explain to me what is going on in class and what chapters I should focus on!!! Give me a fucking break alright!!” you yelled, getting all your anger out. “ Go to the principal's office now. Your father should work on his parenting.” the teacher said. “ I’ll take her ma’am so she doesn’t try anything.” Mirio said. “ You son of a bitch!!! You don’t have fucking kids you asshole!!! You can talk shit after you have a fucking child to raise!! No one talks shit about my father, you got that!!!” you yelled, throwing and landing a rough punch. The class gasped.
“ Now's your chance to run to your dad,” Neijire said. One of the other students helped the teacher sit up. You ran like your life depended on it. “ She’s done for..” Mirio said. “ H-Hey all might… Do you know where I can find my dad?” you asked. Guilty face and all. “ Teaching class outside in the training grounds. Why?” he asked. “No reason! Bye and thank you!” you ran.
As you got there you were sweating and panting. “ Isn’t that your daughter Mr. Aizawa?” a girl with pink hair said. He looked over at you. With the expression on your face and the time you should be in class screamed you did something stupid. “ What did you do?” he asked stopping the class thinking it was one of them who fucked up. “ I um..well these past 2 weeks have taken a toll on me dad..You know that. I woke up late today..I got to class 10 minutes late..the teacher told me I was late and I said “ I'm highly aware of that” in such a bitchy tone and then She kicked me out and gave me an F on my exam for doing that. Then I sort of exploded on her. At the end she sent me to the principal's office saying you need to work on your parenting. That made me lose my cool even worse …long story short I punched her…She’s probably at the nurses office by now.” you replied. The entire class 1-A was shocked. Who would’ve thought Aizawa’s daughter would pull such a stunt. “ That’s badass,” Bakugou said. Kirishima nudged Bakugou. “ You’re grounded. A month. Hand over your Macbook and Ipad. You’ll be using my computer for school. You will give me your phone. You’ll have your watch for communication. If any assignments are online I’ll have your teachers send it to my email. Oh and forget about the Game and Anime con.” He said. “ Yes Sir…but about the con I promised Shinso I’d go with him as a gamer anime besties date. It’s literally next week Friday-Sunday. I can’t cancel on him. We’ve been planning for months now.” You replied as you took out your computer, tablet and your regular phone handing it to him. Aizawa took them from you. He sighed. “ Get back to work, kids.” he ordered and they did.
“ I know what you did was because of what you have been through but it’s not right for you to act that way towards your teacher. The first part of it. The second part I allow it. We have each other's back. I’m so proud of you, my child. I love you. I’ll allow you to go to the convention. Your gamer anime bestie date. Keep me updated when you go out every hour.” he said. You gave him a tight hug. He hugged you back.“ I love you too ,Dad.” you replied. The girl were awed at the sight. The guys had the what the fuck face. “ How did Shinso end up being besties with his daughter? She's a total babe. I’d do anything to get with her. Her melons are huge” Mineta said. “ She is a total babe,” Denki agreed. You walked over. “ Hi boys” you said smiling. “H-Hey” Denki said. “ What’s up?” Kirishiam replied. You let Denki go but Mineta is a disgusting perv and makes women very uncomfortable with his words and actions. Mineta was drooling and staring at your body. “Denki, right? Can you do me a favor pretty pleas?”You asked. He nodded. “Is it okay if you zap him for me?It takes about 2,700 bolts to kill someone. Can you use just enough to make him regret everything he's done and said to women.” You said giving him a quick hug and then releasing him. “ Yes, anything” Denki replied. He zapped Mineta really well. Enough to knock him out. Your dad pretended like he didn’t see anything. Serves Mineta right. “ Awe, thanks so much sweetie. I appreciate it alot. I’ll treat you to lunch when I’m not busy. Do you have your phone?” you asked. He took it out. You grabbed it adding yourself to his contact list. “ I won't have my phone but I can reach you through my watch”you said handing it back. He took it. Denki was losing his mind.
You saw Principal Nezu and walked over ready for your punishment. “ What you did was unacceptable. You will give an in-person apology to your teacher on top of that. Your punishment is cleaning the class on your own. Oh and to top it off you seem to like your dad's class, so since you have off periods you can help your dad.” he said. You were shocked he even thought that crap. Yeah, you liked your dad's students but it sucked having to use off periods on them. How would you catch up on work and take power naps? “ I will apologize but so will she. She insulted my father and no one messes with my dad.” you said crossing your arms “ Alright,” he replied. All might have stayed with the class as you and your father followed Principal Nezu to the nurse's office. You walked inside with them. “ I’m sorry for being rude and punching you in the face,” you spoke to her. You’re a straight-to-the-point type of girl. “ You’ve been through a lot so I forgive you. I should’ve contacted your father about your class assignments and things you should’ve studied.” She replied. Then it turned into awkward silence. You looked at her and cleared your throat. “ Don’t you have anything to say to my dad, ma’am,” you said, raising one of your eyebrows. “ I am terribly sorry Mr. Aizawa for disrespecting your parenting. I was out of line.” She apologized to your dad. “ Way out of line,” you said. Your dad smacked your head. You rubbed it afterward. “Ouch,” you said leaving the room. You checked the time on your watch. “Off period. Fuck my life.” You walked back to your father's class.
“ Hey you’re back!” Denki said. “ Yeah in my off class I will officially be with you guys.” you yawned. “ Alright. I see you’re all working on your power moves. Show me.” you ordered. Everyone took turns showing you. “ They all suck at the moment. Yes, even your power moves Bakugou, so take that stupid look off of your face.” you said strictly. The guys laughed. “ Kirishima. Make your hardening, harden even more. I think tossing you a few sharper and more heavy things will help. Denki try and aim your electricity better so that you don’t hurt your friends around you. Try out targets.Uraraka when you use your quirk try to relax your body. Clear the mind. Remember you have control of your quirk not the other way around. Mina you should try and form different and effective ways to hold your acid. Bakugou. Those Ap shots auto cannons need help. They can be stronger. If you can just take the stick far up your ass out and allow me to help you.” You said with a yawn afterwards. “ SHUT UP AND MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!!” he yelled.
You took 30 minutes to help the girls and 40 to help the guys. “ sooo ... .Ms.Aizawa do you like someone?” Mina asked. She loves love. You blushed instantly. “She does!” Jiro yelled. “ Mina. Jiro. Get back to work.” you ordered. “ Is he cute or hot or both?” Mina asked while working on her quirk. “ He’s hot af. Very handsome. He treats me very well. He's cool, ya know. That’s all I’ll be telling you.” you responded. “ We don’t know. You’re lucky.” Momo replied. You gave your advice and helpful orders then went over to the boys. You pulled out some very sharp knives and threw them at Kirishima with much power. He managed to block them but still got cuts. “ Mhm… I’ll get back to you on that.” you said to him. He was shocked you tried that without warning first. “Tokoyami. Your quirk. Have you ever thought of using it to fly?” You asked. “ I need help controlling it first. In the darkness…it takes over.” he replied. “ Okay but answer my question.” you said. “No I haven’t.” he replied. “ You can control it during a certain time. You can use it to learn how to fly. I’ll put in a good word with Hawks. He can teach you. I’ll beg him if I have too. You’re doing great.” you pat his back. You groaned while walking over to Bakugou. “ Idiot. Don’t just make accurate pinpoint explosions. “ you said, crossing your arms. He ignored you and continued. “ What a waste of a great quirk.” you commented trying to get his attention. “ I’m the best one here!!” he yelled at you. “ Oh really. Would you like a reminder on how I kicked your ass. Now get the stick far up your ass and let me help you.” you spoke sternly. He nodded. “ Your Ap Shot auto cannon is great. Amazing. It has potential to be more than that. When you pinpoint them they’re still in a large shape. How about making them thinner. It will pierce and explode through something and if you manage to control very strictly you can pierce something and turn them into bombs. You’re welcome extra.” you say walking away. He stood there feeling stupid. All might and your dad watched you. “ Your daughter is very smart.” All might, said to Aizawa. “ I know. I raised her.” he said
As the school day was finally over you walked back to your dorm. “ What’s your punishment?” Tamaki asked. “Cleaning duty, Off periods I’ll be helping my dad with his class, which gives me no time to catch up in class nor take naps. My dad took my Mac, Ipad and phone away. I only have my watch so yeah.” you replied. “ I’ll help you clean so that way you can have some little more time to catch up.” he said. “Thanks Tamaki. Let the others know I said HI.” you replied going to your room.
As soon as you closed the door behind you, you grabbed your phone video calling Dabi. You changed quickly. He answered.
Dabi: How was your day?
Y/n: I yelled at my teacher then punched her…I’m grounded.
Dabi: You more than likely did it for a good reason. How are you holding up?
Y/n: I’m okay. I’ll be busy catching up with school work. I’m sorry If I don’t answer your messages throughout the day.
Dabi: It’s okay. Just work hard to finish your studies.
Y/n: Oh and I have the perfect days for the Vacation house. Next week 15-17 and the weekend. The students have a break. It’s the teachers grading and evaluation days.
Y/n: I’d have to invite a friend with me otherwise things will look suspicious.
Dabi: That's great. I can’t wait to see you soon.
Dabi: You told people about me didn’t you.
Y/n: Yeah…
Dabi: It’s fine. Just know if they try something on me I’ll make sure they’ll regret it.
Y/n : They won’t I promise. Although they will have their guards up just like you. This is all if they agree to come with me.
Dabi: Alright. I’ll have to call you later my flame. I’m meeting up with Shigaraki soon. You need to focus on school right now. Oh and you look sexy in my hoodie.
Y/n: Yeah? Glad you enjoy seeing me in it. I’ll send you pics later. Don’t be a perv and think they’ll be naughty.
Dabi: I’m not thinking that. I have to go. I love you very much.
Y/n: Love you too bye.
End of video chat.
You hid the phone away.
You have sent nudes to Dabi before and you’ve received some as well. You’ve been feeling insecure for a while. You noticed you gained a lot of weight. You obviously hated that. You were chubby. Dabi had no issue with it. He made that clear. You still can’t help but think if he’s just being nice.
You sent messages to the rest of the big 4.
Message sent: Meeting at my dorm 3 mins.
They all liked the message to confirm attendance.
You opened the door once they got here. “ Okay dudes. We have to talk.” you said closing and locking the door. “ Like girl talk?” Mirio asked. “I was wondering if you guys would like to hang out at my family vacation house. The days of break we have.” you invited them. “ You want us to go with you because you want to see your prince.” Neijire summed it up. “ Yeah…he knows I told you. Can you please do me the favor? It’s not only to see him. We need a serious break.” you replied. “ The first and last time we help you meet up with him.” Tamaki said.
As the break finally came. You were excited to see him. Mirio was driving with Neijire as the passenger princess. You sat in the back with Dabi and Tamaki. Poor Tamaki was scared and ready to throw hands if necessary. “ Say Hi.” you ordered Dabi. “ Not much of a social guy but Hey.” he said to everyone. “Hi! You’re Y/n’s criminal. Forbidden love. Romantic!” Neijire said. “ Yes I’m hers.” he replied, pulling you closer to him. “ Hello.” Tamaki and Mirio said. You yawned, leaning into Dabi. He gently played with your hair and hummed you to sleep. “ You got her to sleep in an instant. She’s been having trouble sleeping these past two weeks…” Mirio spoke.
“I know. She asked me to stay on the phone with her last week when she woke up late.” Dabi said.
Murderer's in love
Dabi x reader
Mentions: Aggressiveness, Murder, l.o.v, Emos, Sex, Virgin Reader, squirting(simple), Fucked Dumb, Fluff ending.
“ y/n you will always be an orphan! You will never have parents who care about you! You will never experience a parent's love!” Momo yelled at you. The party was going very well, laughter, food, drinks, games, etc. Bakugou was playing Just Dance way too seriously with Mina and Jiro, Denki stuffing his mouth with food. Uraraka recorded everyone doing silly things.
You looked at Momo, “ W-What?” you said. “ Woah calm down.” Kirishima said. Izuku was thinking of a way to clear the tension. “ What’s gotten into you, Momo?” Tsuyu asked. You started crying. “ It’s the truth.” she replied and turned away. You weren’t about to let her get away with what she said and so you gripped her hair then made her fall to her knees. “ What are you going to do? Hurt me? I don’t think our friends would be happy about that.” she said. The smirk on her face made you even angrier. You dragged her outside. They followed. You had multiple quirks. This time you’re using them for evil.
All your life you were treated badly and being a hero you promised to help civilians have a peace of mind. With the money you make from being a Pro- Hero you're planning to open an orphanage and make sure children will be safe and being cared for.
You made Momo levitate in the air. “ Y/n whatever you’re going to do. Don’t do it!” Izuku yelled. Momo isn't the only one who can create things. You tied a noose around her neck. Everyone was too shocked to even move. They couldn’t believe their beloved friend was doing such evil. You tied the other end on a tree. You were crying. Crying in pain. You’ve had enough. Everyone ran to Momo except Katsuki who held you down to the ground. You struggled to move. You’ve had it. Enough is enough. “Hurry up Idiots!!!!!” Bakugou yelled. You started burning his arms. No matter how much they tried to untie the knot and bring her down they struggled like crazy. It wouldn’t undo. They’d have to beat you unconscious if they want to save her. Denki zapped directly at you. You yelled in pain. “ Sorry..but you’ve crossed the line.” Denki said. You snapped your fingers and she was let loose. You made sure she couldn’t save herself. You laughed with tears running down your face. Bakugou let you go. “ We will give you a 10 second head start,” he said. Ida ran to the station and informed what happened. Within seconds other heroes showed up and at a distance sirens were heard. You caused a very huge explosion causing the fire and with that cover up you left. You knew exactly where to go. Your old hideouts as a child. Very hidden.
You’re officially a murder. A villain. You manage to live. Stealing was easy. Food, electricity, even water. A distant hidden location. It looked like no one lived there when you first moved in. After a month and a half. Someone kicked open the room's door. “ We like the update. Get out. You’re in our turf.” a man with a touch of gray and blue hair said. He had hands over his body. He looked in his early 20’s ? You yawned getting up off the couch remembering him. “League of Villains…Shi-Shigaraki.” you spoke. You’re a little scared and nervous. “ I’ll kill you,” he said. “ Go ahead. I’m fine with it. I’ve lived enough in this shit world.” you responded. He hesitated. Every Villain has a hard past. “ Who would’ve thought a little mouse like you would end up here. A pro hero.?” Dabi asked. He gave you a teasing look. You know they want from you. Intel. “ You will tell us everything you know.” Shigaraki said forcing you to sit down. Toga stared at you and licked her lips. “ You think you can get to me just because I murdered a hero?” you said crossing your legs. “Well now we know the reason you disappeared!” Toga said, giggling afterwards. Dabi was eye fucking you. “Quit eye fucking me. You’re old.” you said. “I’m still in my 20’s babe.” he replied sitting next to you. “If you give us some answers…we’ll reward you.” Toga said. “ I don’t need money so good luck.” You replied. “ I’ll kill your family.” shigaraki said. “ You can forget about that one too.” You replied. They felt bad for you. No friends, No family. Nothing. They also had no family but at least they have each other.
A month went on by and they basically lived with you. You wiped your tears and then shook Dabi awake“ I can’t sleep…had a nightmare. Can..I sleep with you. Only for tonight?” You asked. “ Okay.” He replied. You immediately got into bed. You kept your distance. Dabi is a hugger and so in the middle of the night he pulled you to him. You both felt comfortable. You slept so well that night. Like a baby.
You woke up in his arms. Clinged onto him. “ You’re finally awake. Can you let go now. I woke up 2 hours ago. I tried to get you off but you’re very clingy and strong.” he said as you let go. “ Drink tea for nightmares…chamomile and Lavender helps.” He said. You started getting ready for the day. Once you were done, you walked downstairs seeing your fella villains. “ Why did you kill a classmate?” Toga asked. “ You ask me that every morning it's annoying.” you replied. “ Leave her alone Toga. After all it’s her Birthday..” Shigaraki ordered. You looked over. “How the hell do you know?” you asked, upset. “ Ua students can’t just roam around freely. I’m sure you still have information.” he said. “ I don’t have any information. You can interrogate me all you want and threaten to kill me but I have nothing.” you replied drinking water. “ Lets celebrate! You’re one of us now. We always celebrate each other's birthdays. I know it must be shocking for you.” Toga said smiling. Twice handed you a full bottle of Whiskey. You sighed and said, “Fuck it. Why not?” Shigaraki smirked. “ There’s more where that came from.” Twice said. “Happy 18th Birthday to me.” You said chugging the alcohol given to you. It’s your first time drinking. Tears slipped from your eyes. They all knew how you felt so they didn’t stop you. You eventually stopped and burped. “ Like it?” Dabi asked. You nodded. “ Strong but enjoyable.” “Toga go do your job for her special day.” Shigaraki ordered. “ My classmate always bullied me..I kept pushing forward…My class planned a party to relax… she just bursted on me. She said that I'll always be an orphan. That I will never have parents that care for me and their love. That was my last straw. I have multiple quirks and I can create more..I used them to hang her.” you said aloud. “ Your 1st murder always hurts you but eventually you’ll know that killing people is for a good reason sometimes.” Shigaraki said. Villains are emos for sure but they hide. Your birthday was surprisingly fun. They really care in their own way.
Months passed and you were getting close to dabi. Too close. You’re 18 legal of course but he’s 5 years older. You didn’t care because you were underneath him.
“ You sure you want this y/n?” he asked. You nodded. “Words little flame.” he said. “ Yes Dabi please. I’m ready.” you replied. He slowly slid his cock into you. You whimpered in pain gripping his arms. “ It’s okay. It will go away. Relax, please you’re going to break me.” he said, allowing you to adjust to him. He pecked your forehead. He started thrusting. Groaning in pleasure from how tight you were. He loved the feeling of your gummy walls sucking him right back in. He started fucking you hard. “ D-Dabi!” you yelled out as you felt immense pleasure. “It’s daddy now. Got that my baby girl.” he responded. He knew you wouldn’t last long. That won’t stop him from finishing. “Come on baby girl. Say it.” he ordered slapping your cheek softly. Your eyes rolled back with your back arched as you said, “Daadddyyy please.” He smirks, giving you what you desire. He was rough and fast. You gripped his arms and eventually left scratches all over his back. “S’close. Daddy.” you said legs spasming. “ Cum f’daddy baby. Make a mess.” he ordered. You came and squirted. A few more times as he kepted going. That only made Dabi chuckle and grow harder. Your juices were all over him and on the bed. After he played with you for awhile you were fucked dumb. He finished cumming.
He was planning to make you his since the moment he saw you. As he pulled out he noticed you were responding. He shook you softly. “ Passed out. I should’ve held back.” he said. You both developed feelings for each other. You guys wouldn’t have had sex. He knew you were a virgin and you wanted to lose it to someone you trust and like. He made you take a bath. You were too tired to even wake up. He also bathed.
The following day you woke up to him dressed in his usual clothes.. You sat up in bed feeling pain. “ Rest.” he ordered. You didn’t listen and got out of bed falling on the ground. You felt pain on your back and legs. “ What did I tell you Y/n. You need it. I’ll be taking care of you. You’re mine now. My girl.” he said, setting you back on the bed. “ I’m all yours and You’re mine.” You said smiling. “ Yes I’m yours y/n. You passed out on me last night. You didn’t even know we bathed together. It was a bit of a struggle but it worked out. I’ll make dinner for you. Something quick and yummy.” he said ruffling your hair. You fixed your hair shocked. “D-Dinner? What did you do to me?” you asked. “ I knew you would finish first. You came a few times. I needed to finish too. I overstimulated your body and you passed out by the time I came. You were great. I loved it. I hope you enjoyed your first time.” he replied. You blushed “ Yes I did. I didn’t think it would take a huge toll on me.” you replied. “ Sweetheart, I like it hard, rough, and fast. You’d obviously be tired and weak.” he replied, handing you a pain killer with bottled water. You swallowed the pill with the water. “ Hey..um..I know…I’m not much of an emotional dude in front of people..but with you.. I love you.” Dabi said while facing away from you. “ I love you too, idiot. Look at me please.” you said holding his hand. He faced you and you surprised him with a kiss. He returned it. The make out session started and it was full of passion.
Lord satan help me now I'm in love now.

Shiragaki: Here’s ¥32748.90 to break up with Y/n.
Dabi: Save that money for our wedding.
Fireworks || Dabi x fem!reader
Summary: Dabi agreed to visit a festival with you
Warnings: none
Word count: 1748
Authors: Cass & Rouge

Dabi grumbled, reluctantly pulling the hood over his head as you insisted on dragging him to the festival. He found the whole idea utterly ridiculous, and there were plenty of other things he could be doing instead of wandering amidst a sea of vibrant stalls and overly cheerful crowds. But for some inexplicable reason, he found it difficult to say no to you. "Why do you want to go there again?" He muttered, squeezing your palm as you kept pulling him forward.
You couldn't contain your excitement as you walked alongside Dabi through the vibrant festival grounds. The air was alive with laughter, music, and the mouth-watering aroma of various foods. It was a sensory overload that filled you with joy.
"Isn't this festival amazing, Dabi?" You exclaimed, a wide smile spreading across your face. "I love how it brings people together and creates such a lively atmosphere! Thank you for joining me."
"You were whining for weeks. I had no other choice but to join you," Dabi rolled his eyes, tugging the hood further over his head. "This place is too damn bright and colorful, with all these annoyingly happy families everywhere. How much longer do you plan on staying here?"
Sensing that Dabi wasn't quite himself, you decided to pause and give him your full attention. You came to a gentle stop, turning to face him with a concerned expression on your face. "Hey, Dabi," you said softly, your voice filled with genuine care. "Is everything alright? You seem a bit off."
"Yeah. I am fine but I'm not a fan of crowded places like this," Dabi muttered, casting a gentle frown in your direction. "But if you're enjoying yourself, then I suppose it's worth it. Are you having fun here?"
"I love all these stalls," you continued, eyes darting from one display to another. "The handmade crafts, the vibrant clothes, and the intricate artwork — it's like stepping into a world of creativity. But if you're not feeling well here, we can get back home."
"I didn't let you drag me all the way here just to go back home now. Let's just dive and explore, I bet you also want to see the fireworks."
It was peculiar that he took an interest in it. Festivals were never his thing, yet when you mentioned this particular one, he found himself searching online to see what it had in store.
"Look at the food stalls!" You exclaimed, unable to contain your excitement. "The aroma of sizzling skewers, the colorful array of desserts, it's like a feast for the senses."
You motioned towards a nearby stall, where a skilled chef expertly flipped and seasoned a plate of sizzling takoyaki. The tantalizing aroma wafted through the air, making your mouth water.
"I can't resist trying everything," you admitted with a playful grin. "From traditional favorites to unique fusion dishes, there's something for everyone. It's a culinary adventure."
Dabi chuckled shortly, looking at your excitement. It was actually very cute to see you like this, maybe coming here wasn't such a bad idea.
With a loud sigh, he tilted his head to the side. "Well, then. Pick something. My treat."
"Hey, Dabi," you said, a soft smile gracing your lips. "I think a little something sweet might help lift your spirits. How about trying this?" You pointed to a plate of freshly made taiyaki, warm and fragrant, filled with a rich custard cream. The golden-brown fish-shaped pastries beckoned with their inviting aroma, promising a delightful treat. You quickly laid and offered the pastry to him.
Sighing deeply, he nodded and accepted the pastry.
Indulging in sweets wouldn't alter the circumstances, but perhaps it would bring a momentary spark of joy to your day. "Thanks. I can see you really enjoy all this."
"Yes, Dabi. Thank you for joining me!"
His arm wrapped around your waist as he pulled you closer against himself. "You know I want to make you happy, so don't thank me."
You nuzzled against Dabi, inhaling the scent of his intense cologne as it enveloped your senses. The aroma filled the air, mingling with the warmth of your proximity. Your nose pressed gently against his chest, and you could feel the steady rhythm of his strong heartbeat resonating beneath your touch. "I love you."
"I love you too. Now c'mon, let's enjoy this whole thing before I change my mind, little one," he uttered, patting your head. "Let's go and see what else they have here."
As you strolled alongside Dabi through the bustling festival, your gaze scanned the surroundings until it settled on a familiar figure. Among the crowd, there was no one else but Hawks.
Dabi frowned, feeling how your hand slipped out of his. His displeasure grew as he realized you had left his side, but his disdain deepened further when his gaze fell upon Hawks.
Hawks perked up, feeling the gentle tap on the shoulder. He turned around and immediately smiled. "Little feather! How small the world is!"
"Keigo!" You got on your tippy-toes and offered him a hug. "Long time no see! How have you been doing?"
"Oh, ya know, busy! Flying here and there, keeping the number two hero title," he winked and tapped your nose. "Keep it down with the name, 'kay? I don't want people to spot me, since somehow I blended in."
"It would be easier if not the feathery backpack, heh," Dabi commented, walking up to you. "Don't you have better stuff to do?"
"And here is my favorite, crispy friend," Keigo smiled a little wryly. "I do but I also want to relax. I never took you for a guy that likes such colorful places. Kinda against your whole aesthetics," he teased, making Dabi groan.
"Forgive me, Hawks. I always forget about it!" You whispered quietly. You looked at Dabi above your shoulder. "Oh, he agreed to visit this place with me! I was whining for too long, probably."
Hawks' arm wrapped around your shoulder. "Oh, don't be silly, little feather. I bet you didn't whine, he is just grumpy. With me? I would take you here the moment you would have asked."
"But she ain't with you so keep your hands to yourself, chicken," Dabi muttered, grabbing your arm and pulling you back to himself.
The hero only laughed. "Someone is getting jealous, as I can see."
"H-hey, Dabi!" You whispered, taken aback by his sudden reaction. "You know well, Hawks and I are friends for years!"
"So? I work with him, and you don't see me boasting about it," he snapped, his arms enveloping your shoulders in a tight embrace. Dabi pressed his head gently against yours, glaring at Hawks with fiery anger in his eyes.
"Aww! Grumpy and jealous," Hawks continued his teasing.
You reached out and ruffled Dabi's hair a little. "That's what made me fall for him."
"Look at you, Dabi," Hawks hummed, "So soft and gentle. So cute!”
"Yeah," Dabi groaned. "Hey! People! It's Hawks! He is here!"
"Huh! No, no... Keep quiet!” Hawks pleaded, but it was too late. As soon as people realized that it was indeed him, he got surrounded by fans excited to meet their favorite hero.
Dabi used this little commotion and pulled you away. Finally, he had you all to himself again. "That's better."
"You were truly jealous!" You smiled at him, instantly intertwining your fingers with his. "But that was not necessary, now he won't be able to enjoy the festival calmly."
"I don't fucking care if this bird brain will enjoy the festival or not," Dabi rolled his eyes. "He was hitting on you, and this annoyed the fuck out of me."
"Excuse me, he was what?" You tilted your head.
"Are you really that clueless, Y/N?" Dabi growled. "He was hitting on you. Flirting with you, and you are mine, only mine. I don't need that chicken around you."
"No, Dabi! Hawks would never flirt with me, I'm completely opposite of his type!"
"He doesn't have a type. He is attracted to pretty girls, and of course my girl is the prettiest of them all." He said, pulling you closer. "C'mon. We are leaving this place. Just don't give me the sad face, it will be worth it.'
"Oh, already?" You made a sad tone but squeezed his palm. "Sure, then, let's go. Lead the way, handsome!"
"You'll like it," he assured.
Dabi guided you along as you walked together, eventually leading you to a serene hilltop. Seating himself on the soft grass, he pulled you gently onto his lap, enveloping you in a warm embrace with his strong arms.
You put your head on his shoulder. "What are we doing here?"
"You'll see in a moment. Just be patient," he nodded, patting your head.
As you nestled closer to Dabi, a mesmerizing fireworks display began to illuminate the night sky. With each burst of vibrant colors and dazzling patterns, your eyes were captivated, fixated on the breathtaking spectacle unfolding before you. The crackling sounds filled the air, harmonizing with your racing heartbeat as you both stood there, enchanted by the magical display of light and wonder. Time seemed to stand still as you watched the fireworks dance and fade, creating beautiful memories etched in your mind forever. "Look! It's pink! Oh! There! Such a beautiful green!"
Dabi's chin rested on your shoulder, and he pointed at the fireworks. "I can see pretty purple and blue hues there. Those are actually pretty," he admitted, squeezing your waist.
You side-eyed him; he was the most handsome man you've ever came across in your life. Leaning forward, you brushed your lips against his cheek. "I love you."
"You are a lucky one," he nodded and suddenly pulled you into a short kiss. "Because I love you too," Dabi added shortly after pulling away.
"Dabi? Promise you will never leave me."
"Why would I leave the only good thing in my whole fucked up life?" Dabi nuzzled to your neck. "Leaving you would be a foolish mistake."
"Please... Don't say like that."
"I tell you how it is, little one. You are the only good thing in my whole life, and I am not letting you go."
Your arms wrapped tightly around his neck as you held him close, enjoying fireworks.
Dabi cuddled you close; it was all he needed. He didn't care if the fireworks were pretty - the fact you were happy and with him by your side was the most important.

A Promise Unyielding || Dabi x fem!reader
Summary: During a night patrol, you find yourself being pulled into a dim alleyway by your villainous boyfriend
Warnings: smut w/o plot
Word count: 1820
Authors: Cass & Rouge

During one of the night patrols, Dabi decided to simply snatch you off the street and pull you into a dark alleyway. "Look at you! Dressed so nicely. My little hero," Dabi purred, wrapping arms around your waist as he pressed you against a cold wall.
You looked shocked at Dabi, your hands instinctively grabbing onto his shoulders for support. "What are you doing?" You asked, your voice trembling with disbelief. "Brrr! Cold!"
"Oh, now you pretend to feel cold? Somehow you didn't whine like that the last time we fucked outside," Dabi chuckled, pushing his knee between your legs, parting them wider. "I missed my little hero. Don't tell me you didn't miss me."
Your cheeks flushed with a deep blush as you heard his words, and your heart raced in response. And then, as his knee pushed in between your thighs, a wave of desire and anticipation coursed through you. "Dabi..." You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Your bodies pressed together, intensifying the electrifying connection between you as you desperately started planting kisses on his jawline.
His hand grasped on your hip tightly, he picked you up, pressing you more against the wall.
"Is that all you can say to me now? Or are we playing a hero and a bad, bad villain, huh?” Dabi purred, kissing your neck while his hands started working on getting rid of the costume you wore. "You look so pretty in it but I prefer you without too many clothes on."
You blushed deeply at his words, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks. It was remarkable how Dabi possessed this uncanny ability to make you flush with just a single word spoken. His presence had a way of igniting a fire within you that you couldn't easily extinguish. "Not... here," you whispered, your voice barely audible as he began to work on your clothes. A mixture of excitement and apprehension coursed through you, and the thought of being caught in such an intimate act fueled your desires.
Dabi laughed shortly, hands moving along your back. "Not here? And why is that?" He muttered lowly, close to your ear. "What? Are you worried your hero friends will witness you getting fucked by a villain? Are you worried they will find out you are just a bad guy's slut?”
"T-they won't understand..." You whispered quietly, shivering under his every touch.
"Not that they would ever understand," he rolled his eyes. "The minimum we can offer is a small spectacle. Don't you agree, doll?" Dabi hummed, slowly removing the lower part of your gear.
You parted your lips, holding tightly onto his neck. "You'll be the death of me one day." You kissed his jaw again, soon aiming for his lips.
Dabi suddenly set you back on the ground and kneeled between your legs, putting one of them over his shoulder. "Oh, I don't think you deserved a kiss yet." Fortunately, with your costume, gaining access to your undergarments was a simple task. Two of his fingers pressed into the soft fabric of your panties. "Look at that. So against it yet my little doll is already wet, just for me. Interesting."
You slipped your hands into his black, spiky hair, relishing the soft texture as your fingers entwined in the strands. His hair felt slightly rebellious, matching his edgy demeanor. "Oh my Gosh," you whispered, barely moving your lips. "Please, I need you to fuck me, I won't hold it any longer... Do I sound like a needy whore? God, I hope I don't..."
"Oh, you do sound like this," Dabi teased and soon moved your panties to the side. Rough pads of his fingers pressed to your clit. "You sound like my needy, little, slut."
Right after those words, his fingers moved lower, gently prodding at your tight entrance as his lips wrapped around the sensitive bundle of nerves.
You arched your back, putting one of your hands over your mouth to muffle your moans. Dabi skillfully maneuvered, guiding you with a finesse that made it feel as though you were an instrument in his hands. Every touch, every caress, was orchestrated with precision, evoking a symphony of pleasure that resonated deep within you. "Can you stop teasing me?" You whimpered. "I want your cock in. Now."
Dabi frowned and pulled away, placing hands on your hips. "Do I need to remind you that I am the one in charge here? If you piss me off, I'll leave you here all alone and needy."
You looked down at Dabi, nodding your head. "S-sorry, Dabi..."
"That's my doll," Dabi praised you and dived back between your legs. His tongue licked and pushed into your entrance while his fingers pinched your clit.
To get some more friction, you tried to buck your hips back and forth, grinding your pussy over his face; soft moans escaping your parted lips.
He growled and pulled away. "You're really annoying tonight. Fucking needy whore."
Dabi got up to his feet and immediately turned you around so you faced the wall. "Telling me what to do, moving when I didn't allow you to." All you could hear was the sound of him unfastening his pants. "I wanted to make my doll feel good but fine. I’m gonna fuck you like the slut you are."
He pressed you hard against the cold wall and then pushed his hard cock into your tight pussy from behind with a low growl.
"Fuck," you moaned quietly. The way Dabi made you feel was overwhelming, like an intoxicating wave crashing over you. Every touch, every whispered word sent shivers down your spine and ignited a fire within your soul. The intensity of your connection was almost too much to bear, but you couldn't resist diving deeper into this all-encompassing sensation. It was a blissful chaos that consumed you entirely. One of your hands slipped between your thighs to rub little circles over your pussy. "Fuck, ohm, yes, yes! So good! Fuck me!"
"You really want me to fucking stop, don't you?” Dabi scolded you and grabbed your busy hand to pin it over your head. He didn't stop himself from using his quirk to slightly burn your wrist as a punishment. "You will never learn that I am the only one that can touch you."
His other hand moved from your hip to your abdomen, pressing hard on your skin to add the nice pressure to the place where his cock created a bulge. Dabi made sure he kept the hard and fast pace so you could feel every inch of his dick and how deep he was reaching.
You moaned loudly as Dabi quickened his pace, your voice echoing in the alley as pleasure surged through every fiber of your being. The intensity of the moment intensified, building up like a wildfire, as he expertly pushed us both towards the edge of ecstasy. The sounds of your passion mingled in the air, creating a symphony of desire; the sound of skin slapping against skin was almost enough to send you over the edge. "F-forgive me, Dabi! It's... So good! I couldn't stop myself!"
"I knew heroes were pathetic but you, doll?" He groaned, grabbing your chin to make you look at him. "I thought I trained you well, yet you still do stuff like this."
Hand from your abdomen swiftly moved to your clit to pinch it before he started to rub fast circles over it.
His chest pressed against your back, pressing you even harder to the wall as his thrusts became even faster. "C'mon, you little slut. Come for me, come on my cock. Fuck," he growled, getting a bit overhelmed by the nice feeling of your walls tightening around him.
"Fuck!" You let out a weak moan, your legs trembling under the force of his hard thrusts. The intensity of your connection overwhelmed you, sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body. Each powerful movement left you gasping for air, completely consumed by the raw passion between the two of you. Your lips went dry and even running your tongue's top over them wasn't helping at that point. "D-Dabi! Harder! Fuck, harder!" You pleaded, your eyes welling up with tears as you glanced at him, hoping he would understand.
With an eye roll he grabbed your hips and increased the pace, fucking you even harder and faster than before. His grip was so strong that he expected your skin to have a nice souvenir for a few days. Dabi groaned from time to time, feeling himself getting closer.
You reached your peak, your body trembling with pleasure despite the lingering pain from the small burn on your wrist and the intense sensations radiating from within your pussy as Dabi continued to thrust in you hard. The sheer ecstasy consumed you, overpowering any discomfort, as wave after wave of pleasure crashed over you, leaving you breathless and utterly lost in the moment; the only thing to escape your lips was Dabi's name.
"Fuck!" Dabi growled and he shot warm ribbons of cum deep inside you.
Just for a moment Dabi rested his forehead against your shoulder, trying to catch his breath.
His palms let go of your hips and moved up your belly to hug you tightly from behind. "My little hero slut. Such a good girl,” Dabi purred against your ear before giving it a playful bite.
After Dabi pulled out of you, you turned in his arms, a sense of intimacy and contentment enveloping you both.
Taking a moment to adjust and improve your gear, particularly the pants, you then wrapped your arms around him, savoring the warmth of his embrace. Nuzzling against him, you placed gentle kisses along his shoulders and the nape of his neck, cherishing the closeness. "I love it when you go rough on me..."
Dabi pulled his pants back up and made himself look presentable again. "Yeah but I don't like when you act bratty," he scolded you and then smacked your ass hard. "Next time I really will leave you in such a state." Dabi warned.
You kissed his nape, inhaling his scent. "I promise to be a good girl, Toya."
He chuckled lowly. "Oh, we'll see how long you're gonna keep that promise," Dabi patted your head. "Now, better go before someone realizes you went silent. You can be sure I'll find you later."
"You promise?" You whined, becoming clingy.
You despised the moments when Dabi had to depart, when the weight of your clandestine relationship became painfully evident. The reality of your position as a hero, bound by duty and responsibilities, meant that you couldn't be together openly. It tore at your heart, creating a constant ache within your soul.
"Of course I promise, little doll," Dabi patted your head. "Though others may perceive me as an aberrant being, I would never break my promise.”

“Love language”
Dabi x reader

"God damnit- Stop doing that, dipshit!"
Dabi exclaimed as you bit down on his shoulder for the third time that week. You take your sharp teeth out his shoulder and move a way just a bit.
"Jeez...at least warn me when you're about to do that."
Dabi said as he rubbed the bite mark you left on his shoulder. He looked at you with a faux annoyed expression before let out an amused sigh.
"God. What are you, a gremlin or something?" Dabi mocked as he put his hands on his hips.
"am not!" You mumble as you cross your arms together and huff.
Dabi chuckled as you crossed your arms, amused by your childlike reaction. But he couldn't help but tease just a little more.
"Oh, are you pouting too?" He said in a slightly mocking tone, his voice dripping with playful sarcasm. He took a step closer to you, his azure gaze locked onto your slightly irritated expression.
"Mh.!" "I'm allowed to ! I wish there was someone who'd understand my love language!" You say as you turn your head and keep one eye open to hear his response.
Dabi couldn't help but smirk at your outburst, finding it rather amusing.
"Oh, so biting is your love language, huh?" He said, his tone still light and mocking.
He took another step closer, his body now invading your personal space as he leaned in towards you.
"Well, isn't that interesting. Guess I'll have to be careful around those sharp little teeth of yours, won't I?"
"After dating for so long you'd would guess you knew ya know..." you mumble as you felt his body against yours
Dabi chuckled lowly, finding your mumbling rather endearing. His azure gaze fixed on your face as he rested both his hands on your hips.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Maybe I should ve known that you show love by leaving your mark on me." He said, his tone dripping with feigned innocence. He then leaned in close to your ear, his voice dropping to a whisper.
"Though, I must admit, I kinda like it."
Hearing those words made you weak already imagining every dirty thing you could do to him and him to you, he liked it?
"That's hot." You let out bluntly
Dabi's smirk grew as he heard you speak, his hands gripping your hips just a bit tighter. He leaned in closer, his breath hot against your ear as he replied in a sultry whisper.
"Oh, you think that's hot, huh?.. He said, his voice dripping with a mix of amusement and desire.
"Keep up talking like that, and I'll gladly let you leave all the marks you want on me."
"Dabi stop teasing!" You yell you’d hope he wasn’t playing any games.
Dabi chuckled at your protest, finding your reaction cute as you grabbed onto his shoulders. He pulled away a bit, his hands still firmly on your hips as he looked down at you with a sly smirk.
“And what if I don't wanna stop?.."
He teased further, taking a step closer to you, his body now practically pressed up against yours. He chuckled as he lifted you up, enjoying the way your legs wrapped around his hips as he held you firmly against him. He felt you pout and couldn't help but find it adorable. He then bit down on your shoulder, his teeth nipping at the sensitive skin.
"Can't help myself, you're so damn cute when you pout like that." He growled lowly against your shoulder.
"d-dabi!" You squeal at his sudden bite causing you to moan in response
Dabi's smirk grew as he lifted his face from your shoulder. He tilted his head, looking at you with a mix of amusement and desire in his azure gaze.
"Oh? I like that noise you just made..." He said, his voice low and laced with lustful tone. He shifted slightly as he adjusted his hold on you, his hands gripping your thighs just a bit tighter as he pulled you closer.
Dabi noticed the way your body reacted to his words and touch. He could feel the heat emanating from your core and he knew exactly what it meant. He leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a low growl as he spoke.
“You're getting all worked up, aren't you? I can tell, you're practically melting in my hands..."
Your mouth quivers before letting out "r-room..."
Dabi's smirk widened as he heard you speak. He recognized the word you said "room".
"Oh? You want to go to the bedroom, don't you?" He teased, his hands slowly moving further up your thighs, You nod in response.
Dabi chuckled at your eager nodding, his hands slowly rubbing up and down your thighs, his touch sending shudders through your body.
"Mmm, good girl. That's what I like to hear."
He purred before he tightened his grip around you, hoisting your legs further up on his hips before he started walking towards the bedroom.
Dabi carried you to the bedroom, his footsteps quick and determined. Once inside, he kicked the door shut behind him and set you down on the bed. He then unceremoniously straddled you, pinning you down with his weight as he hovered over your body, his azure eyes locking onto yours.
"You're mine, you know that, right?.." He growled lowly, his voice dripping with possessive undertones as he spoke.
"D-dabi... stop..." you let out in a moan as you felt yourself grinding on his pent up member
Dabi's breath hitched as he felt you grind against him. He could feel his member twitch in response, his eyes darkening with desire. He leaned closer to you, his voice low and gravelly as he responded.
"Oh, l'm far from done teasing you, doll."
He purred, his hands roaming your body, teasing and grazing at your sensitive areas as his lips came dangerously close to your neck.
You let out in a moan as you felt yourself grinding on his pent up member,
He lower himself onto your core slipping your panties off as he entered his tongue.
“Fuck your so wet princess” he mumbled as he suffocated in your pussy hearing how good he made you feel, the sweet moans you let out.
He took one hand and rubbed onto your clit as he added onto the pleasure. You felt his raspy mouth rub on your core as your eyes rolled back and hands holding his spiky hair, dabi chuckled by your grip.
His mouth swirled all over you could hear how he was enjoying himself as he slurped up your juices, he got up undressing himself keeping his eyes on you.
“Do me a favor and take off those clothes doll. they’ve been bothering me” he demanded in a Low manner.
You did as you were told taking off his oversized shirt you stole from him and finally unclamping his biggest bother, your bra.
He shifted himself back again onto you as he hovering over staring at your bare chest, with one hand he pinned your hands above your head while the other grabbed onto your breast and moved it in circular motion causing moans to slip out.
As he teased your breast he lowed his head to the other not wanting to leave one untouched, he licked teasing its bud the other kissing it as he moved his way up to your collarbone bitting it harshly.
“D-dabi!!” You squirmed in pleasure
“Fuck, your such a masochist aren’t ya?” He laughed at your squirms and moans.
“You want daddy’s cock don’t you?” He ask as it followed by a growl.
You nod repeatedly hopping he would just shove it in. He takes a notices at your eagerness and positions himself in front of your entrance rubbing it slowly. You whimper as you feel yourself getting hotter and hotter desperate for his cock,
“Please..” you whimper
Dabi chuckles as he slowly enters himself in you, when he’s halfway inside he groans as he feels your gummy walls clench onto him.
“J-jeez you sure are t-tight-“ he lets out a grunt as you push him completely inside wrapping your legs around his him.
“danm..” “h-hah..”
he starts to move rapidly not giving you time to adjust to his size, feeling the pleasure in your core you can only moan to the questions and comments he makes, your eyes roll back from the pleasure he’s giving you, you wrap your arms around his back as you claw deep into it with your long nails.
“Such a slut aren’t you pretty ?” He groaned as he goes in and out of you.
“Time for a switch up princess..” he mumbles as he removes himself from you flipping you onto your stomach in doggy style.
He goes back in holding a clump of your hair pulling it back. Between each thrust a moan was let out your mouth. Dabi continued thrusting harshly as he moved over to you neck and sunk his teeth onto your soft skin leaving a mark and prickle of blood.
You yelped but couldn’t help to be bothered there was more pleasure than pain you were experiencing .
“Fuc- you didn’t feel that a-ah huh p-princess?” Dabi questioned, he knew he wasn’t getting a response from your cock drunk self but loved to get his points across.
“D-dabi!! C-cummingggg-!!” You let out as he gives you a final thrust letting his gooey seed release inside your cervix.
“s-shit!!” He let out as he flopped next to you
“What the fuck y/n!!” He winces as you bite onto his collarbone as a get back.
“Now we’re both even” you giggle as you lay next to him cuddling on top his chest while your leg was on top of his waist.
“Danm it… your ucking lucky your hot ” He huffs in frustration as he turns to you and kissing you softly to bitting your lip.
(if you liked my work feel free to check out the rest on my page and follow <3!! Or click the #hotcheetos22 )
Dabi x reader

you were dating the famous villian Dabi, no one knew about the relationship and things the two of you did together. He would always be gentle and loving to you, you loved.
That is until one day you overheard him in the phone discussing plans when he had outed himself unexpectedly telling the other person on the line how he’d leave you soon.
Today he seemed to be in a bad mood,you tried to comfort him you believe their was still something he’d love or atleast cared about you.
“Just leave me alone for fucks sake!” he yelled at you...
"W-what's wrong?!?" You eyes widen at his sudden outburst as you fell back from his push
“Im not in a good mood right now.” he said coldly, looking away from you. He was clearly upset about something.
"O-oh okay..." you mumbled as you got up you noticed blood trickling in your leg you had accidentally scratched yourself with something after he'd pushed you.
"I'll give you some space" you let out as you went into your room limping
he noticed how you limped, noticing the blood from your leg. He was about to say something, but you limped away before he could even say anything.
he was trying to act like he didnt care, but on the inside he was worried about you.
Even though he was trying to brush you off like you were nothing, deep down he actually kind of cared for you. But he would never admit that, not right now at least.
he started to feel a bit guilty for yelling at you. Seeing you limp to your room with blood on your leg made him feel bad. He didn't want to admit it, but he did care about you.
he walked up to your closed door and knocked on it softly.
"I'm busy not right now dabi..." you let out softly you didn't want to see him not after he'd just pushed you
he placed his hand on the door, leaning his forhead against it. He felt bad for yelling at you, but tried to hide it.
“C'mon doll... open the door.”
"I said I'm busy okay." "I'm not in the mood for your screams just go out and drink something I don't know do whatever but right now I don't want to see you" you snapped back at him harshly
he let out a frustrated sigh, he couldnt believe he actually felt guilty for you. He gripped the handle of the door and barged into your room, looking at you with furrowed eyebrows.
“Don't you dare use that tone with me.”
"W-what the hell dabi!!" Your eyes widen to the fact he'd just barged in he couldn't even give you space
he was angry, but there was also guilt in his eyes. Seeing how startled you were by him barging in caused him to feel even more guilty.
“You're my girlfriend, you can't just ignore me.”he grunted as he closed the door behind him.
"Oh but you can push me?!" You shout as your lips quivered trying to bandage your leg but struggled. Acting like it's MY fault you're in a bad mood." You mumbled angrily
he let out an frustrated sigh, he was feeling more guilty as you struggled to tend to yourself. He walked closer to you, stopping in front of you.
“Just let me help, dammit.”
"I'm good." You snapped at him
he rolled his eyes, he was getting annoyed.
He grabbed your chin roughly, forcing you to look at him.
“Stop acting stubborn and just let me help you.”
You eyes filled with tears as he grabbed your chin
"-leave me alone danm it!" You slapped his hand away. he was getting more annoyed by how stubborn you were at the moment. He grabbed your wrists and pinned you against the bed, standing over you.
“Stop acting like a damn brat and just let me help you!” Seeing your scared expression on your face made him feel more guilty. He looked down at you as he still had your wrists pinned down on the bed. He was trying to act tough and show that he didnt care, but inside he just wanted to make sure you were okay. He let out a sigh, loosening his gripped on your wrists a bit.
“Please, just let me help you dammit...”
You simply nodded knowing if you denied him more he'd be madder.
“Move your leg, let me have a look.”
he moved closer to sit down next to your leg, picking it up softly to look at the wound. He grabbed the cloth and carefully pulled it away from the wound, noticing how deep and wide the wound was.
“...you did a terrible job at bandaging yourself.”
You tired away letting out a simple
he saw the wound on your leg, it was bleeding a lot. He pulled away a little, his eyes scanning your body.
“Did I seriously push you that hard that you cut yourself this badly?”
"Just shut up." You snapped at him he really asked you that type of question seriously.
he flinched a bit when you snapped at him.
He put his hand gently on your leg, trying to be soft and gentle, despite his usual cold demeanor.
“...I'm sorry, doll... I didn't mean to push you that hard. I was just... frustrated and took it out on you...” hearing his word the nicknames he’d given you hurt.. with his words you bluntly responded.
"You know I know you don't love me right?" You finally let out as your lips quivered into a slight smile.
he was surprised when you suddenly said that. He fell silent for a moment, his hand still on your leg. His eyes widened as he looked away from you.
"Y-yeah... I overheard you on a call... b-but um if you needed help you could've just told me instead of leading me on ya know?" Tears feel down from your batting eyes as you looked away as-well he froze up as you said that. His heart started racing as realization hit him. He never thought you'd be able to overhear him during that one call. All his plans of using you and his true thoughts about you were ruined and he couldn't do anything to convince you that it wasn't true.
“...you heard that??”
You softly nodded "c-could you hurry up with the bandage..."
he stayed silent for a moment, trying to process what just happened. He wanted to deny it all, to act like you hallucinated the whole thing. But the look on your face as you tried to hold back your tears told him everything he needed to know. He knew you heard everything, everything he said on that call.
“...yeah... yeah I can.”
he said as he broke out of his thoughts, grabbed the bandages, and started to tend the wound on your leg
"Thanks.." you let out softly being the only word you could tell him before stuttering
he stayed silent for most of the time while he bandaged up your leg, focusing on the wound rather than the uncomfortable atmosphere in the room. He could clearly sense that you were upset, as he had every right to expect it. He felt guilty for using you, but at the same time knew he needed to continue and that he couldnt stop himself.
“...you're welcome.”
he said as he finished the bandaging, putting the cloth away on the bedside table.
"C-could you leave me alone for a moment?" You questioned while you hurriedly wiped your face.
he hesitated for a moment as you questioned him. He was about to say something, but seeing you hurriedly wiping the tears from your face made him realize that you needed space. He exhaled, standing up from the bed.
“...yeah. Sorry.”
he said as he slowly walked out of your room, closing the door behind him.
And with that you bursted out crying everything you've been holding in you unleashed, your heart ached for him for love, for desire but everything your heart wanted wouldn't happen anymore.
he stood outside your door, hearing your sobs coming from the other side of the door. He leaned against the doorframe, feeling a mix of guilt and confusion. He knew he had hurt you by using you and faking feelings for you all this time, but now hearing your sobs made him realize how much he had messed up. He felt bad for treating you like just a toy, and for letting it go this far.
"S-stupid!" You yelled at yourself as you grabbed your phone to search and call people for a place to stay, he could hear your muttering and the sound of you scrolling through your phone.
He couldn't help but listen through the door, listening as you called around to look for a place to stay. He clenched his fists as he listened, trying to fight back the feeling of guilt that was eating him up from the inside.
"I-I can?!?, thank you so much hawks!!"
You hadn't stopped crying but felt relieved someone was willing to help you out, your friend hawks was nice enough to open his doors to you. You got up a bit in pain but enough to grab a bag and pack.
he could hear you talking to someone on the phone, assuming it was Hawks based on what you said. He still stayed by the door, listening as he leaned closer against it. He could hear you packing a bag and the sound of you getting up which he assumed was what was making you wince in pain again.
he was conflicted, his feelings all over the place. He knew he should let you go since that would be the best for you, but his twisted mind, that had grown to like having you around, wanted to keep you with him.
He stayed by the door, listening intently as you got ready to leave his place and go live with the bird he despised. As you were done packing you put your hair in a bun and opened the door when you noticed dabi there...
he had been leaning against the door frame, listening to you pack. His eyes widened as you opened the door, seeing your now puffy and red eyes from the crying before. He stood up straight, looking at you with a mixture of guilt and uncertainty.
“...you going somewhere?”
"I um yes a friends house..." you mumbled as you tried to get past dabi
he stayed silent for a moment before he stepped in front of you, blocking your way.
“...you're going to Hawks' place aren't you?”
"Hey!..-i am..." you mumbled looking away "could you move?.."
he looked at you for a moment, his heart aching as he saw the sadness and hurt in your eyes. He knew he shouldn't try to stop you, but his possessive side was stronger than his guilty side at the moment.
“...Why? You're just going to live with him now?”
"I'm just gonna stay at his place untill I find my own.." you turned to look at him
he could sense the hint of uncertainty in your voice as you spoke. He had the strange urge to keep you with him, to tell you to not leave, but he couldn't find it in himself to do so.
“...Why don't you find an apartment yourself? Why live with that stupid bird?”
"I can't live with you anymore dabi." You told him harshly why would you after how much he'd hurt you. his eyes widened as you spoke harshly, a pang of hurt hit his chest unexpectedly when you said that you couldn't live with him anymore. He took a step back, his back hitting the wall behind him.
“...w-what do you mean you cant live with me anymore?”
"Y-you just admitted you were using me do you expect me to live with you?!? Not only that you pushed the shit out of me!" Tears from your eyes as your leg winced.
he froze in place as you yelled at him, the truth of his actions coming back to hit him.
His heart ached as you mentioned that he pushed you, and seeing the tears welling back up in your eyes. He couldn't come up with a response, his mind spinning as he tried to process the situation.
he looked at you, conflict and guilt etched across his face. The thought of you leaving and living with someone else, especially Hawks, was something he didn't want to think about. He wanted to keep you with him, to continue using you as a cover up for his villainous identity, but at the same time he felt guilty for doing so. He looked at your tears, his heart aching from the fact that he was the cause of them.
“... -I'm sorry...”
"Yeah now you're sorry..." you spat you as you went for the exit
he watched as you went for the exit, still frozen in place against the wall. His heart was racing, his mind conflicted between letting you go and making you stay. He felt guilty for using you, guilty for pushing you, just overall guilty for treating you like a toy.
“...please don't go...”
You froze in place, you heard ached in pain as you thought of everything, about you and him together ... "b-bye dabi..." you let out softly as tears feel down your face.
his heart ached as you said bye to him, the words sending a pang of pain through his chest. His guilt was eating him up, telling him to let you go and that it was for the best, but his possessive and selfish side made him move forward, grabbing your wrist
"Stop it!" You shouted at him, his grip on your wrist only tightened. He couldn't let you leave, couldn't let you go live with Hawks. He wanted you to stay with him.
“I said wait.”
"W-what?.." you told him in feared
he yanked you back, pulling you up against his chest. He wrapped his arms around you, holding you in a tight grip. He buried his face in the crook of your neck, holding you tightly as if he was afraid to let you go.
“You're not going anywhere.”
"D-dabi..." you felt yourself be welcomed in his warmth the way he held you tightly made you happy.
he took in your scent, burying his face further into the crook of your neck as he held you tightly against him, almost in a possessive way. He couldn't let you leave, couldn't let you go and live with Hawks instead. As much as he told himself he didn't care about you, he felt himself cling to you tightly, refusing to loosen his grip on you.
“You're staying with me.”
"I-I can't okay..." you tried to get yourself undone from his grip, he only held onto you tighter, refusing to let go. He knew he was being possessive and selfish, but he couldn't help the feeling of wanting to keep you with him, even if it was for his own benefit.
“Yes you can. You're not leaving. You're staying right here with me, doll.”
You started to feel weak beneath him, fuck you hated the way you loved when he was possessive with you.
he could feel you weakening beneath his grip, feeling how your body relaxed against his. He could feel himself enjoying having you so close to him, feeling how your body practically submitted to his touch. He let out a small, satisfied hum, his breath warm against your skin.
“That's right, doll... You're staying here. You're mine.”
"I-I can't!" You let out as you struggled
he tightened his grip on you, pulling you closer against him. He felt frustrated by your resistance, but at the same time he couldn't help but enjoy the feeling of you in his arms, struggling against him.
“You said that already... and I'm telling you to stay here. So you're going to listen to me whether you like it or not, doll.”
he could feel your heart racing as he held you tightly against him, the feeling making a small, satisfied smirk appear on his face.
He buried his face in the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent and holding you with a possessive grip. He knew what he was doing was selfish and possessive, but he couldn't help himself. You belonged to him and he had no intention of letting you go.
“There you go, doll... just stay still and relax in my arms.”
You started to slowly relax as you may your forehead in his Buffy chest "f-fuck you..." you let out in tears you couldn't let him go.
he chuckled softly as you buried your head in his chest, feeling the way your body finally submitted to his grip. He could hear the mixture of frustration and desire in your voice as you muttered those words, which only spurred him on even more. He tightened his grip on you, pulling you even closer against him.
“That's right, doll... just accept it. You belong to me and you're staying here... not going anywhere.” he scooped you up in his arms, lifting you with ease. He carried you into the room, his grip on you firm and possessive. He walked over to the bed and gently placed you down, crawling on top of you and trapping you beneath him.
"I-" you felt a pair of soft lips on yours he silenced you with a deep, possessive kiss, his lips claiming yours with a mix of gentleness and domination. He hovered over you, pressing his body against yours, making sure you couldn't escape his grip.
The room filled with the sound of his breathing and the soft, wet sounds of kisses.
He spoke softly as he continued to cover you in kisses, his hands roaming your body, touching and caressing your skin. He whispered between kisses, expressing his dominant and possessive love for you as he marked you as his.
“You're mine... all mine.”
You whimpered beneath his touch "d-dabi..." you covered your mouth as you felt his kisses touch you all over.
he could hear the whimpers and gasps that escaped from your mouth, the sounds music to his ears. He continued to kiss and caress your skin, his lips and hands covering every inch of you, leaving no part of your body untouched by his possessive and loving touch
“Don't cover your mouth, doll. I want to hear your sweet little sounds...”
The room was cloaked in an oppressive darkness, illuminated only by the flickerinto light. On the floor, strewn carelessly, lie discarded clothing: an open shirt and discarded pants of his, your t shirt and sweatpants along with your undergarments. The air was thick with the scent of perfume. Dabi's fingers trailed up your bare thighs, lingering on the dampness he found there.
His touch was light as a feather, sending shivers down your spine. He could feel your heart pounding, wild with desire, as his teeth grazed the delicate skin of her neck. His erect cock pressed against you, setting off a chain reaction of desire that echoed through her whole body. You squirmed beneath him, thrusting up to meet him, your thighs clamping around his waist. He groaned as he sank into your, his hips bucking wildly in response.
"You're so fucking tight," he said, his voice heavy with lust.
"O-only for you," you breathed, as your hands gripped his arms as he began to move, slow at first, then faster, his, setting a rhythm that was both primal.
"F-fuck, you feel so good," he grunted, sweat beading on his forehead as he driving into you with reckless abandon. You met him thrust for thrust, your nails digging into his back as your orgasm built, the pressure mounting with every brutal.
"I'm sorry," he murmured after a while, rolling off you and pulling tour into his arms.
"W-what?" You asked, nestling your head on his broad chest.
"For hurting you. I can't promise it won't happen again, but I can promise that I'll always try to make it right. I know I said I would leave you but I can’t. And I won’t."
Tears filled your eyes as you realized that, despite his flaws, he truly cared for you.
"I-I forgive you," you whispered, kissing him softly on the lips. As the two of you drifted off to sleep, his cook began to stir once again, still slick with you.
You moaned as he moved on top of you, his hands pinning hers above her head.
"I can't get enough of you fuck." he growled, his hips grinding against you as he slid back inside. You both gasped as he entered you, your slick skin meeting with a wet slap.
"P-pleas— f-fuck me harder," you urged, digging your nails into his shoulders as he snapped his hips forward, his cock bottoming out in you again and again.
"You like that?" he panted, sweat dripping from his forehead onto your chest.
You wrapped her legs around his waist, giving him better access to your slick, wet, as he pounds into you with renewed energy. He quickens his pace, his cock driving deep, delighting in the sound of your ecstatic moans.
He grabs the leg he has earlier injured as kissed around the wound softly.
“I-I’m so sorry princess..”
you felt your insides come undone with his chest
"Goddamn, you're so tight," he growls, digging his fingers into your hips for leverage before placing your leg onto his shoulder. His hips slam into you, your breasts bouncing against his chest with each strike, sending electric shocks of pleasure shooting through her entire body.
“D-dabi!!” You yelped in a plea
“I -I can-“ you were hushed with a passionate kiss from him, lip on lip
“Cum for me princess..” he breath heavily on your lips as he thrusted rapidly, soon you came undone with a final hash thrust. Loud moans and groans filled the room switching from perfume to hot slutty sex.
He laid next to you as you cuddled on his chest,he grabbed your phone as he handed it to you.
“Call that bird and tell him your aren’t going anymore..” he said in a low possessive tone. You giggled at his words and give him a kiss on his neck trailing to your final destination his lips.
(if you liked my work feel free to check out the rest on my page and follow <3!! Or click the #hotcheetos22 )
civilian touya who has an awkward relationship with his family. puts the civil in civilian. he got all his angst and rage out of his system during his teenage years, and enji’s been on a self improvement journey for some time now. things should be good now — but he only visits home once every two months (sometimes even less often) and no phone call with him ever lasts any longer than five minutes (unless you’re natsuo. then you get an extra five). and no matter how hard fuyumi or rei attempt to pry on the occasions he does join them at the dinner table, whatever he’s been up to recently is still a mystery for the most part by the time he leaves. touya loves his family, because loving unconditionally is just in his nature. but he spent so much time being angry and pushing them away during his teenage years that he doesn’t really know them anymore — and he can’t bring himself to trust people he doesn’t know.
civilian touya who randomly brings home his hot tattooed gf one day. rei’s eyes are sparkling as she laughs and chats with you, hand resting over your own in that warm motherly way. and the whole time enji’s sat like a fucking statue with an unreadable expression on his face that makes him look constipated. he’s trying so hard not to say oh brother 🙄 so this is what touya’s gotten himself into. he hasn’t gotten to the chapter about conservatism in his self help book. he doesn’t say anything because everyone seems to really like you and touya’s been watching you and his mom talk with a fondness that’s lowkey causing cracks in his stone cold heart. but secretly, he’s betting that this relationship isn’t gonna make it touya’s next visit.
civilian touya who brings you over again…. and again…. and again. enji’s so bewildered and stressed at the fact that he was wrong it’s comical. and he has yet to voice his concerns to anyone else bc he doesn’t want to look like an asshole so he just has this ongoing bet with the voice inside his head that you and touya are going to break up any minute now. everyone else has joined touya in being infatuated with you because you’re great — but also because touya’s now started to visit more often and there’s a constant grin on his face that they haven’t seen since he was a little boy. and enji swears he won’t fall for your little tricks! he’s absolutely livid when a chuckle escapes him at a juvenile joke you made. scandalized by the fact that he’s a little curious about the meaning behind one of your tattoos — you’re not gonna get him to ask 😡
civilian touya who announces that you’re five weeks pregnant a year and a half into your relationship. rei cries. because she’s going to be a grandma, of course, but also because he actually chose to share the news with them instead of suddenly disappearing to some foreign country to raise a family in secret — something she’s convinced the touya before you would have done just to avoid being open with them. and enji, thinks this might just be his aha! moment. having a baby this soon, out of wedlock? bound to fall apart. for once, he hopes he’s wrong.
civilian touya who has one hand stabilizing the smiley, toothless baby girl sitting on his lap and the other holding your left, thumb rubbing the aquamarine gemstone on your ring finger. enji watches his firstborn dote on his own and silently reminisces the first few months of touya’s life. he remembers being full of love for someone for the first time in his entire life, and being terrified; it was all more than he knew what to do with. touya seems to know exactly what to do with it all when he coos at his two girls. love was never a challenge for him — just finding somewhere to place it.

★ a/n: i wrote this with the panel from 388 in mind and that’s the ONLY reason shouto isn’t mentioned. ily bby it’s not what it looks like
Can you do a request for me? Dabi × latina reader?
It can be whatever, i just enojy reading your writings
the one where dabi gets hurt
pairings: dabi x latina!reader
summary: dabi gets hurt and you patch him up, that’s all your relationship has been. until now.
warnings: spanish, crushing, blood, stitching and stapling skin, it’s dabi,
notes: hi! you pretty much let me do whatever so this is what i came up with! i hope you all enjoy!
『° 。✰˚⋆☾⋆。✰°』
living in a world where about 80 percent of the population has quirks sounds easy, and with pro heroes in every nation, you think things would be okay. but with the rise of good, there’s always the rise of evil.
you always wondered what it must be like for those who’s partners worked in the field either as pro heroes or in the law. constantly worrying about their safety, praying they return home another day, the insurance.
even for as much as the hero society did for the general population, getting paid for being a hero never really sat right with you. not that you hated pro heroes, you just didn’t necessarily agree with their system.
not long before stain made a name for himself as the “hero killer”, you had bumped into a bleeding dabi in an alleyway on your way back home.
you knew exactly who he was, and you knew what he was fighting for, so you offered to help him. at first, he threatened you, shooting a flame in your direction as he stumbled, smearing his blood along the brick.
after some nasty words and convincing, you managed to get him into your home and sent him on his way later that night.
after that first meeting, he would return to your place at ungodly times of the night to get patched up. tonight was no different.
you were currently in your kitchen, wondering what you wanted for dinner. sipping on a glass of water, you didn’t notice the window above the fire escape open, not until you heard a crash from behind you.
snapping your neck towards the sound, you cursed at who just wrecked your coffee table.
“Jesus christ, dabi.” you scold, removing your apron and rushing over to him, sitting him on your couch and turning on your side lamp. as the dark room lit up, you gasped at his appearance.
“hey doll...” he said with a grunt, pressing a hand to his side in pain, “what happened to you?” you ask him, pulling out the large first aid kit you kept under the couch just for dabi.
“got in a bit of trouble with some guys at a bar, no biggie.” he explains, attempting to sit up, only to groan and return back to his original position, “ay no mames, ‘no biggie’ my ass dabi, they fucked you up.” you scoff, holding his face in your hands and turning his head at different angles, checking for any injuries that needed immediate attention.
“take this off.” you say motioning to his shirt before you open the first aid kit, pulling out the already sterilized needle and thread.
“if you wanted me to get naked you could’ve just asked, dollface.” he teases, crying out when you jab a deep laceration on what’s left of his original torso. you also noticed his sin grafts were torn in some places, meaning you’d have to staple them back into place.
you make a noise of distaste and begin cleaning what you needed to properly seal the wound. “sin vergüenza, y luego nomas vienes a mi casa sangrando y roto.” you scold him, he rolls his eyes at your words.
for as long as you’d known dabi, he managed to pick up some spanish, mostly to be able to talk shit about shigaraki in front of his face, but it also didn’t mean he was good at it. he loved listening to you speak in your mother tongue, even if he got lost due to how fast you would go when you weren’t paying attention.
and when you sang in spanish, it was like dabi fell in love all over again. wait... fell in love?..
aw shit
dabi watched you stitch his skin back together, not in a professional way whatsoever, but in a pattern he’d seen you use to repair the tears in his clothing. he chuckled a bit at that thought, making him wince.
after a particularly harsh stitch, he flinched, “fuck (y/n), you trying to finish what they started?” he asked, looking down to see you finished with the wound, making your way back into the first aid box to grab the stapler.
“maybe i wouldn’t have to if you didn’t pick fights at bars.” you say grabbing what you need, checking to make sure it was sufficiently loaded.
“these are at a weird angle, do you mind if i..” you say gesturing to his lap, “not at all doll.” he responds smugly, watching the way you crawled onto his lap, caging him in between your thick thighs.
“que no te muevas.” you warn, getting close to push his skin grafts and skin back together before stapling it back into place, “i won’t!” he defends.
dabi admired you. he admired your values, your ideas, your lifestyle and your whole. he liked coming over when he wasn’t too injured, especially while you were cleaning and singing your heart out on the weekends.
he helped you cook sometimes too, even if it was more forcing him to help you. the way you’d show him how to cut vegetables or meat and prepare it was all new to him. in the league, it was mostly takeout and whatever they could find, so it was nice to know how to actually make meals and take them back with him for the others.
he watched your brows furrowed in concentration while you stapled his skin, the sound of the mechanics making you flinch, almost as if it was hurting you.
“thank you.” he mumbled out, the way your head shot up to stare at him in surprise made him warm. “they must’ve hit your head too hard.” you tease, going back down to continue your work, only for him to take your chin in between his fingers and lift your head to stare at you.
“i’m serious. i-i know i don’t say it and i know i can be an ass, but what you do seriously means a lot.” he says almost shyly, looking away from the way your eyes seemed to bore into his soul. the warmth of your chocolate eyes comforting him. even the way your hair fell around your shoulder entranced him, watching the way the curls bounced at the slightest movement.
“you don’t need to thank me.” was all you said, too shy to look into his eyes, eyes that always made you feel like you were swimming in the most tropical oceans.
you savored the way his muscle felt under the skin without drawing too much attention to yourself, chalking it up to you working on fixing him.
“your face...” you coo gently, your hands moving up to cup his cheeks without thinking. his arms went from being thrown over the back of the couch to his hands being gently placed on your hips.
“dabi i,” you began, a quick kiss to your hand cut you off, “i know doll.. me too.”
and with that said, you month leaned into one another, lips meeting his. the kiss had your heart beating as fast as it was the day you met him. you could feel his hands gripping your hips now, trying to pull you close as you pulled him into a deeper kiss.
before the two of you could do more however, he gasped in pain and jerked back, “shit, i’m so sorry,” he shook his head, signifying it wasn’t your fault, “nah, just go easy on me.” he chuckled at your worried face, touched that someone cared for him at all.
right as he leaned back in, you pressed a finger to his lips, effectively stopping him, “come on babe, what gives?”
“si no te vayas a limpiarte, ya no te voy a besar”
“aw don’t be like that!”


This blog is +18. Minors Do Not Interact!

Welcome to my blog. You can call me Miss Martian or just M. This blog contains mature content, like yandere and dark themes, self–harm, suicide, abuse, gore and such. But it will also contain wholesomely soft romance and fluff as well. Still, Minors Do Not Interact! Requests are open but I don't write smut at all! But things might get very or slightly suggestive. Nevertheless, please do not request any. I mostly write for Dabi so there will be two masterlists, one for yan!Dabi and one for Dabi/Touya (not yandere). Those two masterlists will further be divided into two parts; dark and fluff. I will be linking the masterlist and more detailed rules of my blog below.
Links ━ ❥ 『𝕓𝕝𝕠𝕘 𝕣𝕦𝕝𝕖𝕤』 『𝕕𝕒𝕓𝕚/𝕥𝕠𝕦𝕪𝕒 𝕞𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥』 『𝕪𝕒𝕟!𝕕𝕒𝕓𝕚 𝕞𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥』

𝐃𝐚𝐛𝐢/𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐲𝐚 𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ━━━ ❥

ᴍᴀsᴛᴇʀʟɪsᴛ ʀᴜʟᴇs : ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴀsᴛᴇʀʟɪsᴛ ɪs ᴅɪᴠɪᴅᴇᴅ ɪɴᴛᴏ sᴇᴠᴇɴ ᴅɪғғᴇʀᴇɴᴛ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀs. ᴀʟʟ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀs ʜᴀᴠᴇ ғᴀɴғɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴs ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴs ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴅɪғғᴇʀᴇɴᴛ ᴘʟᴏᴛs ʙᴜᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ sᴀᴍᴇ ɪᴅᴇᴀ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ.

𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚞𝚎 : 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙰𝚌𝚚𝚞𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎
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━ ❥ 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙲𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚛 (𝚢/𝚗 𝚊𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙻𝚎𝚊𝚐𝚞𝚎'𝚜 𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚛)

𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙾𝚗𝚎 : 𝙵𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚕𝚢 𝚃𝚎𝚊𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚜
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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚘 : 𝙰𝚝𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗
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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎 : 𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚏𝚎𝚜𝚜
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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛 : 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝𝚜
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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚒𝚟𝚎 : 𝚃𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑 𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎𝚜
━ ❥ 𝙸𝚝'𝚜 𝙲𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚍 𝙸𝚗𝚜𝚎𝚌𝚞𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚢
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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚒𝚡 : 𝙴𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚝𝚢
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𝙴𝚙𝚒𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚞𝚎 : 𝚃𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚑 𝙳𝚘 𝚄𝚜 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝
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ℙ𝕠𝕤𝕥 ℙ𝕠𝕝𝕝 ━━━ ❥
Ꭱꭼғꭼꭱ ꭲꮻ ꮇꭹ ꮇꭺꮪꭲꭼꭱꮮꮖꮪꭲ ꮋꭼꭱꭼ ━━━ ❥ 『𝕕𝕒𝕓𝕚/𝕥𝕠𝕦𝕪𝕒 𝕞𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥』

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐫 ━━━ ❥

ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ : ɢᴏʀᴇ, ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴs ᴏғ ᴄɪɢᴀʀᴇᴛᴛᴇs, ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀɪɴs sᴡᴇᴀʀɪɴɢ, ᴜsᴇ ᴏғ ᴛᴏʙᴀᴄᴄᴏ, sʟɪɢʜᴛʟʏ ᴅᴀʀᴋ ᴛʜᴇᴍᴇs
ᴍɪɴᴏʀs ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴀᴄᴛ
ᴀ/ɴ : sᴏʀʀʏ ɪᴛ ᴛᴏᴏᴋ sᴏ ʟᴏɴɢ, ɪ ᴡᴀs ᴏʀɪɢɪɴᴀʟʟʏ ɢᴏɴɴᴀ ᴘᴏsᴛ ɪᴛ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴜʀsᴅᴀʏ ʙᴜᴛ ɪ ʜᴀᴅ ᴀ ʙᴜsʏ ᴡᴇᴇᴋ. ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴅᴀʙɪ ʙᴇɪɴɢ ᴅᴀʙɪ.

— NGL, this guy be stink eyeing you the whole time when Giran's introducing to everyone on how you're the new caretaker and what your quirk is and stuff (you've got a healing quirk by the way, I can't think of a good description for it but you can just heal people better) — And god, things got even more unknowingly bitter between the two of you when Shigaraki actually agrees to let you in the League. — He was literally all for sending you flying away on a mission and making it look like it was an accident. — he quickly abandoned that plan after finding out from Shigaraki that you wouldn't be going on missions with the League — Okay let's move on, I don't want you guys to hate me for writing him like this– — So, Dabi when you first joined was... well– Dabi.
— He would be super cold and harsh to you and he'd just jump at any open opportunity to mock or degrade you. — Worse if you're a woman cuz he's probably gonna make a lot of misogynistic jokes– (sorry ladies, I feel you too) — You got hurt? He's gonna laugh right at your face. — Something's too high for you? He's just gonna place on a higher shelf. — He'd even hide your first aid stuff so you'd have to run around wasting your time looking for them.
— Yes, he's not gonna go easy on you. — Also, he would do anything to hide his wounds from everyone so he didn't have to get sent to you. — This guy is a pyromanic villain, he ain't gonna go to a stupid caretaker over some bleeding, very deep, probably gonna get his life killed if he doesn't get it healed gash — Unfortunately, Shigaraki found out and dragged his burned ass over to your room to get him patched up. (not like he isn't already–) — Alright, my bad, let's continue–
— Of course he put up that tough guy act in front of you and was all like whatever and stuff. — He's literally scoffing the whole time you're rummaging through your drawers for first aid materials.
— "Don't waste your time trying to be useful, I can do it on my own." — "Yeah well, I wouldn't let you die even if my life depended on it Dabi." — He froze at your words, feeling his whole body go tense. Suddenly, he felt his vulnerability exposing and scoffed, masking it. — "What are you on about weirdo?" — "It means, enemy or not, I wouldn't let you be hurt and not care for you. I don't stoop that low. Even for you." — He paused at your words, feeling your tender hands lifting his shirt up and cleaning his bloody wound.
— The world seemed to have stopped in his eyes, solely focusing all his attention on you. — A twisting feeling took over his body. Felt like, confusion and... comfort? — He then scoffed and rolled his eyes. — "Whatever Crazy." — But since then, he's considerably lowered his harshness. — What can I say? He's a simple man.
— Following that day, he hadn't made one mocking remark on you. None. Of course the whole League what shocked like "wtf?" — He even started making small talks with you every now and then. Which left the League even more "wtf?!!??" — Toga and Twice are secretly planning a matchmaking plan for the both of you, enemies to lovers troop. — Moving on. — I feel Dabi after he's gotten a bit comfortable with you would be... well– again Dabi. — Okay well, Dabi but a tad bit softer. He'd help you with minor jobs or talk to you a little more and stuff like that.
— He let's you treat to his wounds, even his minor ones cuz now he just likes seeing you. — Also convinced Shigaraki to let you go with him on missions in case anything were to happen and he needed immediate medical attention. — I know, the boy just flipped the switch. Dabi hasn't got much love or care from his father as a kid so seeing you be so tender to him makes him feel stuff he's never felt. — Sometimes, he'd even get sick on purpose just to be hauled to your room so he can lay on your bed and dwell in your pretty scent from your pillowcase while you're fussing over him– — It happens sometimes though, don't get too excited. — What? You actually thought he was gonna realize he had a crush on you? We're still on the prologue, he doesn't start accepting his feelings until chapter 2 or 3.
— But maybe, he might get used to calling you his teammate (no he will not call you his friend either, he's not there to make friends people and besides, you'll need to wait for that till the next chapter) — He also always keeps an extra cigarette for you for whenever you're tired at the end of the day and go to the roof with him for a smoke. — Prolly blows smoke in your face whenever you are trying to complain to him about what went wrong during the day. — Yes, people, Dabi's still gonna me a dickhead to you. — You both try flicking your cigarettes at other people's head after you're done with them. — Missing the target is obviously a 0. Head shot is 50 points, face shot is 45 points, torso shot is 20 points, legs or anywhere below is 10 points and if you miss your shot and hit another person, it's 60. — And if the person ends up howling in pain, congratulations, you've just earned yourself a free treat. — Yes, of course he likes playing these morbid games with you. — And yes, of course he's gonna distract you during your turn just so he can get more points than you. — All in all, you may have had a rough track at the starting, but things are starting to get a little less rocky now.

𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲 ━━━ ❥

ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ : ɢᴏʀᴇ, ᴀɴɢsᴛ, sᴇʟғ-ʜᴀʀᴍ, ᴄʀʏɪɴɢ, ɪɴsᴇᴄᴜʀɪᴛʏ, ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴs ᴏғ sᴇx, ᴜsᴇ ᴏғ ᴛᴏʙᴀᴄᴄᴏ, ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴs ᴏғ sᴜɪᴄɪᴅᴇ, sᴡᴇᴀʀɪɴɢ.
ᴍɪɴᴏʀs ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴀᴄᴛ
ᴘʟᴏᴛ : ɪɴsᴇᴄᴜʀɪᴛʏ sᴇᴇᴍᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʙʀᴏᴋᴇɴ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏᴡɴ, sᴏ ᴅᴀʙɪ ɢᴏᴇs ᴏᴜᴛ ᴏғ ʜɪs ᴡᴀʏ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ. ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ᴅᴏᴇs ʜᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡ, ʜᴇ'ᴅ ᴇɴᴅ ᴜᴘ ɪɴ ʙᴇᴅ, ʙɪᴛᴛᴇʀ ʙᴇsɪᴅᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇɴᴅ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀʏ.
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ : 1.7ᴋ

This was a new low, even for you.
You hadn't moved an inch from your bed ever since insecurity had broken you down. Society had crumbled you into the literal epitome of self-hate itself. It's almost as though the world was mocking you for not reaching up to the beauty standards that it held so high.
Was it a punishment? Or was the world more cruel than he thought? Whatever it was, it broke Dabi's heart, shattering it into pieces. It was one thing if civilization came after him. After all, he was a villain, and he's used to the pain. But you? Oh god.
Joshilyn Jackson once said that God gave us crying so other folks could see when we needed help, and help us. But right now, he was cursing the god for making you feel this pain. If anything, the folks were pushing you down into more self-loathing.
Everything he tried ended up nothing more than a failed mission. He'd get up and try, and when he was unsuccessful, he'd go to the roof and cry. It wasn't just the blood of your self harm that he saw everyday, but also the streaks of crimson down his cheeks.
But it was brutal what they'd done to you.
"Doll, please get up for me."
"I still think you're beautiful sweetheart, you don't need to look like the photoshops in the magazines."
"Come on babydoll, at least spread your legs for me. Let me fuck you numb of this cruel pain."
"You need to eat baby mouse, please. Open up."
"No little one... don't do that. Give Dabi the blade back."
There was nothing but pure desperation dripping in his words. Not a trickle of lust, or anger, or demand, or anything for that matter could be heard other than a helpless pleading tone blending in with despair and sadness.
When all was drained and none was well, he'd lay himself beside you, tracing his rough fingers over the cicatrixes that marked itself on your body. Your empty tears would drip on his clothes, mingling with your self harm blood. Though by now, it was normal to him.
Finally, sighing an exhale from his lips, he sat up on the covers. His scarred hand reached up to wipe his droopy tears, cleansing his face of any lingering vulnerability there was still on. He eyes your hollow body for a minute or two before sighing, sitting you up on his lap.
"C'mon dollface... time to get up," he whispered softly to you as he brushed your tears away. "You want something to eat?"
You shook your head softly, staring into abyss. Eating meant weight gain. Weight gain would mean fat. Fat meant ugly. Not like you weren't already. You had self-harm scars practically littered on your thighs and stomach. Something which you hated. But Dabi loved.
His calloused fingers stroked your fresh wounds, feeling the dried blood under his finger pads like bumpy rocky roads of crimson. The scars spoke for themselves when you couldn't, something which he adored while staring at you naked in bed when he'd fuck you.
What you saw as disgusting, he saw as attractive. And what he saw as disgusting, you saw as attractive. He would have been quite the hypocrite to be telling you to embrace your scars while he struggled with his own, so that's why he never did.
His turquoise balls of vision looked down at you, tracing over your features. Every curve, every contour, every imperfection, almost as though he was trying to memorize it. His lips found your cheek, sucking it a small kiss for a reaction.
"Tell me something." He said, his voice low and gruff, with a tinge of vulnerability.
Your hollow eyes leisurely scanned the room until it landed on him, staring at the reflection of cold beauty.
"I wanna fall asleep."
"Fall asleep? Like for a couple hours? Cuz I have sleeping pills for that if you–"
"I meant forever." Your voice spoke, a bit more softer yet firm.
He paused for a moment, his fingers still tracing over your scars. It wasn't... unexpected of you to be suicidal. In fact, he couldn't blame you for wanting to kill yourself, just to get away from this world's harsh criticism. Yet he didn't like the idea of you going to the Reaper.
"Wanna meet your maker, huh doll?"
"Just wanna get away from here..."
"I can tell... can't blame you for wanting to end it all."
He watched your hand slip away to the blade on the nightstand, wrapping your fingers around it. Instinctively, his lips pressed to your shoulder, giving you a kiss as you dragged the blade along your flesh, drawing new lines of blood on your thighs.
His hand went to grab your wrist. He didn't stop you though, he was just making sure you didn't cut yourself too deep. He knew you needed this, to let your emotions loose from the chaos thundering inside your mind.
It was ever so a surprise to you that he wasn't pissed at you for having suicidal thoughts. Then again, he wasn't pissed at you for even self-harming. He never said a word. He just left you in the bathroom until it was finished, and then came back to clean you up.
It made you ponder some nights, why was it he did that? Why was it he would walk out without a word after seeing you tear-streaked, sitting on the bathroom floor with gashes of blood oozing out, only to come back with a first aid kit and patch you up without any anger.
It was bugging you out, and you needed an answer.
"Touya...?" you started cautiously, putting the blade back on the nightstand.
"Hmm?" he hummed in response, completely unfazed by the use of his given name.
By now he was used you calling his real name. It sounded soothing, slipping so sweetly from your lips as though it was made to be said like that.
"Why do you never stop me from cutting myself?"
Again, Dabi paused for a second, thinking his words over before replying back.
"Would you stop if I told you to?"
A wave of silence filled the room, drowning you in his words. Would you if he asked?
"No... I wouldn't."
"Exactly dollface... so why should I stop you?" he spoke simply, pressing a kiss to your nape. "I know it's a coping mechanism... a pretty fucked up one too at that. But it helps nevertheless, yeah? I'd be a hypocrite to tell you for cutting when I burn myself too."
Your eyes shot up at his words, a tinge of confusion and surprise breaking through your hollow demeanor.
"You... you burn yourself?"
"Yeah, I do. To feel."
"To feel... to feel what?"
He shrugged, holding you close, your back pressed to his chest and chin rooted to your locks.
"Just to feel."
"Just to feel?" you repeated his words, slightly annoyed by his vague responses.
He chuckled at your slight irritation, pressing a kiss to your head.
"Yes doll. To feel. Anything but numb."
You looked up at him, watching his stoic expression falter slightly. A flicker of vulnerability cracked through his cold demeanor, alerting you of his broken self.
"You gonna tell me off for it mouse?"
"Of course not. I'd be a humbug if I did."
He raised an eyebrow at your choice of words, chuckling mockingly at them.
"Humbug huh? Where'd you learn that from?"
"A book." you replied, slightly confused.
He scoffed, tangling his fingers in your locks and stroking them between his fingers.
"Interesting book..."
You stayed silent at that, reeking his presence and touch. For a man like him, he must obviously feel insecure too.
"Do you ever hate the way you look?"
"All the time babydoll."
He said it as though it was nothing. Like it meant nothing. The casualty nearly infuriated you.
"Have you ever wanted to kill yourself?"
"Yes I have."
That made you stop again, staring up at him.
"You're just as broken as I am..."
"You have no idea dollface." he drawled, chuckling at your words.
He tugged his teeth softly on your lobe, gauzing out a little whine from you. That was the best he'd gotten from you ever since you'd shut down.
"Doll... I want you to listen to me. And I want you to listen good. Life is gonna be a bitch to you yeah? They're gonna push you down with beauty standards... expectations... of what you have to be. Of what you need to be. But I want you to know, that despite everything we've been through... I think you're perfect just the way you are..."
He leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. He could already see your eyes getting slightly glossy from his reassurance, which earned a smirk from him before he continued.
"...and I don't want you to just take my word for it. I want you to believe in it yourself. To feel it for yourself. I want you to be able to look in the mirror and appreciate yourself for once. Even the flaws... I know it's probably very hypocritical of me since I don't follow it, but I'm trying too mouse. Just hang in there for me yeah? We'll get through this together."
A tinge of pink flushed your cheeks and nose, looking up at his turquoise eyes, which were once a sign of danger, now melted in a form of softness and vulnerability. You reached your pinky down, locking it in his.
"I promise... Touya..."
He snorted, letting out a sardonic chuckle.
"Pink promise huh, little one? What are you, five?"
"Don't ruin it Dabi."
"Alright geez."
He let out a last chuckle before interlocking his pinky with yours, a smirk stitched on his lips.
"Say doll... which of our struggles do you wanna tackle first?"
"One that breaks everyone down like us."
He smirked, leaning in to press a kiss to your cheek. A tiny squeal left your lips, giving him an opportunity to savor your old self, which was back to normal.
"Oh yeah...? And what would that be?"
"It's called Insecurity."

Okay so. This has been living rentfree in my head for a long ass time so why not dump it here?
Why do I feel like this would be Dabi's facial expressions to you riding him?

Him praising you and telling you to go harder–

When he cums–
Face it, none of us are welcome in heaven. So why don't you have tango with Dabi in Hell?

i’d like to formally thank @kelin-is-writing for gifting me my new alarm, nothing better to wake up to🫶🏻
his deep voice and the grunt as he grinned... SOMEBODY HOLD ME 💀