Might Write A Prelude For This - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

#3 - Withdrawal

[Hero] felt horrible. They could not think straight since they were “rescued” by [Villain]. They should not be here. They should go back to [Supervillain] and apologise for their disappearance. They should go back soon enough so their supplier would give them what they needed.

But [Villain] was eager to keep them until [Hero] “came back to their senses again”. Whatever the hell that meant.

It was five days since [Villain] got them out of [Supervillains] grip and things had turned more shitty every day. Not that it would have been a surprise. [Hero] did not have a single shot since Monday morning.

Even though they knew that [Villain] was just trying to help, [Hero] could not prevent feeling irritated. They did not ask for help, neither did they want it.

“Hey, are you alright?” [Villains] voice echoed through the hallways of their home. They were always keeping an eye on [Hero], not letting them alone for more than a minute. [Hero] couldn’t stand it.

“What the hell else.”, they just mumbled back, not sure if [Villain] had heard them.

If they weren’t so fucking weak. They would just get up and leave this whole circus! Maybe drop over at one of [Supervillains] handymen, supplying themself already with some syringes and then go back to were they got what they wanted.

[Supervillain] always welcomed them, always rewarded them if they did as they liked. And if coming back to them was not the most loyal thing they could do, [Hero] had no idea what else to go in for.

As long as they got what they needed, they would do anything. Even to for a prat like [Supervillain].

Of course, their team was missing them. They were searching frantically for [Hero], but they could not bring themself up to come back at the moment. They were tired. Of course, they missed their people too, wanted nothing more than to be with them, but right now, their team could never provide them the way [Supervillain] did.

They needed their injections.

And if the person who gave them to [Hero] was [Supervillain], well, so be it. Even if they were corrupt to the core, manipulative and simply dangerous, they were still a better option than any symptoms of withdrawal.

All the symptoms [Hero] experienced now.

They clamped their sweaty hands together. Why could they not just be left alone? The world would be just as shitty without their heroic deeds as it was before.

“Hey…”, [Villains] soft voice interrupted their thoughts, “I know, you don’t really want to be here…”

What an observation.

“…But I thought of something to help you to get better very soon.”

[Hero] could not supress a cynical snort. “And what would that be? A perfumed candle? Meditation? The power of love? Sorry, [Villain]. You can’t do anything for me. Only one person can.”

They did not see how [Villains] face deformed with wrath. [Hero] gave a languished sigh, “You are useless for me.”

[Villain] did not believe what they just heard. Who did [Hero] think they were?! Their hands formed to firm fists.

[Hero] made a pejorative gesture. “Now hush… I don’t want to hear your slipslop.”

[Villain] could not withold it any longer. “You… You ungrateful piece of shit!! Don’t you fucking see what [Supervillain] did to you?! What you had become because of all the bullshit they pumped into your system?!”

[Hero] had never imagined to see [Villain] get loud. It was intimidating. They were so composed and polite all the time, never screeching, never cursing. Even when they were fighting.

“You are nothing but a pet to them!”, [Villain] spat the words like they were something poisonous. “They did not keep you to make your shitty life great, they kept you so you won’t be able to cross their sick plans! They kept you so they could disable everyone else who might be a threat to them! And you…” [Villain] gritted their teeth, “You just stood and delivered!”

[Villains] angry facade started to dissolve. What [Hero] saw underneath was something else. A strange sadness that gave [Hero] goosebumps. Why would they look at them like that?

“I did not intend to tell you so soon… But we need you on the battlefield and not in some drinking hole, giving yourself shot after shot!”

“Tell me what so soon?”, [Hero] asked, feeling somehow queasy. They weren’t used to always cold and calculating [Villain] being so angry. Being so emotional.

[Villain] sighed. “[Supervillain]… They achieved many of their goals while you were gone, you know?” They made a pause.

“When I said that they took the time to eliminate other threats… It also included the murder of many people. The murder of many of your people… The murder of your team.”

[Hero] froze. “What?”

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