Lady Whump - Tumblr Posts
Whumptober Prompt #28- Beaten
This is my last story that’s not back on track with the Michael!whump in my Villainous verse (better title still in progress). This should be the last bit that focuses on Michael and Fayelin’s backstory, and after this, we’ll continue with our regularly scheduled whump story. I’ve got some good stuff planned for Michael and Endeavor returns and... I don’t want to spoil it :)
@winedark-whump This is the one I’ve been dying to show you! I’m so excited. Okay, here we go.
A crash in another woke Michael from his light sleep. He sat up slowly, trying not to put any stress on the nothingness that was his left arm. Arrow had patched him up, crying the entire time. She had sobbed apologies, both fully coherent and utterly nonsensical. He could barely acknowledge her, whether it was from the drugs she had snuck for him or the grief that overwhelmed him, he wasn’t entirely sure. He did remember her saying since it was her fault that everything had happened the way it did, the least she could do was make sure he had a place to stay, saying he could crash at his place until he was strong enough to move. He hadn’t really responded to her, unable to form words of reassurance or defiance. Mostly, he had just wanted to go back to sleep, where he could pretend that his fiance wasn’t dead, where he still had both of his arms, and where he wasn’t crashing in a Heroes apartment. That had been a week ago.
A hard thump followed the crash. That concerned him, Arrow had said that no other Heroes knew where she lived as it was against their policy to reveal information that could potentially be tortured out of someone. Once he was upright, he put his feet on the cold floor. Her apartment wasn’t much really, it was just a bedroom with no furniture except a mattress, a kitchenette, and a bathroom, with no carpeting, or even drapes on the window (she had told him, embarrassed, while working, that she used foil in order to trap the heat in winter) so he knew it wouldn’t be robbers. Who would rob somewhere on the bad side of town, with no drapes, and foil on the windows? Absolutely no one, and he was sure of it.
So he made his way into the kitchen, grabbing first the baseball bat underneath her bed. He knew she had one, all girls who lived on this side of town did. He didn’t have the strength to charge it up but, in a pinch, he could do some damage with it. He toed open the door, and dropped the bat. Arrow was spread out across the floor, fallen pots and pans from the stove around her.
“I told you we could just share the bed.” Michael joked listlessly. “You don’t have to sleep on the kitchen floor.”
A watery chuckle was his reply.
“Don’t think I could move even if you wanted me to.”
Michael frowned. Arrow then shifted, lifting her head up with great effort, and horror flashed through his veins. Arrow’s face was badly beaten, eyes almost swollen shut, blood everywhere, lips split and cracked, and her nose looked broken. It had taken him a moment to see that Arrow was even under what was left of that face.
With a burst of adrenaline, he grabbed her shirt with his good arm and dragged her over to the bed he’d just been sleeping on. She didn’t protest the entire time.
“You weren’t this beat up the last time I saw you.” Michael said. “What happened?”
“It doesn’t matter.” Arrow replied.
“It matters.” Michael insisted, latching onto the first emotion he’d felt in days. “Did they give you another mission? Did someone hurt you because of the Explosion?”
Arrow flinched. “Just drop it, okay, it doesn’t matter!”
“It matters!” Michael shouted. Arrow flinched again, tears welling up in her eyes, and he forced himself to calm down. “Please, who did this to you?”
The dam burst and Arrow dissolved into tears. Michael sat on the bed beside her.
“I thought they were my friends.”
“What?” Michael asked in horror but Arrow misunderstood.
“I thought they were my friends!” She shouted. “I trusted them! They said I was no different from the very criminals I hunted!”
Michael just stared at her. Arrow choked back her tears as best as she could.
“I killed your Mirror.” She whispered, as if admitting it aloud were physically painful to her. Knowing her ethics, it probably did. “It was an accident but it still happened. And I blew off your arm, and I brought you to my own fucking apartment, and they screamed at me for not capturing you!”
A pit of dread crept into Michael’s veins.
“I didn’t tell them you were here.” Arrow sighed, noticing Michael’s discomfort. “They called me a traitor. Said Killian’s death changed me too much. Wait- fuck! You know what? I don’t care. Yes, Soldier’s name was Killian. I’m a traitor anyway, may as well stop fighting it.”
In a move he never could’ve predicted, Arrow took off her blood-stained mask, revealing the very young face underneath it.
“You’re just a kid.” Michael breathed.
Arrow shrugged. She slowly sat up to match his posture, wincing.
“Look, Arrow-”
“Excuse me?” Michael asked.
“You’ve seen me without my mask, you’re staying in my shitty ass apartment, and you know Killian’s name, so you may as well know mine. My name is Fayelin. Fayelin Skye.”
“Michael Winters.” Michael stuck his hand out on instinct.
Arr-Fayelin shook it easily.
“I’m sorry.” She whispered.
“I know.”
“No, I mean, fuck, I am so, so sorry for what happened.” Fayelin tentatively wiped away her fresh tears. “You lost someone more important to you than your own life and it’s all my fault and I’m so, so sorry for that in a way I can’t put into words. But that’s not what this one was about.”
She turned to face him, grunting as she shifted, clearly trying to work through the pain.
“I’m sorry I believed them.”
Michael frowned, confused.
“I’m sorry I believed their lies. I’m sorry I let them brainwash me into thinking you were basically subhuman. I’m sorry I thought that all of your kind was the same and couldn’t be trusted, and because of that mistrust you lost someone you loved. I thought none of your kind was capable of real love. Seeing what you’re going through, I know now how truly wrong I was. I let them twist me up to be as bad as they were and I was proud of it. To have my own kind turn against me for the wrong reasons, I’m… I just can’t. I was wrong in what I did but what they’ve done to me just confirms everything you Villains have been saying for years. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry I was apart of that system. I have done horrible things to you, I will never stop apologizing for that. I’m going to try for the rest of my life to wipe out the red in my ledger. I wish I could’ve seen sooner, what they were doing to me, what I was turning myself into. I’m sorry I let my grief after Killian turn me into a weapon of propaganda and destruction for them. I’m not asking for your forgiveness, I’ll never ask that of you, what I did was unforgivable. I just… I just need you to know that I’m sorry. For everything.”
They sat in silence for a while.
“Look, Fayelin, you fucked up. You fucked up in a way that can’t be undone. And it hurts, it’ll always hurt… I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to forgive you… I don’t even know if I’ll ever want to forgive you… but maybe, just maybe… we can fight against their lies together. We can fight against their fucked up system… so it never happens again. Not to me, or anyone else.”
“I’m in.”
Children Of The Prophecy - pt. 8
Tw: graphic description of murder aftermatch, blood, some swearing, freaky shit (ghosts) killing (but not actually killing) people, blood from eyes, sleep deprivation (kInDa)
Summary: murder
Next Masterlist
A/N: I'll format it tomorrow since now I'm practically falling aslesp
"What the hell?" said Jesse, shooting upward from the position she was crouched in. It was dark around her, she couldn't even see her own hands. She turned around, and thinking she had her eyes still closed, blinked rapidly.
This however, didn't seem to be the issue, the room—or whatever she was in—being still completely invisible.
"Kat?" she called out. No reply.
Jesse started to blindly walk forward, trying not to collide with anything. She turned abruptly, seeing a glimpse of something in her peripheral vision. It disappeared as fast as it showed, and for a second, she could've sworn that it looked human-like.
"Where the hell am I?" she asked herself
She kept on walking, almost tripping a few times and once actually tripping.
Something moved, in what she assumed was the corner of the room, and she heard creaking. She hadn't noticed it at first, but the floor was made of old, dirty wood. Her eyes were starting to hurt from the darkness, or maybe the dust? She didn't know anymore.
Jesse closed her eyes, and slowly wandered in another direction. At this point, everything was eerily quiet, making her feel even more uncomfortable. The dust was getting thicker, and it was harder to breathe with every second.
When the amount of whatever-was-in-the-air was getting unbearable, Jesse's hands touched something solid, which after further investigation turned out to be a door. She slid her fingers across it, and feeling the cold metal of a handle, opened the door.
------------gore tw-------------
-Seriously, consider yourself warned-
The smell that hit her was…well, disgusting to say at least. She opened her eyes, and immediately wished she hadn't. The room, which supposedly was once Cindy's bedroom, now had its walls freshly painted. In red.
The floor looked even worse, littered with parts of something as bloody as the walls. The sensations combined made her gag, so she clenched her fists, and tried to block out the smell.
She kept walking forward, careful not to touch any of the remains. She wanted to scream. What the hell had happened, she kept asking herself.
Strange thing was, the room no longer even looked like a room. It was endless, like a flat world in minecraft.
Jesse heard something scraping behind her, so she abruptly turned around. There was someone standing at the end of the room. Oh, so it had an end after all. The person turned around, and she could see who it was.
"Oh for hell's sake" squeaked Jesse "Kat, why did you have to do this?!"
But Kat didn't answer, she was just standing there, staring at her creepily.
She felt there was something wrong. Well, maybe besides the corpses around her "Kat?"she asked
Something dark was slowly dripping on Kat's face, just under her eyes, making it look like she wore smeared make-up. Strange kid, she was. About ten, though she mostly acted like an adult. In some things, she was way smarter than her older sister.
Now however, she looked like the woman from The Ring. Her white onesie's hood was down, making her raven black hair contrast with it, and with her face, which was super pale.
Jesse mentally slapped herself on her face and reached into her pocket to take out her phone. She turned on the flashlight, and wished she hadn't.
Behind Kat, there was a dark, shadowy thing. And it wasn't the nice kind of thing. It kinda looked like a silhouette, but translucent.
The kid looked even worse. Frozen in place, with blood pouring from her eyes, and another dark stain on stomach. It was dark red, and looked dried. Which meant that it was made when they were still outside the house.
---Safe to read for the sensitive---
This was all Jesse needed to know
"Oh fuck" she screamed and started blindly running across the room. She didn't see the kid, nor the shadow, but sensing their presence made her skin crawl enough. She kept glancing behind her, so the other side of the room surprised her. She slammed on the door, making it open and after getting herself up, kept sprinting across the lawn.
She didn't see the shadow of a girl in a window behind her, or how the house looked untouched. Her feet led her to the place where she left her siblings, though now, the lamp was on. It was unusual, the lamps were never on. She was almost there, when she accidently stepped on the edge of her nightgown, tripping.
Her knees flared up in pain and for a second, she closed her eyes.
When Jesse opened her eyes, she was still standing with her siblings under the lamp. They were discussing something, and it took her a second to focus enough to understand what they were talking about.
"…Jesse?" Will finally asked "What do you think?"
"About what" she said, careful not to let her voice betray how shaken she actually felt "Sorry, I wasn't listening"
"Are you okay?" Allie tried, taking a close look at her sister's pale face
"Yeah, why?"
"What did you do?"
"You never apologize."
Jesse stared at them in confusion. The suddenly-working-lamp didn't give enough light for her to actually see their faces clearly, but she was sure they were unfazed by the whole ordeal. How in the hell did they not panic. Their whole friend group was just murdered and they're like 'ok'.
"How are you so calm?" she asked instead
Will and Allie shot each other a knowing glance "How long did you sleep today?"
Jesse glanced at the house. It looked just like it had before the fire. Strange. "Uhh, I didn't" she quickly dropped the previous topic. She'll find answers later.
After a slow walk back to their house, Jesse threw herself on her bed. She didn't want to sleep, but after not even five minutes she was dead asleep
*Crawls out from the fiery pits of hell*
Yo guys, I did the murder.
It has nothing to do with it but my dog's currently rolling on my carpet and making hella weird noises
Taglist: @heathenwhump @lavmars
I used to watch this episode repeatedly as a kid. My parents never understood why I liked it so much 😂🖤

Torchwood S01E06 (Countrycide)

Whumptober Day 1: All Trussed Up And Still Nowhere to Go
My girl Alexande having a Rough time
Time for an intro.
Miles here. This is a sideblog, that I won't use exclusively for whump. It's meant for anything not project-related.
I go by any pronouns, but they/them are my preferred ones on the Internet.
My fav whump tropes are :
- bound and gagged
- non human whumpees
- whumpee turned whumper (*cough* REN HANA MI AMOR)
- used as livestock
- used as bait
- Lady whump.
My main project is a webcomic that I'll start posting about on my main blog ( @unknowntalesbymiles ) and I intend to make it quite whumpy.
Oh, and, I like whumping dragons. A lot. Dunno why.
I won't write much, maybe post a few ideas or some art once I get my Ipad.
Have an awesome day, whump community ☆
#1 - Mind control
“What the hell is wrong with you?!” [Hero] screamed as they desperately tried to push [Sidekick] away from them.
What had happened in the past few hours? Why would their best friend try to attack them? After years of working together, after years of trusting each other!
But [Sidekick] didn’t answer and went for another punch into [Heroes] face. This time, [Hero] was prepared enough to catch the fist that was flying towards them.
After some moments of struggling, they managed to get hold of [Sidekicks] wrists, pinning their partner on the wall. [Sidekick] only gave a painfilled gasp and tried their hardest to get rid of the firm grip that hold them in place.
“Let go, you fucking bastard!” [Sidekick] hissed. The plain disgust in their voice shocked [Hero].
“Why are you doing this?!” [Hero] could not hide the pain in their voice. “Why are you fighting me?!”
But when they looked at [Sidekicks] face, all they could see was hatred.
#2 - Traitor
[Villain] started to tremble when [Supervillain] approached them. God, the plan had gone so horribly wrong… They should have never even thought about helping [Hero] to overthrow their nemesis! It was a huge miscalculation from the start.
And now they were the one to pay for it.
[Villain] couldn’t suppress a shiver when [Supervillain] started speaking.
“So…”, their voice was calm, bored almost.
“My inferiors are getting cheeky again, huh? Don’t you remember the last time I had to end one of your little revolts?” [Supervillain] was not bothering to look at [Villain], who did their best to hide the quivering.
They remembered damn well. The only difference was that they stood on the winners’ side back then.
“Tell me…”, [Supervillain] started pacing around them with leisurely steps, “What made you think, it would be different this time?”
[Villain] did not dare to look up. They felt the bile rising in their throat. Their hands started to shake.
Even though they did not see [Supervillain], [Villain] felt the derisive grin that formed on their captors’ features as they saw the physical impact of their words.
When [Supervillain] talked again, their voice had turned into a low whisper, far too close to [Villains] ear. They could not avoid flinching.
“What made you think, I would have more mercy with traitors like you now than I had the last time?”
[Villains] blood turned to ice. They knew [Supervillains] ways of dealing with disloyalty. They saw enough of it in the years they had to work for them. Hadn’t they sworn it to themself back then? To never allow themself to slide in this kind of situation?
…How had they fucked that up so badly?
[Supervillain] stopped, only inches in front of their face. [Villain] lowered their eyes hastily, trying to avoid looking at their old bosses’ cold gaze.
They could hear their own heartbeat. The tremor was taking all over their body.
[Villain] let out a terrified whimper as a gloved hand harshly grasped their chin, forcing them to look up.
“How does someone like you merge with such an outstanding personality like [Hero]?”
[Villains] eyes widened. How could they know about them? That had been a top-secret information. Even their own people knew nothing about their doings with [Hero]! They had done everything possible to cover the information [Supervillain] seemed to have such easy access to.
“Supporting the enemy is even worse treason than just turning against me…” The grip on their jaw got firmer. [Villain] squealed in pain. “Tell me, [Villain]”, [Supervillains] voice turned dangerously low.
“…What shall we do with a traitor?”
#3 - Withdrawal
[Hero] felt horrible. They could not think straight since they were “rescued” by [Villain]. They should not be here. They should go back to [Supervillain] and apologise for their disappearance. They should go back soon enough so their supplier would give them what they needed.
But [Villain] was eager to keep them until [Hero] “came back to their senses again”. Whatever the hell that meant.
It was five days since [Villain] got them out of [Supervillains] grip and things had turned more shitty every day. Not that it would have been a surprise. [Hero] did not have a single shot since Monday morning.
Even though they knew that [Villain] was just trying to help, [Hero] could not prevent feeling irritated. They did not ask for help, neither did they want it.
“Hey, are you alright?” [Villains] voice echoed through the hallways of their home. They were always keeping an eye on [Hero], not letting them alone for more than a minute. [Hero] couldn’t stand it.
“What the hell else.”, they just mumbled back, not sure if [Villain] had heard them.
If they weren’t so fucking weak. They would just get up and leave this whole circus! Maybe drop over at one of [Supervillains] handymen, supplying themself already with some syringes and then go back to were they got what they wanted.
[Supervillain] always welcomed them, always rewarded them if they did as they liked. And if coming back to them was not the most loyal thing they could do, [Hero] had no idea what else to go in for.
As long as they got what they needed, they would do anything. Even to for a prat like [Supervillain].
Of course, their team was missing them. They were searching frantically for [Hero], but they could not bring themself up to come back at the moment. They were tired. Of course, they missed their people too, wanted nothing more than to be with them, but right now, their team could never provide them the way [Supervillain] did.
They needed their injections.
And if the person who gave them to [Hero] was [Supervillain], well, so be it. Even if they were corrupt to the core, manipulative and simply dangerous, they were still a better option than any symptoms of withdrawal.
All the symptoms [Hero] experienced now.
They clamped their sweaty hands together. Why could they not just be left alone? The world would be just as shitty without their heroic deeds as it was before.
“Hey…”, [Villains] soft voice interrupted their thoughts, “I know, you don’t really want to be here…”
What an observation.
“…But I thought of something to help you to get better very soon.”
[Hero] could not supress a cynical snort. “And what would that be? A perfumed candle? Meditation? The power of love? Sorry, [Villain]. You can’t do anything for me. Only one person can.”
They did not see how [Villains] face deformed with wrath. [Hero] gave a languished sigh, “You are useless for me.”
[Villain] did not believe what they just heard. Who did [Hero] think they were?! Their hands formed to firm fists.
[Hero] made a pejorative gesture. “Now hush… I don’t want to hear your slipslop.”
[Villain] could not withold it any longer. “You… You ungrateful piece of shit!! Don’t you fucking see what [Supervillain] did to you?! What you had become because of all the bullshit they pumped into your system?!”
[Hero] had never imagined to see [Villain] get loud. It was intimidating. They were so composed and polite all the time, never screeching, never cursing. Even when they were fighting.
“You are nothing but a pet to them!”, [Villain] spat the words like they were something poisonous. “They did not keep you to make your shitty life great, they kept you so you won’t be able to cross their sick plans! They kept you so they could disable everyone else who might be a threat to them! And you…” [Villain] gritted their teeth, “You just stood and delivered!”
[Villains] angry facade started to dissolve. What [Hero] saw underneath was something else. A strange sadness that gave [Hero] goosebumps. Why would they look at them like that?
“I did not intend to tell you so soon… But we need you on the battlefield and not in some drinking hole, giving yourself shot after shot!”
“Tell me what so soon?”, [Hero] asked, feeling somehow queasy. They weren’t used to always cold and calculating [Villain] being so angry. Being so emotional.
[Villain] sighed. “[Supervillain]… They achieved many of their goals while you were gone, you know?” They made a pause.
“When I said that they took the time to eliminate other threats… It also included the murder of many people. The murder of many of your people… The murder of your team.”
[Hero] froze. “What?”
GO DANI GO (I long for the day she chokes this man to death with his own tie)
Continuation from Experiment - pt 1 here
Dani curled up in her favourite chair by the window of the library. Her focus however drifted and she found her gaze kept being drawn to the landscape outside. A wilderness; shrubs and greenery turning into a vast forest surrounding Roman’s mansion, and only near the horizon a glint of the headlights of a lone car. The first sign of civilization for miles - none to be found in the center of this mansion. She estimated the distance, wondered how far she could get through the woods. Useless, really.
She forced her eyes back onto the page of her book. But just as she did, clouds parted and rays of sunshine slid over the pages. Warmth roamed up her arms, tingling her skin in-between the bandages, further up her neck, until she squinted at the bright light. She let her eyes remain closed for just a few seconds, basking in the light, letting it fill the darkest recesses of her thoughts as well. Opening her eyes brought her back to her cruel reality. She exhaled softly.
“Roman.” She only continued when he looked up. “I want to go outside.”
A sly grin spread over his lips and he rested his temple against a fist, tilting his head as he looked her in the eye. “That’s nice, dear. You go right ahead.”
Dani wanted to take the Encyclopedia of the human anatomy on the table and smack him right in his smug face with all its glorious 600 glossy pages (hardcover). Counterproductive, so she sighed out temptations of violence and pulled at the leg of her jeans.
In a slow blink his eyes followed and roamed down to the device around her ankle. “Deactivate it, then,” Dani asked tightly, but still as nicely as she could.
He shifted upright as if he wanted to get up. But then he hummed, directed his attention back to whatever he was working on, and said in a clipped but still playful voice, “No.”
She abruptly stood, dunked her book into the cushion of her seat with so much force it bounced back up, and legged past him without a word. She could see his lips press tightly against his thumb in an attempt to hide his smirk. His eyes followed her out, but he didn’t say another word.
Fucking asshole.
She fumed her way down the stairs, circled through the house and only stopped in front of the back door. Tentatively opened it to gain access to the porch outside. None of the doors in this house were locked. A cruel reminder of her circumstances. She had nowhere to go to escape. Only doors to Roman’s private spaces were locked; his office, his bedroom. And of course her own door at night. She always tested it. Only needed one shot to strangle him in his sleep. Well, two, really… two doors. Still…
The device around her ankle felt heavier than before, cautioning her.
The porch should still fall into the safe area. She tipped a toe outside and set one foot, the one without the device, onto the dark wooden flooring. Technically, probably half the garden was still safe, but she wasn’t going to risk it. She had no idea how this thing pinpointed her location and if it could be off by a few yards. Not going to test that, especially when she was alone.
The lawn stretched out in front of her, tempting her. A green oasis, bordered by beds of wildflowers, hedges turning to pine trees, bushes, all closed in by the woods stretching out for… miles? He had quite a nice garden. To go along with his stupid nice house. Nicely in the middle of freaking nowhere.
She could see dew drops shimmering in the sunshine. That rare bit of sunshine she hadn’t felt in… weeks.
The porch itself, of fucking course, was cast in shadows.
She nudged back and forth, trying a few steps up and down the porch, but steering clear of the steps leading to the garden.
“Go on, then,” a voice behind her encouraged.
Her chest tightened in anger and she stopped her pacing. “No,” she answered in the same clipped voice.
“Coward.” Roman stopped right next to her, joining her with his hands in his pockets to show he came in peace. Together they looked out over the garden in silence. Then he took a deep breath and slowly, deliberately, took a step forward, down the three steps, into the sun. He turned slowly in the middle of the lawn, arms spread wide, eyes closed, head tilted up as if he was enjoying the warmth on his face.
As he spun back, she caught the grin on his face.
“Yeah,” Dani too turned on the spot, hiding her sour expression, “I’ll just go back inside.”
She heard him follow but refused to look back, instead stomping up the stairs back to the library.
He caught up, caught the clenched fist swinging next to her hip as she strode away, pulling her back. She turned with a snap, using the momentum to twist her wrist free and aimed a punch. It landed in the palm of his hand, drawing out a soft chuckle.
“Go on,” he goaded again, this time his voice low, chin tipped down leering at her, advancing on her.
His hand snapped around her wrist. Pulled her in, grabbed her other wrist as well and crossed her arms over her body, tight over her chest, forcing her back until she hit a wall.
Muscles strained as she tried to pull free from his grip. Patience strained as he leaned in closer, smug expression bearing down on her.
“Let go of me,” she said in a calm voice that didn’t line up with the rage swirling through her.
“Hm, no.”
She kicked hard at his knee. Felt and heard a nice crunch. He buckled but didn’t fully let go of her yet.
And without thinking and mostly out of habit, she followed up with a somewhat more indecent kick.
That did the trick.
He stooped forward with a choked off surprised gasp, palm of his hand crashing against the wall as he kept himself up. She just about caught the utmost fury as he glared up at her through narrowed eyes, but before he could regain his ability to speak, she zipped past him and fucking ran.
Ran but she had nowhere to run to.
She heard a thunk behind her as she rushed down the hallway, bolted down the stairs, vaguely registering that he must have collapsed to his knees. But in her panic she found no satisfaction for it.
His voice thundered through the house.
Ohhh, shit. Hearing her full name never bode well.
She sprinted to the back of the house, her legs carrying her unconsciously to the most logical escape route. Outside. But that route was cut off, by an invisible minefield that she couldn’t sneak or weave through. She screeched to a halt on the porch, panting, looking around as if she could find an opening somewhere in the invisible electric curtain that closed her in.
Nothing of course. She was absolutely stuck, with nowhere to hide, and with nothing but a severe punishment waiting for her.
Her face fell. Freedom, so close, spread out wide in front of her. Yet still boxed in.
Just as she wondered if she would be able to take the risk and run through the minefield, pain and electricity be damned – at some point she would be outside the range where the ankle monitor might just stop, right?! – footsteps stumbled behind her and her breath caught. She twirled on the spot.
Roman leaned heavily against the doorway, his face twisted in anger, the last remnants of pain twitching in his eyes. At least he had the dignity not to cradle his bruised package. Probably already did that upstairs… on his knees. Trembling. A prick of light in her darkness. An image to hold on to for the upcoming time. She had the dignity not to smirk. Her fear wouldn’t let her anyway.
Dani backed away. Slowly. Maybe she could still slip past him, but what was the use. It would only prolong the inevitable.
Another step back.
Her heart skipped a beat when the ground disappeared. Her ankle doubled as it crashed a few steps lower. With a soft shocked gasp, she fell back, arms flailing.
Completely unexpected, Roman’s hand shot out, gripping her tight by the wrist and she was almost grateful when he pulled her back onto the porch. He didn’t speak yet, just snarled down on her. And just when she got her feet firmly back under her supporting her own weight, his lips curled.
Their eyes met for a second.
And he shoved her hard.
She didn’t even have time to gasp in shock, yet it was like she fell in slow motion. Her mind braced for impact, for the shock that was about to course through her. Legs scrambled under her, stumbling back, muscles strained, desperate to stay upright but it was no use.
Before her back even hit the wet grass, the device activated.
And her mouth opened in a silent scream.
Pain coursed up her legs, the electric surge spreading through her body in an instant. It tensed every muscle to the point where she was completely paralysed for a few seconds.
Then finally could she release the pain in a scream. She wrenched onto her stomach, shaking heavily, fists clenched around the blades of grass. It was like all here muscles were caught in a ring of fire, heat burning through her.
But then it stopped. Muscles abruptly released and she lay flat as a board on the grass for a moment, heaving in gasps.
So much for her escape plan to just power through…
Roman lazily watched her from the porch, fiddling with the remote control for the ankle device. “You’d better crawl back here, fast,” he said, ice in his voice. “It will reactivate again in a few seconds.”
She clawed a hand forward, but before she could even get a leg under her to push off, her muscles clenched up again.
“You know,” Roman’s voice came when her screams died down again to sharp exhales. “To give the escapee the chance to get back within the perimeter…”
He hadn’t moved a muscle, simply watched as she struggled to pick her way back, fell face-forward into the grass as the device activated again; not by its setting but by his hand, hidden behind his back.
Every time Dani went just a little too far in one go for his taste, he pressed the button, stopping her dead in her tracks. Not like she had any grip on how many seconds had passed anyway…
Teeth clenched, Dani fought her way back, trying to move through the paralysing pain. Every inch she gained would make this stop faster. She managed to stay on her hands and knees, simply letting the pain shoot through her and endure, so she could stay upright and immediately inch closer when her muscles were under her control again.
And finally, as she pulled herself up the porch, it stopped. She lay there clutching at the wooden boards, breathing heavily as if she’d just clawed her way back out of a river, holding on for dear life afraid the stream might drag her back.
“Well, now, look at that,” Roman crooned, lightly kicking at her hips, gesturing to her long legs still on the grass. “At least now you know what the safe zone is. Look, you could sit over there in the sun next time.” He put the remote back into his pocket, after completely turning the device off for a bit. A little surprise for next time she tried to sunbathe.
A hand snagged in her hair. He pulled her up and hissed in her face,
“Now, I sincerely hope you didn’t think we were done here.”
Tag list: @firewheeesky @myfriendcallsmeasickwoman19 @whumpawink @painsandconfusion @whumpifi @whumpy-daydreams @whumpyourdamnpears @auroragehenna @alsolucakairomi @suspicious-whumping-egg @whumppmuhw
Continuation from Outside- pt 1 here
TW: vague rape threat
Dani stumbled along, letting Roman drag her back inside. She didn’t dare dig in her heels nor even attempt to pull at the vice-like grip around her arm. Even when she was sure he was going to tear it off. She was in enough trouble as it was. And no attempt of stalling or resisting was going to help.
Every now and then, her body did refuse to follow. It stuttered, as if the signal to her muscles caused a lag. Remnants of the electricity setting her system to complete haywire. She tripped over her own feet, sure that without Roman pulling her along she would’ve crashed to the floor already.
Her stomach felt even heavier when he held the door to the basement open for her, face like thunder daring her to disobey. She didn’t. And he let her go down on her own, following with heavy stomps on every step.
Roman paced up and down, irritation clear in his expression and his rigid posture. Though the narrowed eyes and weird steps could also indicate some remnants of pain lingering. Only fuelling his anger, unfortunately.
His eyes flared. “Now I’m not one of those idiots who compare a kick in the jewels to actual childbirth. But by god,” he exhaled hard and looked straight into her eyes, “I’m this close to try it out and get you to report in nine months.”
She paled at that, even though she knew he wouldn’t. And he probably couldn’t either, in his current state. But she swallowed any comments on that. Better not to aggravate him any further when he’s this pissed. Also, she had plans in nine months, actually; sitting in a courtroom watching him get sentenced to hell. Couldn't miss that.
So instead, she kept her tightened fists close to her side and looked down. “I’m really sorry.”
“No, you’re not.”
No. She wasn’t. She was pretty chuffed, actually. The feeling just was kinda overshadowed by this huge looming sword dangling right above her. But she still felt a touch of pride through that fear.
“You’re not sorry. And you're never going to be sorry, not even after this. I don’t expect you to. But at the least we can make sure even the mere thought of pulling something like this again will have you break out in cold sweat.”
Or in absolute hysterics... But probably only after she’d escaped this hellhole.
A backhanded fist caught her across the face and in her still wobbly state sent her right to the floor where she remained in a slight daze.
He snagged a fistful of hair, pulling her up, then grabbed her collar and marched her backwards until she felt his knuckles tighten in the fabric. She braced herself. Just in time as he slammed her into a wall. She buckled forward in pain, tensing her abdomen for the expected blow, but he merely kept her up and forced her shoulder blades back against the wall.
He inched closer. Knuckles tight against her collar bones, body pressing forward until she tried to squirm away, back against the wall.
“You wanna try that again?” he all but growled, voice still soft. He made himself awfully vulnerable right now, knee pressing at her leg, taunting her, knowing she wouldn’t dare.
“Don’t tempt me,” she choked out, eyes blazing, but she knew that if she even raised one leg she would buckle forward against him. She needed both feet firmly planted on the ground not to collapse.
“Oh,” he almost purred and pulled her in, still a tight grip on her shirt to make sure she was flushed against him and she felt his breath brush her cheek when he said, “I’ll make sure you’re never tempted again.”
He took a fierce step back, dragged her along, and threw her away from him to the floor.
Dani rolled along with the momentum, but everything happened too fast. Two swift footsteps. A flurry of movement. An explosion of pain against her ribs. It blew her back against something that didn’t give and she slumped against the cold metal.
Slower footsteps, away from her. Returning. She shook her head hard, trying to dispel the haze. Realised that she was slumped against the metal table in the middle of the room, Roman standing over her, preparing something on it.
She heard a snap, looked up and her breath stilled as she saw him holding up a syringe, a familiar blue vial.
A whimper escaped her. She tried to scoot away from him, but Roman barely looked down and stomped down hard on her wrist, keeping her pinned. “No,” he tutted as he felt her pull under his foot, and shifted his weight on it without looking, eyes back on the syringe as he slowly drew in the blue liquid. He flicked a finger against the glass, put it down, and sank down to his knees.
The hand went right for her throat.
“No…” she started. She struggled against him, hands up, trying to push him off, flailing as he tried to catch her wrists. “No, no, no—” He slapped her hard, scooped both wrists up in one hand and pressed them up above her head, pinning them to the ground. He reached up and the blue-filled syringe glinted in the light. “No…” she mewled again as she felt the harsh prick in her neck, but it was already too late.
The pressure on her wrists let up and Roman scrambled back to his feet. He stood over her, looking her straight in the eyes as he rummaged in his pocket. And he pulled out the remote for the electric device around her ankle.
Dani paled. Braced herself. But nothing hit her yet.
“Do it then,” she croaked after a beat, but he merely stared her down, steel glint in his eyes, finger on the button. “Go on! Do it! What are you waiting for?!” And she hated how her voice cracked.
“For the serum to take effect.”
His calm voice punched the breath out of her. Agonising seconds passed, all the while they kept eye contact, both waiting.
And she felt it. It was like the bruise on her cheekbone lit up. Like a light bulb, gradually shining brighter. As if it was growing in size, blood rushing in, the pressing tight sensation pulling at her skin slowly turning to discomfort, to pain.
And only when she winced, Roman smiled. And pressed the button.
Fire shot through her. Hotter, fiercer, more paralysing than before. A garbled scream just about made it to the top of her throat before everything contracted and it died off with a squeaking choke.
She couldn’t breathe! Pain fired through her and she couldn’t let it out in a scream. She’d lost all control over her body, merely lay there on the hard floor, spasming hard, convulsing, all the wrong muscles activating and literally keeping a death grip on her body.
Until it suddenly let go of her and it was like she fell from a great height. Her back hit the floor, punched out the remnants of her scream, and she gasped hard now she could finally breathe again.
“No…” she wheezed, scrambling back from Roman as if it would help. He still had that hard glint in his eyes. “Don’t, not again, I can’t breathe, I ca— You turned up the setting didn’t you?!”
“I did not,” he merely said. Which could be a lie, for all she knew; that serum was supposed to enhance the pain, not the amount of watts taking hold of her muscles.
Another round of pain slammed into her. Burning her from the inside as it clawed for a way out. It felt wrong. Dangerous. As if the crackling electricity stabbed and burned holes into her veins as it seared through, frayed her nerves. It had to stop. Stop! Before it actually would cause damage.
“Do try to bite through it, love,” Roman teased. “If you manage to get out an apology again, maybe I’ll accept it this time.”
“I’m sorry!” Dani choked out as soon as she could. “I am! I—no, don’t, please, it won’t happen again!”
“No,” Roman said, nodding, as he pushed the button again. “It won’t.”
Tag list: @firewheeesky @myfriendcallsmeasickwoman19 @whumpawink @painsandconfusion @whumpy-daydreams
@whumpyourdamnpears @auroragehenna @alsolucakairomi @suspicious-whumping-egg @whumppmuhw
@untethered-symphony @withdrawingramen @theforeverdyingperson
For @mayhem-in-mordor who wondered what happened when Roman took Dani :))
“Stop! Stop right there!”
The quick racking of the gun cracked across walls of the concrete room and Roman stopped dead in his tracks. His head tipped down, shoulders slumped and he let out an annoyed sigh while he threw his hands up, as if being held at gunpoint was a mere inconvenience. Slowly, drawling, stalling, he turned to face Dani, hands still in the air but dropped them to his side as he looked her over.
“That gun...” he started and began to circle her like the predator he was. “Did you take it from him?” And he nodded at the unconscious man in the blue shirt behind her.
Dani knew better than to look back.
“Yes.” She side-stepped along with him, stepping over the paper folders strewn out over the floor, some still smoldering, an attempt to destroy evidence, research. The smoke teased her nostrils, prickled her eyes. She didn’t even blink and kept the gun trained on him. Right in-between the eyes, no more missing vitals.
He nodded, silent for a few more steps. Then a smirk formed on his lips like he couldn’t contain it any longer. He tipped his head down, leering at her, and dramatically whispered a single word: “Empty.”
Dani didn't hesitate and immediately pulled the trigger to call that bluff. Only to be met by a disappointing click. And no hole in his forehead.
His eyes narrowed in glee. He threw his hands up again, almost in mock surrender but with his palms up and gave a theatrical shrug. Dani bristled and sharply inhaled to keep her calm; their cockiness and annoyance had switched sides at that click, as had her advantage. But she gave a small shrug in reply.
“Fine.” She launched forward, charging at him. She changed her grip on the gun, twirling it by the trigger guard, catching it in a claw and aimed a wide slap right at his face.
He dodged effortlessly, with that goddamn arrogant smirk that she wanted to punch off. Caught the follow-up punch in the palm of his hand and twisted her arm away. She immediately snapped free with a twist, used the momentum to aim another back-handed strike with the gun as she twirled.
At least that indicated that she was close. Though she’d prefer an exclamation of pain. Still, she’d shock his arrogant taunting right of him. To her surprise, he didn’t run. Probably knew he was at a disadvantage there. She’d easily catch up. But in close combat, he could shift the advantage to him, or tire her out as he didn’t seem to be interested in going for a killing blow. Yet.
They continued their dance of swerving and dodging, occasionally interrupted by a grunt when one of them hit home. Though her moves were smooth and elegant, she wasn’t above fighting dirty. Whenever the chance presented itself, she jabbed at his eyes or throat, went for the junk, but nothing hit home. Yet. She only broke her calm when she heard a soft scoff and saw his lips curl after he dodged a punch again, and she threw the gun full force at his smug face. Went right over his shoulder.
“This is the third time you’ve messed up my research,” he said.
“Maybe you should stop breaking the law.”
He let out a non-committed hum as he swerved. “Maybe you shouldn’t let your guard down.”
And before she could even question that in her mind, let alone snarl out the words, he side-stepped just behind her, his back to her. Out of the corner of her eye she saw him twist towards her, the flurry of his elbow moving up, forearm straight as an arrow as it readied for the—
A sharp jab snapped against the side of her neck. And the control over her body slipped away from her from the neck down. Her entire body tensed up first, then just as fast completely released the grip on every muscle. Her knees buckled first. All she could do was inhale a shocked little gasp, curse at herself and Roman in her mind before everything turned to static. And luckily the world went black before she even hit the floor.
Roman watched as if in slow motion as the girl toppled forward. He resisted the body-jerk reaction to catch her, knowing she could still snap up and claw his eyes out if his blow was merely an inch off. Only when she landed face-forward without even moving to soften the landing against the hard concrete, it assured him the fight was over.
He simply stared at her for a few seconds, hesitating, not quite sure what to do. This would probably not render her unconscious for long. And judging by the continued muffled gunfire on the upper floors, she wasn’t alone. He didn’t have much time to decide.
A pang of frustration shot through him as he glanced up, struck by the state of the now ruined room. His ruined research. He glared at the unconscious girl at his feet, a growl in his exhale. He was going to have to lay low for a while. And that rushed him into his decision.
He squatted down next to her. Swiped over her pockets, fished her phone from her brown leather jacket and threw it hard to the floor. Patted her down to make sure she didn’t have anything else on her that could lead them to follow him.
With a grunt, he threw the dead weight over his shoulder and carried her out, down to the underground parking. Shifted her further onto his shoulder as he searched for his car keys. Opened the rear door, stopped, and closed it again. Yeah, no. You wouldn’t keep a feral animal loose in your car. She’d probably try to strangle him with the seatbelt from behind. Or even if he’d had anything to cuff her with, she’d throw her legs over the seat to pin him until they crashed. She’d proven her tenacity over these last three rounds of meetings. And that chop to the neck wouldn’t last the entire journey. Better go for the safe route. So instead, he opened the trunk and dropped her inside without much care.
The familiar crunches of grit under his tires and under his shoes a long ride later greeted him home. Good to know that even after quite a while, those sounds still triggered a feeling of home-coming in his brain. Might be something to look into... Later.
Roman slowly walked around the car, keeping his eyes on the trunk, not sure what to expect. There was no banging at the lid or cursing or demands to let her out. Yet he doubted she was still unconscious.
He carefully opened up, hand on the lid to keep her from further busting it open. Oh yes, she was awake. Through the small opening he could see the fury glint in her eyes, staring straight at him. She looked like an angry cat in her basket. If she could, she’d hiss at him, he mused. But he was surprised to see she didn’t spit anything at him, no insults, no saliva. In fact, she cowed back a little and lay all curled up. Somewhat reassured, he fully opened the trunk, leaned forward to drag her out.
A long leg suddenly shot out, and it hit him square in the stomach.
It punched the air – and the snide remark that was on the tip of his tongue – right out of him. He doubled over, hand still on the lid of the trunk pulling it down with him as he almost buckled. It nearly hit the girl right on the head, but in a flurry of movement she managed to snake out, bump him aside, and shot past.
“Oh, no, you don’t,” he brought out, and caught her by the neck of her shirt.
She twisted free and he grabbed her arm instead. She replied with a headbutt. Missed and Roman followed up with a backhanded swing.
A yelp as he caught her full in the face and knocked her off her feet. She heavily crashed onto the grit and he immediately closed in, grabbing her shirt.
Dani didn’t hesitate. Like the fierce cat she was she almost literally clawed up around him, grasping him by the arm, threw her legs up and locked them around his head, pulling herself up.
Roman caught her in surprise, one hand still in her shirt, the other arm around her back as he secured her in reflex. Luckily for him, she didn’t have the momentum to pull him down and they stared at each other, caught in an impasse. If he let her fall, she’d drag him right along.
“We let go,” he said calmly, negotiating his release, “at the same time.”
“Duel at sunset,” she growled, and squeezed her legs but nodded.
“One… two…”
With her legs up and him protecting her from gravity, he felt like he had the overwhelming advantage here. But as he let go of her on “Three!” her back arched and she slithered gracefully from his arms, again not unlike a cat, letting herself fall to the ground in a dive. She landed on her palms, lightly sprang off against his shoulders, and shot away in an elegant back handspring, spiraling off of him with grace. He had to admit, he was impressed, and his lips tugged into a smirk.
It lost him two seconds of precious reaction time. As her feet touched the ground and she straightened, one foot immediately shot back up. Hit him right in the chin. But the hit came at a cost and with her on one leg wobbling on the pebbles straining for balance, he saw his chance. He sank down to a squat, shot out a leg and aimed at her ankle, kicking her foot right out from under her.
He watched as her eyes went wide and he immediately followed up to keep his advantage as she lost the battle with gravity. Finally. Her back crashed into the sea of grit, punched out a grunt. Another kick in the stomach didn’t deter him. Hands flailed, clawed at his face, her moves betraying a certain panic that let him know he was winning and he only had to wait for the right moment until he could calmly catch a wrist and use the momentum to twist her onto her front.
One firm hand on her neck pressed her face into the sharp pebbles, the other twisted her arm up, slowly tearing the ligaments in her shoulder until she yelped.
“Is this how it’s going to be?” he almost growled out a disappointed sigh.
She took full advantage of the little leeway he offered her to reply; twisted her head until she could – painfully – make eye contact, she smiled sweetly and spat right in his face. “It is.”
Tag list: @firewheeesky @myfriendcallsmeasickwoman19 @whumpawink @painsandconfusion @whumpy-daydreams
@whumpyourdamnpears @auroragehenna @alsolucakairomi @suspicious-whumping-egg @whumppmuhw
@untethered-symphony @withdrawingramen @theforeverdyingperson @treasureguardingdragon