Millipede Announcements - Tumblr Posts
ohemg…..3 million (300) followurs……hankyiu guys
a boyfriend would probably fix me I guess
you guys ain’t ready for my hcs for my favs like
In my mind Will is in his mid thirties and unknowingly bisexual and hannibal is 59, chubby, hairy and openly pansexual and a FREAAAAKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!
up in the club shouting “OWNER OF A LONELY WHAT??” and the whole club replies with “HEART!!!!”
Crashing my car into the freeway barrier because I thought about hannigram again
oh btw since it’s been goin around pls don’t call me Milli! I don’t wanna be called that just call me Millipede :3
ty Dr. sex ^_^
FAV COLOUR: pink!! pinks my fav forever but green is a close second :3
LAST SONG: What Can I Do (For You) from Steven Universe it’s so good I swear to you please listen to it
CURRENTLY READING: jjk lmao, I haven’t been reading too much
CURRENTLY WATCHING: Hannibal, The Saw movies, Fight Club, et cetera (just rewatching my favs)
CURRENTLY CRAVING: Really want tacos rn tbh
COFFEE OR TEA: I can’t stand coffee and I don’t really like tea (energy drinker) but I’m saying tea ^_^
Rules: answer + tag 9 people you want to get to know better and/or catch up with
Tagged by @crown-of-winterthorne 🧡 thank you friend!!
Favorite Color: burnt orange is everything to me.. pair that with a deep avocado green and my eyes are very very very happy. special shoutout to mustard yellow and maroon as well.
Last Song: so cold by balu brigada, it's their newest song and i'm a big fan 🕺🏻 highly recommend these guys
Currently Reading: i'm such a fake reader.. i have a stack of books on my nightstand that i keep promising i'll dig into but i end up passing out every night before i get there 😭 i'm like mid-way through a little life by hanya yanagihara (had to stop because it was soul-crushing). i keep red, white & royal blue by casey mcquiston there because it's a comfort read for me, it's just very cute. and the two that i've been meaning to start are jurassic park by michael crichton and tin man by sarah winman. there's also a few fics i've been meaning to catch up on/start reading but tbh i've had a very difficult time reading in general lately so i'm not sure when i'll get to them.
Currently Watching: nothingggg... i rarely watch anything, omg this post makes me sound so BORING... the last thing i watched was challengers (which i really enjoyed) but that was a couple weeks ago, i think. when they finally animate SBR i'll watch that LOL
Currently Craving: diego brando... a vacation... a concert (/j /j /j) UHH IDK, i tried those new goldfish crisps a couple days ago and they were GOOD, i'd love more of those rn. that or these calamari chips my sister had me try the other day, those were delicious too
Coffee or Tea? tea, my stomach can't take coffee LOL. i don't drink tea much at all but good GOD i would die for boba right now
No Pressure Tagging: @phidont @luxario @unintent @reclusiveunicorn @homicidal-lingonberry @jojo-lane @his-body-and-blood @spacejasontodd @verystrongblimp UHH IDK normally i don't tag bc i don't wanna be annoying LOL, living without fear today i guess 💀 anyone else who reads this: consider yourself tagged too
oo boy I love being transgender (MASSIVE ROCK IS DROPPED ON TOP OF ME)

I made uio someyjinh :3
What if I draw horrific hoffstrahmdon polycule yaoi with mark in drag
who is the most lgbt saw character (this is for something very important)
watching MP100 rn. That ugly green thing is so mean to mob. makes me mad
me in tje EVA: awwww dude what the fuhjjhhkkkkk the spier of longanas
Rei ayanami from wvaangelion: i am not a doll
hello guys! sorry for my lack of content over the months! I’ve been feeling really awful and I’ve been taking a break from social media due to various things ^_^ I’ll be back soon, i promise!
somebody buy me Spotify premium bro #saveabrokeassartist