Minnie - Tumblr Posts

9 years ago

Jimin’s laugh gives me life (BTS Gayo Ver.)

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3 years ago

Gran Minnie

At the end of July, Minerva woke to an owl pecking away at her window.

She rubbed her eyes and sat up, the bird’s impatient pecking only grew.

“Be quiet!” She hissed as she flung open the window. It was the middle of the night, surely whatever the owl was delivering could wait until the sunrise.

But as she pried the letter from the talons and opened it up, her eyes widened as they scanned the parchment.

“What is it?”

“I have to go—”


“James and Lily had their baby, I have to go!” Minerva quickly crossed the room and began to fumble around in her wardrobe for clothes.

“Why didn’t I get a letter? I was around them just as much as you were when they were at Hogwarts!” She yawned from the bed.

“Your name is on the envelope, dear.”

“Was it really?”

“No.” Minerva smirked as she fixed her hair. She brushed her teeth and quickly pulled on her robe.

“Forgetting something?” A voice called from the bedroom just before Minerva reached the door.

With a grin, Minerva turned around and kissed her wife, who merely rolled her eyes with a smile pulling on her lips.

“And you say you don’t have favorites.”

It was Minerva’s turn to roll her eyes and the familiar laughter filled the air as she apparated to St. Mungo’s.

By the time she had arrived, the hospital was practically empty.

She referred down to the letter still in her hand and continued walking down the corridor to find the room.

The nervousness in her stomach only grew as she drew closer to the door, but she wasn’t even certain why she was nervous in the first place.

These were her former students, but deep down Minerva knew she saw them as more just like they saw her as than their former professor; No one else would send a letter in the middle of the night disclosing the news of their newborn child to a professor they didn’t see as a parental figure or even like.

As she brought her hand up to knock on the door, the door flung open revealing a particular black haired man with grey eyes.

“It’s about time, Minnie! If this was my child, I would have sent the letter ages ago, but Lily wouldn’t let me—”

“Sirius! Let McGonagall enter the room!” Lily snapped from the bed, but once Minerva’s head shot over, a smile was on the redhead’s face.

Minerva politely smiled as she stepped inside, immediately being bombarded with hugs from all four of her boys. A true smile pulled on her lips as all the nervousness fled the longer her boys engulfed her in a group hug.

“There’s someone we want you to meet.” James said as they all pulled away from each other.

It hadn’t been long since Minerva had seen her boys, but somehow, James Potter had aged significantly since the last time they spoke. He was just as goofy as always, but something about the way he now carried himself left Minerva with a bittersweet feeling. After all, the hazel eyes staring back at her belonged to a new father, rather than the eleven year old boy that was sorted in Minerva’s house only nine years prior.

With a smile, James led Minerva to the chair on the side of the hospital bed. He turned back to Lily, who was grinning as she looked down at the bundle of joy in her arms. She passed the baby to her husband and Minerva watched as the green eyes filled with tears as soon as they met her own eyes.

“McGonagall, we’d like you to meet Harry James Potter,” James softly spoke as he passed the baby to Minerva. “Harry, this is McGonagall, your Gran Minnie, if you will.”

Gran Minnie

Her head instantly shot up and she was met with two giddy—yet teary eyed—20 year olds, both simply nodding back at her.

She stared down at the baby in her arms, but it was quite difficult to take in the beauty of a newborn baby with tears forming in her eyes. She moved a hand and quickly wiped them away, a smile plastered on her face as she continued to look at the baby—her grandson.

“Well hello there, Harry,” She whispered to the baby, who was still sound asleep. “If you’re anything like your mother, you’ll be quite the spitfire, and if you’re anything like your father, I can only imagine what type of mischief you’ll get into—”

“Minnie!” James laughed, but out of the corner of her eye, she watched as he quickly wiped away a few stray tears that had fallen.

“If you’re anything like either of your parents, Harry, you’ll be just fine.” She smiled and when she looked up, she noticed that not only were Lily and James tearing up on the bed, but Sirius, Remus, and Peter were crowding around on the bed as well, all trying to blink back tears. She turned back to Harry and hoped they hadn’t seen her tears too. “Who’s the godparent?”

“I am.”

She smiled even harder at the sound of a particular voice and looked up at Lily, who stared back with nervous eyes.

“Nice choice.” Minerva softly spoke, just loud enough for the new mother to hear. Out of the corner of her eye, Minerva watched Lily relax considerably, but her eyes quickly fell on her eldest son, whose head was leaned on his boyfriend’s shoulder. Minerva watched as Remus reached for Sirius’ hand, looks of adoration and love on both of their faces as they gazed at Harry.

As the baby stirred in her arms, Minerva couldn’t help but look around at her four boys, and smile. They were growing up before her and though it was sad to watch them grow up so soon, she couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of love at the thought of settling in to her new role—A Grandmother.

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1 year ago
Minnie - Special Era.

Minnie - Special Era.

Special Design, KRPG.

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10 months ago


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3 years ago

New house, new roomies

Seventh Chap.

This is a tickle related series, so if you are not interested in that type of content, I’d suggest ya to find another ff to read, thank you :)

Mini series based on a request from an anon and one  of my ff Self-Esteem (I think you should better read it firstly so you can understand more what’s going on)

Summary: Nefeli (14) has just moved in with the boys and Jimin, but she is still not comfortable around them, so each one spends a day with her in order to get her to open up and to know each other more.

Warnings: None

Notes: None

Lots of love Nef 💕


“Now why is it necessary to spend a day together too?”

“Haven’t you missed me the whole week?”

“Nahhh, you are too annoying”

“Excuse me?! You love me!”

Jimin and Nefeli were currently walking down the road, for no specific reason at all. Physical exercise. They were down the filled-with-trees road, chitchatting and messing around with each other, not really knowing what time it was.

“Do I?!” Nefeli smirked and continued walking, leaving a fake shocked Jimin behind her.

“Hey! Of course, you do! Come back here!” Jimin rushed next to her again, ruffling her hair playfully. Which of course he knew would annoy her.

The young girl huffed in response and tried to push him away, but Jimin only chuckled and pulled her into a tight hug “I missed ya little one”

Nefeli smiled back softly, relaxing under Jimin’s touch as his arm started rubbing her back up and down in a relaxing way. And to be honest, she had missed spending some time with Jimin too. The whole week, she was spending it with his friends and not the boy who had been raised with. She really loves him.

“I missed ya too, Min” she snuggled in his side, as they walked down the road and were nearing the playground which was near Jimin’s mother’s work and they used to go there every time Lucy was busy with the hotel.

This place was where the duo was going every time one of them was feeling down. It was always calm and peaceful and there weren’t too many kids too. It was filled with almond trees, and the smell of them was filling the place as a soft breeze was always circling them, relaxing them. The aura there was like they were in a place that was holding all their childhood memories well locked there. All their jokes and tears, all their smiles and pouts...

“Did you have fun with the boys this week tho?” Jimin asked as they were approaching the playground.

The young girl smiled widely and nodded her head furiously “A lot! It was so fun!” she admitted happily, taking a full spoon of her ice cream.

Jimin and Nefeli went straight to the swings where they used to sit every time, sitting sideways and facing each other. They both had a cup of ice cream on their hands and they were swinging back and forth, chitchatting and laughing.

They had missed spending time with each other as they used to some years ago. Ever since Jimin left, he would barely return home and they would only FaceTime with each other. Even with Lucy. There wasn’t too much time to talk with her either. Jimin had to go really fast because of his studies and the time difference. He would only come home for holidays and that only would last for 20 days the most. So those moments with each other in their favorite spots in the town were extremely rare.

Being with each other right now was something like a reunion. Something like giving life to memories. And it was an extremely warm and familiar feeling.

“And then we broke up” Jimin chuckled, taking a spoonful of his salted caramel ice cream. His dimples were showing as a smile appeared on his face as he was saying a storytime.

“Of course you two broke up, how long did you think she would stand you?” Nefeli teased him, smirking widely.

The young lad let out a loud gasp and widened his eyes, putting his hand on his heart, fakely offended “Excuse you, all my girlfriends loved me!”

Nef raised an eyebrow teasingly, having missed messing with him “Really? Wow, I am surprised someone can stay with you longer than two days!”

“Hey! You stand me since the day you were a newborn!” Jimin faked a pout, crossing his arms like a baby and whining on the swing.

The girl rolled her eyes and grabbed his empty cup too as she got up and walked towards the trashing bin to throw the cup of mint chocolate ice cream away “No I don’t, I am only staying with you because of your mother” she smirked widely, knowing the behind her, Jimin was playfully boiling inside.

The boy let out a loud whimper and turned around on his swing, fakely crying “You don’t love me anymore!”

Nefeli rolled her eyes again, chuckling as he bent down to his level, shaking his knees “Don’t be so overdramatic, dwarf”

Jimin sobbed and shook his leg away from her hands, making himself look like he was clearly offended.

“Oh, c’mon Min! Don’t act so childishly!” Nef put her hands on Jimin’s knees again, smiling widely at him.

“Oh great! Now you are mocking me!” Jimin sobbed louder, shaking his head in his arms like babies usually do.

What Nefeli hadn’t noticed tho was that slight smirk on Jimin’s face before he pounced on her, making her fall on her back while he landed on her, belly to belly.

“I feel like crying... I wanna blow my nose!” Jimin shot her a slight smirk, making her feel butterflies in her stomach. She knew pretty well what was coming...

Before Nef could react tho, Jimin had already raised her blouse and he immediately blew a long raspberry on her belly, shaking his head a little while it.

Nef howled in loud laughter, throwing immediately her head back and falling into an uncontrollable fit of giggles “NAHAHAhahao Min I’m sohohohorry!” she giggled out, trying to cover her tummy and block his mouth, but she wasn’t doing something.

“No, you are not!” Jimin’s lips were brushing against her soft skin while he was talking in her tummy, making things way worse for the poor girl.

“I really ahahaHAHAM NAHAHAHAO!” she screamed again in the middle of her sentence when the young lad blew a harder raspberry on her side, adding fake sobs.

“See?! You yourself say you are not!” Jimin kept blowing raspberries, pretending to be sad, and blowing his nose, while Nefeli was only able to lay there and take it.

“NAHAHAHAHAHAO AHAHAHAHAHA!” the young girl was desperately trying to push his head away, feeling like billions of tiny bugs were running on her.

“You are so mean to me!” he said as then, without warning he blew an abnormally ticklish raspberry just above her belly button. “NAHAHAHAHAHAT AGAIHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAN” Nefeli couldn’t control the waterfall coming out of her bunny-tooth mouth. Things got worse when he blew on her sides yet again, bringing hot and salty tears out of her mouth.

“I HAHAHATE YAHAHAHAOU MIAHAHAHAN!” she cried when Jimin hit a sensitive spot in the middle of her side, knowing full well she was now screwed.

Jimin paused for a moment and looked up at Nef, fakely shocked “What did you just say?”

Nefeli’s lips formed into a wide grin, knowing full well she was risking it. Oh well. She had missed those moments with Jimin so much that she didn’t care about it so much. Plus, she knew that Jimin and she had that weird connection with tickling and both of them don’t mind it at all. Instead, they both enjoy it really much. Even if none of them would admit it.

“Ihihihi-I said I hate you!” Nef couldn’t hide the big grin which was on her face as those words were leaving her mouth. She was staring at him with big eyes and raised eyebrows, teasing him in a playful mood.

“Oh, you do?!” Jimin raised his eyebrows, smirking widely.



“Yes really!”

“You do? You do?! YOU DO?!” Jimin started squeezing her hips mercilessly while he was staring straight into her well-shut eyes and her huge smile on her face.

Nefeli immediately fell in loud, belly laughter, thrashing around and laughing loudly “GAH AHAHAHAHAHA PLEAHAHAHASE AHAHAHAHA!”

Nefeli was feeling life her hips were being attacked with electricity as Jimin’s thumbs were touching all the nerves of the spot. Her hips were obviously one of her sweet spots and Jimin was taking advantage of it every time.

“Coochie coochie coo, Neffie!” Jimin used his nails to scribble all over her hips and lower tummy.

Nef felt her whole face heating up. Those words were always the death of her and everyone could make everything many times worse than it already is. And oh, Jimin knew that so well... And of course he could use it against her every time... “NAHAHAHAHA PLEAHAHAHASE NAHAHAHAO AHAHAHA!”

Jimin’s hands moved to her sides, squeezing them faster than the speed of light, making her fall in fits of pure hysterics “BWAHAHAHAHA NAHAHAHAHAO NAHAHAHAHAT THEAHAHAHAHARE AHAHAHAHA PLEAHAHAHAHASE NAHAHAHAHAO AHAHAHAHAHA!” Nef screamed in joy, gripping on Jimin’s hands and trying to pry them off, not doing something.

“Not where? Not heeeeere?” Jimin’s fingers dun in her sides more, occasionally using his nails to scribble softly all over them.

Nefeli shrieked and arched her back, wiggling her torso on the air furiously as loud laughter was filling the air. She was feeling like every hair on her body was now straight and she was desperately trying to pry Jimin’s hands off her.

“JIMIAHAHAHAHAN NAHAHAHAHAO AHAHAHA NAHAHAHA!” her tiny hands were gripping on his wrists, screaming in laughter and kicking her feet out.

“Jimin yes!” Jimin kept squeezing her sides mercilessly, smirking widely as Nefeli’s laughter was echoing the whole area.

“YOU AHAHAHAHARE SO MEAHAHAHAHAN AHAHAHAHA!” as one of Nefeli’s worst spots was being attacked, the occupants of the area were being annoyed by how loud her laughter was.

Nefeli’s face was all red and her curly hair was even messier than it already was. Her ears were pink from embarrassment and all the teasing while she was feeling like she was being attacked by everywhere. The poor girl. The only thing she wanted to do was to mess with her friend...

Jimin chuckled and pinned Nef’s wrists next to her head and nuzzled her blouse higher, only to reveal her waist and ribs and not something else.

Nefeli’s eyes widened and started squirming around more, feeling her spots already tingling as the warm air was hitting her exposed skin “Nononohohoho! Jimin mercy pleahahahase!” she kept snickering in anticipation, while Jimin was only staring at her with a hint of amusement in his eyes.

“Those ribs look tasty” Jimin eyed purposely intensive Nef’s ribs, making her feel way more nervous. Oh, how he knew how to make her a giggly mess only by staring at a spot?

Nefeli was trying to shot her arms down to protect her now exposed ribs which were about to get mercilessly tortured. A wide grin was placed on her face as uncontrollable giggles were leaving her “Pleahahahase nahahahahao!”

Jimin’s smirk grew wider as he heard Nefeli’s giggles getting louder and more furious as he was lowering his head towards her ribs, his mouth slightly open. However, of course, he couldn’t control his chuckles and own snickering, knowing full her he was teasing her in the worst way he could.

“I guess it’s time to eat!” Jimin announced happily before he dived in and nibbled all over her ribs like there’s no tomorrow, focusing on her lowest ones.

Nefeli’s loud shriek could wake up all the clients in Lucy’s hotel nearby. She immediately felt like she was being hit by a way too ticklish wave of electricity as Jimin’s sharp teeth were torturing her poor ribs. Nibbles were such a weakness of hers, and Jimin knew that more than perfectly fine...

“BWAHAHAHAHAHA NAHAHAHAHAHAO PLEAHAHAHAHASE NAHAHAHAHAHAT THAHAHAHAHAT AHAHAHAHAHA!” Nef was thrashing around nonstop, shrieking and laughing hysterically. She was trying to pull her arms down, however, her way the smaller frame was no match for Jimin’s even if he was short himself.

“Who’s a cute little ticklish girl?” Jimin asked teasingly before he nibbled her waist.

And that was when she lost it.

Nefeli’s waist was a spot only one or two people knew about. And it was as bad as her sides. So she completely lost it when Jimin’s teeth touched it.

“BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA AHAHAHAHAHA NAHAHAHAHAH AHAHAHA MERCAHAHAHAHA AHAHAHAHA!” tears had started forming up her eyes, while her waist was being mercilessly attacked by Jimin’s ruthless tickles and nibbles.

“I bet it’s too ticklish, isn’t it, Neffie?” Jimin chuckles against her skin, making a shiver run down her spine.

Before Nef could react more tho, Jimin’s teeth had already moved to her upper ribs, sending the young girl in a new round of hysterical laughter. Nefeli was kicking out and rolling side to side as much as she could, due to her alive restrains.

“YEAHAHAHAHAHAS IT DOAHAHAHAHAHAS AHAHAHAHAHA!” Nef howled in laughter, feeling unable to move anymore.

And as things couldn’t get any worse, in fast movement Jimin let her arms go and shot his fingers in her armpits, wiggling them and scribbling them softly, while he was still nibbling Nef’s ribs.

“Aw, you poor thing...” Jimin started kissing all over her midsection, getting her ribs, sides, waist, and tummy.

At this point, tears were rolling down her cheeks and her stomach was aching from all the laughter and the shrieking. Nef’s mouth was feeling like it was being stretched. Jimin’s lips were so soft but yet so ticklish that Nefeli was feeling like tiny bugs were running up and down her whole midsection.

“BWAHAHAHAHAHA PLEAHAHAHAHASE NAHAHAHAHAT THEAHAHAHAHARE AHAHAHAHA!” Nefeli was so tired that she was only able to lay there and take it. After that, her laughter went silent tho.

Jimin, sensing how tired Nef was, let her go and pulled her close to him, rubbing her lower back soothingly “Are you sorry yet?” he whispered in her ear, knowing it was still a pretty sensitive spot.

The girl felt shivers down her spine and some leftover giggles escaped her before she melted in Jimin’s embrace “Yes, Min! I love you so much, I am so sorry!” she giggled out, snuggling close to him.

The duo stayed in peaceful silence for a few seconds, all cuddled up next to the swings before Nefeli spoke up again “Y’know, I missed you this week so much” she curled up, smiling from ear to ear.

Jimin smiled widely as well and hugged her tightly, kissing her temple softly “I missed ya too, little one...” he cuddled her closely, not letting her go.

The truth is, that even if Nef would never admit it, Jimin was always the only person who was making her feel like home...

Tags :
3 years ago
Hyyh Jimin + Smiling (for @jiminswn)cr. Namuspromised, Dwellingsouls
Hyyh Jimin + Smiling (for @jiminswn)cr. Namuspromised, Dwellingsouls
Hyyh Jimin + Smiling (for @jiminswn)cr. Namuspromised, Dwellingsouls
Hyyh Jimin + Smiling (for @jiminswn)cr. Namuspromised, Dwellingsouls
Hyyh Jimin + Smiling (for @jiminswn)cr. Namuspromised, Dwellingsouls
Hyyh Jimin + Smiling (for @jiminswn)cr. Namuspromised, Dwellingsouls
Hyyh Jimin + Smiling (for @jiminswn)cr. Namuspromised, Dwellingsouls
Hyyh Jimin + Smiling (for @jiminswn)cr. Namuspromised, Dwellingsouls

hyyh jimin + smiling (for @jiminswn ♡) cr. namuspromised, dwellingsouls

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9 months ago

my female bias

My Female Bias

Yuqi & Minnie (GIDLE)

My Female Bias

Kazuha (Le Sserafim)

My Female Bias

Lisa (Blackpink)

My Female Bias

An Yujin (IVE)

My Female Bias

Karina (aespa)

My Female Bias

Yeji (ITZY)

My Female Bias

Bahiyyih (Kep1er)

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1 year ago



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3 years ago

shoutout to my favorite coping mechanism, isolation

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3 years ago

✞ 666 ✞

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