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Danganronpa: Elite Stars (Yandere) - Part 1
I Y/N, was selected to join the elite stars academy, a prestigious school that only accepts people with ultimate talents that will change society, the country and the world for betterment of mankind. I am the ultimate triple threat I started my career when I was 12 years old being in magazines and doing photoshoots for back to school uniform clothing and designer brands, which then in turn made my acting debut at 15 starring in the movie ‘Cherry Girl’ as a supporting role and soon doing bigger and bigger roles like playing as Lumi in ‘Colour Rush’ or Krystal in ‘Love Arcade’. Being a model and actress wasn’t enough at 16 I decided to make my solo debut with the album ‘Timeless’ that hit platinum winning several awards.
My parents were so proud of me their child accomplishing and living my dreams. My mother likes to brag to all her friends of what I am doing and my father’s friends children’s are fans of me. And now to enter the elite stars academy that guarantees me success, they almost died of a heart attack knowing all my hard work was being recognised. I know for a fact that I will be set for life.
Yet, I know my competition shall also be attending this school, my hands feel quite clammy as I stare at the tall building. That is welcoming the new students from attending their school.
I’ve heard of a few ultimates such as, the ultimate heir, ultimate influencer, ultimate song writer and the ultimate visual were the only one’s I were able to find out about through an online forum. Maybe all the other ultimates are part of the entertainment programme.
As I walk past the gates and enter the front door towards the reception to sign in to the classroom I see a few other students who seem to be waiting for an adult to tell them what to do. Some of them are sitting on the couch right in front of the sign in area others are standing as there are no seats left and one of them right below the T.V that is on the top corner of the room. All of them turn to as enter the room all looking at me with curiosity, excitement and hunger in their eyes to know which ultimate I am.
???: oh look there’s another ultimate
???: I was told that there would be fifteen of us and since there is fourteen of us now that makes this girl the fifteenth
???: well since we’re all here should we do introductions
???: yeah I guess your right girlie
The two of my peers are talking as of I’m not in the room, how rude they are. They could just introduce them the moment I entered. Oh well, is what it is.
???: ay, new girl that just entered the room you start of
Y/N: Me?
I point to myself with confusion, well we’re all technically new I’m assuming after hearing their conversation.
The boy nods.
???: yeah who else am I talking to
Y/N: Well I am Y/N, the ultimate triple threat. The ultimate triple threat as in modelling, movies and music you.
Jay: I’m Jay the ultimate heir to my father’s fashion business, you might of heard of it since your a model, it’s called Park Couture. The girl right next to me is Aisha she is the ultimate model, she’s actually done some runway work with my father’s designs
Aisha: It’s nice to meet Y/N, I hope we can become friends
I look at them up and down. The boy is very attractive for someone who really does not have a ultimate talent other than being born into a rich family, he gives off ‘imma bend my secretary over my desk and do the dirty, even if my wife knows she can’t do shit’. As for the girl she herself is really tall her legs make her look like she is 6’0 feet tall and her eyes look like that they are piercing my souls. I can only imagine what all the other ultimates look like.
The next boy stand up with two other boys coming over to me extending his hand out for a shake.
Yeonjun: And I’m Yeonjun the ultimate It Boy, you might of heard of me along with these other boys Taehyun here is the ultimate vocalist and the boy to my right is Beomgyu, the ultimate visual. We are part of the group TXT which stand for tomorrow by together. We are pretty popular. It be a bit embarrassing, if you didn’t.
OMG TXT MY FAVE BOY GROUP IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME ATTENDING THE SAME SCHOOL AS ME. I WONDER IF WE ARE GOING TO BE IN THE SAME CLASS. I need to play it cool and chill, I don’t want them to think that I am a freak.
Y/N: Oh yeah I heard of you guys your music is pretty cool I’ve got some of your songs on my playlist
Beomgyu: Ayo we have a MOA with us cool
Taehyun: Not just that she is a famous MOA herself
Yeonjun: Not just famous but beautiful as well not many of our fans are as beautiful as you
You blush at his compliment as he gives a cocky grinning. Is he insulting his fans by calling them ugly
???: Alright since all the musical ultimates are introducing themselves I’ll guess will do the same
A small woman that speaks
Soyeon: I’m Soyeon the ultimate musical producer
Three other people stand next to her, I assume that those are part of the musical ultimates she was talking about.
Yoshi: I’m Yoshi, the ultimate song writer. It is a pleasure to be acquainted with you Y/N maybe we could work together sometime
Felix: Guess I’m next, I’m the ultimate rapper, the name is Felix
Damn that guys voice, I know him he’s a rapper a part of the boy group stray kids known for his deep ass vocals. Yet he has a cute face that does not even match with his vocal chords.
Gaeul: And I’m Gaeul, the ultimate dancer, I’m not musical related but I have choreographed a couple of dances for some solo artists and groups even featuring in some of their music videos as a dancer and being on stage as a performer
Damn no wonder why these people are called ultimates it is best I use that to my advantage and make connections with these people. You never know when they can be useful.
Y/N: Right well what about the rest of you
???: Seriously, you don’t know who I AM OF ALL PEOPLE
???: OR ME
???: oh please who would want to know you Wonyoung your like the cancer of the internet
???: At least I can make a living of skills and talents not my looks
Wonyoung: Yeah well whatever, not like you even know me and as for you girlie I’m Wonyoung, the ultimate influencer, not just an influencer but I’m also a celebrity so feel blessed being in my presence
Y/N: Ok
Sakura: And I’m Sakura, the ultimate actress and unlike some people I’m ACTUALLY a celebrity. You must of heard of me I was in the soap called ‘Rosewood Empire’ the main character
Ahh, Sakura the ultimate actress I’ve seen her on T.V a couple of times a lot of the boys in my previous school had a crush on her and girls wanted to be her. She’s known for the soap she was on until it ended now doing big time Hollywood-esce movies were she is the face of every poster.
Y/N: oh no, I do know of you but I feel like it was best we give out formal introductions to each other as we are classmates. And you…
I turn my head to look at the boy
He shouts in an enthusiastic tone, showcasing a big bright smile at me.
Heeseung: That’s my intro whenever I do my streams, I play lots of games like horror, action and RPG to name a few. I’m known for having a million subscribers, I rose to fame pretty quickly within two months.
Heeseung, the ultimate gamer I know him I’m even a subscriber to his twitch streams, I enjoy his work a lot. He’s funny, good looking and has an infectious personality that has made many people drawn to him.
A woman who is sitting down speaks in a clear voice.
Miyeon: I’m Miyeon the ultimate host, you might of had your coffee early in the morning with me, on my show called ‘Coffee with Miyeon’, where we discuss fashion, food and gossip.
‘Coffee with Miyeon’ wow so original.
As I thought the introductions were done a good looking boy in the corner below the tv catchers my eyes.
I go up to him asking about himself.
Y/N: What about you? What is your name and talent?
Yeosang: I’m Yeosang, my ultimate talent I’d rather keep a secret. And now that everyone is hear I was informed by the receptionist to tell you people that we should collect our badgers that allow us to enter the room to head to our classroom
Wonyoung: That is so not fair we told you our talent
Yeonjun: If he doesn’t want to tell his talent he doesn’t want to tell us. He owes us nothing
Wonyoung: Yeah, well I bet his talent is shit
Sakura: Like yours
Yeosang: Well then let’s head to our class it’s on the ground floor it’s room 101
We past the doors to the reception room and head to our class filled with a weird tension as some people chat and other remain silent. The school itself is an ordinary school that is filled with the top ultimate students with their tilted, those people are well known for improving society with their talents. But, I do wonder what his talent is and why he would not even tell us. Maybe he is just feeling very shy. I guess I need him to open up to me. That’s going to take some time.
As we reach our room we open the door to see….
???: Ahhhhhhh
Danganronpa: Elite Stars (Yandere) - Part 2
???: Ahhhhhh
Yeonjun: Damn, what the fuck are you screaming about Sakura
Sakura: Th-th-there is....
Wonyoung: Seriously? Is this one of your stupid little ‘method acting’ practices or whatever. Grow the hell up!
Jay: Nah don't worry girl I'm here to protect you, lemme see what’s there
Y/N: Huh? What’s going on in there?
As we all walk into the room there is nothing that would prepare myself for what I had just witnessed.
Beomgyu: No this is not real, IT JUST CAN’T BE I MEAN COME ON
Everyone began to rage into a panic not knowing what to do in this situation, there was yelling, screaming and crying. The fear in our eyes are transfixed onto the mutilated body of the young girl, that seems to be our age. After all she is wearing Elite Stars Academy yellow uniform that makes it students look like little chicks.
???: Well Well Well, new students
Aisha: Huh? who's that?
Yeosang: It’s coming from the speakers
Aisha: OH
???: Now that I have your attention, it is a pleasure to meet you all
Y/N: A pleasure there is a dead body, call help right now
???: Hmmmm, dead body? Call Help? That ain’t no dead body
Yeonjun: What kind of sick joke is this?
???: Now now children this is no sick joke, but it is in fact a test you will have to do. This right here is actually a wax doll of one of our ex students that had unfortunately passed away. Her name is Shuhua, the ultimate... well that does not even matter.....
Y/N: What do you mean it does not matter?
Yoshi: Yeah and did she really die?
???: please do not interrupt mean whilst I am talking children. Firstly her ultimate talent does not matter as she barely spoke a word at all, not only that I think her peers would also agree as they have a strong hatred for her and secondly, yes she is dead. Whoever did this must have truly hated he-
Sakura: OH MY GOD
No one, nobody spoke a single word after hearing the person from the intercom shouting at us.
???: Listen to make this quick all your job is to investigate the crime scene and to figure out how she died... pretty simple right and then after that you will have class trial later. As for now, I will explain the rest when we meet in person. OH, HOW I CAN’T WAIT TO SEE YOU ALL.
Y/N: Did any of you lot notice that this person’s voice was very childlike
Beomgyu: Yeah, do you think it is a child
Yoshi: I highly doubt that, it could be a grown adult with a higher tone of voice. There is no way a child wouldn't be able to do such a thing
Jay: A-yo like Justin Bieber said, ‘never say never’
Y/N: Really?
Jay: Yeah, he really said that.
Sakura: Well, I’m going to go ahead and let you lot solve
Wonyoung: You know what I’m going to come with you just in case if you need some company
Jay: Yeah me too, you two ladies need a strong man to look out for heheheh… maybe we can become real close together
The three of them all decide to leave the room and I don’t blame them, I don’t even know what is going on right now. Everything is so confusing, but one thing that I do now is there is no point in trying to fight with whoever is in charge of the nightmare bullshit, as it will only hurt us. So, we might as well do as their told.
Y/N: So where do we begin?
Felix: You know what I’m a little bit busy I have a couple of works that I wanted the ultimate producer and ultimate song writer to look at. So, I suggest the three of us all leave and look at my work. Since us three ultimates can clearly make magic. What do you say?
Soyeon: Yeah sure but I want feature in your song if I’m producing
Yoshi: Me too I want a feature as well
Felix: Well let’s go… good luck everyone. I believe in you, I have no doubt in my mind you will be able to find out what happened to Shuhua
Y/N: Well I guess that leaves nine of us to figure out the case. Does anyone else wanna drop out.
Miyeon: No, this is something that we need to solve
Heeseung: I agree, this reminds of this game I played called the ‘Nancy Drew’ chronicles I highly recommend you check these games out they are really interesting
Y/N: I’ve checked out your streams I didn’t really know you played those type of games
Heeseung: I play those games off stream, as there are some games I like to play by myself without millions of people watching me some of them leaving some nasty comments and being trolls is something I have to deal with and I rather not when it comes to some games
Aisha: I understand it’s like me with modelling, I have to get used to people commenting on my looks and body to see if I am perfect for a photoshoot or a runaway. It doesn’t help when you have lots of people trying to enter the same workforce as you. Jealously is just ugly
Yeosang: I think we can all agree to this… but let’s not get sidetracked. Aisha, Heeseung, Miyeon, Beomgyu and Gaeul, why don’t you look for some clues around this room also make sure you check the outside of the room, just to be on the safe side
Gaeul: What would you be doing?
Yeosang: I’ll be with Yeonjun, Taehyun and Y/N examining the body
Beomgyu: Let’s go we all need to solve this case
The five other ultimates search the room for clues as we walk over towards the body, well I guess wax doll to examine what has happened to her or it… I dunno. Yet the first thing that catches my eye was a name tag with only her first name ‘Jihyo’ I wonder what ultimate talent she had. Jihyo must have been a victim from this psychopath that we just heard of the intercom.
Yeosang: She seems to have been choked to death
Yeonjun: How’d you know that?
Y/N: Pretty simple actually
The boys stare at you intently.
Y/N: Her neck has rope burns, pretty obvious that the murder weapon must have been a rope and her hands are on her neck. That means she was clearly trying to protect her windpipe from being damaged. It also means the killer was significantly much stronger than her so I doubt it would have been someone small.
Yeosang: Wow your not as dumb as you look
Y/N: Excuse me
As time passes when examining the body, that voice on the intercoms returns.
???: Well time is up everyone! I hope you have figured out enough clues to know what has happened to the victim. Now head to the bottom floor and go inside the elevator. That is where you all would be able to enter the trial room.
Taehyun: Trial room?

@ i know your secrets !? (๑•﹏•)

◯ ᮫ ׅ○ 𝗼h, a𝗻d i m𝗶𝘀s my 𝗹𝗼𝘃er . . 💧


★ ˓ M1Y30N & S0Y30N !!!? ᕕ( ՞ ᗜ ՞ )ᕗ

Can we just take a moment of silence to appreciate every single leader kpop has and has had. It doesn't matter if you don't like the group or they're your ultimate group, let's appreciate them. I feel like no one really thinks about them as a leader. They do so much and we never really get to see what they go through on a daily basis. I never see anyone thank them for doing it. Thank you. We love you. <3
This is perfect.
I don’t like making posts on my personal shitposting account but
Leave Jonghyun out of your fucking mouth.
Jonghyun is not a shield for you to use to defend your faves because they did something wrong and you don’t like that people are calling them out.
Jonghyun is not comparable to any scandal or rumor being spread/revealed about your faves.
Jonghyun is a person, a son, a brother, a friend, a idol, a hero to many people and he left us too soon. His passing is not something you insensitive little shits should be using to protect your faves when they fuck up.
If Jonghyun comes out of your mouth for any reason outside of talking about the importance of mental health in the korean entertainment industry or fondly looking back on the memories, music, comedy skits, achievements, etc. that we have of him, I will personally knock your teeth out.

𝓈𝒽𝓊𝒽𝓊𝒶 𝒾𝒸𝑜𝓃𝓈. ©
Wow Thing remains to be the best thing SM has ever done
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》 Misty x Reader 《
One Shots
Don’t You Know I Love You?
》 Cordelia x Reader 《
One Shots
Somewhere Only We Know (As We Are Now)
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■ Hamilton

》 Eliza Schuyler x Reader 《
You Return From War After Being Presumed Dead
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■ K-Pop
🌙☁️ Dreamcatcher ☁️🌙

☆ OT7 ☆
Reaction To Their S/O Picking Up One Of Their Habits
Valentine’s Day Plans
》 Jiu x Reader 《
One Shots
At Your Service
Left Behind
Fall Into You
You Again?
》 Sua x Reader 《
One Shots
》 Siyeon x Reader 《
One Shots
Patience (ft. Yoohyeon)
Jealousy, Jealousy
》 Handong x Reader 《
One Shots
Coming soon!
》 Yoohyeon x Reader 《
One Shots
Patience (ft. Siyeon)
Black Magic
In Your Dreams
》 Dami x Reader 《
One Shots
Cloud Nine
》 Gahyeon x Reader 《
One Shots
Coming soon!
🖤💞 Blackpink 💞🖤

☆ OT4 ☆
Their S/O Surprises Them W/ Dyed Hair
Their S/O Struggling W/ Drug Addiction
HC / One Shots: Enemies to Lovers, College AU – 1 // 2
》 Rosé x Reader 《
Eyes Closed, Heart Open
One Shots
The Finer Things
Too Late To Apologize?
Conflicted Connections
Rivalries Of The High Seas
Must’ve Been The Wind
What Could’ve Been (ft. Jennie)
The Enemy’s Daughter (Wattpad, Completed)
》 Lisa x Reader 《
Youth With You (HC // One Shot)
Raising A Kid With Her (HC // One Shot)
One Shots
Home For The Holidays
Back To You
Dancing In The Dark // Worth It
》 Jisoo x Reader 《
One Shots
Happiest Year(s)
Hidden Love & High Society
Don’t Hate The Player, Hate The Game (ft. Rosé)
Winner Takes All
Handle With Care
Yours Truly – Pt. 1 // Pt. 2
Never Really Over
》 Jennie x Reader 《
One Shots
Safe With Me
I’ve Got You
Die For You
Empress Of The Heart – Pt. 1 // Pt. 2
What Could’ve Been (ft. Rosé)
SS Artemis (Completed – Wattpad & AO3)
◇ Jenlisa x Reader ◇
Quiet Nights
🦁💃 (G)I-DLE 💃🦁

》 Minnie x Reader 《
One Shots
Studio Slip-Ups
Studio Slip-Ups

Requested By Anon: "okay so can i request a minnie scenario where the reader is 7th member and they both like each other but are obvious and scared of confessing? the other members already know that they’re into each other. and then one night they have a studio date where they’re writing/messing around and somehow one of them confesses. please make it fluffy :)"
Pairing: Minnie x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2,257
Warnings / Misc. -- Pining, Teasing, Fluff
Disclaimer: This writing is a work of fiction, and no disrespect is meant for those mentioned herein.
A/N: Anon, I'm so sorry for the long wait! This crazy winter storm has left me without power for a few days, so I've had to deal with that; but, on the bright side, it did give me the opportunity to get a little writing done. It's worth noting that I'm not as familiar with (G)I-DLE as I am with Blackpink, but hopefully I was able to get their personalities right. Keep an eye out for more content coming soon :)
Key: "Y/Ship/Name" = Your ship name with Minnie
♡ Happy reading ♡
Minnie can't take her eyes off of you.
Your fingers glide along the smooth surface of the piano keys, tying the notes that ring out into a beautiful composition. She hears the low tones of you humming along with it, constructing new layers to the song in your mind, your eyes closed to help you focus. Occasionally you stop to scribble something on your notepad, toying with your lip in thought. She admires you from her spot on the floor, leaning against the mirror with a smile when she sees the lightbulb go off above your head and your subsequent excitement.
She wonders if you've ever written anything about her. She's practically written symphonies for you, staying up late into the night after rehearsals in order to put her feelings on paper. Everything about you inspires her, and it's times like these that make her wish she had the courage to confess to you. She knows you could be so good together, and yet every time she thinks she's convinced herself to go through with it, she always chickens out. So, for now, she's reluctantly accepted the idea of just staying friends and loving you in silence.
You lean forward, resting your elbows against the polished piano top as you cradle your head in your hands. Memories swirl in your mind, flashes of smiles and laughter as you search through them for the perfect lyric to add to the song. And then, there she is. Minnie. It's a simple memory, only really consisting of the two of you telling each other stupid jokes back at the dorm, her head resting in your lap. It was the kind of moment where you were both loopy -- completely exhausted from performances and interviews -- so just about anything made you laugh. Anytime you'd crack a new joke, she'd be thrown into another laughing fit, filling the room with that sound that you love so much. That sound. Without even knowing it, Minnie's been the star of most of your songs; ever since you fell for her all those months ago, it's been hard to find the same level of inspiration in anything other than her.
Your pleasant reminiscing is interrupted by two of your other members, Soyeon and Yuqi, deciding to spend this free time being chaotic. They had been bearable enough up until now, but you had to draw the line once they decided to start screaming the newest Blackpink song at the top of their lungs. Had you been doing anything else at the moment, you would've gladly joined them -- there's a time and place for that, though, and this is neither of those.
Soyeon catches the warning glance that you send and quiets down a little, but Yuqi narrows her eyes at you playfully.
"Yuqi, if you don't stop screaming in the next five seconds I'm gonna tackle you."
"Bet." She scoffs.
"I'm in the middle of writing something. You don't wanna know how far I'll go for my creative processes…."
With a cocky smirk plastered on her lips, she clears her throat and bellows out, "I'M SOUR CANDY!"
"You leave me no choice," you sigh dramatically, rolling up your sleeves before you charge at her. She lets out a squeal as you make contact, and soon your bodies collide with the soft cushions of the couch with a quiet noise of impact. The other girls cheer from the opposite side of the room, shouting praises at you for getting her to shut up.
Yuqi wiggles underneath you, pulling out all the stops to free herself from your determined grip. "Are you done now?" You raise an eyebrow, keeping her wrists secure in your hands despite all the fighting she's doing. Your knees sit on either side of her torso, keeping her locked in place. Her eyes dart behind you, conveying some hidden message that your brain doesn't have time to decipher before she yells out, "NEVER!"
It doesn't take long for you to realize what -- or rather who -- she was signalling to: in an instant, Soyeon pushes you off of her, sending you flying to another part of the couch. You don't even have a chance to catch your breath before they pounce on you, turning the tables by starting a tickle fight.
As much as you try to hold it in, laughter soon bubbles up in your chest and echoes out across the practice room. "Ah- NO!" You giggle, thrashing around beneath them. "This is what you get when you keep us from stanning the girls." Yuqi says, twisting her fingers into the most ticklish part of your side.
"Minnie, help me!" She's your only hope at this point; there's no way you can beat both of them alone.
Minnie's been watching the disaster unfold from the moment it began with a smile tugging at her lips; now, though, a wave of nervousness hits her. She hadn't expected you to call out for her. Nevertheless, she'd never leave you hanging like that. In two seconds flat, she's on her feet and running to your aid.
"This is for Y/N!" She declares, prying Yuqi off of you and putting herself in the line of fire. Soyeon proves to be much easier of an opponent, and you have her tapping in no time. Eventually, Minnie seems to get the upper hand and Yuqi gives up with a defeated sigh. She crosses her arms with a huff, looking eerily similar to those baby pictures she's shown you in the past.
You pull your teammate in for a tired hug, smiling as she sinks into your embrace. "In your face! Team Y/Ship/N is superior, losers." They roll their eyes, already busy pouting at their loss and muttering objections under their breath. In your arms, Minnie is silently freaking out; your body's warm from all the moving you just did, and she revels in the feeling of being held by you. She usually doesn't let herself give into what she wants -- in any other scenario she'd be finding some excuse to step away and retreat back to her seat, putting distance between herself and the one person she wants most in the world. But this time is different for some reason unbeknownst to Minnie, and she lets herself get lost in the sweet smell of your perfume as you run a hand through her hair soothingly.
After what could've been 30 seconds or 5 minutes, (Minnie's still trying to figure that one out), you give her a final squeeze before stepping away and announcing, "I'm gonna run to the break room for some snacks. Do you guys want anything?"
Shuhua briefly pauses her conversation with Soojin and Miyeon to respond: "Candy, please." You already had a sneaking suspicion that she'd want something, so the confirmation puts a smile on your face. Her appetite is something else.
When no one else requests anything, you exit the room and make your way down the hall.
As Minnie watches you leave, a small grin works its way onto her lips; something she loves about you, just one of the many reasons that come to mind, is how courteous you are. It's a simple thing -- offering to grab snacks for everyone -- but it just goes to show how much you care about your members. In this industry, being close isn't a guarantee by any means, so it makes her all the more grateful for having someone like you in her life. She pads her way back across the room, silently thanking whatever forces were behind putting both of you in the same group.
"Y/N, don't freak out. You've got this, it's just a drink. Totally not the end of the world." You tell yourself, attempting to get rid of the relentless anxiety you feel. With a deep breath, you open the door.
"Here you go Shushu." Being careful to avoid spilling the hot beverages on yourself, you toss her the candy bar you promised. She catches it with ease, and you smile at how happy she looks now that she's eating again.
During your time away, Minnie had migrated over to the piano and settled in to play a comforting tune of her own. You take note of the way her lips press together, her throat tightening and relaxing as she hums along, harmonizing effortlessly. She's utterly gorgeous, looking right at home; she was made to be a star, and the sight before you takes you back to your trainee days. Back then, even before your group was formed, you knew she'd go all the way. Her talent speaks for itself, and it always takes your breath away.
Soyeon nudges you, effectively pulling you from the stupor you didn't even realize you were in. "Y/N, you're staring." She informs, voice dripping with amusement as she teases you. You deliver a light stomp to her foot to put her back in her place before approaching Minnie, chuckling to yourself at the whine that leaves her lips.
"Hey, I made your favorite."
She smiles as you lean over the piano to retrieve one of the wooden coasters and set the cup on it. When she notices what's on top, though, she gasps.
In the whipped foam of her drink, you drew a heart with the word, "Cutie" scrawled next to it. The colors are beginning to mix together now as the steam continues to rise, but nothing has ever looked so special to Minnie before. There wasn't enough room to add anything else, so you had to settle for that. Although, come to think of it, maybe writing out a love poem for her on top of a drink isn't the most ideal way to confess.
"I know you didn't ask for it, but you've been working hard and I thought you deserved a little treat." You say, taking a sip of the tea you made for yourself. You peek at her over the rim of your mug, patiently waiting for her response. The look in your eye is so pure and genuine that Minnie can't find it in herself to contain her feelings any longer.
"I love you," she releases the words gently, sick of holding those three words in for so long. This sweet gesture truly served as the final straw for her; you know how to make her favorite drink just right, and you left that little message? You really know the way to her heart.
"H-huh?" You stutter out, stubbing your toe on the edge of the piano bench with how quickly you raise up. That's definitely the last thing you saw coming.
Worry flashes across her features in a millisecond, her brain already convincing her that you don't feel the same, and she begins rambling. "I don't-- I do! It's just…"
"I love you, too." You crack a dumbfounded smile, thinking it's adorable how flustered she is right now. All this time you thought you were the only one, so seeing her like this is a totally new thing.
You can see the tension leave her body once she registers your words, no longer having to stress about coming up with an excuse for her slip up. She shyly reaches for you, gripping the material of your shirt in her fists as she pulls you in closer. Gently, you cup her cheeks with your hands and lean down to press a bashful kiss to her lips.
"Jesus, it took you guys long enough." Soyeon jests, seemingly already over the pity party she was throwing earlier. After kissing Minnie again, you glance at the rapper with confused look.
Yuqi laughs at your baffled expression, filling the room with the happy sound. "You're oblivious. You guys have been pining forever."
"Yeah, Y/N. Minnie told me she had a crush on you like 4 months ago," Soojin says quietly from her place on the floor. Your eyebrows instinctively raise at this, and you turn to see Minnie ducking her head down to avoid your gaze.
"Is that true?" You ask gently, unbelieving.
Her eyes slowly scan up to yours, partially afraid to see your reaction, but she nods nonetheless. "That's the cutest thing I've ever heard." The blush on her cheeks is undeniable now, making her skin look hot to the touch.
"I told you guys it would happen eventually," Miyeon grins, giving herself a pat on the back. She holds her head a little higher knowing that you two finally confessed.
"Well, since we're telling our secrets, I might as well say this: you know that song I was writing earlier?" You ask, nervously reaching down to toy with Minnie's fingers.
She nods for you to continue. "Well… it's about you." You breathe out, still scared to hear what she has to say about that despite what just happened.
Wordlessly, she takes her phone out of her pocket and opens a folder in it, titled, "♡Y/N♡" before showing it to you. It's full of random lines of lyrics and candid pictures, some of which you didn't even know Minnie had snapped of you. She really is in love with you; and she always has been.
"Okay, I lied earlier. This is the cutest thing I've ever seen, hands down." A smile spreads across her lips at your words, and she leans into you to bury her face in your neck and hide her embarrassment. You kiss her temple and wrap your arms around her, happy and content in a way you've never been before.

Me and my bestie trying to prove we're telepathic

sum chamgo, ✦✩‧₊˚
love dive . . 🧁 ˚◞♡ ◟

Sometimes i think I should stop being such a crackhead.
But then I watch clips of my fav celebs and characters and I say to myself: go on, be a crackhead, they're all crackheads...
Homophobic K-pop hater: oh I bet all ur idols are gayyyyyy
Me (looking at g idle and skz posters on my wall) : uhhhh....umm... Well, I mean..... you're not wrong........ hehe..*nervous sweating*......but that's not the point..