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9 months ago

não ter um crush no gil enquanto assiste malhação 2012 é simplesmente IMPOSSÍVEL

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4 years ago

Auradon Instead Of Isle - Descendants (Part 7) (Last Part)

Hades x daughter reader

Ben Florian x sister reader

Mal x sister reader

Harry Hook x Fem!reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 5,326

Summary: Basically the 3rd movie but it skips around and there are added parts.

Authors Note: This is the last part out of the 7. Last part of this series. This part does skip around in the 3rd movie, it also takes place in the 3rd movie and some a little after the 3rd movie. So I guess spoilers for all those who haven't seen the 3rd movie. This entire series on paper was 75 pages long. Long part.


Descendants Masterlist

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

^            ^                ^                  ^              ^              ^                ^


*after Audrey came and made Mal old*

“Mal!” Y/n yelled upon seeing her best friend and half sister. She was holding back her reaction to the fact that she looked like the wicked witch when in disguise.

“Y/n!” Mal yelled back as well as she could with what Audrey had done to her. 

“Hey, Audreys gone crazy.” Y/n said as they stood in front of each other.

Evie nodded along with Mal “We know. We have to go get Hades’ ember to take her down. So we have to go to the Isle.”

“I’ll come.” Y/n stated

Mal gave her a conflicted look as much as she could”. “Ben wouldn’t want you to get hurt.”

“I’ve been to the Isle before, Mal.” Y/n mentioned. She went to the Isle to bring Mal back a year ago, when she left for the feeling overwhelmed.

“Are you sure you're ready to see him?” Evie asked in a hushed tone

Y/n smiled to assure both the girls in front of her that she considers sister. “Only one of us needs to get the ember. I’ll go and help you guys on the Isle as backup.”

“That and Harry loves flirting with her. She can keep him occupied.” Evie cut in

“And Gil thinks she’s nice.” Jay added tilting his head a bit as him and Carlos Joined them.

“Fine.” Mal let out a sigh that ended up turning into a cough. Mal looked to Y/n “Hey, if you change your mind just say so.” she told her while the others started walking to the cabin to change..

“I think there’s some stuff that you and our father need to talk about that I don’t need to be therefor.” Y/n explained to which Mal gave her a cross between a sad and annoyed look.

^                 ^                    ^


“Ok, that’s it. Were going after them.” Carlos huffed after they watched Uma’s pirates steal their bikes.

“Agreed.” Jay huffed out as well

Y/n walked over to the boys “I’ll come with.”

“Y/n! Ya sure?” Mal asked one last time.

“I’m sure, Mal.Another time.” Y/n nodded smiling at her. “Shall we boys and Evie?” She asked with a smile that Evie could only say belonged on an Isle kids face. Which made her smile right back. Even though Y/n grew up no where near the Isle but somehow she was still a lot like them. Must be in a VK’s blood.

^                 ^                 ^


“Ooohhh Boys!” Y/n waved wiggling her fingers, talking in a sing-song tone. Distracting them from what they were currently doing.

“Eh, well if it isn’t ye princess.” Harry stopped and smiled at her

“Hey Y/n!” Gil spoke excitedly and waved.

“Harry. Gil.” Y/n acknowledged politely with a smile on her face that looked innocent.

“Whachta doing here princess?” Harry asked, approaching her royal highness.

Y/n shrugged “We just came to get something. Thought I’d stop by and say hi.”

“Well,I’m glad you came to say hi.” Gil said happily approaching her as well, but still not as close as Harry.

Y/n laughed amused “Thank you Gil”

“So am I, love.” Harry stated, gently gliding his hook against the side of her face. Admiring her features and how they seem more grown up since he last saw her.

^            ^             ^


After singing and getting the ember from Hades, Mal paused on her way out of his cave fortress. “By the way, I met your other kid. Your other daughter. The one you gave to Beast and Bell.”

Hades swallowed nervously before asking “How’d you find out about her?”

Mal hid her somewhat shocked expression from how he reacted to what she had said. “Well you just confirmed it. We were only 98% sure.”

“Why were you looking into it?” he sighed sitting down once more.

“She has magic and powers. We looked into it because she’s our friend.” Mal answered his question.

“So Beast and Bell didn’t tell you?” Hades glanced at her from the corner of his eye.

“No. Ben and Y/n tried to ask them once and they shut it down the conversation before they could even get out more than a sentence.” Mal replied

“Y/n? They kept her name.” He mumbled to himself but mal heard it.

Mal could see from the look in his eyes that he was feeling all kinds of emotions, one definitely being sadness. “Did you-” she started to ask if he named Y/n but he cut her off.

“You should go.Save Auradon.” Hades stated putting his sunglasses back on.

Even though Mal had a million more questions, but she could tell he was done talking. For now at least. So with that knowledge she left.

^                ^               ^


“Hey, did you get the ember?” Evie asked Mal walking over to them.

“Yup.” Mal waved the ember as proof. “Are we ready to leave?”

“Yeah, the boys and Y/n are right behind me.” Evie nodded

Next thing they knew the boys and Y/n were running up to meet them at the barrier.

“Ready?” Mal asked them

“Yeah” Y/n panted out, out of breath from all the running.

*they go through the barrier*

“You got some Hades going on.” Carlos pointed out to Mal after they went through the barrier.

“I like it.” Y/n smirked at her. Which made Mal laugh since of course she’d like it, Y/n’s hair has highlights of sapphire blue throughout it.

“Now all 3 girls have blue hair.” Jay commented with a smirk

Just as the barrier was closing they all turned when they heard a thud behind them. When they turned around Harry and Gil were standing there. They all watched carefully as the two stood up. Even more carefully when Harry approached the princess,knowing that if anything happened to her Beast and Bell would be mad and Ben would be devastated.

“Ah princess you didn’t think you were gonna leave without us now. Did ya?” Harry spoke walking over to Y/n. Who had a somewhat shocked expression on her face from watching them jump through the barrier.

*Uma comes up*


Y/n sighed tired of all the bickering. “I have to agree with Evie guys.”

“What?!” Mal, Jay and Carlos exclaimed loudly. Paired along with shocked looks from Ums, Harry and Gil.

“We could use their Help.” Y/n added

“Are you crazy?” Mal asked looking at Y/n like she was insane

Y/n shrugged “Maybe. But Audrey has the stuff. The ember may be stronger then it but what if that's not enough? They could help, we could use the extra man power.”

“That and you're not getting this back unless you promise me something?” Uma spoke up, holding the ember.

“What's that?” Mal asked reluctantly

“You let anyone off the Isle that wants to leave.” Uma stated

“No way” Mal shook her head.

Uma shrugged and walked over to drop the ember in the ocean.

“Wait! Wait...fine.” Mal gave in hurriedly

“Nuh uh. I’m gonna hold onto this.” Uma waved the ember before putting it in the back of her shell necklace.

With all the tension Y/n and Evie looked at eachother and sighed. This was gonna be a long take down.

^                 ^              ^

“Everyones asleep” Carlos stated

“Some are stone.” Evie said seeing one of the band members frozen in stone.

“cantaloupe!I love cantaloupe!” Gil grinned stuffing his mouth with grapes

“Those are grapes.”Jay told him. Staring at him oddly.

“We don’t have fresh food on the Isle, remember?” Uma cut in

“Grapes? I love grapes!” Gil corrected himself.

“...compensation.” Harry spoke quietly as he stared emptying wallets.

Jay grabbed it out of his hands and put it back in the students pocket. Before facing the hook wielding thief. “You know, Y/n wouldn’t like you stealing someone’s money while they are sleeping. And I have a feeling you want Y/n to like you.”

At Jay’s statement Harry gulped. Knowing full well that Jay had got him there. To which Jay could only smirk.

“Let's check the castle first.” Mal suggested


^                 ^                   ^

“Please say this was like this before.” Carlos pleaded looking at the slashed framed picture.

Y/n slowly walked over to the wall where the slashed frame still half hangs. She ran her fingers over it lightly. 

“Oh ben.” Mal mumbled

^             ^           ^


“So we’re going with my plan then?”Uma said sarcastically

“Oh, God. This is gonna be a long day.” Y/n mumbles under her breath to Jay. Who nodded in agreement. 

^                ^                ^

They’re all asleep.” Evie whispered looking over the new VK’s they had just brought to Auradon. “Doug?” she called out.

“Well,kiss him.”Uma stated, pointing to the long haired sleeping boy.

^             ^             ^


“Hey look. There’s your bea.” Celia said, smiling at Mal from by the window. Mal ran out to meet Ben who picked her up and swung her around in a tight hug. Y/n walked over and hugged Jay. 

“I am so glad my girls are alright.” Ben spoke before hugging Y/n and silently checking her over out of protective brother habit.

“I like this.” Mal stated back in Ben’s arms after Ben and Y/n’s hug ended, touching his face.

“Yeah?” Ben laughed

“Yeah” Mal smiled back

“How about those?” Uma pointed at his mouth

“Ah” Mal let out a laugh of shock

“You like them?” Ben asked her

“No” Mal shook her head ‘no’

“I do. I like them.” Ben smiled

“I like seeing you two get along.” Y/n spoke to Uma

“Yeah well, she’s not that bad.” Uma admitted. Uma and Y/n wrapped an arm around each other's shoulders.

^               ^               ^

“I’d feel better.” Evie spoke not wanting Doug to go alone.

“Yeah, me to.” Mal nodded

“Do you want me to go with them?” Y/n asked. She has magic, she could protect them.

Mal shook her head in a ‘no’ motion. “No I need you with me, with us. You some have some powers I don’t, and if something happens to the ember or to me you are the only one who can use it.”

“Why do you think it’ll work better for me?” Y/n asked Mal confused

“You have more of him in you than I do, more than you think. My magic comes more from my mother then our dad, yours is only from our dad.” Mal stated. She knows she has her mother's magic, but Y/n? Y/n only has Hades’ Magic.

^               ^           ^

“Do you hear that?” Y/n asked looking around the small cottage.

Ben walked over to the broom closest and opened it. “Chad?”

He leaned down to help Chad up. “Buddy, are you ok?” 

The way Chad was looking around paranoid was hilarious, at least to Y/n. But she did try to hold in her laughter. “Is she gone?!” Chad asked, looking around frantically.

“Yeah Chad she’s gone.” Ben told him.

Once Chad glanced around before bolting out of the cottage as fast as he could. After that scene Harry decided not to hold in his laughter any longer. As they all started to leave Harry didn’t stop laughing and honestly Y/n couldn’t hold it in anymore either.

^            ^            ^


“You lied.” Uma shook her head, why did she believe Mal to begin with she thought.

“You were probably gonna just throw us back and not even say anything.” Harry mumbled saldy

“Were you going to tell any of us? Why didn’t you tell me that that was the last and only chance I would get to meet my dad?!” Y/n’s voice cracked

“So you were just gonna keep me here and not tell me I’d never see my dad again either?” Celia said before walking towards Mal. She grabbed the ember and dropped it into a nearby birdbath.

“No!” Mal screamed. She got it out and tried to dry it off but it didn’t help.

“That's too bad.” Uma spoke dryly. Mal begged Uma to help but Uma and Harry just left to go find a way to get back on the Isle. Harry spared Y/n a last glance with a sad smile before following Uma off.

“Evie-” Mal started

“You lied to Jay. You lied to Carlos. You lied to Y/n and you lied to me.” Evie whimpered

“Evie. Guys.” Mal pleaded, though none of them answered or looked to her. Wouldn’t have made too much of a difference.

“Noooo! I had no choice.” Mal cried

“It’ll be ok, Mal.” Y/n came up and hugged her. She may be mad at Mal but that didn’t stop her from comforting her sister.

^           ^        ^

“Uma! Wait! We can defeat Audrey, but I need your help. Please.” Mal ran in front of Uma stopping her from walking any farther.

“You speak pretty, babe. But what's the point.” Harry sighed before turning his gaze to Y/n. “And nothing against you, love. I hope to see you again. One day.”

Y/n gave him a sad smile, but nodded in hope with him.

Uma shook her head “You're on your own.” And with that they left, Harry dragged his hand against Y/ns as he passed.

“COME GET YOUR LITTLE FRIEND MAL!” Audrey yelled from the top of the castle.

^              ^                 ^

“It Needs something more. We are so close.” Uma groaned as her and Mal tried to bring back the ember.

Mal grabbed Y/n’s hand. “Y/n. You have to join us. It’s flickering, it just needs a little more.”

“What makes you think it’ll accept her magic?” Uma asked, confused along with Harry who were both watching.

Because-” Mal started but Y/n cut in

“Because my birth father is Hades. My magic is closest to what the ember is made of.” Y/n explained before taking a deep breath. She moved to touch it, and once she did it glowed with all its power again. 

*they defeat Audrey*

^            ^            ^


“There’s only one person who can try to bring Audrey out of this and if that doesn't work then nothing will. But first. . .Y/n, you have to try.” Mal told the group as they all stood or sat around Audrey's room.

Y/n nodded and took the ember from Mal. She held it in her hands and concentrated. The next thing she knew her eyes opened and they were glowing an tense sapphire.Y/n waved it over Audrey’s body, as she stopped her hair turned even An in the process Y/n’s hair turned even more blue, to the point where her whole head was almost completely sapphire blue.

“Are you ok?” Carlos asked, concerned for his friend.

She nodded before speaking. “Yeah, yeah I’m fine.I didn’t save, save her- but I guess you could say I put it on pause.” Y/n turned to Mal and let out an exhausted and defeated sigh. “Mal, I can’t completely bring her back.”

“Then we need to get him here.” Mal exhaled

“Who?” Ben asked

“Hades” Y/n answered her brother

Ben shook his head frantically at what they just said. “No way,he won’t do it and I wouldn’t risk it.”

“He might actually do it for me.” Mal stood up, standing in front of Ben. “For us.” she looked back to Y/n.

“I understand Y/n, but Mal?” Carlos asked confused on what she meant by that.

“He’s Y/n’s father.” Mal told her secret. “Mine too.”

“Ok, we’ll of course have security around him.” Ben gave in

*some say they want to go back*

“The Isle’s my home, someone’s gotta protect it.” Uma stepped forward

Mal gave her a tight lipped smile out of regret, but understood where she was coming from and supported it. “The Isle is in good hands.”

“Great hands.” Y/n nodded looking to Harry. Who was already looking at her. His eye’s having never left her since they got in the same room.

^             ^            ^

“Thanks for coming.” Mal thanked Hades as the guards brought him in.

“Well, I didn’t have a choice.” Hades tilted his head.

“I think you wanted to. Even if its just a little bit.” Mal smiled at him before glancing over her shoulder toward where Y/n stood. She saw him bite the inside of his cheek when she looked back at him.Mal knew she got him there the second she saw it.

“I’m gonna need to use my hands.” Hades told them, raising his hands. Hades growled towards Beast just for kicks. To which Beast growled back.

“Dad.” Mal snapped, getting both men to stop.

*saves Audrey*

“Thanks.” Y/n smiled softly to Hades

“No problem.” he smiled back a little. “When I was bringing her back I noticed she was in a hold. Not able to slip away but couldn’t heal completely. You used the ember and tried huh?”

“Yeah.” Y/n ducked her head shyly at the fact that he could tell it was her doing.

“Well I’m proud of you. . . I like the hair.” He stated. Hades is proud of her, he always has been when he saw her on the tvs on the Isle when they reported about her. Feeling how she actually used the ember and used it correctly, that made him proud. Loving the hair color kinda speaks for itself.

“Thanks.” Y/n blushed at the fact he said he was proud of her. “Oh, Yeah. I had blue in it before but using the ember it made it run even more blue.”

“It looks good on you.” Hades nodded

*the guards start to take Hades back*

“Dad!” Mal yelled, running slightly to get into the hallway before he’s gone.

“Thanks for letting me get a glimpse of the sun.. and getting to see Y/n.” Hades told Mal, giving her a grateful smile. Mal lent up to kiss his cheek before he was taken away.


^          ^          ^

“When did you both figure it out?” Beast paced asking his children as they all stood around the study.

“Who my father was? Not till a couple months ago.” Y/n told them getting straight to the point.

“What’s that suppose to mean?” Bell asked slightly nervous as to what the kids might have actually found out.

“It means we’ve known that we aren’t related by blood for a while.” Ben cut in

“How?” Bell looked between the two 

“I started having bursts of magical things happen when I was ten. I told Ben first, then we went to go talk to you both about it.” Y/n admitted

“And before we could ask you about it you shut it down. So I helped the best I could with her controlling it, and we kept it a secret.” Ben added to what his sister had just explained

Beast sighed rubbing a hand down his face “You could have come to us-”

“Did you not just hear us?” Y/n exclaimed raising her arms in exaggeration

“We did come to you, and you wouldn’t listen.” Ben stressed, copying his sisters movement from just second before.

“So Ben and I asked the VK’s if they could help find out who my birth parents are.” Y/n sighed

“Why did you think you couldn’t be ours if you had magic?” Bell walked over to her daughter or the young woman that she raised and considers her daughter, and rubbed her shoulders in a comforting manner.

Ben looked to her like she was nuts “Really? You guys always gave us the speeches on how almost all magic is bad. How are we- how is Y/n suppose to feel safe telling you? Either of you?”

Bell sighed sadly, disappointed in herself and her husband for making their kids feel like they couldn’t come to them. “We are so sorry that we made you both feel like you weren’t safe coming to us with something like this. Or about anything.”

“We never wanted you to feel that way, both of you. Especially you sweetheart. We took you in and promised we would support you and treat you like our very own daughter and we failed you. I promise we won’t ever do that again. Not if we can help it.” Beast expressed walking over to Y/n and Ben, rubbing her shoulders like his wife had just done.

“I do want to let you know that you both still are my parents. You raised me, taught me, and clothed me. And you didn’t have to take me in, but you did anyway. Thank you.” Y/n told them, hoping they would understand.

“We love you sweetie.” Bell stated hugging her little, well not so little girl.

“You are our daughter in our minds, and we have been grateful to have you in our lives.” Beast said as he and Ben joined in on Bell and Y/n’s hug.

“I know the barrier is gonna get closed for good, but if it wasn’t I would’ve and would like to get to know him. An it’s nothing against you guys I promise. You have been such great parents. But he is the reason I was a part of your family and got to grow up here. He’s the reason I am a better person then I could’ve been, why I’m alive, grew up here, have magic and powers. I can’t just not want anything to do with him.” Y/n explained to them nervously at how they’d take it pulling back a but.

“We understand that hunny.” Bell spoke, brushing back Y/n’s hair.

“Its not exactly easy for us to share you, but I get it.” Beast grumbled

“Thank you” Y/n hugged both of them tightly, very glad that they understood.

^         ^        ^

*skip to Mal talking on the balcony*

“I can’t. I can’t be Queen of just Auradon. I have to be Queen of the Isle too.” Mal said turning to Ben and Y/n, on the verge of tears. After they take down the barrier once and for all Mal turns to Y/n smiling widely. With that done people started to gather together. 

Harry walked over to Y/n and they danced along with everyone else. Before Mal called Y/n over to herself and Ben.

“You sure she’s taken?” Harry asked pointing to Mal

“Yes, very taken.” Evie smiled at Harry’s antics

“So is Evie,just saying.” Doug commented

“Hey, what's my name?” Uma asked him

“Uma” Harry replied leaning in to kiss her cheek but Uma avoided it. After she walked away Harry spotted the Blue haired princess.

“Ohhh, princess.” Harry smiled at her as he walked over, Y/n turning around to face the pirate and meet him halfway.

“Yes, Harry?” Y/n smiled at the pirate in front of her

“Looks like I’ll be getting to stay around for awhile.” Harry spoke with a smirk on his face.

“Looks like it.” Y/n returned the smirk. The idea of Harry Hook staying around for a while was something Y/n liked the idea of.

“Would ye like to go out sometime?” Harry asked her while tilting his head. Harry grabbed her wrist, tangling their fingers together gently.

“I would love to Harry.” Y/n smiled brightly at him. Harry’s smile was so non-mischievous that Y/n couldn’t help but want to get to know the pirate more. He leaned down to kiss her cheek, after that Y/n brought him into a hug.

Once Y/n and Harry pulled apart he looked over towards where Mal and Ben stood talking with Hades. “So he’s ye father? I thought you were princess of Auradon?” Harry asked, nodding towards the little group.

Y/n chuckled “I am princess of Auradon, I grew up with Beast, Bell,and Ben. They raised me. But my birth father is Hades.” 

“God of the underworld. Now you're a princess of both Auradon and the underworld. Aren’t I lucky.” Harry winked at Y/n. He took Y/n by surprise and started tickling her. Till they heard a cough from behind them.

“That you are kid.” Hades stated to Harry's comment. To which Harry could only gulp.


“I’m ah gonna go find Gil. See ya later, Love.” Harry told her,leaving Y/n to have some time with her father. But not before kissing her cheek.

“He’s brave. Knowing who I am to you and still giving you a kiss.” Hades states to his daughter once the pirate left.

Y/n laughed nodding in agreement to his statement. “Knowing just who you are period, that was brave.”

“So, I’m here to stay. Maybe we could get to know each other now. If you want.” Hades asked nervously. He wants to talk to her, to explain and get to know his daughter.

Y/n nodded trying to hide how excited she got on the inside at the fact he wants to get to know her. “I’d love that , actually.”

Hades smiled also trying to hide how happy he is about her saying yes. “I know we have a lot to talk about, you want to talk about it tomorrow?”

“Yeah, that sounds good.” She but her lip nodded. Then the dancing continued and Hades encouraged her to go dance with her waiting pirate. Watching as the two had fun laughing, and smiling together. Same with his other daughter.

^                ^                ^

~ Epilogue ~

“Hey, sorry I’m late. Mal need someone to be a buffer during wedding planning.” Y/n apologized once she met up with her birth father.

Hades made a ‘naw’ noise, not caring about her being a little late. “Its not a problem. I’m just glad you want to hear me out at all.”

“Why wouldn’t I hear you out?” Y/n looked at him confused

Hades sighed “Because I gave you up.”

Y/n smiled at him before asking him “But why did you give me up?”

“I knew they were planning on rounding up all the villains and put them somewhere. I also knew I would be high on the list. I didn’t want you stuck wherever they put all of us, we all knew it wasn’t gonna be paradise. I gave you up because I didn’t want you to grow up there.” Hades explained.

“You wanted me to have a better life then what I could’ve had if you had kept me and I gone to the Isle with you.” Y/n stated

Hades is thankful that she understands. He would’ve loved to have been there for her growing up, see her first steps, hear first words, here about her first kiss and then threaten the boy, first love, sadly getting hurt, etc etc etc. But he was gonna do anything to keep her from what awaited him, even if it meant it hurt him in the process. He was definitely not gonna let her grow up in the Isle.

“Why would I be mad at you for wanting to give me a better life?” she questioned him, moving to sit down on the stone wall next to them.

“Because, I gave you up. I gave you away.” he sat next to her, close to the point where their legs and arms are touching.

Y/n nudged him. “You did what you thought was right. What you thought would be best for me, and it probably was. But I’m not mad at you.You just wanted me to have better, you saw an opportunity and took it. Am I sad that I grew up without my real father, my birth father, I am. Don’t get me wrong I consider Beast and Bell my parents too. They raised me, I grew up with them there and I wouldn’t change anything from my childhood growing up. But I am sad that I never knew you. And I’m sure I wouldn’t change a thing if I grew up with you, because- well, it would’ve been with my birth dad.”

“I’m sorry.” Hades gave her a teary sad smile.

Y/n tilted her head down looking up to see his face. “I know your sorry. But I also know that you shouldn’t be. You wanted me to have a better life then what I could of had growing up on the Isle, I can’t be mad at you for that. I’m grateful. You were selfless and gave up your own kid to the people locking you away. You had to swallow any pride you had to do that.”

Hades Smiled a true genuine smile this time, somewhat out of relief. “Thanks, kiddo. I’m sorry I missed so much.”

She took a deep breath letting it all out and said “I will admit there’s a lot I wish you could’ve been there for. The thing I wish you were there the most for would’ve been when I got my magic and powers developed.”

“How old were you?” he asked, curious as to when her powers and magic would’ve came in since she wasn’t taught to use them since birth.

“Ten” Y/n answered

Hades gave an impressed look,in shock really. That they came in so late. “If everything never happened and you grew up with me and the Isle was never created. You would’ve been taught how to use them way before you were ten.. It would have been easier to control. Never having used them before, it probably built up over the years from being practically suppressed.”

“It did, now that you mention it.” Y/n thought back on it. The thought never occurred that it might’ve been building up over time.

“What happened?” He asked. Y/n could tell he was really actually curious at how it expressed itself. How her life was without him.

“We saw some archer shoot our horse, me and Ben that is. All the emotions it triggered them. The archer got flung into the lake.” Y/n told him trying not to laugh, but they both broke out into fits of laughter anyways. It was funny after all.

“Why didn’t you and Ben tell anyone growing up? I’m sure there are people here that could have helped.” Hades asked with a furrowed brow confused as to why she and Ben would keep it a secret.

Y/n looked down “We tried once but they don’t really say magics good here. They’re too afraid that someone might use it for bad. Considering what Audrey did I guess they were right to worry.”

“If they taught about good and bad magic then they wouldn’t have to worry. Do you know how to control it and use it now?” he grumbled at first then thought of asking.

Y/n nodded uneasly “For the most part. Ben helped me but we had to figure it out on our own. An with neither of us knowing anything about magic and powers or where they were coming from…”

“I could help you. Learn to control it and to use it. If you want.” Hades offered. He was really, really hoping she would take him up on his offer and say yes. It would give them time to bond and connect. Also magic and powers from the underworld are very different from any other kind of magic.

“Yes! Please!” she jumped up excited at the idea.

“I’m not gonna get in trouble with Bell and Beast am I?” he jokes,loving the look of excitement on his daughters face,

Y/n knew it wouldn’t be a problem so she nodded. “No. I told them if I had the chance to get to know you I would take it, and they were ok with it. Plus Ben and Mal are King and Queen now or at least will be. I don’t know honestly all that stuff is very confusing.”

Hades pulled her into a hug. “I’m glad that I get to be in your life now.” he told her, resting his chin on top of her head.

“Me too.” Y/n replied smiling, snuggling into her father's chest. Things were good.

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1 year ago

Changes - Gil

Gil x fem!reader ! Hades Daughter

Warnings: none

Word count: 425

Requested: Hello i was wondering if you could to a imagine where the reader is the daughter of hades best friend with the core 4 and in a relationship with gil ? - @Anon

Authors Note: Thank you for requesting! I’ve never done a story for Gil before.


Descendants Masterlist


Changes - Gil

“Your fathers gonna kill me if he knew about this.” Gil shook his head with a little fear in his eyes. He, like many are very scared of Hades, but the fact that Gil even had the guts to date his daughter earned him respect.

“My father does not care if I dye my hair.” Y/n rolled her eye’s. Sometimes she felt like he was to scared of her father. But she understood it. Y/n knew though her father didn’t care what she did with her hair. He’d only be pissed if she cut it, and she wasn’t going to do that.

“Your father is king of the underworld if he saw-”

Y/n stepped closer to him, stopping him from talking immediately. “Gil.” She smiled at him, understanding his worries but trying to reassure him. “Relax. I’ll protect you from my father.”

Gil nodded feeling better but he looked at her worriedly in the eye’s. It wasn’t like her to just do something on a whim. “Why are you doing this?”

Y/n shrugged looking down to their intertwined hands. She felt a little ashamed at her reasons but she didn’t want to voice them. “I want a change.”

“Is this because they left and haven’t looked back?” Gil knew how close y/n was to Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay. He also knew how bad it hurt her when they had to leave, more so when they decided to stay and not even try to contact her or bring her over. Gil hated to see her hurt like she was and as much as he could distract her or take her mind off of it he knew he couldn’t fully erase the pain for her. “They were your best friends. I’m sorry.”

Y/n shook her head looking back up into his eyes squeezing his hands. It wasn’t his fault. “It’s not your fault. One day we will get off this rock.”

Gil smiled at her optimism, reaching up to run one of his hands through her hair. The gold with blue flame mimicked ends was pretty. “I do love the colors.”

Y/n smiled at him, leaning up to kiss him. “Thanks.”


@dai-tsukki-desu @padawancat97

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