Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Miss Fisher In The Episode Murder On The Ballarat Train
Miss Fisher In The Episode Murder On The Ballarat Train

Miss Fisher In The Episode “Murder On The Ballarat Train”

Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries (2012-2015) ↳ 1x02 Murder On The Ballarat Train

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7 months ago

proud to say that I have never once in my life figured out the whodunit in any crime story I've read or watched. I just let the facts and clues wash over me, absorbing absolutely none of it. I am the audience they think of when they throw in red herrings, in case you've ever wondered "who would fall for this obvious false lead". it's me. I am the idiot viewer/reader. not once has an obviously framed clue revealed anything to me. my head is completely empty when I consume these stories.

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6 months ago
Now, Youd Better Cooperate, Archie.
Now, Youd Better Cooperate, Archie.
Now, Youd Better Cooperate, Archie.

“Now, you’d better cooperate, Archie.”

Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries (2012-2015) ↳ 2x11 Dead Air

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6 months ago
Miss Fisher In The Episode Death & Hysteria
Miss Fisher In The Episode Death & Hysteria

Miss Fisher In The Episode “Death & Hysteria”

Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries (2012-2015) ↳ 3x05 Death & Hysteria

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7 months ago
PERIOD DRAMA APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 | Day 3 (July 5th): Favorite Costume Design Miss Fisher's Murder
PERIOD DRAMA APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 | Day 3 (July 5th): Favorite Costume Design Miss Fisher's Murder
PERIOD DRAMA APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 | Day 3 (July 5th): Favorite Costume Design Miss Fisher's Murder
PERIOD DRAMA APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 | Day 3 (July 5th): Favorite Costume Design Miss Fisher's Murder
PERIOD DRAMA APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 | Day 3 (July 5th): Favorite Costume Design Miss Fisher's Murder
PERIOD DRAMA APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 | Day 3 (July 5th): Favorite Costume Design Miss Fisher's Murder
PERIOD DRAMA APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 | Day 3 (July 5th): Favorite Costume Design Miss Fisher's Murder
PERIOD DRAMA APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 | Day 3 (July 5th): Favorite Costume Design Miss Fisher's Murder
PERIOD DRAMA APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 | Day 3 (July 5th): Favorite Costume Design Miss Fisher's Murder
PERIOD DRAMA APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 | Day 3 (July 5th): Favorite Costume Design Miss Fisher's Murder
PERIOD DRAMA APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 | Day 3 (July 5th): Favorite Costume Design Miss Fisher's Murder
PERIOD DRAMA APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 | Day 3 (July 5th): Favorite Costume Design Miss Fisher's Murder
PERIOD DRAMA APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 | Day 3 (July 5th): Favorite Costume Design Miss Fisher's Murder
PERIOD DRAMA APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 | Day 3 (July 5th): Favorite Costume Design Miss Fisher's Murder
PERIOD DRAMA APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 | Day 3 (July 5th): Favorite Costume Design Miss Fisher's Murder
PERIOD DRAMA APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 | Day 3 (July 5th): Favorite Costume Design Miss Fisher's Murder
PERIOD DRAMA APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 | Day 3 (July 5th): Favorite Costume Design Miss Fisher's Murder
PERIOD DRAMA APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 | Day 3 (July 5th): Favorite Costume Design Miss Fisher's Murder
PERIOD DRAMA APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 | Day 3 (July 5th): Favorite Costume Design Miss Fisher's Murder
PERIOD DRAMA APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 | Day 3 (July 5th): Favorite Costume Design Miss Fisher's Murder
PERIOD DRAMA APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 | Day 3 (July 5th): Favorite Costume Design Miss Fisher's Murder
PERIOD DRAMA APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 | Day 3 (July 5th): Favorite Costume Design Miss Fisher's Murder
PERIOD DRAMA APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 | Day 3 (July 5th): Favorite Costume Design Miss Fisher's Murder
PERIOD DRAMA APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 | Day 3 (July 5th): Favorite Costume Design Miss Fisher's Murder
PERIOD DRAMA APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 | Day 3 (July 5th): Favorite Costume Design Miss Fisher's Murder
PERIOD DRAMA APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 | Day 3 (July 5th): Favorite Costume Design Miss Fisher's Murder
PERIOD DRAMA APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 | Day 3 (July 5th): Favorite Costume Design Miss Fisher's Murder
PERIOD DRAMA APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 | Day 3 (July 5th): Favorite Costume Design Miss Fisher's Murder
PERIOD DRAMA APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 | Day 3 (July 5th): Favorite Costume Design Miss Fisher's Murder

PERIOD DRAMA APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 | Day 3 (July 5th): Favorite Costume Design → Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries (2012-2015) [Costumes by Marion Boyce]

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3 years ago
MISS FISHERS MURDER MYSTERIES1x02 - Murder On The Ballarat Train
MISS FISHERS MURDER MYSTERIES1x02 - Murder On The Ballarat Train

MISS FISHER’S MURDER MYSTERIES 1x02 - Murder on the Ballarat Train

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6 months ago

sherlock holmes deduces you are trans before you've figured it out yourself and refers to you with those pronouns and then when you look confused is like "ah...had you not arrived at that conclusion yet?" and wafts away in his dressing gown to smoke seventeen pipes, leaving you in a gender crisis

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2 years ago

Anyway here is an itemised list of the reasons why I’m loving Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries so much:

Miss Fisher is obviously a badass but also she’s not young! She’s Of A Certain Age and she still lands the absolute hottest dudes. The hottest dudes. The hottest dudes

It’s the Carousing Good Guy trope but a lady!

Her lady-loving doctor friend Mac wears the most wonderful suits and she is amazing and I want to kiss her

What kind of a name is Phrynie. It’s absurd

Super old-school anti-procedural. Like Jonathan Creek but without all the British cringiness. Like Star Trek but instead of space stuff it’s murders and instead of space it’s set in Australia.

I didn’t even know Australia had a ‘20s until I watched this show. Upon closer study, it seems plausible

Miss Fisher is absolutely ruthless, clever, dangerous, insightful, and willing to go to any length to solve her case - including playing any number of fanciful parts, scaling large buildings, getting herself nearly poisoned to death, and otherwise putting herself in physical and emotional danger - and she does all this without having to sacrifice her love of pretty things. She scales those buildings in beautiful hand-tooled Italian heels. She is always impeccably, gorgeously dressed, and doesn’t ever change that about herself, even when she starts being taken more seriously by the police force or when she is doing serious detective work like interviewing wicked murderers or hunting for the man who killed her sister. Miss Fisher is only ever entirely herself.

She adopts strays like no one’s business.

There’s something very appealing about the story of a woman who has seen terrible, gruesome things, decided afterwards to dedicate her life entirely to pleasure, and then (almost despite herself) ended up becoming a philanthropist and a den mother and a doer-of-good. I have seen this story many many many (many, many) times from a male perspective, but not so often from a female viewpoint, and Miss Fisher does it without ever begrudging what she’s become. She’s infinitely more graceful than every other good-guy-against-his-better-judgment story I’ve watched or read.


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