Mizrak - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

Day 3 Retro

(please know there's a ver where they're speaking animalese that won't see the light of day)

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1 year ago
World's Most Devastating Break Up

world's most devastating break up

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11 months ago

Now I wanna know

Do you think Mizrak washed his face in a nearby fountain on his way back to the church or did he just go and meet Drolta with another vampire’s ball stank wafting off his beard?

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1 year ago

Why is drawing Mizrak just drawing the GigaChad meme.

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1 year ago

Listen you cannot give me characters that are thematic opposites and not expect me to go absolutely feral over them

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1 year ago
This Is Cursed But I Think This Is What Mizrak Looks Like Without A Beard. I See This With Him Losing

This is cursed but I think this is what Mizrak looks like without a beard. I see this with him losing a bet with Richter and Maria and Mizrak is actually very boyish under his beard and grows his facial hair out to look more rugged!

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1 year ago

If you need more fanfics of Olrox and Mizrak, let me share this diamond with you

Five Suns



"By lying to myself I lied to you, too... and I hoped my actions spoke louder than my words."

Olrox didn't want to allow himself to love again, but when he did, it gave him new purpose. New reason for his quest to protect his home and his world from a self-proclaimed goddess whom only a god could possibly oppose - even if he thought he was merely imitating one. The darkness was starving the land and it was time for a new Sun to rise.

The first half is set before the end of the season finale, the second part is after. Olrox-centric, inspired by the serpent-form he took in the first episode that is *not* confirmed to be Quetzalcoatl, but might as well be. Hope you enjoy!


In Aztec mythology, the world was born when one of the gods sacrificed themselves to be the Sun. The world was destroyed four times and we currently live in the fifth world. I took inspiration from the fact that Olrox's serpent form - I know everybody calls it a dragon, but what if it was something else? - is most likely based on Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent who is a god of light, life and wisdom for the Aztecs. This is an interesting note if it's true and I played with this thought when I wrote this story.

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1 year ago
"Do You Have A God To Put A Last Prayer To, Belmont?" "Let's Do This Again, Somewhere More Comfortable."
"Do You Have A God To Put A Last Prayer To, Belmont?" "Let's Do This Again, Somewhere More Comfortable."

"Do you have a god to put a last prayer to, Belmont?" "Let's do this again, somewhere more comfortable."

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