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5 months ago
Happy Buck Wild Wednesday!

happy buck wild wednesday!

[ID: A gif of Buck Wild crawling around and sniffing the “camera”. /END ID]

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4 years ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Summary: Vaughn frowns, his mind seemingly lagging behind the conversation at hand, or rather, the words coming through his Echo. He almost swears that Fiona’s drunk, or maybe even really sleep deprived from her travels, as nothing she’s saying really makes sense. “I’m sorry, Fiona– back up,” Vaughn interrupts, shaking his head. The words feel like lead on his tongue and the air in his office is so much more thinner. “You said– You said Rhys almost died?” Or: Vaughn and Rhys’ relationship post Borderlands 3

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2 years ago
Yo????? The Presentation! The Structure! The Subtle Hints! The OFFICIAL FIRST MEETING SCENE Before My

Yo????? The presentation! The structure! The subtle hints! The OFFICIAL FIRST MEETING SCENE before my very eyes!?!?!? PUT IT IN GAME RN! ANIMATE IT! STAMP IT ON MY FOREHEAD! It wasn't too much or overdone, and the range of emotions of Scarlett you can feel throughout this fateful encounter?? The SECRETS! THE CAREFUL KISS ON THE HAND! This is going to be a wild, gut-wrenching ride! AWESOME AF JOB!!!!!!! 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉

Forbidden Voracity ☯ Dark Prologue [CG]

Forbidden Voracity Dark Prologue [CG]

[ Main Prologue ← Previous ] [ Masterlist ]


[ Place: Forest ]

Forbidden Voracity Dark Prologue [CG]

Kino: Nice to meet you, I’m—

Scarlett: Kino…

( The Prince, Kino. )

( Or so I heard. )

( I’ve seen him several times in Rottenberg. But I doubt he’s ever seen me. )

Kino: Oh? So you also know me.

Scarlett: —!?

Kino: Fufu. That was incredible! The best entertainment I’ve had in a long time~.

Scarlett: ( ...? Entertainment? )

( What is he talking about? )

… …!

( He’s approaching… …! )

Kino: I knew you'd be great for this.

Scarlett: ( He kneels down and studies me like I’m an experiment for him, too. )

( I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case… )

( His hand reaches out for my face and I can’t help but flinch. )

Don't touch me…

Kino: Still fighting? Fufu. Poor thing. 

I'm a good guy, you know. These guys, too. They are with me. 

[ The Ghouls hesitantly nod. ]

Kino: You're free now. 

Scarlett: ( «Free». ) 


( Free… )


( Free… ? )

… ...

But… they…

Kino: Hm? 

Scarlett: They took… everything… from me… 

… free, you say...? How… could I… … … …

( My vision gets more and more blurry. )

( As though that word contained a huge amount of tranquilizers, all strength finally leaves my body. )

( Then, black. )

[ Thud ]

Kino: … She passed out. 

Forbidden Voracity Dark Prologue [CG]

Kino: Ahhh, how troublesome. 

I told you to be nice. 

[ Kino glances at both Ghouls. ]

Ghoul A: !!!

K–Kino-sama, please, she was being problematic and––

Ghoul B: B–but we never really hurt her! We just—!

Kino: Excuses, excuses. You know what, begone. 

[ White flash ; Ghouls are struck by Kino’s power ]

Ghouls: AHHH!!!

[ The Ghouls dissolve. ]

Kino: … …

… Alright, then~!

[ Kino picks Scarlett up. ]

Kino: I guess you'll be under my care now.

… … hm?

[ Something falls loose from Scarlett’s arms. ]

Kino: … Cloth?

… bandages.

But no blood? ... Huh.

[ Steps ]


[ Black screen ]

Forbidden Voracity Dark Prologue [CG]

Scarlett: … … … …

( My body hurts… ) 

… … ...nn.

( There is a noise. )

[ Videogame SFX ]

Scarlett: ( Ah… An annoying piece of music woke me up. … ) 


Kino: Ah. You’re finally waking up, Sleeping Beauty.

Scarlett: ( That voice… )

( When did I fall asleep? )


( Asleep…!? )



( I tried to sit up but pain struck my whole body at once, so I laid down again. )

Kino: Oi, calm down! 

You won’t go too far like that.

[ Videogame SFX ]

Scarlett: … …

( This place doesn’t smell like Rhiannon-sama’s home… )

( Well, naturally. There is no way it could be. )

… … …

( That word still resonates in my mind. )

( «Free.» )

( Was that real, after all…? )

[ Scarlett opens her eyes fully. ]

[ Place: Kino's living room ]

Forbidden Voracity Dark Prologue [CG]

Scarlett: Nn… … What… … Where… …?

Kino: Ah, you passed out. But don’t worry, they won’t hurt you again.

[ Videogame SFX ]

Scarlett: … Sure.

( The noise is giving me a headache. )

… Are you torturing me now?

Kino: What!?

——Ah, I lost!! Tch.

Scarlett: …? What did you lose? 

( He doesn’t look at me for more than a second, he’s holding a mobile device from where the music came out. )

( Just when I realize, it stops. )

Kino: What are you so clueless for? Don’t you know what a game is?

Scarlett: A game...? 

Like… chess?

Kino: Hah?… Tsk.

Whatever, I guess you don’t have these things anyway, right?

Scarlett: ( He shows me the same device again, and I shake my head to whatever that is. )

Kino: Heh… 

Well, it was to be expected. But it’s not like you will need it.

Scarlett: … ( Why would I…? )

Kino: Anyway, this is my mansion. I carried you here to—

Scarlett: You did what!?

( I panic. No way... I’m weaker than usual, wounded, and now trapped again…? )

( No way, no way, no way...! )

Kino: —!?

I’m not done! So noisy…

Scarlett: … a-ah. ( There’s more!? )

( … Maybe it’s best not to pry. I’ll keep quiet for now, for the sake of my own wellbeing. )

( I see him massaging his temple. )

( And I would be doing the same if my head was the only thing in pain. )

Please continue, then…

Kino: Tch… This is harder than expected. 

Yuuri! Juice!

Scarlett: …? ( I hear noises in what I assume is the kitchen, Kino simply touches the device in the meantime before throwing it aside. It bounces on the couch he's sitting on. )

( That thing could be problematic, even if it looks harmless… )

[ A door opens ]

Scarlett: … ah.

( In no time, a tall, well-mannered man appears through the door carrying a glass of juice. )

( Another Ghoul. Another servant, like me… )

( I’m not surprised, but why would he want two of us…? )

( I slowly sit up on the couch I was lying on, and I stare at the glass. I won’t drink that. )

… … I appreciate it, but I'm not—

Kino: And who said it was for you? 

Scarlett: … … … ( I blink multiple times while Kino chugs the drink in one go. ) 

( Rude. )

Alright… I’m feeling better all of the sudden. So, if you’d excuse me… 

[ Scarlett gets up ; steps ]

Kino: Uwah~ Tasty! 

Oi, where do you think you’re going?

Scarlett: ( I had gotten up from the couch and started walking to what seems like the exit. )

( The situation is clearly different from the past one, but it’s maybe for the best to stop this before it begins. )

( Despite the carelessness of my action, no one moves a finger to stop me. )

Thank you for your hospitality. Sadly, I can’t stay here.

So… farewell, Kino. Yuuri.

[ Scarlett politely bows ; steps ]

Kino: Fufu… is that so? I think you didn’t listen.

«Where» do you «think» you’re «going»?

Scarlett: … ...

That is… none of your business...

( But I know he has a point. )

Kino: You know, I saved you back there. This is how you thank me? How ungrateful.

Scarlett: … … That’s…

… What do you want?

Kino: I just want you to relax, okay? Trust me, I know your kind. 

Scarlett: … ( It’s hard to believe, but that Yuuri guy… is one of us as well. Did he get captured like me? )

Kino: I know what you’re thinking. He’s here by his own will. 

Right, Yuuri?

[ Yuuri nods. ]

Kino: Which means you can trust me, of course.

Scarlett: … … 

I still can’t… …

[ Kino gets up ; steps ]

Kino: I’ll propose something to you. Which is the reason why I brought you here.

If you don’t agree, you’re free to leave. Isn’t that fair enough?

Scarlett: … ( I just have to decline, right? )

Well, I can accept that.

Kino:  Great~. Let’s go for a walk. 

But first, Yuuri, give her some clean clothes.

Scarlett: Huh!?

Kino: Don’t ask for now.

Ah, and maybe you want these.

[ Kino hands her a little bag. ]

Kino: I’ll wait outside. Don’t be late~. 

[ Steps ]

Scarlett: What…

[ Scarlett opens the bag. ]

Scarlett: …!

My gloves—!?


[ Place: Lake ]

Scarlett: … …

( I changed into new clothes, they seem to be from Rhiannon-sama’s mansion. ) 

( How did he get them? )

( … He did say those Ghouls were on his side, after all… )

( Maybe that’s how he got ahold of my gloves, too. ) 

( … Sketchy. )

Ah, there he is.

… … …

( I could just run away. I could just try and fly away. But that most likely would get me killed. Or worse… )

( He said it. I just have to decline. There’s nothing he can offer that is more worth than my freedom. )

( He said… I’m free now, right…? )

( I approach him, he seems lost in thought. )


Kino: … hm.

Scarlett: ( He’s looking at the starry sky. It’s a lovely night, yes, but we are not here to stargaze. ) 

Kino: … ah!

Scarlett: … … !

( I perk up when he does too, abruptly. ) 

Forbidden Voracity Dark Prologue [CG]

Kino: What’s your name?

Scarlett: —!?

You don’t… I… 

I thought you also knew me…?

Kino: I just remember that hair from somewhere. There are not many Ghouls like that.

… Among other things.

But you know my name. That’s not fair.

Do you have a name, at least?

Scarlett: … Scarlett.

Kino: Fu, that’s fitting.

Scarlett: ( Right… )

So… what were you going to tell me…?

Kino: Eager, aren’t we? Well, I guess it makes sense.


Before you refuse, listen.

I’m not someone who shares power with anyone, you see.

Scarlett: P… power…?

Kino: Something like that. How do you feel about… influence?

You can have that much.

Scarlett: … What. 

A Ghoul, with influence? Over whom?

Kino: Over other Ghouls, of course~. 

With my help, you can help them. 

Free those who wish to be freed, like we did with you.

Scarlett: … And what if they don’t want to…?

Kino: Hm? Why wouldn’t they?

Scarlett: … … ( I breathe in. I just have to refuse. Seems easy so far. )

( Refuse. Refuse. Refuse. )

Kino: If Rottenberg isn’t the place they want to live in, they could change it. If they want to live normally in the Human World, they could. 

Ah, but they don’t trust me anymore.

So… I also need help.

Your help!

Scarlett: Why do they not trust you, may I ask?

Kino: Sigh. Building up a plan and making it work all by myself isn’t easy, you know? Maybe I can fail along the way, and some people get tired of me making mistakes and they have to keep waiting…

And if I try to be firm with my decisions, I’m a bad guy. A tyrant, even. Ha…

But I can’t blame them. If I was in their shoes, waiting for that help that never comes as my hope fades away and my heart simply breaks…

… … fu, I’d grow very resentful as well.

Or so I imagine it would happen.

Scarlett: That’s… 

( … Somewhat similar to what I’ve felt at some point. )

( Does he have such an intimate connection with Ghouls? )

( I heard he was called a Prince, but it was usually followed by terrible comments. )

( He doesn’t resemble any royalty, but I could be wrong. )

… … hm.

( Power… )

( That’s something I never had. )

( I wouldn’t know what to do with it, but… )

( Could I just get it… that easily? )

How could I be helpful, even…? If I… hypothetically accepted, that is.

Kino: If they see another one of them giving me a chance and some trust, maybe they will soften up. They will let me help them.

Then, Yuuri… he is like part of my family now. They don’t see him as an objective individual.

Oh, but you~.

You could be perfect for this, Scarlett.

Can you imagine?

The Ghouls being freed, cheering on you, loving you, following your commands… you can become the ruler they need! With my guidance, of course.

It’ll be great!

… if you accept.

Scarlett: ( So enthusiastic… )

But why me?

Kino: Hmm…

Well, you’re talking to me now. That’s more than most of them do.

It would take a while to find another Ghoul so… willing to listen to me now.

Let alone consider my words.

Haha, bad rumors spread fast. 

You can think about it. Or refuse, you don’t need to accept because of pity.

In fact, I’d hate that.

Scarlett: I don’t feel pity now, don’t worry.

But I have one question.

Kino: Shoot it!

Scarlett: Did you order to… kill my master, Rhiannon-sama, to free me? Will you do the same with other people?

Kino: —Kill!?

They killed her!?


Scarlett: ( He seems so tense all of the sudden… Did he not know? ) 

Yes, she… she was dead.

Kino: That’s unfortunate.

Hm… maybe they felt threatened. Only two came back, after all. I sent four.

Scarlett: … …

( I should keep quiet. )

( If he knew… maybe I would the one facing awful consequences. )

( Selfish of me to think, but… )

( I doubt he’d understand my reasons just now. )

… … … ah.

( Wait a second. )

You said it was entertaining…

What was, exactly? 

Kino: Ah~ You, running away. Running from the Demon World to the Human World is a long lap! It was impressive, and then you started flying! It was great!

Did you think they would kill you, too? Fufu, they wouldn’t kill another Ghoul.

Scarlett: … …

Kino: Not while being sane, at least.

Scarlett: … … … … 

( I can’t tell if this is going to be good or bad for me. )

( What if the other Ghouls expose me…? )

… … …

Kino: …? 

Ooooooi. Are you there? 

Still in shock?

Scarlett: ( Do others know? Can I trust this guy at all? )  

Kino: Scarlett.

Scarlett: ( What if he enslaves me too? What if— )

Forbidden Voracity Dark Prologue [CG]

Kino: Scar~lett~chan~!

Scarlett: …!?

Don’t call me that.

Kino: That brought you back! Scar~lett~chan~

Scarlett: I’m probably older than you, stop it!

Kino: Wha–!?

… Are you?

Scarlett: … Probably. I only heard of you… after quite some time.

Kino: … huh.

Anyway! It’s still a cute nickname~. I’ll call you like that if you don’t accept.

Scarlett: ––!? 

Don’t persuade me like that!

Kino: Fufu, not at all~. But we won’t see each other anymore if you refuse, so what’s so terrible about it?

Scarlett: …

 I haven’t refused…

Kino: …!

Oh? Will you help me, then!?

Scarlett: It wasn’t help for you only, right…?

I could help other Ghouls…

And getting a little… power… sounds nice.

( And so does to redeem myself… )

Kino: Ho~, right. I like that.

So, do we have a deal?

[ Kino hold his hand out to her. ]

Scarlett: … No…

Kino: Eh!?

Scarlett: Don’t… shake my hand. I accept, but that’s–

Kino: Ah, I see.

Don’t worry. If you accept, then I won’t hurt you.

Scarlett: ( ... ‘Then’? )

Kino: You can trust me, Scar~chan.

Scarlett: !! You said…!

Kino: Hey, I didn’t say I wouldn’t call you that if you accepted.  

Fufu~ Don’t put on such an angry face.

[ Kino holds her hand ]

Scarlett: …!!! K–Kino!!

Kino: Relax, we’ll seal this pact in a gentler way.


Forbidden Voracity Dark Prologue [CG]

Kino: … chu.

Scarlett: … ah.

Kino: Is this bad? 

Scarlett: Not… too much.

Kino: Good~.

You can’t feel my lips with your gloves, though.

Scarlett: I will pretend to… so leave them on. 

Forbidden Voracity Dark Prologue [CG]

Kino: Fufu. Yes, yes.

I’m glad you accepted, Scarlett.

Scarlett: … hm.

Kino: Let’s make history together, shall we?

[CG Ends]

Scarlett: … Yes. 

I… I will do my best.

Kino: That’s the attitude~.

Fufufu… hahaha~.

Scarlett: … What… What is so funny…?

Kino: Nothing, nothing~

… … But–

Forbidden Voracity Dark Prologue [CG]

Kino: Scarlett’s face is scarlet! That’s funny! Hahahaha~!

Scarlett: Wha–! Stop that…!

Kino: Hahaha~. Sorry, sorry. 

Let’s go home now, Yuuri must be waiting.

[ Steps ]


I have no clue whether I made the correct decision or just doomed myself once more.

Only time will tell.

I walk side by side with Kino, back to his home. Which will be, temporarily, my new home as well.

Until I find something new, I can stay there.

Until I get enough strength to face my own sins, I will try to do something good.

… And until I’m able to redeem myself, Kino doesn't need to know that Rhiannon-sama didn’t kill those Ghouls.

——Or that, instead, the real culprit is walking by his side now, fighting against the fine line between sanity and insanity.

With just a few glances, I catch him smiling a lot.

How long will it take for him to regret it…

… or will it be me, regretting it first?

I decide to embrace some harmless intrusive thoughts. Because, as long as I decide to take risks, success is always a possibility.

——But so is failure.

—Monologue END—

Dark Prologue END


[ Masterlist ] [ Next → Dark 1 ]

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7 months ago

“average person eats 3 spiders a year” factoid actualy just statistical error. average person eats 0 spiders per year. Spiders Georg, who lives in cave & eats over 10,000 each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted

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10 years ago


I’ve been working on this since March of 2013, so it’s been a long time coming! You can see more about it by browsing the posts here.

This is an animated music video for the Alternian ancestors—characters in the webcomic Homestuck whose epic story is only ever relayed via exposition. This gave me plenty of leeway for creativity, but I did my best to stay as true to what we’re told as possible and I hope you enjoy it!

Song: Protectors of the Earth by Two Steps from Hell Programs Used: Toon Boom Studio 4.5, Adobe Photoshop CS6, iMovie My tablet is a Wacom Cintiq

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6 years ago



Once upon a time in a faraway land, there was a tiny kingdom that was peaceful, prosperous, and rich in romance and tradition. Tucked away in the corner of town lies a charming little stone house that’s absolutely smothered by flowers of impeccable beauty. But the life around the Kageyama house belies the bane plaguing them - Ritsu Kageyama will do anything to lift the curse from his older brother. Even if it costs him a glass shoe.

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1 year ago

Good news, fellow artists! Nightshade has finally been released by the UChicago team! If you aren't aware of what Nightshade is, it's a tool that helps poison AI datasets so that the model "sees" something different from what an image actually depicts. It's the same team that released Glaze, which helps protect art against style mimicry (aka those finetuned models that try to rip off a specific artist). As they show in their paper, even a hundred poisoned concepts make a huge difference.

Good News, Fellow Artists! Nightshade Has Finally Been Released By The UChicago Team! If You Aren't Aware
Good News, Fellow Artists! Nightshade Has Finally Been Released By The UChicago Team! If You Aren't Aware
Good News, Fellow Artists! Nightshade Has Finally Been Released By The UChicago Team! If You Aren't Aware
Good News, Fellow Artists! Nightshade Has Finally Been Released By The UChicago Team! If You Aren't Aware

(Reminder that glazing your art is more important than nighshading it, as they mention in their tweets above, so when you're uploading your art, try to glaze it at the very least.)

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1 year ago

The wait has been long enough - a Demo is here for LongStory 2!

It’s short but sweet - grab it while you can on Steam!

The Wait Has Been Long Enough - A Demo Is Here For LongStory 2!

💟 Play the Demo and tell us where things break 💩 and add it to your wish list no matter what >_<

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5 months ago

i swear to god if one more stupid fandom ruins a beautiful text post i am calling the police

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1 year ago

Let’s Fall in Love, IRL | Prologue

Lets Fall In Love, IRL | Prologue

pairing: Jisung x fem reader

genre: smau, crack, angst, fluff, non!idol au, Pen pals to lovers, friend of a friend to lovers

pov: 1st/2nd person (depending on how you view it)

warnings: swearing, mention of food

summary: When she was a child, L/n Y/n was in a horrible accident that left her face disfigured.  After getting bullied relentlessly by her classmates for her appearance, Y/n escaped to the digital world where she meets Felix. Now an adult, Y/n has be come a complete social recluse, only talking to her 4 childhood best friends and roommates and her only friends. When Felix goes AFK one day in the middle of a game, Felix’s roommates decides to step in. Is this the start a new relationship or will Y/n’s crippling social anxiety get in the way?

taglist: CLOSED

word count: n/a

screenshot count: 12

masterlist | next

©feelbokkie (2023) — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.

Lets Fall In Love, IRL | Prologue
Lets Fall In Love, IRL | Prologue
Lets Fall In Love, IRL | Prologue
Lets Fall In Love, IRL | Prologue
Lets Fall In Love, IRL | Prologue
Lets Fall In Love, IRL | Prologue
Lets Fall In Love, IRL | Prologue
Lets Fall In Love, IRL | Prologue
Lets Fall In Love, IRL | Prologue
Lets Fall In Love, IRL | Prologue
Lets Fall In Love, IRL | Prologue
Lets Fall In Love, IRL | Prologue

Buy me a coffee?


Red means that it wouldn't let me tag you (either at all or properly)

@amyyscorner @jiisungllvr @phtogravi @lilcutieana @veedoesntknaur @yongbbokkie @brain-empty-only-draken @thisisnotjacinta @thefangirloncrack @chlodavids @heartz4chuu @sunshinessky @reverse-soe @its-hannjisung @angelsandtimelords @zeejones @liknws @marked-unknown @sansona @aaasia111 @jhstayy @aslou @hyunbae-35 @kangaracharacha @skz-streamer @btskzfav @weird-bookworm @jihanniee @everglowdaisies @puppysmileseungmin

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4 years ago

i don’t think you guys understand how much I think about this vid

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10 months ago
Tilly The God Au Ep 1 (part 1 Of 4 I Think)
Tilly The God Au Ep 1 (part 1 Of 4 I Think)
Tilly The God Au Ep 1 (part 1 Of 4 I Think)
Tilly The God Au Ep 1 (part 1 Of 4 I Think)
Tilly The God Au Ep 1 (part 1 Of 4 I Think)
Tilly The God Au Ep 1 (part 1 Of 4 I Think)
Tilly The God Au Ep 1 (part 1 Of 4 I Think)
Tilly The God Au Ep 1 (part 1 Of 4 I Think)
Tilly The God Au Ep 1 (part 1 Of 4 I Think)

tilly the god au ep 1 (part 1 of 4 I think)

prev stuff / next stuff (not here yet sadly)

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4 years ago


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1 year ago
Lindsey Lohan in Mean Girls telling him "It's October 3rd"

just shaking thinking about how long that 80-page Dracula Daily entry is going to be in Re: Dracula. But I also can’t remember exactly what day it happens so one of these mornings I’m going to open the podcast for the new entry and get hit with like a two hour update

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6 months ago

something about loving you like an alcohol addict

pspsps come get your billford

Something About Loving You Like An Alcohol Addict

this was supposed to be longer but dear god that's a lot of work... so here's the storyboard for it:

Something About Loving You Like An Alcohol Addict

maybe i'll finish it later,, for the tragic fiddauthor enjoyer in me

ok bye

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2 years ago

Would a "reverse" Love Square do this?!?!?!?

Would A "reverse" Love Square Do This?!?!?!?
Would A "reverse" Love Square Do This?!?!?!?
Would A "reverse" Love Square Do This?!?!?!?
Would A "reverse" Love Square Do This?!?!?!?

Love Square is complete, bitches

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2 years ago


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