Monster Imagine - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago


So hybrid bulls and cows are actually separate species in MY fantasy world, not male and female.

So you work on a farm specializing in male cows and bulls, the only woman that’s allowed there due to… how the hybrids behave around any females.

You milk them… but not in the normal way. As the only woman on the farm, you’re the only one they’ll allow to milk their cocks. They produce a special semen that’s a milk alternative, and very yummy!

The cow’s are fine enough, following you around and nuzzling into you, wanting cuddles and extra attention when you’re milking them… they behave so well, blushing and mooing softly, gently moving their hips against your hand as you milk their cocks dry.

The bulls however… are a different story. They’re very territorial and protective over the cow hybrids, who they’ve formed a friendship with. They don’t like most people, and tend to be loners that only come around when it’s milking time.

But your pay is upgraded when the farm owners notice that the bulls have started warming up to you, even starting to treat you like a heifer, keeping you safe and guarding you from the other employees.

It wasn’t a surprise to anyone but you when the bulls started being a bit… too handsy with you. They viewed you as a heifer now… but you were so small compared to any female cow they’d ever seen. A runt, stunted, maybe…

But you had that chubby tummy and plush hips, those plump breasts that would look so pretty full of milk…

Within a month of starting work, you find yourself being bent over by one of the bulls, the cows mooing in distress and trying to comfort you as a fat cock enters your cunt.

“D-don’t be rough with her! She’s little!” one of the cows protests, stroking your hair and cooing softly to you. The bull huffs, hot air hitting the back of your neck as he fucks into you.

“Being as gentle as possible… little thing, couldn’t take me being rough even if I wanted to be…”

Your cunt was stuffed full with cum, several bulls mounting you until you were a blubbering mess. Once the bulls were done, you were surrounded by cows, getting kisses and snuggles… but they wanted to mate as well…

They pressed down on your belly, cum pooling between your legs as they cooed and gently fucked their own seed into you. By the end of the work day, you were spent, curled up in the hay with several cow hybrids as the bulls guarded the door.

You were payed handsomely for your efforts, and offered an even bigger paycheck to let them mount you at least once a week to let out their sexual frustrations.

They became more territorial around you, but when you weren’t in the picture, the bulls were much calmer and didn’t attack anyone that brought out food or came to give them check ups.

And when you became pregnant… well… let’s just say you were tucked away in the barn, living there with the cows and bulls as your belly grew heavy and swollen.

The cows tended to you, making sure you received all the human comforts you wanted along with their endless affections, and the bulls kept you safe.


A/N: omg… ask me more about this concept because… I’m in love

NSFW TAGLIST: @sunset-214 @screaming-crying-screamingagain @strawberrypoundtown @avalordream @icommitwarcrimes @bazpire @chubbumblebee @im-eating-rn @anglingforlevels @kinshenewa @pasteldaze @j3llyphisching @unforgettablewhvre @yoongiigolden

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11 months ago

Yandere! Monster x Reader Headcanons

You find yourself kidnapped into a half-breed family of monsters and humans, for the purpose of an arranged marriage. Luckily for you, the groom is their only pure human, terribly handsome and charming. You'd perhaps appreciate him more if your eyes weren't glued to his monstrous older sibling...

Content: female reader, monster smut, reader is a shameless monster hoe

[Part 2]

Yandere! Monster X Reader Headcanons

You always imagined such kidnappings to be of theatrical intensity, being scooped up against your will as you scream and flail your arms, longing for a savior. The affair itself felt more like a formal summoning. Mysterious men appeared before you and merely announced that your presence is required, unfortunately without the choice of refusal. Might as well. You packed necessities under their polite supervision and now you're sitting at the table, facing multiple strangers who are casually enjoying their lunch. One of them, the head of the family apparently, explains that half-breeds are in a rather sensitive place when one considers human and monster politics. Thus, every now and then, they will do whatever it takes to strengthen their bonds and show good intent towards both species. This time it's an arranged marriage with a fellow human.

Why you, in particular? No need to concern yourself with intricate details. What matters now is that you are to be married soon and your groom is right here, enthusiastically waving in a welcoming greeting. You scan his features and can't help but agree with the family: he is, by all definitions, a conventionally handsome man. His face is carefully chiseled in most elegant, yet masculine features. His voice is confident but warm, and you can tell by the flock of servants hovering around that he's rather popular. After the luxurious meal he guides you around the imposing home, showing you to your room and briefing you on future responsibilities. Caring, attentive, and several other checks that you can easily mark in his favor.

Yet one vital aspect has been omitted. The prince's mesmerizing beauty was rather swiftly discarded once you realized the presence of his older sibling, a pure monster blood towering above everyone else and idly eating his food, uninterested. You managed to hide your blush in time, but you couldn't help throwing curious glances. Might've been easier for everyone involved if they handed out 'monster lover' badges. Alas, you weren't prepared to ever be faced with the choice.

The next day you're awoken by the murmur of diligent work, as both servants and family pace back and forth about their plans. You sneak your way out - since nothing is yet expected of you - and wander until you find your intended target: the beastly sibling is polishing a bizarre weapon you don't recognize in what seems to be a storage room littered with battle memorabilia. He notices your presence and acknowledges you with a bored nod. You ask whether you may observe his current activity and he looks up at you, raising an eyebrow suspiciously before agreeing. Why would you care? Certainly there's more entertaining things for you to do as a soon-to-be bride.

As you listen to his little stories from the battleground (hardy monsters like him are better off fighting, not socializing), you have to pat your cheeks in desperate attempts to cool down your burning blush. "H-how comes you don't have a partner?" You mutter, almost feverish. "Not interested. Plus, who would dare to marry me?" he jokes, focused on the sharp item in his clawed hands. There it is. Hesitation and diplomacy out the window, you rearrange yourself, smoothening your clothing, and whisper: "Well, if I had to choose, I would've preferred you as my husband..."

Once again he stares at you bewildered. Have you come here to mock him or something? A frail, pretty human like you, about to tie the knot with his stunning younger brother, showing up here and behind everyone's backs to openly flirt with him. Ridiculous beyond comprehension. His skin is thick enough to not mind such twisted humor, so if anything he's impressed by your audacity. Alright, if you've come for jokes, he'll comply. He places his weapon down and fully turns to you. A little scare might teach you to be more respectful with your in-laws next time.

With a speedy movement that's barely registered by your eyes, he pushes you on the floor and pins you by the wrists, lowering himself uncomfortably close to your face. "If you tease me like this, I might not be able to hold back." He says as he forces himself to smile extra hard, revealing the multiple rows of fangs. "In fact, I can't guarantee you'd make it out of here alive." Hopefully he isn't going too far with his tactics. He senses your frantic breathing and is about to apologize for continuing your prank, but you blurt out in a daze: "Yes, please! I've been thinking about it ever since I saw you." You're panting for dear life as your face is turning a deep shade of red.

Uh oh. Now this is awkward. You weren' weren't kidding. For a moment, he freezes in place, trying to recollect himself to no avail. Fucking your brother's future wife in a storage room in the middle of the day feels like poorly written erotic romance. Then again, he can't deny the sudden urge overwhelming him at the mere thought of it. You're squirming underneath him, gliding your legs across his now obvious bulge. His common sense is hanging by a comically thin thread and he can almost hear the instant when it snaps. Thankfully some leftovers of sanity must have remained in the back of his mind and his lustful grunts while pounding you are kept low enough that no one is notified of your horny deeds. Shutting you up was the bigger challenge.

"Is this too tight, miss?" You spin in front of the mirror and the servant readjusts the lace corset adorning your wedding dress. You have to hold back your yawn. Downright shameless and perverted of you to daydream about your monster boyfriend while trying on bridal gowns, but it's not like you agreed to it to begin with. You were kind of hoping to discuss future dating prospects post-intercourse, but someone had been looking for you shortly afterwards and you struggled to regain your composure. Your scary-looking suitor shooed you away with the promise of a reunion.

Before the servant can reach for the next dress, you both jump, startled by angry shouts coming from the hall. You rush outside to witness the older sibling standing before the head of the family. The wrathful threats were coming from the much smaller half-human. "Y-you can't just decide like that!" He screams. "Of course I can. You're welcome to fight me for it." The monster sibling flashes a smug grin. "Can anyone here defeat me?" His question is met with silence. He spots you and gestures you to come towards him. "I'll say it one more time. Find another human for my brother if you have to. This one is mine." He ends his sentence in a low growl and you shiver underneath his heavy arm. Boy, what a time to be alive.

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11 months ago

More of the yandere monster???? Like their married life, him being such a cutie cutie and the reader is a willing person to his yandere tendencies. Like him physically fighting someone for flirting with her for .01 second and her just being 😍🥰

Alright anon, seeing as this has once again resurfaced, I'll cover a little bit of marital life as per your suggestion. (I'm hoping you're referring to the older sibling monster)

Yandere! Monster Husband x Reader

A little change of plans and the wedding you've been kidnapped for continued without a hitch, except you married the monstrous sibling instead. Made for an awkward celebratory dinner, but no one dared to oppose the Beast.

Content: female reader, monster romance, mildly NSFW, saga of the monster hoe reader continues

[First part]

More Of The Yandere Monster???? Like Their Married Life, Him Being Such A Cutie Cutie And The Reader

The next family dinner was quiet. You couldn't help but wonder if your horniness had gone too far, slowly chewing your food and occasionally peeking at the ex-groom with remorseful eyes. Poor guy, you thought. "Well, it's quite convenient, isn't it?" he finally said, breaking the silence. The cutlery sounds paused, and you lifted your gaze again. The man flashed you a radiant smile, which emphasized his handsome features even more. "I mean, we weren't sure we'd ever find a wife for my brother. He has a bit of an attitude, and even monsters are afraid of him. The only marriage attempt-" his speech was interrupted by a grunt, and you turned towards your monstrous boyfriend. The older sibling was frowning, visibly embarrassed. "Oh, I remember!" the mother of the siblings, a halfling herself, suddenly chuckled into her glass, taking a generous sip before continuing: "We'd arranged for a fellow monster to meet him, and the poor soul got so frightened she blended in with the background! Took us two days to find her! She came from a chameleon family, I recall."

Everyone at the table began to laugh and you joined, although with a mild annoyance tinged into your voice. So what, there was no reason for you to be plagued by guilt? You even refused a night escapade with your boyfriend until things "settled", as a way to be respectful towards the cucked party. All for naught. At least now you could be ravaged without further consequences. When the mother in law had pulled you aside hours earlier to make sure you weren't coerced into this arrangement, you had to hold back from crassly confessing you'd slurp her son empty of fluids at any hour of the day. Some things are better left untold.

Unfortunately, one detail couldn't be changed in time: the guest list. As this had been an event meant to strengthen the ties between humans, no one outside of the immediate family graced the venue with their monstrous presence. Many guests were intrigued by the outcome of the affair, terribly curious to see the famed wife-to-be of the gruesome, feared Head of the royal army. Even more so once they discovered it was a regular human by all means. "Fascinating!", the old ladies would occasionally cry out, clutching the plump, expensive pearls adorning their necks. You had to frequently excuse yourself in order to dodge the rather indecent questions regarding your relationship. Except when you did manage to sneak away, one of the younger men of names and titles you never registered would approach you for a dance. "Truly a pitiful matter", they'd whisper much too close to your ear. "You would've made a lovely bride for a fellow human."

"You're unexpectedly calm about this", the prince mentioned to his older brother at some point during the wedding night. "Are you not bothered by all the acquaintances flocking to your bride?" The monster shook his head with a sigh. He hadn't known you for that long yet, but one thing he was certain of: it's not humans he needed to fear.

Indeed, having a wife with a monster kink is particularly challenging when most of the husband's work involves similar creatures. The first months after the marriage were stalked by the insidious doubt that his luck was just that: mere coincidence. Would you have displayed the same interest had he not been the only beast at the table? Would you still pick him in a room full of monsters? Such questions followed him each day, feeding into an ever-growing jealousy.

"What are you doing here!", he exclaimed in despair once he noticed your arrival at his training camp. "You forgot your lunch", you explained, eyebrows raised in confusion. Oh, for fuck's sake. He quickly pulled you away, glaring at the subordinates startled by the commotion. They must've been eyeing (Y/N) like rabid dogs, he thought. Next thing you know, you'll be scooped away by some horned scoundrel. He can't have that.

Initially, the rage-filled, obsession-driven fuck you'd receive almost daily was welcomed with shameless begging. The way your monster husband would pin you down under his claws and thrust into you so hard, you could see its movement in waves across your stomach. The way he'd forcefully spread your legs, hungrily sinking his nails into the soft flesh of your thighs and gnawing your shoulders in delirious need. The tears that sheepishly formed in the corners of your hooded eyes would only incite him more. "Bite onto my hand if you can't take it anymore", he'd coo without stopping. As much as you liked to be left a limp, drooling mess, the soreness grew unbearable. Enough was enough when you found yourself carrying a cushion to sit down on any surface.

"Listen, we need to have a talk." You greeted him solemnly once he returned from his military duties. Oh, no. Absolutely not. The monstrous husband bit his lips in panic, immediately going through a mental list of all his subordinates. Or was it someone in the family that slithered their way into your heart? Is that what it was about, that you'd found a different creature? No matter, you weren't going anywhere. "I don't want to hear about it", he declared dramatically. "I have a bruised cervix!" you shouted in disbelief. "Huh?" He stared at you. "It hurts even when I lay down, man. You have to tone it down. At least for a little while."

Ah. Awkward. You noticed his flinch, and patted the empty seat next to you. "What did you think I was going to say?" The bench groaned under the weight of his gargantuan body. Hands folded in his lap like a punished schoolboy, your husband began to narrate the tale of his seething envy and frenzied passion for you. You must understand, he's never cared for anyone as much. To hell with duty and honor, he would kill his own father if his touch on you lingered one second longer than permitted. "Alright, but you must control yourself a little", you reminded him gently. "Never, my urge to obliterate any threat in my path is insatiable", he concluded with vehemence. "Yes, yes, that I understand. The sex, I mean", you gesticulated. "Of course. My apologies, I got sidetracked."

Somehow, he didn't expect to leave this conversation with a cathartic approval of his possessiveness. "Surely you must be upset by my fanatical behavior", he suggested meekly. "Oh no, it's part of your charm", you reassured him with a smile. "It's just not that sustainable in bed without the occasional break." You pat your stomach to express your misfortune.

Sadly, your monster fucking dreams must adhere to the laws of biology.

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11 months ago

What You Can Look Forward to With a Big Monster Boyfriend

What You Can Look Forward To With A Big Monster Boyfriend

Your big monster!boyfriend will princess carry you regardless of what the situation is. Not only princess carry you but he is also perfect to be climbed on when you're still groggy from sleep in the morning and don't want to walk to the kitchen and eat. You can be like a big backpack, or you can be at his front, with one of his big arms holding you.

One thing that's a bit of a pain with your big monster!boyfriend is clothes shopping with him. Few clothes will bit him both in height and in width. He has to go to a special store for monsters like him, where you will get all kinds of looks and comments calling you a cute couple, which will make him very happy but also make him territorial.

For your big monster!boyfriend and you to sleep comfortably together you need to buy a big bed and a sturdy bed. Same goes with most furniture you owned. But when you moved to a new place together, one more accommodating to him you had a lot more space for cuddles.

Cold is never a problem with your big monster!boyfriend sleeping next to you. He sleeps completely cuddled up next to you, shielding your body from the cold or any sort of danger really. Not tense, he's very relaxed actually, however even in his sleep he's very entuned in the way you're breathing and your heartbeat, to make sure you're warm and safe and healthy.

No more reaching for high shelves with your big monster!boyfriend there to hand you everything you might need. No matter what your height, as a human there are limits, but he isn't beholden to those same limits. Unfair how he will use that to his advantage, holding the item you need high above your head until you kiss him, like he's some kind of high-school bully, but hotter.

What You Can Look Forward To With A Big Monster Boyfriend

The sex you will have with your big monster!boyfriend will get some time to get used to. It's not just his size but his other monster features such as fangs and claws and strength that could easily harm you if he were to lose control of himself. It's a learning curve for you both but you are very determined to one day have his whole cock in your pussy.

It takes a lot of time and preparation for your big monster!boyfriend to work his whole cock, and knot, inside of you. He has to take it slow for your sake, you both know it and if he has to be the one with a cooler head then he will be, he will hold your hips down when you try to take more cock then you're ready for. Growling at you to stay still only makes your pussy tighter around his girth.

With a big monster!boyfriend it's a given that there will also be lots of cum. A lot more cum then can fit in your human pussy, but well that's not a problem, you have two more holes he can fill up. You're not a quitter, and as long as his cock is hard you're be willing to milk his balls dry.

You need to get used to a lot of noises while you and your big monster!boyfriend have sex. Not just the noises the two of you and your bodies make: moaning, growling, whimpering, slapping, choking for breath, squelching. But also the sound of clothes and sheets being torn, the bed creaking and pushing against the wall, and yes even the occasional table breaking.

Your big monster!boyfriend completely looms, curls and envelopes you when he's on top of you. It makes you feel safe, it makes you feel fragile and god does it make you horny to know just how big he really is in comparison to you. He could snap you in half, he does sometimes fold you in half when he wants you to watch his cock splitting your cunt, and yet he is also the most caring lover you've ever had.

What You Can Look Forward To With A Big Monster Boyfriend

Dividers made by: @cafekitsune

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11 months ago

thank you for blessing us with that post with the deer hybrid that gets claimed by the mountain lion. it is truly rotting my brain and i love it. this big mountain lion fussing and worrying about them yet clueless to the fact they’re apprehensive of the one that whisked them away is just *chefs kiss* 😭😭😭

"Are you hurt?" he asks, his slitted eyes focused on you intensely.

"No, I-"

"you're trembling, why are you trembling?" he insists. you bite your lower lip. he's so close and so... intimidating. it's hard not to be a little nervous around your would-be mate, but you're scared to admit that, what if he took it the wrong way and attacked you.

"I'm a little nervous around predators," you admit finally. He nuzzles closer to you in a way that is supposed to be relaxing but only makes you freeze. he's rubbing his head against your neck and collarbone, right against your throat- if he wanted to he could sink those sharp teeth into your skin and crumple you in a second.

"They won't get to you, not while I'm here," he assures.

"you're a predator too," you point out, making him stop. he pulls back and considers it momentarily as if realizing for the first time that he is a mountain lion, a beast that eats little deer like you for breakfast.

"but... I'm not scary am I?" he asks. You don't say anything to that. and he crumples a little, before kneeling at your side nuzzling your hand, and purring loudly.

"wh- what are you doing?" you ask as he nuzzles at your hand like a house cat

"making myself less scary, until you get used to me."

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11 months ago

Why stop at one? When you can have a whole pack of jock werewolves.

Seriously I just wanna be the cute nerd boy that the entire team of werewolf jocks uses as their flashlight 🤤

Why Stop At One? When You Can Have A Whole Pack Of Jock Werewolves.

mmmm a whole pack of werewolves. oh wow.

I prefer to imagine that while they're all jocks they all play different sports simply because that's more interesting. All Werewolf football team? boring. A wrestler, a hockey player, a football player, and a soccer player? now that's a team.

Something about a hockey player with a shaggy mullet and a busted nose gets me. imagine he's fresh off the ice with a bloody nose and that doesn't stop him from kissing you deeply smearing his blood on your face as he sticks his tongue in your mouth.

a himbo football player who is all soft and puppy love with you but uses you as a workout, why lift weights when he can lift you up and down his cock using you like a fleshlight. that way he gets a little cardio done too.

A lythe and quick soccer player who is more slim than the rest of her pack, but no less muscular. She chases you down to work on her sprints, pins you down, and fucks you when she catches you. and she will catch you, she's always the fastest on the field.

A wrestler who pins you down on the bed in seconds and forces your legs apart keeping you spread with his big hands as he lazily eats your pussy from he back, making sure to spank you every time you get a little too comfortable grinding back against his mouth.

good fucking luck if more than one of them want you at the same time, or if all of them want you. yeesh.

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10 months ago

big jock werewolf who bullies you. he teases you for being so wet while they fuck you with his fat fingers and pulls your shirt up to snap pictures of your chest. he pushes you up against lockers and sticks his tongue down your throat too.

Big jock werewolf who eats you out in the locker room, he tells you you better cum quick because he isn't stopping until you do, even if the other team members walk in. he hopes they do, so he can tease you for being such a slut and getting off while other people watch.

Big jock werewolf who is not your boyfriend and will laugh if anyone brings it up, but it anyone so much as looks at you he'll beat them to a bloody pulp.

Big jock werewolf who asks for you to send him notes one day, then as soon as he has your number all he does is send you videos of him jerking off, moaning the whole time about how badly he wants to knot you until he cums and the video ends. He texts you asking if you liked it, if the video made you horny, and where's his video, he's been so nice the least you could do is send him a video of you playing with yourself.

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10 months ago

I really want to be a MC in a game where I wake up in a tower and in order to leave I have to get down but on every floor there are different beings I have to fuck. Starting with humans and the farther down you get, they get bigger or a bit more dangerous. With every cum of your opponent, you get experience points. But you also can loose life points and the succubus almost ended you. You meet Werwolfs, Minotaur’s, Naga’s, Tentacle monsters and more. The end boss could be an Orgie or a Dragon or whatever. 🤤

Uuuuuuh, I like the way you think. One after the other, no time to think, no time to recover... Hot. I imagine something like this:

At first you think it's not gonna be too hard, humans are boring, and the dude comes in like ten seconds. As you get down with vampires and werewolves, your pussy feels a bit raw, a bit too sensitive. The vampire suckes the blood off your clit, making you orgasm and losing a few life points, but you survive. The werewolf knot is harder to take, but as it stretches you wide, you can't hold the groans and moans. He howls. You get to the next level with a dripping pussy, and the naga hates that. He fucks the cum out of you and injects you with paralyzing venom, unable to move, he fucks your mouth, your ass... every hole he can. He leaves you there, unmoving. The minotaur finds you when you are getting back some movement, but not like he cares. He uses you like a fleshlight until he is seated and you have lost half of your life points. But you aren't giving up. You keep going, taking each shot of cum inside your gaping hole like a champ, proud to be a bad bitch. The succubus seem like an easy one, they look pretty human, but they leave you barely hanging, sucking the life out of you as they made you squirt over and over. When the tentacle monster appears, you don't know if you can do more, if you can take more. But he doesn't care either, you are just a body with holes to fill, and that's exactly what he does. He penetrates all your holes at the same time, gropping the rest of your body, moving you like a rag doll. You don't know if you can keep going, but you want to get to the prize. To the dragon cock in the final level, it doesn't matter if it kills you.

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10 months ago

Feral werewolf who follows you home from the woods. He stalks you, follows you everywhere. You don't mind, he's just like a lost dog following you around. A really, really big dog. But he's harmless, and really cute if you ignore the bloody fangs and salivating mouth every time he looks at you. He's okay. You don't mind. And at night, he whines and scratches your door because it's been too long since he saw you. A couple hours are a lot for someone who doesn't understand time.

You have to open your door and let him in, where he proceeds to follow you to bed and drape himself over you like a weighted blanket. You are okay with that, too. Why not? He's harmless. He's just a giant puppy who likes to cuddle you. A giant puppy that transforma into a big human as you sleep and wakes you up grinding his hard dick against your ass. He whines as he humps you and traps you under him until he's coming all over you, satisfied with his marking. You complain and chastise him, but he looks so proud of himself you feel a bit bad. So you ignore it, what if he wants to hump you... He's harmless.

But things escalate fast after that. He follows you when you go running, excited by the chase, and tackles you to the ground where he fucks your thighs until he gets your leggings all messy and sticky. You chastise him, but once again, he's just proud of his work. You have to walk home with messy leggings that rub your inner thighs in a way that you don't want to think much about.

You wake that night with his head between your thighs as he licks your pussy over and over. You want to push him away, but he's too strong, and you don't put much of a fight. Why would you? He's just a feral werewolf fixated on you. He just wants to eat you out... And his tongue is so long that he can lick your G-spot and play with your cervix. You came so hard you scare him, making him bite down on your hip and making you come again. Well...

Maybe he's not so harmless after all. He's a feral werewolf... But you are a monsterfucker.

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10 months ago

Misunderstanding your werewolf boyfriend

Werewolf x non-gendered human || sfw

“Did you throw the deer out?” He asked you as you put the groceries away.

You looked at him over your shoulder, confused. “I- Yes, I did. Why?”

“You…” He choked on the word, his eyes sad. He looked like a kicked puppy. “You don’t love me anymore?” He asked you out of nowhere.

“What?! Why do you say that?” Alarms rang in your brain. What was all that about?

“You threw the deer out.” He repeated.

“It was smelly.” You clarified. A week or so ago he arrived in the early morning with a big deer and left it out in the garage, asking you to go look at it. You did. It was gross, but you congratulated him and left. You didn’t think much of it, but a couple days ago the deer was still in the garage and it was starting to attract some wildlife to your porch.

“But it was for you.” He tried, his voice soft and little. You wanted to fight whoever made your werewolf feel sad, but you suspected that someone was you.

“What do you mean it was for me?” You asked, confused. Were you missing something?

“I thought… I thought we were courting.” He whispered, almost too low for you to hear.

“Courting?” Did he meant dating? “We are dating, yes.” You clarified.

“You gave me food.” He stated, as if that explained anything.

“Yeah, I made you dinner.” You recalled. You had a date a couple weeks ago and made some steaks. He was so happy when you presented him with dinner, you thought he really liked steaks.

He looked as confused as you as he said: “You gave me food so I gave you food. Courting gifts.”

You let out a long breath, suspecting the cause of all this confusion between the two of you. “Darling, I need you to explain to me what courting gifts are.”

He looked at you, puzzled. “To us… To wolves… We court our mate and prove we are worthy of them by bringing them gifts. I was proving to you that I can provide. I can be good for you.” His last words were little, like he thought he did something wrong and you were going to scold him. “But you threw it away.” He looked sad all over again. Fuck.

And then it clicked, he thought he was doing something good, that he was giving something you could need. He was trying to provide for you… With a dead deer. That was weird, but in a very sweet way. “Oh darling, I didn’t know. Why didn’t you say anything?” You asked, taking his hand on yours and kissing his palm.

“I thought you knew!”

“I’m not a wolf!”

“Oh. Yeah. Right. Humans don’t do that?”

You chuckled. “Give each other dead animals? No.”

“Oh.” He looked like he needed some time to process that information. Your relationship was usually pretty smooth, but in times like these, when the differences between your cultures hit, both of you felt like a fish out of water.

“For further gifts, I’d like some flowers.” You proposed, maybe giving him other ideas could be the solution to their current problem.

He was looking at you like you grew a second head. “Flowers? You eat flowers?” He looked disgusted at the thought.

You laughed, almost choking on your own saliva. “No! A gift. We gift flowers. And maybe chocolate.” You added.


“No more dead deer.”

“No more.” He agreed.

He looked so soft, his ears moving as he was trying to pinpoint exactly how your heartbeat changed as you moved. “Come here.” You whispered, pulling at the neck of his shirt so he would lower his head. When his eyes were at the same level as yours, you whispered: “We need to work on our communication skills.” He nodded, licking his lips in anticipation. His big tongue running over his canines and making your heartbeat accelerate.

And then you kissed him with all you had, pouring every soft feeling you had for him into the kiss. You would never get tired of the spark of danger you felt when your tongue graced his fangs.

He was a predator, a big bad alpha werewolf who could throw you over his shoulder at any time. But instead, he was trying really hard to accommodate what he thought were your “weird” human customs, and you couldn’t be more glad about it.

You were taking it slow, even though you knew it was killing him not to claim you as his since the first time he smelled you at the supermarket and stalked you back to your house. He gave you the scare of your life when the biggest wolf you’d ever seen appeared on your patio. But you still gave him a chance.

Maybe he was as tall as your ceilings, but he was yours. Just as you were his.

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10 months ago

Monster boyfriend who is obsessed with your soft tummy. He pinches, gropes and touches your tummy as many times as he likes. Doesn't matter where you are, if he can grab you, he's gonna grope your soft flesh. You get too self-aware about it, too many years being told that fat is ugly. But he gets so mad at you when you talk badly about yourself... He gets so mad that he fucks you senseless, until you have no doubt how hot you are, how hard you make him. And then he finishes on your tummy, because he fucking loves to see you covered in his essence.

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9 months ago

Werewolf boyfriend who cums so much he's embarrassed to fuck you the first time. You fooled around a few times, and he made you cum over and over. He loved getting you all hot and bothered and then licking your hole until it was puffy and gaping. And you loved it, too. But you wanted more. You wanted him to fuck you senseless, to fuck you stupid. But he wasn't doing it. He always pulled away, he didn't want you to touch him either. And it was giving you a complex. So you confronted him about it.

He was so embarrassed and so flushed when he told you he just came so much. He came like buckets, and it was always a big mess and it took so long for him to get everything out... You were salivating by the time he finished talking. You assured him it was okay, you wanted it, you didn't care how much of it there was.

But you weren't ready. Not at all. The first time you blew him, he came in your mouth and almost choked you. You pulled out to cough, and he kept coming over your face, your chest... You ended up being showered in cum. So much of it you felt like a glazed donut. He apologized profusely as you two showered together. You told him it was nothing, but you were also embarrassed to tell him how fucking much you enjoyed it. You loved it more than anything you two had done before.

And then you fucked. He came inside of you so much you could feel it moving inside. You could feel it dripping around his cock, your hole so stretched you could cry. And when he pulled out and it started leaking you felt filthy, you felt like an used whore... And you loved it. And well... Your boyfriend couldn't stop staring at your abused hole and pushing his cum back inside, making an even bigger mess out of your hole. You were a dirty, dirty whore... And maybe a bit of a cum-slut.

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9 months ago


So hybrid bulls and cows are actually separate species in MY fantasy world, not male and female.

So you work on a farm specializing in male cows and bulls, the only woman that’s allowed there due to… how the hybrids behave around any females.

You milk them… but not in the normal way. As the only woman on the farm, you’re the only one they’ll allow to milk their cocks. They produce a special semen that’s a milk alternative, and very yummy!

The cow’s are fine enough, following you around and nuzzling into you, wanting cuddles and extra attention when you’re milking them… they behave so well, blushing and mooing softly, gently moving their hips against your hand as you milk their cocks dry.

The bulls however… are a different story. They’re very territorial and protective over the cow hybrids, who they’ve formed a friendship with. They don’t like most people, and tend to be loners that only come around when it’s milking time.

But your pay is upgraded when the farm owners notice that the bulls have started warming up to you, even starting to treat you like a heifer, keeping you safe and guarding you from the other employees.

It wasn’t a surprise to anyone but you when the bulls started being a bit… too handsy with you. They viewed you as a heifer now… but you were so small compared to any female cow they’d ever seen. A runt, stunted, maybe…

But you had that chubby tummy and plush hips, those plump breasts that would look so pretty full of milk…

Within a month of starting work, you find yourself being bent over by one of the bulls, the cows mooing in distress and trying to comfort you as a fat cock enters your cunt.

“D-don’t be rough with her! She’s little!” one of the cows protests, stroking your hair and cooing softly to you. The bull huffs, hot air hitting the back of your neck as he fucks into you.

“Being as gentle as possible… little thing, couldn’t take me being rough even if I wanted to be…”

Your cunt was stuffed full with cum, several bulls mounting you until you were a blubbering mess. Once the bulls were done, you were surrounded by cows, getting kisses and snuggles… but they wanted to mate as well…

They pressed down on your belly, cum pooling between your legs as they cooed and gently fucked their own seed into you. By the end of the work day, you were spent, curled up in the hay with several cow hybrids as the bulls guarded the door.

You were payed handsomely for your efforts, and offered an even bigger paycheck to let them mount you at least once a week to let out their sexual frustrations.

They became more territorial around you, but when you weren’t in the picture, the bulls were much calmer and didn’t attack anyone that brought out food or came to give them check ups.

And when you became pregnant… well… let’s just say you were tucked away in the barn, living there with the cows and bulls as your belly grew heavy and swollen.

The cows tended to you, making sure you received all the human comforts you wanted along with their endless affections, and the bulls kept you safe.


A/N: omg… ask me more about this concept because… I’m in love

NSFW TAGLIST: @sunset-214 @screaming-crying-screamingagain @strawberrypoundtown @avalordream @icommitwarcrimes @bazpire @chubbumblebee @im-eating-rn @anglingforlevels @kinshenewa @pasteldaze @j3llyphisching @unforgettablewhvre @yoongiigolden

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9 months ago

You don’t want to work. You don’t want to study. You just want to be a free use slut for a group of monsters.

A werewolf’s throbbing knot stretching you until you sob and twitch with overstimulation. An eldritch monster’s cunt over your face, grinding. The feelers that surround her slit holding your mouth in place, while her tentacles piston in and out of you. A dragon's scaled and ridged cock rubbing deliciously against the spot inside you that makes you orgasm over and over, so you are a limp fucktoy by the time he dumps his load of cum into you.

They share you because they know however many times you’ve been fucked and filled, you’ll always take more.

You're showered with gifts for being the perfect little human for them. But the greatest gift they give you is having your holes stuffed night and day, so you don’t have to think at all.

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9 months ago


You’re a puppy!hybrid that is a bit younger than your wolf!hybrid lover, so he keeps letting you get away with being annoying/mischievous. You steal bits of his food or chew on his things and when he starts growling you whine and say, “I-I’m just a puppy! Don’t be mad…”

But you’re NOT just a puppy, you’re a woman. You’re just small and cute and he lets you get away with the puppy excuse because he finds it endearing…

Then when you go into heat, he teases you, playing with your chubby puppy cunt through your soaked panties. “Just a pup, huh? A pup that wants my knot in her cunt, wants to be heavy and swollen with my pups… but you’re just a pup yourself, aren’t you?”

You whine and jump his hand, tears rolling down your cheeks. “N-not just a pup… w-want it!”

He can’t tease you for too long, he wants you just as much as you want him. Your scent alone is enough to have his cock bulging agaisnt his pants, ready to be set free.

“Alright, pup… shh, shh…”

He mounted you, pressing his thick cock into your pretty, fat pussy. You whimpered, attempting to tuck your tail between your legs, but he grabbed hold and used it as leverage to fuck into you, tugging just enough to make you yelp and moan into the pillow.

“That’s it, puppy, gonna breed you good. Just be my good little pup and take it, okay?”

By the end of your heat, your lover was addicted to the feel and taste of your pussy. Now, he let you get away with even more mischief… but instead of it being because you were using the puppy excuse, it’s because he would never punish his pregnant little mate.

You may not be a baby puppy, but you’ll always be treated like a delicate, little thing by your loving mate.


NSFW TAGLIST: @sunset-214 @screaming-crying-screamingagain @strawberrypoundtown @avalordream @icommitwarcrimes @bazpire @chubbumblebee @im-eating-rn @anglingforlevels @kinshenewa @pasteldaze @j3llyphisching @unforgettablewhvre @yoongiigolden @peachesdabunny @omgbrcat @murder-hobo @leiselotte

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9 months ago

When they hired you to make the boss load go away, you thought they were talking about work load, you weren't expecting to have your wrist tied to your ankles as you were undressed and exposed. You were one piece of furniture more in his office, he worked most of the time, but every once in a while he would get up and breed you for relief, leaving your pussy used and abused, cum dripping. He didn't care about your pleasure, but if he was feeling good, he would rub your clit and tell you how good of a fuckdoll you were until you came. Thinking back at it, with tears in your eyes as he face-fucked you, your job wasn't that bad...

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9 months ago

"oh Lust demon who-" ENOUGH

Wrath demon who takes out their anger and frustration on you and beats your ass until your skin is red and raw.

Pride demon who is the nastiest Sadist in the world and lives to torture pathetic humiliation sluts like you.

Envy demon who crys with jealousy when other people so much as look at you and needs needy clingy reassurance sex probably in public where everyone can see.

Gluttony demon who goes down on you for hours. maybe they're vampiric too and drinks your blood too.

Sloth demon.

Greed demon who buys expensive luxury sex toys to tease you with they like showing off even if they only get one or two uses out of them. of course, the most expensive toy in their collection is you.

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8 months ago

uhmm, could you continue the ghost stories, but like a ghost orgy? like you can feel so many hands and cold breathes against you, using everything hole and hand

Living in a haunted house has its perks and disadvantages. Living with multiple horny ghosts? That’s definitely an advantage.

Watching tv on your couch, you start to feel a set of hands feel you up. At this point you’re used to it living here. Except you feel another set of hands. Then, another.

Panicking you start to get up but are pushed down by what feels like three people. You’re home alone. It’s just you and three ghosts in your house.

One set of hands holds you down by your shoulders. Slowly making their way to your breasts. Removing your shirt, leaving your chest bare.

The second set of hands are pulling your shorts and panties off. Leaving you naked to the mysteries in the room. The third set of hands aren’t on your body but, you feel an erect dick slide into your hand.

Quickly you’re pulled to your feet and pushed to be bent over on your hand and knees on the floor. Before you could stand up you feel someone line themselves at your ass and slowly slide themselves in.

Letting out a moan, as your mouth is open, another cock enters your mouth. Before you could reach down to relive your now aching pussy from the sudden pleasure, your hands are pinned down.

Slowly, a third cock slides into your pussy. All three using your holes for your pleasure. Not being able to see the three mystery ghost men, it thrills you.

Moaning around the one from the pleasure from the two at your ass and pussy. Reaching your climax from being stuffed full, all three of the ghosts quickly follow.

Cumming in all three of your holes. Filling you with their green goo. Drooling the green oozing liquid from your mouth. Slowly dripping the green goo from your ass and pussy as well.

Monster Masterlist

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8 months ago
I Need A Horror Movie Where The Main Character Is A Monster Fucker.

I need a horror movie where the main character is a monster fucker.

The group ends up in some cursed, haunted place and has to spend the night there. Lights flicker, doors creak, and an abhorrent shadow slides down the hall menacingly, reaching MC’s room. This hoe is giggling under the blankets, reading the sloppiest demon smut.

First victim: one of the group members helplessly gasps for air, seemingly choked by invisible hands, hanging against the wall as the others stare in fear. MC turns to the camera, visible grimace on their face:

“Darn it! That should’ve been me.”

Finally, a grand reveal happens, and the entity appears before the remaining group in its true unholy form. Someone stumbles out in terror, someone else faints. MC’s face gradually heats up, and a smug smile spreads across their face.

“I’d tap that”, they conclude, camera zooming in and screen turning black.

Plot twist: it’s you. You’re the monster fucker.

I Need A Horror Movie Where The Main Character Is A Monster Fucker.

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8 months ago


warning: slight Yandere behavior, breeding

Hare!hybrid bf with bunny!hybrid gf

You, a cute bunny hybrid with soft, fluffy bunny ears and a cute cotton tail that wags when you’re happy or upset. You’re round and soft, the sweetest little thing your boyfriend has ever seen.

And then there’s your hare hybrid bf… he’s tall, thin, and unsettling, with eyes that bore into you and hair that is far from soft. He’s protective and possessive of his little bunny baby, keeping you safe and literally fighting any of his rivals to the DEATH.

He’s a bit nervous about breeding with you. You’re smaller, more fragile than him… but god you both go crazy once you go into heat… and you’re a lot more durable than he thought.

You take his cock so well, begging for him to give you a litter… his perfect little mate, his sweet bunny. No one will ever put their hands on you, unless they want to die a painful death.


YANDERE TAGLIST: @katerinaval @sunset-214 @avalordream @atransmuter @icommitwarcrimes @bazpire @anglingforlevels @kinshenewa

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