Moon Cycle - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

Okay okay okay!!

Guys. Soooo… Werewolves, right?

First of all, the condition of lycanthropy is largely linked to the stages of the moon. Rather than a sudden transformation on the night of the full moon, lycanthropy displays itself in an individual constantly, in a gradual ebb and flow. Here, we will dive into each phase of the moon and what it brings:

The New Moon πŸŒ‘

For many lycans, the new moon is a chance for rest and rejuvenation. For a period of twenty-four hours, the moon is β€œmissing” from the sky. And it is during this phase that a lycan is most human. There is no stark differences from your average human. The canines are relatively dull, skin clear, and there is little to no hunger gnawing at their belly. Their hormones are stabilized, resulting in relative calmness and ease.

Waxing Crescent πŸŒ’

Lasting for a duration of roughly seven days, the waxing crescent brings with it very minor changes to an otherwise human appearance. Throughout this week, body hair is known to darken and grow coarser than weeks past, though remains manageably short with no accelerated growth. There is no notable change in the canines, nor any increased body odor.

First Quarter πŸŒ“

Lasting one day, the human canines begin to ache and loosen as the body prepares lupine canines beneath the gums. By this point the werewolf will start developing a β€œsecond skin” beneath their human skin, which will reaveal itself later in the cycle.

Waxing Gibbous πŸŒ”

Lasting seven days, This week is incredibly painful, as the human skin will tear and slough off to reveal furred, thick wolf-skin that had formed underneath, and bones will break and reshape themselves entirely as the body begins to shift in preparation for the full moon. Body oder will be strong, and the lycan’s mental state will be in shambles. This phase of the moon could bring a variety of changes to the individual, including but not limited to: extreme irritability, overstimulation, fatigue, headache, depression, and anxiety.

Due to the energy expended in this phase, lycans will experience a sharp, near debilitating increase in hunger. If not properly nourished during this phase, the full moon will bring disastrous results.

The Full Moon πŸŒ•

The full moon, spanning over three days, comes in three different phases of its own.

The first day is centered around the full transformation, in which any semblance to a human is lost and the body shifts completely into the one of two possible forms known to lycans. The difference of these forms will be covered at a later date. The werewolf can still speak, but their vocal clarity and pitch will have dropped significantly. If properly fed in the week prior, they should be able to maintain full control over their body and mind.

The second day, when the full moon is the strongest, the werewolf will be much more aggressive, even if unintentionally. While a new moon brings out their human side most, a full moon does the complete opposite. Their human conscious no longer has control over their body and they will be unable to speak intelligently.

And finally, in the last day, the individual will be completely exhausted. Their movement will be sluggish and uncoordinated, and it will be hard for them to fully process their surroundings. The level of aggression will fluctuate depending on the individual themselves, but on average is fairly mild. Do not mistake this as a day of rest, as a werewolf can still be quite emotionally volatile and sore from the previous day.

If not properly nourished in the week of the Waxing Gibbous, the individual will be left starving from the energy expenditure, becoming uncontrollably aggressive. They will lash out in blind hunger, and in true animalistic fashion, will not be able to stop themselves from hunting and consuming anything they may get their claws and teeth into. If for whatever reason a lycan is unable to gain back the lost energy, they will die during their transformation into a more humanoid form.

Waning Gibbous πŸŒ–

Lasting seven days, it is in this phase that the werewolf de-transitions. Fur will begin to fall out, bones reconfigure themselves once more, and skin stretched by the transformation will start to tighten back up as the lycan shifts to a more humanoid, though still wolfish, form. Another painful week. Rather than aggressive, a werewolf during this week will just be in a constant state of exhaustion.

Third Quarter πŸŒ—

Lasts one day; The turning point in which the werewolf finally looks more human than animal. By this point they’ve returned to a respectably human size, body odor decreasing and mental state stabilizing.

Waning Crescent 🌘

Lasts seven days. A werewolf in this week will appear near seamlessly human, aside from sharp canines that will fall out as the week comes to an end, and perhaps some lingering fatigue.

(Might make edits later)


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2 years ago

when the moon disappears from sight every 29 days that's so real

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2 years ago
Source: Does Your Period Align With A Red Moon Cycle Or A White Moon Cycle?

Source: Does your period Align With A Red Moon Cycle or a White Moon Cycle?

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2 years ago

Lunar Phase Meanings and Associations πŸŒ™

Southern Hemisphere Edition

πŸŒ‘ New Moon πŸŒ‘ β€” time used for starting anew, personal growth and setting new intentions

Magic: consecrating new tools, cleansing and banishment

When: the moon is directly between the sun and earth, so we see the dark side of the moon

πŸŒ’ Waning Moon πŸŒ” β€” time used for gratitude and banishing negativity

Magic: cleansing and banishing rituals

When: the sun begins to move further from the moon so we see the first dark crescent until the moon is dark

πŸŒ• Full Moon πŸŒ• β€” time used for using power and energy and sealing intentions

Magic: cleansing and charging rituals, manifesting and divination

When: the sun is opposite the moon so we see the entire light side, two weeks after the new moon, for three days before and three days after

πŸŒ– Waxing Moon 🌘 β€” time used for gaining power and energy and acting on intentions

Magic: love and attraction magic, cleansing and protection rituals

When: the sun begins to move closer to the moon so we see the first crescent of light until the moon is almost full

πŸŒ‘ Dark Moon πŸŒ‘ β€” time used for regaining energy and reflection

Magic: no magic is performed, focus on personal matters and self care

When: three days before the new moon, the moon cannot be seen in any phase


Here’s the explanation for fellow baby witches

Fun fact: The moon appears upside down from Australia! That means the waning/waxing phases appear opposite to how they would from the southern hemisphere, which is why the emojis seem incorrect (this is an edit because im stupid and didnt realise)

It's generally accepted in witchcraft that we get our energy and power from the moon. As the moon goes through different phases, so do our abilities. This is why it's important to pay attention to the moon phases, so we know which forms of magic are best to perform and what time for the highest success rate.

I never did this, and I dont know why, but i regret it. I lost motivation in witchcraft for a while because nothing i seemed to be doing was impacting my life. I had a recent spark that brought me back though, and i regret not paying more attention to this stuff, because i'm a very structured person as it is.

An important note is that this isnt a complete list of all the phases, it's an overview. there are more detailed versions all over tumblr with crescents, gibbouses and quarters, but this is my current understanding at my current level, and one day i'll expand it.

Also, other versions have setting new intentions during the waxing phase, whereas i have it in new moon. This is just personal preference because it's what makes sense to me. If you have questions or corrections, let me know!

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2 years ago
Jen Hitchings - Lunar Cycle Menses (with Morning Glories), 2021

Jen Hitchings - Lunar Cycle Menses (with Morning Glories), 2021

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2 years ago


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2 years ago
A Few Days Past Now But I Still Wanted To Share!

A few days past now but I still wanted to share!

The picture above is how I start my moon phase rituals…

First, I smoke my evening cannabis. Then, I sage the altar area to cleanse the space of negativity and bring myself peace; my soul feels so good when I sage.

I anoint with oil and light my candles; this time I used a spell candle (green for abundance - from Two Sisters Esoteric on Etsy!), and, though not pictured. I also have dollar store pink and white candles (self-love, clarity) - the white candle rests in a pink salt candle holder! I used rosemary essential oil for this moon phase, and also had it in my diffuser with jasmine, for the moon, too.

I set up my crystals on my homemade resin chakra dish; I always use my topaz and quartz tower charger to boost my other crystal’s energies, but tonight I added clear quartz for clarity, sodalite for creativity, and selenite for the moon.

I mix and set out the herb, sands and salts, and stone chips I’ll be using in my manifestation meditation. In my herb and flower bowl I have jasmine, rosemary, and mugwort; to boost my connection to grandmother moon, and encourage my third eye to really actively engage with my progress on my goals since New Moon Intentions. In my sands and salts bowl I have peridot for abundance, and green adventurine for luck, and sea salt for protection. In my stone bowl I have tiny moonstone pebbles.

When I light my spell candles, I light with a match with a meditation intention, and I light it before I gather the supplies for my spell and manifestation, allowing the spell with the candle to burn and boost the energies of the other herbs, crystals, oils, and flowers I use in my ritual. After gathered and organized, I connect physically, in whatever way is comfortable at the time, with my crystals, and I focus on the flame of the candle, allowing myself to slip into a meditative state as I gaze at it. I stay like that for as long as feels good.

I journal before and after I meditate; before I meditate, I journal my daily gratitude, and after, I journal about how the mediation and day made me feel, what was resonating with me, all my jumbled thoughts spill onto the page.

I finish with an introspective and very personal tarot reading for myself; I shuffle until I feel I should stop, then I try and fan the cards out magician style across my altar and pick as many as feels right - it usually is close to ten, which I know is long for some, but the flow of them is often necessary for my readings. I won’t go into more detail on that reading, as it is a few days past now.

Part of any of my moon phase rituals have lately included preserving some of my spells in a resin mixture, shaped into pendants and keychains that I’ve then shared with my friends and family! These ones were my latest creations!

A Few Days Past Now But I Still Wanted To Share!

How do you honour the moon goddess within yourself and take accountability for your progressions or setbacks?

How are you engaging and bringing forth action towards your goals and ideas?

M xx

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2 years ago

Moon Phase Magic

You can do magic any time, any day, but sometimes you'd like a little bit of a lunar boost! Here's how the phases of the moon can match the intentions of your magic.

Moon Phase Magic

Full Moon: Great for manifesting, divination, and psychic ability. If you work with spirits or deities this phase can help boost your signal, so to speak.

Waning Gibbous: Helps with cleansing, protection and detoxing. If you're trying to get rid of some bad energy or place a protection spell on you house, this phase can help you out! Setting intentions to let go of things is also suggested during this phase.

Last Quarter: Great for breaking habits and abandoning bad situations. Sometimes we have to leave, if you need a bit of extra strength to do it, this moon phase could help you.

Waning Crescent: Good for release, surrender, and introspection. Sometimes we need to stop and smell the roses. Allow yourself to be still and let this phase give you some calm in the midst of chaos.

New Moon (or Dark Moon): This phase works best for cleansing, banishing magic, and shadow work. Similar to the last three, the new moon can give you that push you need to do the dirty work you need to succeed. We all have shadows, are you ready to face yours?

Waxing Crescent: Creation, imagination, and attraction are on "high" during this phase. Start to sew the seeds of new projects or ideas during this time.

First Quarter: Manifesting change and strength is a good idea during this phase of the moon. There are things that need changing, but it's not always easy, so allow this phase to give you the boost you need to change.

Waxing Gibbous: Best for motivation. determination and energy. You need to get things done? This phase can give you the energy to act. Your willpower and knowledge will help you succeed, but a little lunar love wouldn't hurt!


When using the moon in magic, make sure you thank our magnificent celestial being for helping you out. She works very hard and deserves a lot of gratitude from us!

A/N: Since this is my digital grimoire it is subject to my own opinions. The information here is what I've gathered after a lot of reading and learning from various other pagans and witches. However, If you feel that a moon phase is different for you then by all means don't let me change your mind!

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9 months ago
Older Melanie Martinez Portals Art
Older Melanie Martinez Portals Art
Older Melanie Martinez Portals Art
Older Melanie Martinez Portals Art

Older Melanie Martinez Portals art πŸ§šπŸ»πŸƒπŸŒΈ

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