Moon Rat - Tumblr Posts
Hello! You are a fellow shipper of Eris and Drifter, right? I absolutely love those two, and was wondering if you had any sweet wholesome art of them you could share, or even some safe artists you could reccomend? We all need more Eris and Drifter in this world, and I would love and appreciate any art or suggestions you may have. Hope you have an awesome day/night!
Unfortunately I am not an artist nor do I know any good ones; that said I am actually looking around right now for someone I can get to commission some super stylish art of the Moon-Rat ship.
So if *YOU* know anyone who can do really good art and doesn't have a problem with taking my money then please send them my way!

Yes they all have their appropriate gambit coins. I have finished the holy trinity. Also

I made them kiss because no one can stop me. I am cringe but I am free.

Yesssss!! New Eris and Drifter lore guys, whoo! Love how he let her grab his hand and take the coin from him, the amount of trust between these two hurt and broken characters is incredible. Also, "calloused fingers brush across his knuckles." implies that Eris had her gloves off, due to the fact that it mentions what her hands feel like, calloused. That seems pretty incredible and significant, and it shows how much she's come to trust and like the Drifter, that she took off her glove and then proceeded to touch him. Hehe, she doesn't really think he's a nasty rat😉 I also wonder, will Eris show the Drifter her eyes soon? It's interesting how he questioned her about it, "S'why you hide yours, eh?". Their lore is getting more and more amazing every season/expansion, I can't wait for more!
False Idols lore
Love how Eris and Drifter are comfortable enough with each other that Eris was basically like, *yoink* gimme that coin, in their latest lore and the Drifter just let her keep it. Beautiful.

He payin' a lotta glimmer for them smooches 💰🥰

Have a smoochy sketch

I know it's cringe, but I hope someone will enjoy it 🙈😳

Have some Drifteris 🌕💋🐍

Them lips be getting a lil close 👀
Can you make a story about the Vanguard finding out that Eris and Drifter are in a relationship. They asked her a bunch of questions about it, she felt annoyed at their questions so she just told them the truth. She is in love with him because he brings her joy. The Vanguard just let her be as long as she is happy that's all that matters.
Thank you so much for sending in this story request! Here's your story, I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did writing it! :))

First pic of the new month... them :))🥰
Guys, if I were to ever get an Eris and Drifter themed tattoo what should I get??
Sad story, angst, happy ending
Drifter disappeared for years, Eris search for him every single day nonstop but he never find him
Note: You can make yoyr happy ending yourself. Your free to do what ever you like
Ngl when I first read this request I was like "🥺💔noooo" but this was fun to write and I'm so happy their together again! Thank you so much for the story request! :))
All was quiet and dark aboard the vacant Derelict. Motes lay scattered and faded, lanterns sat cold and unlit, the Gambit room remained unused, no longer welcoming Guardians as it used to do.
The silence aboard the ship felt cold and never ending, until finally it was broken as a shower of green sparks appeared, Eris Morn emerging through them. Her cheeks were hollow, her arms were thin, her face was pale and without joy.
She sighed wearily, approaching an old metal table against the wall in the spacious and empty room. She pulled a chair away from the table, collapsing into it and folding her arms on the table top.
A shimmer of blue sparks appeared beside her, the Drifter's Ghost emerging and floating closer to Eris, emitting a series of beeps and chirps.
"No, little Light, I have not found him yet..." Eris replied, her voice soft and mournful as she stuck out her hand.
The Ghost sunk down to her waiting palm, letting her stroke it.
Eris sighed again, watching the Ghost dissapear in more blue sparks as she pushed her chair back. "I need tea." she murmured, getting to her aching feet and walking to the dark kitchen.
She grabbed a kettle and set it to boil on the stove while she went to light a lantern, filling the room with a soft orange glow.
She returned to the stove, watching the steam slowly begin to shoot out the nose of the kettle. Soon a shrill whistle followed, Eris's que to take the kettle off the eye. She poured the steaming water into a mug on the counter, breathing in the soothing smell of herbal tea.
Just as she was stirring the honey and cream into her mug, she heard a loud crash from a room nearby. She spun on her heels, clenching her fists and readying her Stasis. She cautiously returned to the room she had just been in, expecting some type of threat. But to Eris's great surprise, she instead saw a strangely familiar figure.
The bearded man on the floor groaned, pushing himself onto his knees, apparently unaware of the three eyed woman staring down at him. A moment later Eris fell to the ground beside him, wrapping her arms tight around the man that she hadn't seen in so long, feeling tears begin to prick her soulfire eyes.
"Eris?" The man breathed out, returning her embrace with tired arms.
She tightened her hold on him, not daring to let go, lest she lose him again.
The Drifter chuckled. "Glad to see you missed me, Moondust." He murmured. "You too, Ghost." The Drifter said with surprise as his Ghost appeared, pressing it's shell against his shoulder.
"You stupid rat," Eris choked out, pulling away. "That is the first thing you choose to say to me after being gone for so long?"
"What do you mean for so long? Didn't I just talk to you this mornin'?" Alarm shone in the Drifter's eyes as he stared at Eris's pained expression.
Eris's face contorted. "It's been three years, Germaine." The Ghost bobbed up and down beside her, adjusting it's frame.
The Drifter stared at them both, agahst. "Please tell me this is some sick joke." His voice was hoarse. "How... how can three years have gone by?"
A few seconds of silence passed.
"I've made tea." Eris said quietly, fighting back tears, begging them not to spill out as she cleared her throat.
She got to her feet, grabbing the Drifter's arms and helping him up as they headed towards the kitchen, the Ghost dissappearing once again. The Drifter sat at the table as Eris prepared another mug of tea.
"Here," Eris handed the Drifter his cup before sitting down herself. They sipped their tea in silence for a minute before Eris finally spoke again. "I have searched for you, Germaine, every day. Trying to figure out where you went, and why. I did not believe that you had deserted me, I trusted your words when you told me you would miss the moonlight. So I was sure you must have been in danger somewhere, somehow. " She took an extra second to regain herself as she sipped her tea. After a moment she continued, "I even convinced the Vanguard to aid me in your search. And they did, for a while. But eventually they had to call off their Guardians, due to the growing risk of enemies in areas that were no longer being patrolled as often. I, however, continued my search for you in every moment I could spare." After more silence passed them by, Eris asked, "Where were you?"
"I don't know..." he eventually replied. "I didn't even realize I was gone... I didn't feel time pass by or nothin'. Just one second here, then darkness like I'd passed out, and then I was here again."
"I have heard of others going missing before," Eris said. "But... none disappearing as long as you."
"Why'd they dissappear?"
"There have been rumors of a Darkness taking an interest in some, and stealing them away for it's own schemes and observation."
"Your sayin' the Darkness is still around, even after the Witness?" The Drifter asked. "How can it take people away?"
"I am unsure..." Eris replied, her hands trembling. "All I know is that these past three years have been the hardest I have suffered since the Hellmouth."
The Drifter's chair screeched as he pulled it up beside Eris's.
He forced a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood. "Reckon in the grand scheme of things it really ain't that much time," he cleared his throat. "And, uh, who knows? We may have plenty more time to spend together... right?"
"You do not have to pretend to be okay, Drifter..." Eris said softly. "I do not believe either of us are truly okay right now, and I would prefer we mourn together than attempt to move on as if we are fine."
His hands trembled alongside Eris's. "Yeah..." he agreed quietly. "How could we lose so much time?" He cursed under his breath, leaning his elbows on the table, blinking away the tears that fought to emerge.
"Let us not waste time now, Germaine." Eris said. "We must figure out what happened to you, and I'm sure the Vanguard will be pleased to hear of your return."
"Yeah, your right... But give me a minute, I'm tired..."
"Drink," Eris said, leaning over the table to grab the Drifter's cup of tea and give it back to him.
He took the cup by it's handle and brought it to his mouth, taking a drink of the soothing tea.
He chuckled as he set the cup down. "The place looks nicer then I'd expect it to after so long."
"Yes, I hope that you do not mind, I have been here much since your disappearance." She replied. "For the most part I have been dusting and caring for the upkeep of your belongings."
"Heh, I don't mind none. No one else I'd rather have take care of my stuff than you, Moondust." The Drifter replied earnestly. "What all's happened since I've been gone?"
"We defeated the Witness, as I'm sure you recall, but other than your disappearance not much else has transpired." Eris replied, taking a sip of her own tea. "Nothing so significant that you can not be caught up when we get to the Tower."
"Yes." Eris replied, staring into the Drifter's dark and sad eyes.
She reached out to squeeze his hand. "I am glad you are home, Germaine. I have missed you dearly."
The Drifter turned to face Eris, staring into her glowing eyes for a moment before leaning in to kiss her. He shuddered as he pulled away, blinking rapidly.
"I'm here now, Moonlight." He said quietly.
"In all honesty, I had doubts that you would return, after having searched for so long." Her voice was low and forlorn. "But I never would have ceded in my search for you, and in your return, I rejoice."
The Drifter chuckled sadly. "That why your so thin?" He asked, running his hand along her arm. "Cause you missed me?"
"I had quiet lost my appetite when I found you were missing..." Eris admitted. "Ikora often had to come and urge me to eat what little I could."
The Drifter pulled Eris to him in a warm embrace.
For the first time in so long, a smile began to twist across Eris's lips. Finally, the Drifter was home. He was alive, safe, and in her arms, and she was not ready to let go of him yet.
They clung to one another for quiet some time, finally feeling themselves begin to smile again as their hearts rose with joy. They were together again at last.