Destiny 2 Story Request - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

Can you make a story about the Vanguard finding out that Eris and Drifter are in a relationship. They asked her a bunch of questions about it, she felt annoyed at their questions so she just told them the truth. She is in love with him because he brings her joy. The Vanguard just let her be as long as she is happy that's all that matters.

Thank you so much for sending in this story request! Here's your story, I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did writing it! :))

Can You Make A Story About The Vanguard Finding Out That Eris And Drifter Are In A Relationship. They
Can You Make A Story About The Vanguard Finding Out That Eris And Drifter Are In A Relationship. They
Can You Make A Story About The Vanguard Finding Out That Eris And Drifter Are In A Relationship. They
Can You Make A Story About The Vanguard Finding Out That Eris And Drifter Are In A Relationship. They

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8 months ago

Heyyy, I didn't know you could do a request HAHAHA. So ummm here's mine. Eris couldn't keep his feelings for Drifter any longer so she visits him. When she came to the Derelict it's like a cat got her tongue. She couldn't say but then she found the courage to say her feelings. Drifter didn't know what to say after her confession so he kisses her. Then he cuddles her. Eris felt safe to his arms and mange to fell asleep.

Note: this is happening during midnight( just saying hehehe)

Hehehe awww, thank you so much for the request! Here's your story, I hope you love it!! :))

Heyyy, I Didn't Know You Could Do A Request HAHAHA. So Ummm Here's Mine. Eris Couldn't Keep His Feelings
Heyyy, I Didn't Know You Could Do A Request HAHAHA. So Ummm Here's Mine. Eris Couldn't Keep His Feelings
Heyyy, I Didn't Know You Could Do A Request HAHAHA. So Ummm Here's Mine. Eris Couldn't Keep His Feelings
Heyyy, I Didn't Know You Could Do A Request HAHAHA. So Ummm Here's Mine. Eris Couldn't Keep His Feelings

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8 months ago

Sad story, angst, happy ending

Drifter disappeared for years, Eris search for him every single day nonstop but he never find him

Note: You can make yoyr happy ending yourself. Your free to do what ever you like

Ngl when I first read this request I was like "🥺💔noooo" but this was fun to write and I'm so happy their together again! Thank you so much for the story request! :))

All was quiet and dark aboard the vacant Derelict. Motes lay scattered and faded, lanterns sat cold and unlit, the Gambit room remained unused, no longer welcoming Guardians as it used to do.

  The silence aboard the ship felt cold and never ending, until finally it was broken as a shower of green sparks appeared, Eris Morn emerging through them. Her cheeks were hollow, her arms were thin, her face was pale and without joy.

  She sighed wearily, approaching an old metal table against the wall in the spacious and empty room. She pulled a chair away from the table, collapsing into it and folding her arms on the table top.

  A shimmer of blue sparks appeared beside her, the Drifter's Ghost emerging and floating closer to Eris, emitting a series of beeps and chirps.

  "No, little Light, I have not found him yet..." Eris replied, her voice soft and mournful as she stuck out her hand.

  The Ghost sunk down to her waiting palm, letting her stroke it.

  Eris sighed again, watching the Ghost dissapear in more blue sparks as she pushed her chair back. "I need tea." she murmured, getting to her aching feet and walking to the dark kitchen.

  She grabbed a kettle and set it to boil on the stove while she went to light a lantern, filling the room with a soft orange glow.

  She returned to the stove, watching the steam slowly begin to shoot out the nose of the kettle. Soon a shrill whistle followed, Eris's que to take the kettle off the eye. She poured the steaming water into a mug on the counter, breathing in the soothing smell of herbal tea.

  Just as she was stirring the honey and cream into her mug, she heard a loud crash from a room nearby. She spun on her heels, clenching her fists and readying her Stasis. She cautiously returned to the room she had just been in, expecting some type of threat. But to Eris's great surprise, she instead saw a strangely familiar figure.

  The bearded man on the floor groaned, pushing himself onto his knees, apparently unaware of the three eyed woman staring down at him. A moment later Eris fell to the ground beside him, wrapping her arms tight around the man that she hadn't seen in so long, feeling tears begin to prick her soulfire eyes.

  "Eris?" The man breathed out, returning her embrace with tired arms.

  She tightened her hold on him, not daring to let go, lest she lose him again.

  The Drifter chuckled. "Glad to see you missed me, Moondust." He murmured. "You too, Ghost." The Drifter said with surprise as his Ghost appeared, pressing it's shell against his shoulder.

  "You stupid rat," Eris choked out, pulling away. "That is the first thing you choose to say to me after being gone for so long?"

  "What do you mean for so long? Didn't I just talk to you this mornin'?" Alarm shone in the Drifter's eyes as he stared at Eris's pained expression.

  Eris's face contorted. "It's been three years, Germaine." The Ghost bobbed up and down beside her, adjusting it's frame.

  The Drifter stared at them both, agahst. "Please tell me this is some sick joke." His voice was hoarse. "How... how can three years have gone by?"

  A few seconds of silence passed.

  "I've made tea." Eris said quietly, fighting back tears, begging them not to spill out as she cleared her throat.

  She got to her feet, grabbing the Drifter's arms and helping him up as they headed towards the kitchen, the Ghost dissappearing once again. The Drifter sat at the table as Eris prepared another mug of tea.

  "Here," Eris handed the Drifter his cup before sitting down herself. They sipped their tea in silence for a minute before Eris finally spoke again. "I have searched for you, Germaine, every day. Trying to figure out where you went, and why. I did not believe that you had deserted me, I trusted your words when you told me you would miss the moonlight. So I was sure you must have been in danger somewhere, somehow. " She took an extra second to regain herself as she sipped her tea. After a moment she continued, "I even convinced the Vanguard to aid me in your search. And they did, for a while. But eventually they had to call off their Guardians, due to the growing risk of enemies in areas that were no longer being patrolled as often. I, however, continued my search for you in every moment I could spare." After more silence passed them by, Eris asked, "Where were you?"

  "I don't know..." he eventually replied. "I didn't even realize I was gone... I didn't feel time pass by or nothin'. Just one second here, then darkness like I'd passed out, and then I was here again."

  "I have heard of others going missing before," Eris said. "But... none disappearing as long as you."

  "Why'd they dissappear?"

  "There have been rumors of a Darkness taking an interest in some, and stealing them away for it's own schemes and observation."

  "Your sayin' the Darkness is still around, even after the Witness?" The Drifter asked. "How can it take people away?"

  "I am unsure..." Eris replied, her hands trembling. "All I know is that these past three years have been the hardest I have suffered since the Hellmouth."

  The Drifter's chair screeched as he pulled it up beside Eris's.

  He forced a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood. "Reckon in the grand scheme of things it really ain't that much time," he cleared his throat. "And, uh, who knows? We may have plenty more time to spend together... right?"

  "You do not have to pretend to be okay, Drifter..." Eris said softly. "I do not believe either of us are truly okay right now, and I would prefer we mourn together than attempt to move on as if we are fine."

  His hands trembled alongside Eris's. "Yeah..." he agreed quietly. "How could we lose so much time?" He cursed under his breath, leaning his elbows on the table, blinking away the tears that fought to emerge.

  "Let us not waste time now, Germaine." Eris said. "We must figure out what happened to you, and I'm sure the Vanguard will be pleased to hear of your return."

  "Yeah, your right... But give me a minute, I'm tired..."

  "Drink," Eris said, leaning over the table to grab the Drifter's cup of tea and give it back to him.

  He took the cup by it's handle and brought it to his mouth, taking a drink of the soothing tea.

  He chuckled as he set the cup down. "The place looks nicer then I'd expect it to after so long."

  "Yes, I hope that you do not mind, I have been here much since your disappearance." She replied. "For the most part I have been dusting and caring for the upkeep of your belongings."

  "Heh, I don't mind none. No one else I'd rather have take care of my stuff than you, Moondust." The Drifter replied earnestly. "What all's happened since I've been gone?"

   "We defeated the Witness, as I'm sure you recall, but other than your disappearance not much else has transpired." Eris replied, taking a sip of her own tea. "Nothing so significant that you can not be caught up when we get to the Tower."


  "Yes." Eris replied, staring into the Drifter's dark and sad eyes.

  She reached out to squeeze his hand. "I am glad you are home, Germaine. I have missed you dearly."

  The Drifter turned to face Eris, staring into her glowing eyes for a moment before leaning in to kiss her. He shuddered as he pulled away, blinking rapidly.

  "I'm here now, Moonlight." He said quietly.

  "In all honesty, I had doubts that you would return, after having searched for so long." Her voice was low and forlorn. "But I never would have ceded in my search for you, and in your return, I rejoice."

  The Drifter chuckled sadly. "That why your so thin?" He asked, running his hand along her arm. "Cause you missed me?"

  "I had quiet lost my appetite when I found you were missing..." Eris admitted. "Ikora often had to come and urge me to eat what little I could."

  The Drifter pulled Eris to him in a warm embrace.

  For the first time in so long, a smile began to twist across Eris's lips. Finally, the Drifter was home. He was alive, safe, and in her arms, and she was not ready to let go of him yet.

  They clung to one another for quiet some time, finally feeling themselves begin to smile again as their hearts rose with joy. They were together again at last. 

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8 months ago

Can you make a story about Eris telling Drifter that he's going to be a father. Drifter is overjoyed. Eris tells him that the baby is a blessing and a source of happiness for them both

This might be a little too fast HAHAHA

Note: it's a baby girl

Omg awwww 🥺 so sweet, thank you so much for the request! It was super fun to write, hope you love it!

Eris Morn walked across the metal grated floor of the Derelict, twiddling the ring on her left hand. There was a strange and rare excitement coursing through her veins as she paced back and forth down the hall outside the closed room she was sure the Drifter was in right now, more than likely running his usual Gambit schedule.

  After pacing a few more steps, she took a deep breath, trying to steady her thundering heart before she knocked on the door.

  "Germaine?" She called as her knuckles hit against the metal. 

  A moment later the door was opened.

  "Hey, Moondust!" The Drifter greeted her with a wide grin.

  Eris walked past him into the room. "Are you busy?" She asked, eyeing the monitor screens behind him, which showed live feeds from the Gambit arenas.

  "Nah, just finished a match. Probably got a few minutes before the next one. Why? You miss me?" He arched one of his brows with a flirtatious smirk.

  "I have news for you," Eris replied, barely able to contain her glee.

  "Yeah? Well if it's got you tickled pink like this it must be somethin' pretty good, huh?" The Drifter replied, finding Eris's joy contagious. "C'mon, tell me what's up."

  "I'm pregnant, Germaine." Eris told him with a smile.

  "What?" The Drifter asked, a surprised expression across his face.

  "Your going to be a father." She told him. "We are going to have a girl."

  "A girl?" The Drifter asked, dumbfounded. "Your... your pregnant?" His lips began pulling into a smile, and before Eris knew it he was on top of her with warm hugs and clinging kisses. "Your serious, Moondust?" He breathed out at last.

  Eris smiled, leaning in to plant a quick kiss on his lips. "Yes."

  "And you know it's a girl?"

  Eris nodded. "I went to a professional in the City to confirm my pregnancy, and the results came back positive and with the gender of the child." She replied. Then softly, she continued. "This child... our baby, she will be a blessing and a source of happiness unto us both, I am sure of it."

  The Drifter's whole face beamed gloriously before falling into a nervous smile. "You think we'll be good parents?" He asked softly.

   "No one is perfect, of course," Eris began. "But I am sure we will do fine, Germaine."


  "Yes." She smiled, reaching out to stroke his scarred cheek. "You will be a wonderful father."

  Suddenly a shrill beeping interrupted their conversation.

  "Guess I gotta go start the next match." The Drifter told her reluctantly.

  "That is fine, we will speak more of this when you get home tonight."

  The Drifter smiled, leaning in to kiss her again. "Can't wait, Moondust." He said as she walked out from his arms.

  This would change their lives beautifully, bringing them joyous blessings and happiness, Eris was sure of it. And with that thought, she left with a light and happy heart, waving goodbye to the Drifter as he blew her a kiss.

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8 months ago

Eris giving birth to their daughter. This part 2 of the story where Eris tells him she's pregnant and they're having a girl. Pls make it wholesome

Hehehe, awww🥺Here's your story, thank you so much for the request!! They are a happy lil family😊

Eris Morn lay on her back, breathing heavily as sweat rolled down her face.

  "C'mon, Eris," The Drifter spoke softly from beside her. "Your gonna be okay, breath."

  He gripped her sweaty hand tight in his own as she sucked in a deep breath.

  "Your gonna be okay," he said again. "Your doing great."

  Eris growled out a scream through bared teeth, gripping the Drifter's hand painfully tight.

  The Drifter's eyes widened in fear as he looked at Eris's pained expression.

  "She's going to be okay," Ikora told the Drifter when he turned his worried eyes towards her. Then to Eris she said, "your doing great, Eris, now, push. Drifter, help her keep her breathing normalized."

  "Eris, breath with me, okay?" The Drifter said, trying to keep his voice calm and soothing.

  He began taking in deep loud breaths, doing the motions with his hands to help Eris do the same. She took in a few before growling out another scream. The Drifter squeezed her hand tight as he brought her fingers up to his lips.

  "Your gonna be fine, Moondust." He said against her knuckles, trying to comfort her as well as himself as she screamed again.

  A few more painful minutes passed by before Eris's breathing began to calm, becoming slower and deeper.

  "Good job, good job," the Drifter offered her a smile. "Your doin' great, Moonlight."

  Eris winced, gripping the Drifter's hand tighter, as a few more agonizing minutes passed. Then, finally, the high cry of a baby could be heard. Eris's pained expression began to fade, and was replaced with an exhausted smile as she turned her head towards an astonished Drifter.

  "Here she is," Ikora said softly, holding the bundled up baby close as she walked up to a smiling Eris and lowered the baby into her waiting arms.

  "Hey, little Luna," the Drifter cooed sofly from beside Eris.

  "You two already prepared a name for her?" Ikora asked.

  Eris nodded. "Just recently we decided on the name Luna."

  Ikora smiled softly. "You've done a wonderful job, Eris. I'll give you three some space."

  The Drifter chuckled after Ikora left the room, looking down at the little baby in his wife's arms.

  "What is amusing?" Eris asked softly.

  "Oh, nothin'," the Drifter replied, his voice just as soft. "Just that she's really cute, ain't she?"

  Eris let out a small chuckle. "You have always been fond of children."

  "Heh... yeah." He smiled down at Luna. "Glad we've got one of our own."

  Eris looked at him, then back down at Luna who was laying snugly in her arms. "I agree."

  "How're you feelin' now, Moondust?" He asked, leaning in to press a kiss against her face.

  "Much better than I had been, but quiet exhausted." She replied.

  "Hey, if you need me to take over holdin' her so you can get some shut eye, you just tell me, okay?"

  Eris nodded. "Just give me another minute or so."   The Drifter snuggled against Eris from his chair, as she held their little Luna close and safe. And thus they stayed for quiet some time, as a happy little family. 

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8 months ago

Make this story

1. Drifter and Eris doing dirty talking then Ikora catches them HAHAHAHAHAHA

2. Eris is sick so her beloved Rat takes care of him.

Here's the story for your first request, hope you love it!! I'm working on your second request, and I'll try and send it soon! 🥳 Thank you so much for the requests!!

The Drifter ran two fingers along the bright orange railing in his section of the Annex, collecting a small layer of grime and dust on his fingertips, staring at it with speculative and judging eye.

  "Observing dust are you, Rat?" Came a mellow voice from behind him.

  He turned towards the doorway, a smile already on his lips.

  "Hey, Moondust." He greeted. "C'mere, will you?"

  Eris eyed him suspiciously, cautiously approaching where he stood.

  "What is it?" She asked, looking down at the railing when he pointed at it.

  "Look," The Drifter replied. "What do you see?"

  Eris frowned. "Dust."

  "Exactly. Dust and dirt, on the railing. How?" He stared at it quizzically.

  "Perhaps from the rafters above." Eris replied, unfazed. "The idea is not particularly strange."

  "But c'mere, look at this too," he walked them over to the table nearby which was topped with books, a pot, jade coins, and a Cabal helmet.

  "Look at the table." He pointed to more dust. "How is the table so dusty? 'Specially the coins, you know I use 'em like a hawk. How come they're already covered in dust 'n grime?"

  "I doubt the Tower is without it's vermin, Drifter." Eris replied, observing the table and coins. "A mouse or rat could easily have crawled across the rafters and kicked down the dust and dirt you see here."

  "This much dust? Nah, that don't make sense. How does dirt get up on the rafters, anyway?"

  "Rats are not typically very clean creatures," Eris jabbed at him teasingly. "When did this start?" She asked before he could make a jab back at her.

  "Been goin' on for a few days." He told her. "And don't tell me a rat kicked down this much dirt, Moondust. I've been cleanin' it up every day and it's still comin'."

  "I will admit that is strange." Eris relented.

  "Run your finger through it," he told her.

  "What? Why would I do that?"

  "So you can see how thick it is."


  "Moondust," the Drifter interrupted.

  "Fine," Eris eventually grumbled, running the tip of her gloved finger through the dust. "It is surprisingly thick, I will admit." She said as she observed her finger.

  "Exactly, isn't that-"

  The Drifter was interrupted mid-sentence by the sound of a throat being cleared from the doorway.

  Both Eris and the Drifter jerked their heads toward the sound, finding Ikora Rey standing at the entrance of the room.

  "Am I interrupting something?" She asked, appearing faintly amused. "Something about dust?"

  The Drifter coughed. "Yeah, I was just sayin' how the Vanguard charge me too much to keep a room that's got dust and dirt fallin' from the rafters."

  "What brings you here, Ikora?" Eris interjected.

  "I heard you were in the Annex," she began. "And I came to make sure there wasn't something wrong."

  "Why would anything be wrong?"

  "I supposed that perhaps the Hive had become a more dire threat once again, and that you had come to the Tower to give a report in person." Ikora explained. "But I am glad to see the only matter is... dust."

  "And dirt." The Drifter added.

  "Yes. Well, if that is all then I will be going." Ikora offered a small smile. "It's good to see you, Eris."

  Eris gave Ikora a nod as she left the room. "Enough talking about dust, Rat." She told the Drifter once Ikora was gone, sighing and shaking her head.

  "But it's still weird!" The Drifter exclaimed.

  "I'm sure it is merely a rodent crawling across the-"

  "Rafters. Yeah, yeah, I know." He sighed.

  "I will be going, Rat, before you get any more worked up on the matter of dust." She turned away, heading for the exit.

  "Hey! I'm not worked up!" He called after her. "Moondust! Come back!"

  She laughed quietly to herself as she walked down the hall. 

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8 months ago

2. Eris is sick so her beloved Rat takes care of him.

Here's your second story request! Thank you so much, hope you love it :))

Cough after cough echoed through the despondent work station, along with the high pitched whistle of a kettle.

  Eris Morn coughed again into her arm, taking the kettle by it's handle and preparing herslef a cup of tea. She strirred in a large dollop of honey, sniffling as she brought the cup to her lips, taking a small sip to soothe her sore throat.

  She was out of her usual work attire, and instead wore a blank t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants, attempting to get comfortable as Ikora had suggested when Eris informed her that she was sick. She was ordered to take off for as long as she needed, and she'd spent most of her time laying in bed trying to sleep, but to no avail.

  She sighed wearily, bringing a hand up to her earpiece and clicking the button that would take her voice to the Drifter's ear.


  "Moondust?" Came the response.

  "Yes, I apologize for the abrupt change of plans, but I will not be able to make our patrol this afternoon."

  "Woah, woah, how come? You okay? You usually never skip out on patrol."

  "I am fine, I merely have a cold."

  "A cold?" He asked. "How bad is it?"

  Eris hesitated for a moment before opening up her troubles and discomforts to the Drifter's waiting ears.

  "My throat in particular is the largest nuisance. It is quiet sore, and to swallow is both painful and uncomfortable." She confessed. "And other than that, sleep has been difficult to find and the task of blowing my nose, tedious and annoying."

  "Huh... don't sound fun, Moondust." The Drifter said sincerely.

  "It is not." Eris replied.

  "Hey, how bout I come over 'n cook you some chicken noodle soup?" The Drifter offered. "May not take your sore throat away, but it'll help."

  "That... would be greatly appreciated." Eris replied, not smiling, but feeling a little happier.

  "Great. I'll just grab what I need and head on over."

  *  *  *

  "The soup'll be done in a few minutes," the Drifter said as he walked into the main room, where Eris was sitting. "How you feeling?"

  "Not any different than I had earlier." She replied.

  "You got any salt?" He asked.

  "Salt?" Eris frowned.

  "Yeah. I heard gurgling salt water can help deal with a sore throat."

  "Interesting... I have salt in the kitchen." She stood up and lead him to one of the kitchen cabinets.

  "Alright," the Drifter started, taking the container of salt and heading to the sink, filling a cup with warm water. He stirred in a little bit of salt, then handed the cup to Eris. "Just gurgle that a few times and see if it helps. I'll go plate up the food."

  Eris did as the Drifter had suggested, gurgling the warm water while the Drifter filled up their bowls with the steaming broth and noodles.

  "Foods ready," he told her as she spat another round of salt water into the sink. "Salt help any?"

  "A little," Eris replied, taking the bowl Drifter offered her. "Thank you."

  He gave her a smile as they went back to the main room, each sitting in their own armchair.

  "You tried takin' a hot shower already?" The Drifter asked through a mouthful of noodles, finally breaking the silence that had been there through most of their meal.

  "I did this morning." Eris replied, drinking a spoonful of the warm, soothing broth. "The soup is good, Germaine, thank you."

  "My pleasure, Moondust." He finished up the last of his soup before then taking his and Eris's bowls to the kitchen. When he came back he kneeled in front of Eris's chair and looked up at her. "You already had tea?"

  "Yes. Two cups." She answered.

  "Alright... try takin' a nap?"

  "Yes, but as I said earlier, sleep has been difficult to find."

  "Okay... you got any extra blankets somewhere?"

  "Yes," she replied, somewhat confused.

  "Where they at?" The Drifter asked.

  "In the closet in the front room."

  "Alright. Don't get up, okay? I'll be right back."

  Eris sat in silence until the Drifter returned, a large fluffy blanket in his arms. He smiled as he leaned over Eris, tucking the blanket around her snugly.

  "Even if you can't sleep, curlin' up in a blanket's got to do some good."

  Eris smiled faintly. "Thank you... would you like to sit with me?" She scooted to the side of the chair, making room for the Drifter.

  He grinned, sitting beside her and pulling the blanket over himself as well.

  They sat together in silence, not sure how much time had passed, simply enjoying the company of one another.

  "I almost feel as if I could fall asleep." Eris told the Drifter eventually. "But I'm sure the feeling will fade once I get up to go to bed."

  "Then don't get up. Just close your eyes," The Drifter said softly, leaning in to press a gentle kiss on her temple. "I'll keep you warm." He winked.

  Eris's lips quirked up in a small and faint smile as she leaned her head against the Drifter's shoulder, closing her eyes and trusting herself to him.

  "Thank you, Germaine..." she said as she drifted off to sleep.

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8 months ago


Part 3

Eris and Drifter are raising Luna. Luna is being a naughty child and keeps playing in Eris' artifacts

Note: Luna is now 4 years old.

Thank you so much for the request, it was really fun to write hehe! I would also like to mention... I put the name of this story down as 'spaghettios', lol XD

"Luna!" The Drifter called as he walked down the hallway, peeking into each room as he passed by. "Luna! Ugh, how does she keep sneakin' away?" He grumbled as he glanced into another room.

  He had a sinking suspicion he knew where Luna had snuck off to as he approached the slighly open door which led to Eris's work room, the room they had included into the house when they built it so that Eris could do her work from home and watch their child on days when the Drifter had to run his Gambit at the Tower.

  "Hey, Eris?" The Drifter said, knocking two fingers against the wooden door. "You seen Luna?"

  He pushed the door open, and to his relief, there was little Luna. She was attempting to reach up on the desk for Eris's Ahamkara bone, but Eris pushed it further from her reach before she could grab it.

  "How is it that you continually lose her, Rat?" Eris asked teasingly. "You can not keep up with a small child?"

  "Heh," the Drifter chuckled as he entered the room. "It ain't my fault, she's just-"

  "Excuses, excuses." Eris interrupted with an amused smile. "Take her, she keeps trying to play in my artifacts. And don't lose her again."

  "I won't," he replied, taking Luna's little hand in his own. "C'mon, Luna, let's go eat lunch."

  "Lunch!" Luna agreed, no longer focusing on Eris's Ahamkara rock, she followed the Drifter out of the room and to the kitchen, sitting down at the kitchen table.

  "Alright Luna, Mac 'n cheese? Or spaghettios?" Asked the Drifter, putting both cans of food up to Luna and watching her as she looked back and forth between her options with a serious and contemplative expression.

  "Mac cheese," she replied in her high voice, leaning forward and putting her small hand on the can of Chef Boyardee Mac 'n cheese.

  "Alright, Mac 'n cheese it is." He said, grabbing a pot which hung on the wall and smoothly sliding it atop the stove. He then proceeded to open the can and empty the contents into the pot.

  "Alright, Luna, that'll take a minute to heat up. You want some juice?" He asked as he reached into the fridge, grabbing a box of apple juice. But when he turned to give it to Luna, she was gone. "Do what?" The Drifter stared, appalled, at the empty seat. He began to search under the table and chairs, calling Luna's name and wondering to himself how she managed to escape again.

  He cursed under his breath, getting to his feet and hurrying down the hall, hoping Luna wasn't already in Eris's work space.

  "Hey, Eris," he peeked in the room. "Luna ain't in here is-"

  "No, Luna, give that here," Eris spoke gently but firmly, kneeling on the floor with her hand outstretched.

  Luna was laughing and giggling, Eris's Ahamkara rock in her little arms.

  "I like big marble," she said, hugging it to herself. "Is mine."

  "Luna. Here."

  Luna turned to Eris, looking down at the rock then back up at her. After a moment she obediently dropped the rock into Eris's waiting hands.

  "Good girl, Luna, thank you." She said as she put it back on her desk. She looked over at the Drifter who was walking into the room. "You lost her again." She remarked simply.

  He sighed. "Yeah... didn't hear her leave or anything."

  "If you lose her again, Germaine, you will be eating nothing but spaghettios for the rest of your life."

  "I like spaghettios!" Luna interjected squeakily.

  "Eh, I'm with the kid, spaghettios ain't so bad, Moondust." He chuckled, taking Luna's hand and guiding her away. "Maybe I'll cook us all some for dinner tonight, huh? Wouldn't that be good, Luna?"

  "Germaine, wait," Eris called before he had made it out the door.

  "Aw, you miss me already, Moonlight?" He turned back to her, smiling broadly.

  "No, but look what our daughter has managed to get a hold of as we were speaking,"

  "Oh, Luna," Drifter groaned, looking down and seeing two cards from the Deck of Whispers in her little hands. "You can't have that, give it to your mama,"

  "Is mine," Luna said, frowning with confusion when Eris took them. "I like cards."

  "You got plenty of toys out here, Luna, c'mon." Drifter took her back to the kitchen, handing her a plush Hive worm half as big as her when she sat down. She happily hugged the worm and began playing with it while the Drifter went to check on her food.

  "Alright, kiddo, the noodles are hot so we're gonna have to let 'em cool down." He said as he set the pot on a hot plate atop the counter, stirring the steaming noodles with a wood spoon. "You excited for noodles, Luna?" He smiled back at her, thankful she was still in her chair.

  "Noodles! Noodles!" Luna replied in her high, happy voice, throwing her worm plush in the air and catching it.

  "Noodles, noodles, noodles," the Drifter countinued to chant, pulling out a plastic bowl and fork.

  He poured the noodles into the bowl, eating the remaining few that clung to the pot.

  "And here you are, kiddo," he slid the warm bowl of Mac 'n cheese in front of her, leaning down to plant a quick kiss on top of her head before turning back to the stove.

  He listened to the sounds of Luna happily humming as she ate her lunch while he opened a can of spaghettios, pouring the contents into the Mac 'n cheese pot and putting it back on the oven.

  Suddenly the Drifter's Ghost appeared, letting out a chirp as it zoomed over to Luna, catching her bowl of food just before it would have hit the floor.

  "Woah, that's a no no, Luna" the Drifter said as the Ghost slid the bowl back in front of her. "Thanks, Ghost. Good catch."

  Luna made a noise which sounded a lot like 'thanks, Ghost', as she countinued eating her cheesy noodles.

  The Ghost let out a happy beep, soaring over to the Drifter and brushing it's shell against his elbow before dissappearing in a shower of sparks just as Eris entered the kitchen. She gave the Drifter an odd look, approaching the table beside them and whatching him as he sat down and began eating the spaghettios.

  "What's with that look?" The Drifter asked through a mouthful of floppy circle noodles.

  "I should not be surprised, given your history of foods consumed, but regardless I did not expect to walk in on you eating spaghettios."

  "What's wrong with me eatin' spaghettios?" He asked, taking another bite as Luna said, "I like spaghettios."

  "It happens to be food for you daughter, not for you." She smiled teasingly down at him before looking over at Luna, who was happily enjoying her noodles.

  "I'll just buy more!" The Drifter replied, gobbling more of his food. "It's not my fault spaghettios are delicious."


  "Here, have a bite." He offered her his bowl of food, which she reluctantly took.

  "Hmm..." she ate a bite, then handed the bowl back to him.

  "Well?" He asked as he took another mouthful.

  "It is... okay." She replied. "Though I would prefer the meals that you cook far over a can of pre-made foods."

  "Alright, fair enough." He scraped up the last of the floppy noodles from his bowl, preparing to eat them until he saw that Luna was once again not in her chair. "Hey, where'd Luna go?" He asked, setting his bowl down.

  "What?" Eris looked over at Luna's empty chair. "How did we not see her leave?"

  "Exactly!" The Drifter stood. "She keeps dissappearin'!"

  "I suspect I may know where she went," Eris said, guiding them down the hall.

  When they entered Eris's study room, they, unsurprisingly, found Luna. She was sitting on the floor, happily playing with a Hive bone like it was a toy airplane.

  "I do not recall leaving that on the floor." Eris frowned, grabbing the bone from her daughter's hands while the Drifter bent to pick her up.

  "Luna, you sneaky girl," he said as he nuzzled his nose against her cheek, causing her to laugh.

  "I suppose she inherited that sneakiness from you, Germaine." Eris replied, standing beside him.

  "Nah, nah, I think she got it from you." He smirked.

  "I wanna play with the airplane," Luna added.

  Eris smiled. "I will have to be more careful about closing this door, so that she can not continue to play in my artifacts."

  "Heh, yeah... sneaky kid." The Drifter chuckled, hoisting Luna up onto his shoulders. "C'mon, let's go eat some spaghettios."

  Luna voiced her agreement with a wide smile. "Spaghettios!"

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8 months ago

Fuck anonymous, please give us loving smack talk as both guide the guardian through some mission. Please?

Lololol omg, we need more of this type of content in-game 😂 Their smack talk in missions is always hilarious. Thank you so much for this request, hope you love it!

"Guardian. Thank you for taking the time to finalize this patrol. I will be guiding you through it." Eris's voice spoke from over the comms as the Guardian ran through a long and winding tunnel on the Moon, continuing deeper and deeper through the caves in search of Hive to kill.

  "And I'll be taggin' along too." Came the Drifter's crackly voice, joining Eris's over the signal.

  "Rat. I did not invite you to this mission, and I do not recall the Guardian doing so either."

  "No, you didn't, but I figured my company would be appreciated."

  The Guardian countinued to traverse deeper through the dark caves, running at a dangerously high speed which countinued to risk the possibility of them running face first into a rock.

  "And why would you assume such a thing?" Came Eris's voice.

  "Aww- Moondust! You know you enjoy my company. No need to pretend otherwise."

  "This matter is best left spoken of in private, Drifter." Eris replied, ending their current conversation as the Guardian found and shot a Hive scout.

  The Guardian spotted another two Hive scouts a moment later, along with a Knight. They shot a number of rounds at the scouts first, taking them both down in a matter of seconds before rolling out of the way of the Knights oncoming bullets. They ducked behind a large boulder, pulling out their sniper and peeking over the edge. When they got the Knight in view through the large scope, the Guardian took their shot, shooting until the Knight had fallen over dead.

  "Great work, Hero!" The Drifter congratulated them.

  "Drifter, what are you doing now?" Eris asked him.

  "Uhh, makin' lunch. You wanna come over?"

  "No. I'm sure you are cooking some manner of repulsing creature." Eris's voice held a tinge of disgust.

  "Nah, I'm cookin' up a stew. Remember how much you liked my last one?" The Drifter asked.

  "It was surprisingly good." Eris admitted. "What are the ingredients of the one you cook currently?"

  "Hah! The Guardians down there shootin' Hive and we're sittin' here talkin' about food." The Drifter laughed to himself. "Anyway, there's chicken, chopped up celery and onions, and then some dumplings. Sure you'd like it, Moondust."

  "It... sounds quiet appetizing."

  "Yeah... smells pretty good, too." The Drifter said. "Woah, hey now, the Guardians doin' great. I dare say they've already cleared out half that cave. Hah!"

  "Indeed, you do well Guardian." Eris told them as they fired some more rounds at the nearby Hive. "Your assistance in these matters is always greatly appreciated."

  "Yeah, yeah, keep on congratulating the Guardian, but never tell me I do a good job..." The Drifter said with mock gloom.

  "Jealous, are you?" Eris asked, amusement in her voice.


  "You would not agree that the Guardian deserves congratulations?" Eris asked as the Guardian took down another Hive Knight.

  "Oh, no. They deserve congratulatin' all right, that's a fact. I just wish you'd tell me I do a good job more."

  "Then perhaps you should do more that warrants congratulating, Germaine." Eris spoke, almost affectionately.

  "I picked up the Derelict for you." He pointed out.

  "And that is something you should do even when I am not coming to visit." Eris told him. "Though, I do appreciate your consideration of my thoughts. The Derelict does look tidier."

  "Heh... thank you, thats all I wanted." Then softer, as if he was hoping he wouldn't be heard, the Drifter said, "I'll dish up the food in a minute,"

  The Guardian countinued shooting, making the Hive fall one by one, while they dodged their oncoming bullets.

  "Yes, yes." Came Eris's impassioned voice. "Make them fall, make them feel the pain and suffering they have afflicted upon us!"

  "Yeesh, your intense, Moondust. Remind me not to get on your bad side."

  "You have been on my bad side many a time." Eris pointed out.

  "And lived to tell the tale, can you believe that?" He laughed. "Anyway, here's your bowl Eris." His voice was soft again, but the Guardian still heard every word.

  "Thank you." Was Eris's equally quiet reply.

  The Guardian began to shoot at a Hive Wizard, breaking it's shield in a matter if seconds.

  "Whoo!" The Drifter let out when the Guardian successfully took down the Wizard. "Feels almost like Gambit. You should come by, Hero, I'll double your rewards if you'll kill a Wizard by yourself in the first round."

  "Rat, now is not the time for making deals and wagers. The Guardian needs to focus."

  "Alright, fine."

  The Guardian filled the next few moments of silence with the sound of gunshots firing and knives swishing by through the air.

  "The soup is good, Germaine. Thank you." Eris spoke softly.

  "My pleasure, Moondust. I figured you'd like it, glad you came over to have a bite."

  "Indeed." Then returning to normal volume, Eris said, "wonderful work, Guardian. This will surely aid in keeping the Hive population back."

  "And don't forget about Gambit, alright? I always need more Motes." The Drifter jumped in.

  "Last I saw, you seemed to have plenty." Eris interjected.

  "Eh, still always need more." He replied. Then back to the Guardian, "but, uh, I'm gonna be busy for a little while right now. Just drop by later if you wanna take up my offer, yeah?"

  "Indeed, thank you, Guardian, for you much needed assistance. The Drifter and I will be going now."

  The Guardian shrugged off the questions they had pertaining to Eris and the Drifter's strange vagueness, and instead moved on to using their party emote, before heading back up into orbit. 

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7 months ago

Heyyy how about Eris scolding Luna because she is toying with the hive artifacts that is clearly to dangerous to hold. Luna answer back to her mother, Eris is surprised that her daughter could do this and became even more angry. Drifter arrived to stop the fight.

Note: Happy ending plss and make it a long story. Luna is 6 years old.

Thank you so much for the story request! Their lil daughter growing up so much already😭 Hope you love your story, it was fun to write!

Eris sighed, rolling over onto her back and staring up at the ceiling. Her body ached and her head was throbbing. She wanted to sleep, to rest until she felt better, but she knew she must get up soon. She scooted further into the soft blanket and puffy pillow, hoping a few more minutes of shut eye would do her some good.


  Eris slammed a fist down on the alarm clock that rested atop her bedside table, wincing as the pain sprung up anew inside her head from the sharp ring. She heard the Drifter move beside her, and she could feel his eyes studying her face.

  "You tired, Moondust?" He asked.

  "Yes." She replied. "I am sore and my head hurts."

  The Drifter's expression washed over with worry. "You sure you don't want me to take over watchin' Luna today? You've been working' a lot, you could use some time off."

  "No," she turned her head towards him. "Go, run Gambit. I can watch Luna. I will be fine, Germaine." Eris continued when the Drifter didn't look convinced.

  "Hmph. Alright, but I'm makin' you breakfast first."

  He leaned in and gave her a quick kiss, not giving her a chance to speak before he pulled the covers back and got out of bed. Eris lingered for a second longer, before accepting her fate, knowing she must step out from her comfort and prepare for the day ahead.

  *  *  *

  "Hey, Luna!" The Drifter called, rapping his knuckles against the door that led to their daughters bedroom. "Time to get up, kiddo!"

  He walked back into the kitchen, shaking the pan of eggs back and forth as he took it off the eye.

  "Cheese, cheese, cheese," he began singing under his breath, sprinkling more than a little bit of shredded cheese atop the scrambled eggs, watching the orange slivers melt against the fluffy yellow. 

  He divided the eggs between two plates and set a kettle atop an oven eye as Eris walked in the room.

  "Hey," he gave her a soft smile. "Got you some water heatin' up, too. Some tea might help that headache of yours, yeah?"

  "Yes, I suppose so." Eris replied, her voice low as she rubbed her temples. "Thank you. Where's Luna?"

  "I knocked on her door, she oughta be here any minute." He frowned, sliding the two plates onto the kitchen table as he peeked down the hall.

  "Luna!" Eris called, opening one of the cabinet doors and grabbing a bottle of advil. She took two before returning the bottle to it's place in the cabinet.

  "Don't forget to eat somethin, Moonlight, okay?" The Drifter leaned over and kissed her cheek, stroking her hair behind her ear. "I'm gonna head out. Call if you need anythin'."

  The sound of Luna's bedroom door opening, followed by the sound of running footsteps, came a moment later.

  "No runnin' in the house, Luna." The Drifter called from the front door. "I'm leavin', bye!"

  "Bye, daddy!" Luna yelled as she ran through the kitchen, running into Eris and wrapping her arms around her in a hug. "Hi, mommy."

  Eris gave a faint smile. "Hello, Luna." She stroked back her dark hair. "You have breakfast on the table. Come, eat."

  Luna gasped as she sat down, a smile on her face. "Is that cheese?"

  "Yes." Eris found herself amused by her daughters enthusiasm. "And eggs, as well."

  Luna began gobbling her food down immediately, taking the trait after her father. Meanwhile Eris ate her own food a moment later, slow and calm. 

  "Can I help you with work today?" Luna asked through a mouthful of eggs.

  "I will not be doing much anything interesting today." Eris replied. "And don't eat with food in your mouth."

  "But daddy does that." Luna pointed out after swallowing her food.

  "Yes, and I tell him to stop, too. But concerning your first question, I will be looking over old Hive books that the Vanguard have sent to me. I'm sure you'd be bored by it,"

  Eris scooted her chair back, finishing the last of her eggs and walking over to the sink to clean her plate with a soapy sponge. She rinsed it under the hot water, taking Luna's plate as she came up behind her.

  Steam began to shoot from the kettle, followed by a shrill and painful whistle, like a knife jabbing into Eris and causing her headache to triple the pain that it had been.

  "Please take the kettle off the stove, Luna, and set it atop the hot plate." Eris requested, grabbing a towel to dry her hands off with and closing her eyes in hopes that it would help lessen the pain. Luna obediently took the kettle by it's handle, setting it where Eris and told her.

  "Thank you. Now, go grab two mugs and a box of tea bags." Eris said, her headache slowly beginning to recede.

  Luna rushed off a second later, grabbing two mugs and setting them on the counter top before speeding back to the cabinet and grabbing a box of vanilla chai tea bags.

  "Are you okay?" Luna asked, setting the tea bags on the counter and looking up at Eris with big concerned eyes as Eris continued to massage her temples.

  "Yes," Eris forced a weak smile. "Go and retrieve the honey now, please. And do not run."

  She watched Luna force herself to walk over to the counter where the honey was kept, smiling a little in amusement before turning over to the fridge and grabbing a bottle of heavy cream.

  Once Luna had returned with the honey, Eris began to prepare the tea, pouring steaming water into each cup. Luna watched with intense curiosity, her eyes widening as the cream was poured, admiring the way it swirled and flowed through the tea seeped water, creating a beautiful display of mixing colors.

  "There's your tea," Eris stirred the cups and slid one to Luna, before turning to her own cup and taking a sip. "What will you be doing while I work? You could read a book in the room with me, or perhaps go to your room and play?"

  "I wanna play," Luna replied, already chugging down half her tea.

  "Alright. Then go play in your room once you have finished your tea. And should you need anything, just knock on my door."

  "Okay, mommy," she finished the last of her tea, hugged Eris, then rushed down the hall to her room.

  Eris leaned against the counter, drinking her tea and appreciating the silence of the next few minutes. She breathed in deep, the pain in her head continuing in a gentle throb.

  Finally she pushed herself away from the counter, her cup of tea in hand, and walked down the hallway to her work room. She entered, closing the door behind her before approaching the wooden desk where she frequently sat to pore over books.

  Atop the desk were the recently sent volumes the Vanguard had requested her to read and translate, should there be any information within them that would be useful to know.

  Eris suppressed a deep sigh as she sat, setting her warm mug of tea down and grabbing a pen so she could record her findings as she read through the first of many large books.

  She flipped page after page, scribbling note after note, not aware of the hours passing by, until eventually her eyelids began to fall uncontrollably.

  "I am so tired," she groaned to herself, rubbing her glowing eyes. "Perhaps I have the time for a quick nap..." and within the next few minutes, her face was pressed against the yellowed pages of the book, her eyes sunken into green slivers as her mind drifted off.

  She stayed that way for some time without interruption, not even being woken by Luna, who had forgotten to knock, opening the door to the room.

  "Mommy?" Luna walked up to Eris, gently poking her shoulder.

  When Eris remained asleep, she walked away with the intent of leaving the room. But before she could make it out the door, a glowing jar caught her eye.

  Her eyes grew wide with curiosity as she approached the shelf full of artifacts, observing the many strange items and curios that had been stored in variously sized jars. One was full of pickled Hive eyeballs, another filled with some sort of dark sludge, another with Hive claws stored in preservative liquid, along with dozens of other foreign and grotesque items along the shelf.

  Luna observed each jar, reaching out to brush her fingers along the cool dusty glass, until she finally came to a stop on a jar full of sharp Hive teeth. Luna took the jar in both hands, bringing it to her face. She stared in awe at the sharp tips and various sizes of the teeth, rotating the jar in her hands.

  But during one rotation, her fingers slipped, and the jar fell to the floor with a sharp crash, glass exploding in all directions.

  Eris was awake and standing in an instant, her expression full of fear as her eyes shot over to her daughter.

  "Luna!" She exclaimed. "Are you alright? What happened?"

  She rushed over to Luna and saw the teeth and shattered glass across the floor. Her headache sprung up in full force as she looked back at her daughter.

  "Luna. Answer me. Are you hurt?"

  "No, mommy." She answered, eyes downcast.

  "Were you playing in my artifacts?" Eris asked.

  "Yes." Luna replied, ashamed.

  "Even though both your father and I have given expressed orders to never touch these objects?" Eris could feel her anger rising as her daughter nodded. "And so you decided the rules did not apply to you?" When Luna remained silent she continued. "You could have been hurt! These artifacts are dangerous, and you know that! You can not just decide the rules do not apply to you just because you do not wish to obey!"

  "Maybe if you didn't have dangerous artifacts I wouldn't have to have stupid rules!" Luna snapped back, her small fists clenched as she looked up at Eris.

  Eris's face contorted with a mix of surprise and anger as she stared at the child in front of her.

  "I should be allowed to keep what I wish, and you should obey your mother and father!" Eris shouted, hating the way Luna flinched by her sudden heightened volume. "And since when have you decided to speak back to me? I thought we had raised you better than this, Luna. Your behavior has been shameful on numerous levels, and you will be punished- carefully step out of the glass and go to your room. Now."

  Luna opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by a rap against the door. The Drifter entered soon after, eyes observing the scene nervously.

  "Germaine." Eris greeted, annoyance still thick in her voice. "What are you doing home so early?"   "Took a break, figured I'd come see y'all for a minute and grab somethin' to eat." He entered the room and eyed the mess on the floor. "What happened here?"

  "Our daughter decided that she would forgo our rule of not touching my artifacts." Eris breathed in deep. "I had fallen asleep, annoyingly enough... otherwise I could have stopped her."

  The Drifter frowned and looked at Luna, who had remained silent. "Luna, why'd you touch the artifacts when we told you not to?"

  "I don't know..."

  "No, Luna, answer me. Why?" The Drifter asked her again.

  Luna stared at the floor, tears now beginning to well in her eyes as she fumbled for the words to her answer. "I... I just thought they looked cool. And I really wanted to touch them..."

  She stepped carefully out of the mess of glass, wiping her tears away as she rushed over to Eris and hugged her tight.

  "I'm sorry for touching the artifacts, mommy." She buried her face in Eris's side.

  "And for talking back to me?" Eris prodded.

  Luna nodded. "And I'm sorry for talking back." She looked up at Eris. "Am I still gonna be punished?"

  Eris looked over at Drifter, one eyebrow raised in a question. He shrugged back at her.

  "I dunno..." he began, walking up to them. "I reckon she could help clean up the mess? Luna, go grab a plastic bag and a glass jar from the kitchen. And do not run, okay?"

  "Okay," Luna replied, carefully avoiding the glass and walking out the room.

  Eris sighed, turning towards the Drifter and resting her head against his neck.

  "Thank you... I'm glad you were here."

  "Yeah... your head still hurt?" He slowly rubbed a hand up and down her back.

  "Yes. Though not nearly so bad now with your aid during that situation."

  "I'll help Luna clean it up, too, don't worry." He pulled away as Luna entered, pressing his face against Eris's cheek before walking over to the area with the broken glass.

  Eris sat down as they cleaned up, her eyes tired and heavy, watching as they scraped up the glass and separated the teeth into a new jar.

  "C'mon, Luna, let's go wash our hands." Eris heard the Drifter say once they had finally finished cleaning the floor, the sound of footsteps receding following soon after.

  Eris sat there, her eyes closed. But before she fully fell asleep, she felt a gentle tap on her shoulder.

  She opened her eyes, and saw Luna standing in front of her, a mug of steaming liquid in her hands.

  "Tea will make you feel better." Luna said, handing Eris the cup.

  Eris took it, her lips twisting into a small smile as tears began to fill her eyes.

  "Thank you, Luna." She pulled her into a hug.

  "Do you feel better now?" Luna asked after Eris took a sip of the tea.

  "A little, yes."

  The Drifter entered the room, coming up to the desk and bending over to hug Eris from behind, Luna joining the hug a second later.

  "Thank you both," Eris said softly, returning her husband and daughters hug, and falling once again into a much needed nap.

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7 months ago

Something Eido, with Uncle Germaine and Aunty Eris during their "we are a couple" phase?

Hehehe lol, this was super fun to write... Thanks so much for the request, hope you love it!!

Eido looked up from her data pad, the sound of voices outside tearing her away from her work. She was forced to squint as she stood and approached the doorway, the sun so bright compared to the room she had been doing research in for hours. She raised one of her four arms up to her face, shielding her quadruple glowing blue eyes.

  "Eido?" Came a gravelly voice from below.

  Eido blinked rapidly, uncovering her face and looking down at the bottom of the stairs to see the Drifter, Eris Morn beside him.

  "Oh! Drifter! Had I known you were coming I would have prepared some tea- please forgive me." Eido said as she rushed down the steps.

  The Drifter chuckled. "It's all good, Eido. I was just comin' over to show Eris around." He motioned beside him to Eris, who nodded her head towards Eido.

  "Eido. It has been some time, has it not?"

  "Yes..." Eido said somewhat warily. "Since your transformation into a Hive god, actually."


  The Drifter sensed the unease in the air, and chuckled, trying to lighten the situation.

  "Risky move, yeah? But look, Eris is fine, and her transformation saved all our asses." He leaned over, wrapping his arm over her shoulders and pulling her into him. "Pretty spectacular, too."

  Eido narrowed her eyes at the both of them, noting the way Drifter looked at Eris with... admiration? Awe?

  Eris cleared her throat, pushing away from the Drifter, his cue to change the subject.

  "But yeah," he stared. "I actually dropped by to show Eris around. There's a couple places she ain't seen much of and I figured I'd give her the tour."

  "A tour?" Eido almost squealed with delight. "I'd happily show you both around if you would like,"

  The Drifter smiled. "We'd love that."

  Eido's eyes squinted upward in a smile as she turned. "Come along, we'll start at this side first."

  Eido walked forward, knowing Eris and Drifter were following by the close sound of two other footsteps. She smiled to herself as she began motioning to nearby building and structures, pointing out their use and necessity.

  Multiple times as Eido would begin speaking she'd look back at Eris and the Drifter. And those times she'd look back, she would often spot them walking very close, smiling softly, or even holding hands at one point. A human showing of affection, of course. But what did it mean, and to what extent? She pondered this as they continued.

  As she walked them by the garden, waving to the Eliksi in the distance who tended it, she looked back at the two she was touring. "It is nice, having another job other than poring over a data pad- not that I mind doing research!" She added. "It is just..."

  She stopped in her tracks, bringing a clawed finger up to her chin as she considered the words she was searching for.

  "Heh, it's just nice gettin' to take a break from somethin' every once in a while?" The Drifter finished for her. He countinued when Eido earnestly agreed. "Don't you worry, Eido, your aunty Eris and uncle Drifter are here to help you out."

  He smiled broadly, once again wrapping his arm over Eris's shoulders, apparently unaware of what he had just said. Both Eris and Eido stared at him, glowing green and blue eyes wide with surprise.

  "Wait..." Eido started, studying them both as if seeing them for the first time. "Aunt... and uncle?"

  "That is not what he-" Eris attempted, trying to dissolve the situation, but it was too late.

  "You two are together?" She asked, her eyes once again revealing she was smiling.

  "Uhh..." the Drifter's cheeks went pink. "That ain't exactly what I was sayin', what I meant was...." He trailed off, having no defense or disguise for his accidental slip up.

  Eris sighed, burying her face in her hands. "We had intended to keep that information confidential."

  "Oh, I see! Do not worry, I have no intentions to spread your secret." Her body language revealed a secret giddiness she was trying to suppress as she fought against the temptation to hop up and down. "Though I must admit, I was not expecting the two of you to partake in romantical affairs with one another!"

  Now they were both blushing.

  "Oh, is that the human sign for embarrassment?" She pointed a claw at both of their faces. "I apologize, I was not meaning to make either of you uncomfortable."

  The Drifter let out a forced chuckle. "Nah, nah. Your good, Eido. I, uh... Really shoulda thought that sentence through 'fore I said it."

  "Yes, you should have. But at this point our truth is known." Eris began. "And it would be greatly appreciated if you made sure that no news of this gets out, Eido."

  "Of course, your secret is safe with me."

  "Thank you," they both said in unison.

  Eido blinked happily as she turned away, walking forward.

  "Come, let us finish our tour. And then I will set on a kettle so that we may discuss this over tea!" She continued on energetically, one of her hands motioning forward.

  "Sorry," the Drifter whispered to Eris as Eido hummed on happily in front of them.

  "No harm no foul, I suppose." Eris replied with a small smile, shaking her head at him.

  He smiled back, grabbing her hand and intertwining their fingers, quietly laughing when Eido peeked back at them and curiously observed their hands.

  They continued on with their tour, happy amongst trusted company.

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7 months ago

What about a fic that's dramatic but has a happy ending? For instance Drifter is Marrying Eris and Ikora objects at the altar as they read the vows. It's more of a nice way than a mean way because she has worry for Eris, whose like a daughter to her, jumping into this! Eris explains how she loves him and Drifter says that he'll take good care of her and Ikora changes her mind.

Hehe awww 🥺such a cute idea, thank you so much for the request, here's you story!!

The Drifter sucked in a shaky breath, his hands were trembling and his eyes gleamed with excitement, hardly able to remain on one spot for long. He stood beside Eido, who held a large worn book in two of her four hands, wearing an expression of both eagerness and false confidence.

  "What do we wait for?" She asked, finally breaking the silence. "Where is she?

  "She said she was gettin' ready... but that was a little while ago." The Drifter glanced longingly down the spacious hall of the Derelict.

  "Should I go and find her?" Eido offered, extending a third hand.

  "Nah, nah, give her a few more minutes." He said, fighting the urge to pace due to his jumbling nerves.

  He brushed his hand down his suit for what had to be the millionth time. Normally he wouldn't care much about his outward appearance, but today? Today was special, and it needed to be prefect. He comped his fingers through his hair, fixed his bandana in place, and smoothed out his sleeves.

  "Drifter, I believe you are worrying too much," Eido said after watching him run his fingers through his hair again. "I do not believe she will be upset by your clothes being merely wrinkled."

  "No, I know, it's just..." he sighed. "Hey, it ain't like you don't look nervous."

  "Oh! Well, yes, I suppose it would be impossible not to be nervous in such a new and un-experience event." She wringed together the claws on her two free hands. "I just do not wish to make a mistake, I suppose..."   "Don't worry, your gonna do fine." The Drifter gave her a comforting smile before he returned his gaze to the empty hall, the room falling silent once again.

  Five more long, quiet minutes passed before a shower of green sparks erupted out from the middle of the room, Eris Morn emerging from them.

  She walked down the hall, a gentle smile on her lips, the hem of her brown dress flowing behind her, gleaming gold from the runic Hive symbols she had requested Eva Levante to add when she was designing the dress. Her hood was up, hiding all but a few soft whisps of dark hair. Her eyes here hidden under a blindfold, but this was a part of the ceremony, a part of Eris and Drifter's planning. They prepared in every way for this to be perfect, for it to be a beautiful wedding.

  Ikora followed close beside Eris, walking her up to the Drifter, a solemn expression upon her face.

  Eris and Drifter wanted a quiet wedding, with only one another, Ikora, because of her closeness with Eris, and Eido as a priest to bind them together. But they had only just told Ikora on the day of, knowing she would likely not approve of their union, but not wishing to leave her out nor give her the time to foil their marriage plans.

  Ikora stopped, watching Eris as she continued with quiet steps against metal floor to approach the Drifter until she was by his side, Eido in-between them.

  Eido cleared her throat, fumbling a little, but quickly regaining herself as she opened the book in her hands and flipped to a random page.

  "Are you all ready?" She asked, continuing when Eris and Drifter nodded. "Great, okay... right, Germaine, do you take Eris Morn to be your lawfully wedded wife, and to care for and love her in sickness and in health, for all the days of your life?"

  The Drifter smiled dreamily at Eris. "I-"

  "I object!" Came a firm strong voice, interrupting them before the vows could hardly even begin.

  They all jerked their head in the direction of the one who spoke, being met with worried brown eyes centered on Eris.

  "I can not let you do this, Eris." Ikora said, her voice loud and demanding obedience.

  Eris frowned, her face a mix on confusion and hurt. "What do you mean?"

  "I can not let you put your life in danger," She took a step forward. "This man, he has proved safe for now, but for how long? How long will he love you, be devoted to you?"


  "I can not idly sit by and let you throw your life in danger, Eris. I have not said it as much as I ought... but you are like a daughter to me. I love you, and for that reason I must object to this union. I will not let him bind you down with marriage. I will not let you jump into something that could easily send you down a winding road of regret."

  "Ikora," Eris began, her gaze softening. "The Drifter and I... we have been dating for many years now, and have spent many a lengthy discussion on the topic of marriage. We are not rushing or jumping into anything." She paused. "I love him... I know you have never understood my affection for such a smelly, obnoxious rat," she gave the Drifter a warm smile. "But we see in different lights, Ikora. I see a kind and loving man in him, and that man is who I wish to tie my life to. I would trust him should my very being depend on it. We have not always felt this way for one another, no, but that is why we have waited so long for our marriage, we both wished to be sure of this before we committed to it." She breathed deep. "Ikora, I have asked for your trust before, and I once again ask for it now. Trust me. Trust my knowledge and my judgment."

  Ikora kept her eyes locked on Eris's own, her lips still in a tight frown.

  "And I'd just like to add," the Drifter began after a few seconds had passed. "I don't just love her, I respect her. I respect who she is, and I don't intend to change that after we're married,"

  Eris broke her stare with Ikora to look at the Drifter, her lips sliding into a smile. The way he spoke, with such a  conviction she had not often heard, saying so confidently 'after we're married,' as if he had no doubt their marriage would go through. It made her heart light, lighter than it had ever been before.

  "And I also know," the Drifter continued. "That she can take of herself, she don't need me... hell,  she proved that by walkin' outa the Hellmouth alive by herself! But whatever the case, I wanna be there for her, and I'm gonna do my best to love her and care for her with every fiber of my bein'. Hand to my heart, that's a promise." He brought his hand to his heart, not flinching away from Ikora's steely gaze as she looked from his to Eris and back to him.

  "I suppose..." she began, her words measured and careful. "If this union will bring Eris joy..."

  Her eyes locked back on Eris as Eris gave a nod in response.

  "He brings me joy."

  Ikora sighed, her shoulders dropping. "Then yes, you have my blessing." She looked to Eido who had been standing silently the whole time, curiously observing the entire situation. "I no longer object."

  "Wonderful!" Eido said, looking down at the book in her hands before remembering the script was in her head. "Right, as I was saying... Germaine, do you take Eris Morn to be your lawfully wedded wife, and to care for and love her in sickness and in health, for all the days of your life?"

  The Drifter smiled softly at Eris as he spoke. "I do."

  "And Eris, do you take the Drift- Germaine, to be your lawfully wedded husband, and to care for and love him in sickness and in health, for all the days of your life?"

  Eris returned the Drifter's smile. "I do."

  "Great! Then you may now kiss!" Eido said exuberantly.

  The Drifter smiled, reaching gentle fingers out to grab Eris's hand, slipping a ring with green crystals embedded along it onto her finger. Eris then slipped a black band with hive runes onto his finger, each ring a represention of the other person, a way to think of each other every time they looked down at their hands.

  The Drifter smiled at Eris before reaching out his hands to lift up her blindfold, taking it from her face and letting her true eyes shine as their lips came together in a soft and warm kiss.

  A hint of a smile threatened Ikora's lips as she observed how happy Eris seemed in the Drifter's arms, how happy she seemed to be while kissing him.

  Meanwhile Eido, who still stood behind them, observed them with curiosity, not yet used to human traditions.

  Eris pulled away, taking the Drifter's hand and offering him a joyous smile before turning her head towards Ikora. She was met in return with understanding brown eyes. She nodded, and Ikora nodded in return, smiling, happy to see Eris Morn finally find her joy.

Tags :
7 months ago

Story request!

Mara and Eris are on a mission together on Europa regarding the pyramids. They set up a camp where they could rest. While chilling into the fire, Mara ask Eris about her relationship with the Drifter. Eris was surprised but didn't show it, she wondered how her queen found out about it and if she thinks lesser of her because of her relationship with the Drifter. Mara knew Eris and tells her that it's okay she can tell her anything because they're friends. This warms her heart as Mara comforts her. Eris tells her the truth on how they got together. Deep inside Mara is happy that Eris has someone who loves her deeply.

Thank you so much for the request, here's your story! We really do need more lore between Eris and Mara... I've loved the idea of them being close friends, cause the way Mara respects Eris and tries to understand instead of judge is just so nice 🥺 And I think she would definitely try to understand why Eris feels the way she feels toward the Drifter, instead of just judging their relationship and being rude :))

The Queen of the Reef stood still, motionless, her hand outstretched and her eyes closed. She hovered her palm over the dark, smooth surface of the supposedly dormant Pyramid.

  When she had consulted Eris Morn earlier that day, she had said she would feel a 'presence' over the Pyramid if it were still awake. Still breathing. But Mara felt nothing. She felt nothing when it was in it's power, and she felt nothing now that it was asleep. She scrunched her eyes tighter as she pondered over this.

  A sudden gust of wind threw her off guard, causing her to jerk her arm back to try to redistribute her balance in an attempt to save herself from falling into the mound of snow behind her.

  "The winds here are both sudden and violent, as I am sure you have already noticed." Came a somewhat melancholy voice from beside her, along with a firm grasp along her arm.

  Mara straightened her back, returning her arm to her side and forcing her face in a nonchalant expression as she met the green glow of Eris's eyes, which were dulled out by the snowflakes still falling from the grey clouds above.

  "Eris Morn, I worried you would be late."

  "On the contrary, my queen," Eris inclined her head. "I am early."

  "Please, quit the theatrics, you should know they are no longer necessary." Mara said as she turned back to the dark, ominous, angled wall of the Pyramid. "You spoke of a feeling which would, as you said, resonate through the tips of your fingers and lay unrestingly in you mind when you bring your palm to the Pyramid. Why is it that even in the Pyramids prime, I have felt nothing?"

  Eris stepped forward, extending one of her hands, as Mara had done only a few minutes ago. She closed her eyes tight, searching for any feeling, any sign of the Pyramid's life.

  "It is perhaps your lack of having learnt to weild the Darkness that keeps you from the foreboding premonition of the Pyramid's dark still living existence," she begun, eyes still closed and palm still extended. "I have taken the Drifter on a similar mission as this, and when prompted, he told me of how he felt the Pyramid, how he felt it's life. It's... anger. It's desire for fallacious revenge." her features relaxed and her voice softened at this last part.

  Mara did not respond. Instead, she watched Eris, studying her expression and the way she elegantly swept her fingers through the air.

  "It is still awake, isn't it?" Mara asked when Eris jumped and let out a small gasp.

  "Indeed," Eris hovered her hand over a new spot. Then another, and another, until she finally pulled away and opened her eyes, the green faintly piercing through the white. "It is... awake. But only just. It has been defeated, and it knows this, so it flees into a dormant rest for the time being. I can feel it's anger, only in faint and fleeting wisps. But it is there, and if it were to be fully active, it's anger would know no bounds."

  Both of their expressions were grim as they locked eyes.

  "And what would you suggest for the future?" Mara asked, crossing her arms as another bitter cold breeze strolled by.

  "Currently, I am unsure of what alternative measure to take that has not yet been done. I must inform the Vanguard, of course. And the Guardian, too."

  "And I, my corsairs." Mara looked back at the everlasting Darkness of the Pyramid wall. "Come." She said curtly, walking away, trudging through the shin deep snow.

  Eris stared after her for a moment, confused, before rushing to her side.

  *  *  *

  The fire burned large and bright, it's orange blaze remaining mostly unseeable by enemy eyes through the thick snowflakes that swirled around them.

  Mara stood tall above the fire, her back aching from the cold, while Eris kneeled beside the warm flames and shifted the firewood with a piece of a metal pole that she had found in the nearby wreckage of the demolished snow coated buildings.

  Sparks flew into the sky, flicks of orange amongst the storm of white. Mara observed this, almost in awe at the unique beauty of the view as the orange faded in an instant. She kept her face tight and expressionless, turning her gaze from the sparks, to Eris Morn before forcing herself down to the snow beside her.

  "Have you and the Drifter been together long?" She asked, shifting to get into a more comfortable position.

  Suddenly the movement of Eris's hand over the flames stopped. She was shocked by the strange question, but made sure to keep her face expressionless and her eyes on the warm fire, just as quickly beginning to shift the wood again as she had stopped.

  How had Mara found out? Was her relationship with the Drifter truly that obvious? Or was her queen just that intuitive? But more importantly, would she think less of her? The respect of her queen was not something easily granted, and nor was it something she wished to part with.

  "Do not fear, Eris." Mara said when she remained silent. "You can tell me anything. We are friends, you and I. You know this, do you not?"

  Eris finally turned her face towards the Awoken queen, her eyes showing a rare amount of surprise at last. The beat of her heart calmed, and the warmth of it reverberated throughout her chest as she smiled an ever so slight smile, turning her head back to the fire.

  "The Drifter and I..." she began softly, but loud enough to be heard over the sudden wind. "Our relationship has not always been an easy one, as you already know. We were not fond of one another in the beginning, to say the least."

  She chuckled a single chuckle. But Mara noticed, and she realized the significance of such an action coming from Eris Morn.

  "But over the years we have grown a mutual respect, which from there grew into feelings of affection. I will not admit this to him, though I suspect he already knows, but it grew, and still grows, exceedingly difficult to refrain from calling him, even for the most menial of occurrences."  She smiled into the warm orange flames, tracing her hand through the air to gather a small collection of snowflakes along her palm and fingers. "Recently, the Drifter had begun to act timorous around me... shy, even. And as his timidicy grew, so did the awkwardness between our speakings, until one evening when he requested I meet him privately aboard the Derelict. From there, he began to confess his feelings. I would be lying if I said he expressed them easily, however. It took time... self convincing, I am sure... but eventually, he confessed how he felt, and rallied enough confidence to kiss me." She seemed to be reminiscing to herself, a small smile on her lips. "To answer your question, we have not been together particularly long. Merely a few months."

  "But you are happy?" Mara asked, watching Eris's expression closely.

  "Yes." She replied without hesitation. "Happier than I have been in quiet some time. Perhaps... happier than I have ever been before."

  Mara returned her blue eyes to the dancing orange and yellow of the flames in front of them. She was happy for her. Happy that Eris, one who had suffered and fought through so much, had finally found someone who would love her deeply in the way that she deserved.

  She smiled, offering Eris a rare moment of true openness as she brushed her fingers along her elbow.

  "I am glad you have found your joy." 

Tags :
7 months ago

Mara offering Eris a space in the Dreaming City for her to give birth to her daughter. In the past few months Eris had a difficult pregnancy. Now the labor happened, Eris is having a difficult time to let out the baby, she has been sweating and in pain for hours. Mara is beside her through her labor. Eris is losing a lot of blood but the baby is born. The baby didn't cry which made them scared especially Eris. While the child is being revive Eris was also dying from blood loss so it took many efforts to save them both. They both survive. At the same time Drifter arrived at the scene, he is desperate to see them both but is in relief that they're both alive. Eris woke up hours later and held their baby. Drifter named her Luna. Eris love it. Eris also thank Mara for her help.

Hi hi, so sorry for how long this story took- this month has really been a doozy 🙃 But I hope it was worth the wait, and that you'll love your story! :)) And thank you so much for the request!

Light footsteps echoed through the quiet, long hallway, reverberating off the large crystal hewn walls and high ceiling which stood proudly, gleaming and reflecting every speck of light that hit them, their glorious colors of blue and purple shooting to the floor and across the room.

  Plants stood tall in their crystal vases, their earthy smell wafting through the room and bringing about a more welcoming air.

  Mara Sov walked beside Eris, watching her steps as they cautiously traversed across the long embroidered rug.

  "My people and I can spare one of the many rooms in the palace when the time comes for your birthing," She was saying. "It is the least we can do after all of the assistance you have offered over the years."

  "Thank you, my queen. That will be greatly appreciated." Eris responded with a small smile.

  "How have these last few months of your pregnancy effected you?" Mara asked, turning a caring eye towards Eris's tired face.

  "Poorly. It has been... difficult, to say the least. It was also quiet difficult persuading Germaine to allow me to come here alone." She smiled tiredly. "He worries much, especially as of late."

  "A perfect trait for your union, I would say." Mara smiled. "Given your history of battling risks head on."

  "Yes, I suppose so. It is... nice, having someone worry for me, but not to an excessive level."

  "I am sure it is." Mara gave a nod. "When is she due?"

  "In two weeks from today." Eris replied, unable keep the note of excitement out of her voice. Then suddenly she winced, bringing a hand up to her stomach.

  "What it is?" Mara asked, allowing her concern to show as she reached out to touch Eris's arm.

  "It is... probably nothing." She said, wincing again. "Ah..."

  "It does not appear to be nothing." Mara countered, stepping in front of Eris and looking her over. "Corsairs!" She suddenly yelled, and a mere moment later two corsairs were running swiftly down the hall towards them. Mara barked orders to prepare a room and gather the techeuns, but Eris heard none of this, her head was swimming.

  She was rushed down the hall, everything passing by in a blur of colors, and before she knew it she was in one of the many crystal rooms, laying down on a table, a pillow under her head. The large room was chaos, people were running to and fro, Mara was shouting out orders to everyone, while Eris was biting back screams and clutching Mara's hand painfully tight.

  "Should we inform the Drifter?" A corsair asked as she ran up to them.

  "No..." Eris strained out before Mara could reply. "No, don't... tell him. He will... worry. Wait until... until she is born."

  Mara nodded, looking to the corsair. "You heard her. Now go, aid the others!"

  The corsair nodded, rushing along with the others to prepare as Eris began to clutch the sides of the table, sweat forming on her face as she bit back a scream that would surely not stay down for long. Mara placed her cool fingers over Eris's hand.

  "My queen, what are our designated jobs?" Asked a corsair.

  "Tanya, I trust you most with this particular assignment." She said to a nearby techeun. "Gather whomever you need and prepare to deliver the baby."

  The aforementioned techeun nodded, swiftly calling together who she needed and taking her place by the lower half of Eris's body.

  "You are doing fine, Eris." Mara said with a forced smile, hoping it looked authentic.

  But even if the smile looked fake, Eris would hardly of cared. She was in too much pain to care. After everything she'd suffered through in the Hellmouth, all the pain she had survived over the many years... childbirth was fighting desperately for it's place at the top of most painful things she had ever experienced.

  Hours passed by that way, the techeuns and corsairs never losing focus for a minute. Mara Sov standing over an exhausted and sweat coated Eris, who continued to grip the table, occasionally letting out a scream, as she attempted to birth the baby.

  "My queen..." a corsair spoke softly, having been sent by Tanya to deliver a message for the queens ear only.

  "Yes?" Mara replied, diverting her attention from Eris's painstaken face.

  "She is losing much blood. Too much."

  "But is the child coming?"

  "We belive so, yes."

  "Have any medical remedies on standby, but wait until the child is born before you aid in the blood loss. We can not risk the baby's life. She would not want that." Mara turned back to Eris, who was apparently unaware of their conversation.

  The Corsair returned to the others. A few more long drawn out moments passed, Eris screaming out with clenched teeth, Mara's hand still over her own.

  "The child, she's coming!" One of the corsairs suddenly yelled out.

  The relief on Eris's face only lasted a moment before the pain kicked in anew. But finally, after what felt like many hours, though was only another twenty minutes, the child was born.

  The corsairs let out a cheer, basking in their celebration- until they realized the baby hadn't uttered a single cry as she should have done the moment she had been born. Then Eris went limp, her hands no longer gripping the table. She was so, so tired.

  "My queen, she has lost too much blood, and the baby, she does not look well. What should-"

  "Do what you must." Mara barked, jerking towards the corsairs and techeuns. "All of you, now! Do what you must to save her and the child!"

  "Mara...?" Came Eris's tired voice. "My child... where is she? Why is she not crying?"

  "My corsairs are aiding her as we speak, Eris. Do not worry on her, she will be fine."

  Mara was not one to make such promises that could easily be broken, with nothing she could do to stop it. But she had to. Eris Morn's life was on the line, and she needed any comfort she could get.

  "Mara...?" Eris breathed out after another few minutes, still limp.


  "Am... I dying...?"

  "No, Eris-"

  "I feel... so exhausted... so tired..." she breathed out in a hoarse breath. "Please, my queen, do not lie to me."

  "You have merely had a difficult birthing, that is all. You will be better soon. You just need rest,"

  Another promise that may not come true. Eris Morn had lost too much blood, the corsairs were doing all that they could to heal her, but there was no guarantee for her survival. Mara knew this, and as she watched the green of Eris's eyes recede into thin lines, her dread began to grow.

  *  *  *

  The Drifter transmatted down from his ship faster than he ever had before, having commanded his Ghost to locate Eris, she was found in the Dreaming City, her heart rate weak. The Drifter's own beat quick and loud in his ears, his mind racing as he sped across the ground, running inside the Dreaming City castle and down the many long and winding halls until he spotted an Awoken corsair, who was guarding a large closed doorway. He approached the door, panting and out of breath.

  "Where's Eris?" He forced out with labored breathing. "Is she in here?"

  "You are her husband?" The corsair confirmed. "You can not enter currently."

  "Why the hell not?" He was so scared, he could have screamed at her- but he stopped himself, and instead forced himself to calmly ask, "Why can't I go to her?"

  "She has birthed the child, but she has lost too much blood. She is being treated for the best she can, and the child is being revived. I understand your worry, but the queen and her people need to focus, and you will merely distract them."

  "But they're alive?" He asked.

  "Yes. Both are alive currently."

  The Drifter let out a shaky breath of relief, and lowered down to the floor to sit.

  *  *  *

  Eris's eyes fluttered open, the glowing green slits growing wider. She blinked rapidly, tilting her head, trying to make out her surroundings.

  "Eris?" Came a nearby voice. That voice was so familiar... who was that?

   Her eyes searched the room until they found a loving face, a face that melted her heart. The Drifter smiled warmly, walking up to her with gentle steps, holding a bundled up figure with a little face peeking out in his arms.

  "How're you feelin'?" He asked softly, stepping closer.

  Eris gave a weak smile. "Better. She... she survived?"

  "Yep, our little Luna made it," he lowered their daughter into her waiting arms. "She's a fighter, just like you."

  "Luna?" Eris questioned, looking up at the Drifter.

  "Oh, yeah. The name just kinda came to me, when I saw her." He explained.

  Eris smiled down at the baby. "It is a wonderful name. Little Luna..."

  "I am quiet happy to see both you and your child alive." Came Mara's voice as she approached the table.

  "Mara. I thank you dearly for you assistance. I am not sure I could have survived this birthing without the aid of you and your people. Thank you."

  Mara smiled. "It is my pleasure to help you, Eris. I am just glad to see you and your child well."

  She looked to Drifter, and gave a curt nod. He inclined his head to her in gratitude.

  "I will leave you two for now," Mara continued. "Should you require anything at all, merely call for one of my corsairs."

  "Yes my queen, thank you." Eris said as Mara left. Then she looked down at Luna, smiling. She was so tired... but also quiet overjoyed.

  "I'm glad your both okay," the Drifter whispered in her ear before kissing the side of her head. Then he pulled away.

  The little baby slept peacefully as Eris Morn and the Drifter looked down on her with loving affection.

Tags :
6 months ago

Story request

Drifter and Eris' reaction to the recordings of Chioma Esi regarding the veil and Maya Sundaresh. They're listening to the whole "veil containment" in the destiny 2 story line. I want to see their rection regarding the relationship of Chioma and Maya and how it was destroyed because they discovered the veil and Maya's obsession with it.

Thank you so much for the story request! It was a blast to write, and I hope you love it! :))

"Chioma Esi, research log: the veil. She did it! Maya connected people to the veil. Our own scientist's. And they survived."

  The recording of Chioma Esi's research log echoed throughout the room, bouncing off of the massive fish tanks teeming with life, and through the rows of plants which grew on the opposite wall, filling the silence of the large room within the H.E.L.M.

  The Drifter leaned against a sturdy railing, the circular frame of the portal which led to Ahsa's quarters standing firm behind him as he absent-mindedly flipped a jade coin through the air, sending a high pitching ding! through the room every few seconds. Eris Morn stood opposite to the holoprojector between them, which the Drifter adjusted to have play the veil containment logs, her expression forlorn as she stared down at the small glowing screen.

  "I should be happy, but… happy that all this horror wasn’t for nothing? But I’m not. I’m disgusted. In myself. In Maya. In all of us. This thing, the Veil. It’s… it’s some kind of web of consciousness. Just like the Vex network, but organic instead of artificial. It makes sense why the Vex want it. Paracausal simulations? There’d be no stopping them. I should be happy. To-to be a part of history, to solve a cosmic riddle. Happy for Maya; happy for all of us. But I’m not. I don’t feel anything. Maya is gone. The woman I knew… may as well have died when we landed on Neptune. But her ghost still haunts me… this place. I don’t know what to do. There’s a generation of children born here now. This is their home. [sighs] I don’t know what to do."

  The recording clicked off. They still had four more messages to listen to, but instead of tapping the button that would continue them, Eris walked over to the circular glass tank that sat in the center of the room, stretching from the floor to the ceiling. She watched the strange fish as they leisurely swam about, unaware of the dangers that constantly surrounded all life.

  The Drifter came up beside her a moment later.

  "Somethin' on your mind?"

  "As we have both ascertained, Maya Sundaresh was obsessive. Obsessive over the wish to gain knowledge." She watched a large frog hop through the water. "I have already heard these messages before, and I know how this ends. She could have been happy had she chosen to walk away from the veil. But she didn't... She is found dead sometime later, having allowed her obsession to drive her every thought and action, and in return it took her very life."

  The Drifter watched her, remaining silent and listening.

  "Some believe me to be obsessed with the Hive, Zavala has even called me such in the past." She turned toward the Drifter. "I wish for your thoughts on my tactics. Do I overpreocupy my time and energy on these vile creatures? Do you believe I stave myself my chances of happiness?" Her eyes locked on his, pleading for an answer. For his honesty. "You know how dire the outcome was for Dr. Sundaresh. She lost her life, refusing to be happy with what she had, with who she had... you know how important honesty is in this situation, and I urge you to be blatantly, even painfully honest if that is what is required." Eris watched him expectantly as he turned his face towards the glass, observing a school of little fish swim by, his eyes glazed over in deep thought.

  Minutes went by like that, the only sound in the room being their soft breathing, the sounds of the rippling water, and the gentle hum of the portal behind them.

  "Callin' you obsessed would be like callin' Zavala or Ikora obsessed with the Vanguard." He began, tapping his fingers along the flat surface in front of them. "All 'o you are real serious 'bout your work, you're work just happens to concern a crazy race of aliens that've killed hell of a lot of people. Now, maybe you're impassioned about the Hive, about your work... but obsessed? Nah." He turned to her. "The only thing that would be gettin' in the way of your chances of happiness is just you bein' too busy savin' the world. Heh."

  "I would make time for you. I always have."

  The Drifter smiled, arching an eyebrow. "I make you happy?"

  "Do not pretend you did not already know that." Eris turned back to the fish.

  "Heh..." The Drifter slid his hand along her arm. "But back to what we were talkin' about before. Chioma said Maya may as well of been dead when they got to Neptune... she lost herself. You ain't never done that, Moondust. You've never lost yourself, not even when you became a Hive god." He paused a moment before continuing. "Sundaresh had a chance to be happy... but in the end, she chose her work. You and her ain't the same... you're a hard worker, but you still choose to be happy, to focus on the people you got around you." He chuckled. "And in the end, that makes all the difference."

  Eris watched the Drifter's expression in the reflection of the glass, noting the way he smiled warmly at her.

  A few thoughtful minutes of silence passed before Eris finally spoke.

  "Thank you." She smiled ever so slightly. "Your words have offered me comfort."

  "Glad to hear it. You've always done the same for me." He reached out and grabbed her hand, squeezing it.

  "Do you wish to continue our research?" Eris asked, watching a bioluminescent multi-colored fish swim past, it's long fins flapping behind it.

  "Yeah, in a minute. I'd like to research somethin' else real quick," the Drifter replied.

  Eris turned toward him. "Indeed? What?"

  He smiled, reaching out with his free hand to touch her cheek, the dark tears flowing across his fingers. And in half a second, his face was to hers, his lips gingerly kissing her own.

  "Heh! Just wanted to research what it was like to kiss a once Hive gods face." He replied when they pulled away, a triumphant smile across his lips.

  He luaghed as Eris shook her head, failing to fight off her smile.

  "You are insufferable. Come, we have more messages to listen to."

  They returned to holoprojector and continued their work, hearts lighter with the comfort of one another's words.

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