Morning Surprise - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Morning Surprise

 Morning Surprise

Pairing = Finrod x Mairafinwë (OC)

Genre = General audiences

General ratings = fluff

Content warnings = none

Word count = 588

Notes = This is day 1 of Tolkien Family Week! The prompt was Parent & Child relationship.

 Morning Surprise

The sun rose slowly, morning still not upon Valinor. Birds chirped and sang beautifully, a gentle breeze caressed tall grass and flowers while wild animals moved about, looking for water or food. In a majestic and cozy home, small giggles could be heard, as well as hushed whispers. Finrod slept soundly with his wife, Mairafinwë, in their bed as their children snuck around.

After a while of shenanigans on his sons’ parts, Finrod woke up groggily, his eyes widening a bit in surprise as he saw Laurëndo’s chubby face just on top of his own. His son giggled as Finrod chuckled, sitting up so he could take his son in his arms.

“What was that for, hm?” Finrod whispered so as to not wake Mairafinwë up.

“A surprise!” Laurëndo whispered back, his smile wide, showing slightly crooked teeth and dimples.

Finrod smiled back, his heart lifting from seeing his son so happy. He let out an ‘oof!’ as he was ‘tackled’ by Laurëasámo, falling slightly back onto his pillow from the force of the impact. Laurëndo giggled and snickered, sharing a conspiring gaze with his brother.

“Well good morning to you too.” Finrod said, amused, as Laurëasámo kissed his cheek in greeting.

“Your face was all weird!” Laurëndo giggled, leaning against his father.

Finrod chuckled, pressing a kiss to Laurëasámo’s forehead, playfully nibbling at his cheek.

“You better not do anything like that again, or the big bad monster will pay a visit!” Finrod said in an exaggerated deep voice, tickling his sons, much to their delights. They laughed and giggled, their limbs flailing as they pleaded for mercy.

“Good morning, my loves.” Mairafinwë said, startling her husband and her sons. Laurëndo took advantage of his father’s inattention to go hug his mother, smiling as she caressed his hair. Laurëasámo soon joined him, making Mairafinwë chuckled as she greeted them with kisses to their cheeks.

“Good morning, vanimelda.” Finrod said, pressing a kiss to his wife’s lips, smiling in the kiss as their sons scrunched their noses and let out loud sounds of disgust at the display of affection.

Suddenly, Mairafinwë let go of Finrod to take Laurëafëa in her arms, effectively blocking his attempted tackle. Laurëndo and Laurëasámo let out sounds of defeat as they -yet again- failed to take their mother by surprise. Finrod chuckled at his sons’ disappointment, Mairafinwë pressing a kiss to the crown of Laurëafëa’s head.

The triplets pouted and complained, still snuggling up in their parents’ embrace.

“It’s not fair! Why can’t ammë be taken by surprise!” Laurëndo said, making Mairafinwë laugh and Finrod chuckle.

“Because your ammë lived for a very long time with your uncles and they did the same thing to her very often.” Finrod explained, a smile on his pretty face.

His sons nodded at him in understanding, their golden curls bouncing slightly from the movements. Mairafinwë stretched, before pressing a kiss to Finrod’s cheek, getting up.

“Ammë is going to prepare breakfast alright?” She said, making her sons cheer.

She got up from the bed, ruffling Laurëasámo’s hair before she got out of the bedchamber, making him complain and tut.

Finrod smiled as his sons started theorizing about what would be for breakfast, the Sun’s rays warming his skin and making the triplets’ hair shine. He felt his heart swell with love for his little ones as well as his darling, a smile creeping up on him.

Animals skittered away from the home as loud giggles and laughter could be heard, shrieks of joy brightening the morning.

 Morning Surprise

End notes : Hope you enjoyed! I had fun writing <3

@theelvenhaven @tolkienfamilyweek

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