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1 year ago

Morning Surprise

 Morning Surprise

Pairing = Finrod x Mairafinwë (OC)

Genre = General audiences

General ratings = fluff

Content warnings = none

Word count = 588

Notes = This is day 1 of Tolkien Family Week! The prompt was Parent & Child relationship.

 Morning Surprise

The sun rose slowly, morning still not upon Valinor. Birds chirped and sang beautifully, a gentle breeze caressed tall grass and flowers while wild animals moved about, looking for water or food. In a majestic and cozy home, small giggles could be heard, as well as hushed whispers. Finrod slept soundly with his wife, Mairafinwë, in their bed as their children snuck around.

After a while of shenanigans on his sons’ parts, Finrod woke up groggily, his eyes widening a bit in surprise as he saw Laurëndo’s chubby face just on top of his own. His son giggled as Finrod chuckled, sitting up so he could take his son in his arms.

“What was that for, hm?” Finrod whispered so as to not wake Mairafinwë up.

“A surprise!” Laurëndo whispered back, his smile wide, showing slightly crooked teeth and dimples.

Finrod smiled back, his heart lifting from seeing his son so happy. He let out an ‘oof!’ as he was ‘tackled’ by Laurëasámo, falling slightly back onto his pillow from the force of the impact. Laurëndo giggled and snickered, sharing a conspiring gaze with his brother.

“Well good morning to you too.” Finrod said, amused, as Laurëasámo kissed his cheek in greeting.

“Your face was all weird!” Laurëndo giggled, leaning against his father.

Finrod chuckled, pressing a kiss to Laurëasámo’s forehead, playfully nibbling at his cheek.

“You better not do anything like that again, or the big bad monster will pay a visit!” Finrod said in an exaggerated deep voice, tickling his sons, much to their delights. They laughed and giggled, their limbs flailing as they pleaded for mercy.

“Good morning, my loves.” Mairafinwë said, startling her husband and her sons. Laurëndo took advantage of his father’s inattention to go hug his mother, smiling as she caressed his hair. Laurëasámo soon joined him, making Mairafinwë chuckled as she greeted them with kisses to their cheeks.

“Good morning, vanimelda.” Finrod said, pressing a kiss to his wife’s lips, smiling in the kiss as their sons scrunched their noses and let out loud sounds of disgust at the display of affection.

Suddenly, Mairafinwë let go of Finrod to take Laurëafëa in her arms, effectively blocking his attempted tackle. Laurëndo and Laurëasámo let out sounds of defeat as they -yet again- failed to take their mother by surprise. Finrod chuckled at his sons’ disappointment, Mairafinwë pressing a kiss to the crown of Laurëafëa’s head.

The triplets pouted and complained, still snuggling up in their parents’ embrace.

“It’s not fair! Why can’t ammë be taken by surprise!” Laurëndo said, making Mairafinwë laugh and Finrod chuckle.

“Because your ammë lived for a very long time with your uncles and they did the same thing to her very often.” Finrod explained, a smile on his pretty face.

His sons nodded at him in understanding, their golden curls bouncing slightly from the movements. Mairafinwë stretched, before pressing a kiss to Finrod’s cheek, getting up.

“Ammë is going to prepare breakfast alright?” She said, making her sons cheer.

She got up from the bed, ruffling Laurëasámo’s hair before she got out of the bedchamber, making him complain and tut.

Finrod smiled as his sons started theorizing about what would be for breakfast, the Sun’s rays warming his skin and making the triplets’ hair shine. He felt his heart swell with love for his little ones as well as his darling, a smile creeping up on him.

Animals skittered away from the home as loud giggles and laughter could be heard, shrieks of joy brightening the morning.

 Morning Surprise

End notes : Hope you enjoyed! I had fun writing <3

@theelvenhaven @tolkienfamilyweek

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1 year ago



Pairing = none

Genre = general audiences

General ratings = family fluff

Content warnings = none

Word count = 805

Notes = Hope you enjoy! The prompt was ‘siblings’ from @tolkienfamilyweek day 2!


“What are you both doing?” Mairafinwë’s voice sounded out, her eyebrows raised in surprise.

Amrod and Amras froze as they looked at her like they had been caught doing something they shouldn’t, before looking at each other.

“Nothing.” Amras said, giving his older sister a suspicious-looking smile, while Amrod nodded somnely. Mairafinwë raised an eyebrow, unconvinced, before she looked at what the twins were trying to hide with their hands.

A bucket full of burdock seeds was there, making Mairafinwë frown.

“And what do you plan on doing with those?” She asked, crossing her arms as suspicion came over her.

Amrod and Amras looked at each other, communicating silently with each other thanks to micro-expressions made with the twitching of their ears, the tightening of their lips and the movement of their eyebrows. After a little while, they both looked back at Mairafinwë.

“We’ll tell you if you promise to help us.”

Mairafinwë’s eyebrows raised and she pursued her lips, searching the eyes of her baby brothers intently. After a while, curiosity won her over and she reluctantly nodded. Ambarussa both grinned at her, hushedly asking her to come closer. She kneeled carefully on the ground, leaning closer to the both of them.

“You see, Tyelko put a bunch of squirrels in our room a few weeks ago.” Amras started.

“They ate some of our clothes and shit everywhere.” Amrod said, brow furrowing as he recalled the state of their room after that particular incident.

“Tyelko found that extremely funny. We thought we might make him pay us back.” Amras finished, grinning excitedly at the thought of getting ‘revenge’ on their older brother.

Mairafinwë hummed, remembering the incident clearly, where she had had to play peacemaker, holding the twins back from jumping on a laughing Celegorm. She also remembered the anger that had taken over her the day Celegorm put a bunch of racoons in her bedchambers and they had wreaked havoc upon it. Mairafinwë knew the feeling of being held back by an older sibling (an exasperated Maedhros, who was tired of Celegorm’s antics and a slightly amused Maglor).

Even if Tyelkormo was punished by their father and mother each time, he never ceased to play pranks on them, Caranthir and sometimes Curufin (one look from Maedhros served to dissuade Celegorm from doing any kind of mischief to him and Maglor… well, Maglor had multiple tricks up his sleeve).

Mairafinwë looked at her baby brothers and smiled.

“Alright you two. I’ll help you. What’s the plan?” She asked, grinning, feeling a bit giddy.


A few moments later, they were in Celegorm’s room, carefully picking burdocks and placing them on his clothes, bedsheets, pillows, blankets and carpet, giggling like children all the while.

“… what are you all doing?” Caranthir’s voice sounded out from the entrance of Celegrom’s bedchambers, making Mairafinwë, Amrod and Amras freeze.

They turned towards Caranthir, Mairafinwë smiling sheepishly.

“… a trick?” She said, shrugging, making her younger brother raise his eyebrows, surprised at seeing her play into the twins’ mischief.

Caranthir looked at the three of them, then at the burdocks, before he seemed to recall every prank that Celegorm played on him, before slowly smiling. He left the room, a big smile on his face, as Mairafinwë, Amrod and Amras all giggled quietly, finishing up placing the burdocks before quietly leaving.


An hour later, as the three of them hung out in the library, they saw Caranthir pass by with a large chest. Amrod and Amras looked at each other, smelling mischief, before they called out.

“Carnistir? What are you doing?” Ambarussa asked, making their older brother turn to look at them. He smiled even as his cheeks were redder than usual due to exertion, his eyes twinkling.

“A ‘special’ delivery.” He responded, making his sister and youngest brothers look at each other before smiling.

“Can we help you?” Mairafinwë asked, getting up and dusting herself off.

“Of course. It would be greatly appreciated.” Caranthir said, grinning.

All three of them helped Carnistir transport the heavy chest to Celegorm’s bedchambers, chuckling quietly. Amrod and Amras let out gasps of delight when they opened the chest, a good hundred of frogs jumping out to hide in Tyelkormo’s room. Mairafinwë chuckled as they left, closing the door behind them.


When at dinner time everyone was seated at the table except for Celegorm (he was almost always late when he went out to hunt with Oromë), the conversation was interrupted by a loud shriek coming from the blond brother. Fëanor and Nerdanel looked taken aback, Curufin frowned in curiosity while Maedhros rolled his eyes and Maglor tilted his head.

Mairafinwë snorted as Amrod and Amras couldn’t help but laugh, Caranthir smiling deviously as he savored his revenge.

Shrieks and screams could be heard throughout the mansion, as well as laughs and exasperated sighs.


End notes : reblogs and comments are always immensely appreciated!

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1 year ago



Pairing = none (hints of Finrod x Mairafinwë (OC)

Genre = General audiences

General ratings = angst & fluff

Content warnings = insecurities

Word count = 1,2k

Notes = Day 3 of @tolkienfamilyweek ! The prompt was ‘extended family’. Hope you enjoy!


When Artanis was born, people were awed at her resemblance to her grandmother, Indis. The same blond wavy hair, the same pale skin, the same blue eyes and heart shaped mouth. She was a beauty to behold and she knew it - was proud of it, even. But as she grew older, her ears started to bleed from comments made.

Mairafinwë was older. More mature. She looked like a carbon copy of Míriel Therindë, with Finwë’s eyes. The people who disliked (even hated, sometimes) Indis loved her. She was the reminder of the First Queen of the Noldor, and for some, the only one. Pale gray eyes, straight silver hair, a lovely smile blessing her face, Mairafinwë was considered the exemple. The one who elleth wished to be.

Artanis hated her. Hated how people compared her to her older cousin, how no matter what she did, some people prefered Mairafinwë over her. She was in a competition with someone who always won and she hated losing.

For a time, she found comfort in Írissë. They bonded over the feeling of not being enough in society’s eyes compared to their elder cousin. No matter what they did, people somehow thought Mairafinwë would have been better. She was older. Wittier. Prettier. At least, that was what people whispered.

But then, Artanis found herself alone again. Because when the first place of the competition is already taken, people look to the second one. And so, people began comparing her to Írissë. Artanis was witier, but Írissë funnier. Artanis was studious, but Írissë more carefree. Artanis stopped talking to Írissë. She hung out with her brothers or small group of friends, quietly drowning in her jealousy when Mairafinwë walked in the room and all eyes would turn towards her.

She was mortified when her father heard her complaining to one of her friends that people loved Mairafinwë more than her. He consoled her. Told her that yes, Mairafinwë was pretty, but that did not mean that she was lacking. It was simply because Mairafinwë went more outside to help her people, that she was the daughter of Fëanáro that she was more popular.

Artanis couldn’t help but wonder if people would have liked her more if she was her uncle’s daughter. Maybe then people would have talked about her in time with Mairafinwë. About how the two sisters were pretty equally, and witty too. She cried a bit that night, hating how emotional she was being.


Artanis and Írissë rekindled later on. It was awkward at first, the both of them unwilling to admit that they had let random ellon and elleth break their friendship apart. Instead of seeing Írissë as competition, Artanis saw her lovely cousin. The one who was beautiful, yes, but untamed and unapologetic. The one she became friends with years ago.

When Írissë came to her, looking like she had done something wrong, Artanis was intrigued. Her cousin was not often apologetic. Artanis understood why very quickly.

“I’m telling you, she is quite lovely.. she… I don’t know, she’s kind and collected and she enjoys joking around! I-.. we’re friends..” said Írissë about Mairafinwë, wringing her hands as she had trouble putting her thoughts into words.

“Friends? With her?” Artanis replied, betrayal crossing her face. Mairafinwë had always seemed mean to her, as she never did anything to stop people from comparing her to her cousins.

“Artanis… she.. she is-.. I met her some time ago and she was really kind, you know? I mean, I was really mean towards her, because I didn’t like her, but she was still calm and generous with her compliments! She said-“ Írissë choked on her emotions, her eyes becoming flooded with tears. “She said I was one of the most beautiful elleth she had ever seen. That- that my personality was refreshing.”

Írissë’s eyes begged Artanis to understand.

Artanis tried. She really did.

But she couldn’t.


Artanis spent her days in her home, sadness clinging to her like a leech. Her family did everything they could to cheer her up, in vain. She missed Írissë and yet, she could not go past the feeling of betrayal. She did not know what to do anymore. On top of that, Finrod was spending less and less time with her, preferring to go somewhere else, with someone else. He did not even tell her who it was that was stealing her brother away.


Artanis swore her heart broke when she saw that Finrod was walking hand-in-hand with Mairafinwë. He beamed at her as she laughed, her laugh sounding prettier than a bird’s song. First her best friend, now her oldest brother? Why did everyone prefer Mairafinwë over her? Why was she not enough? What did her cousin have that she didn’t?

Sadness was an emotion that Artanis was uncomfortable with. She didn’t like feeling her sadness. And so, sadness transformed into anger. Anger at Mairafinwë, for stealing everyone she loved away. Anger at Írissë and Findaráto for letting her. Anger at herself for not seeing it sooner.

Later on, when Findaráto left Mairafinwë to go back home, Artanis came out of her hiding spot to march towards her cousin. Mairafinwë looked at her surprised, but strangely, still smiled at her. Artanis was fuming.

“Who do you think you are?” Artanis started, emotions making her forget the speech she had prepared some time ago.

“Excuse me? I’m not sure I follow you-“

“Why do you want to make me miserable? Why are you trying to steal everyone I have, huh? I really don’t understand why people like you, you-you’re…!” Artanis said, stopping herself from insulting Mairafinwë as she noticed the compassionate look on her cousin’s face.

“Artanis.” Mairafinwë started, and something in her gentle voice made the blond calm down slightly.

“I am not trying to make you miserable. I am not trying to ‘steal’ anyone from you, and I am deeply sorry if I came across that way. I’ve heard from Írissë that people compare me to you often.” Artanis winced at the last sentence, a bit embarrassed but not really knowing why.

“That is unacceptable. You know, I was just like you once. I know how you feel.” She said, making Artanis frown. Mairafinwë smiled slightly at her cousin, taking her hand in hers.

“I see that you don’t believe me. Let me explain. I sculpt, just like my mother. In my debuts, people would often compare my work to my mother’s, saying that hers was better. Objectively, I knew they were right, but it still hurt. No matter how much I improved, my mother’s works were always better, prettier, more well done. And I began to resent my ammë for that. I felt guilty, though, for it was not her fault. She came to me one evening, tears in her eyes. Asked me why I never talked to her anymore. And I felt ashamed of myself. I explained everything that weighed on my heart, and she understood. From then on, anyone that compared my work to hers was banned from ever coming back to see our work.” Mairafinwë said, sometimes squeezing Artanis’ hand.

“I know it’s not exactly the same situation, but I think it’s the same moral. You shouldn’t let others’ mean comments bring you down, but if they still do, communicate. I’ve made it clear that it was abhorrent to compare me to you in such ways. I do not know you well, Artanis, but that doesn’t mean I wish for you to suffer.”

Artanis choked back a sob, willing the tears in her eyes to go back where they had come from. It was… reassuring in a way, to hear that Mairafinwë understood. She smiled at her older cousin, squeezing her hand.

It was the start of a friendship.


End notes : Reblogs and likes are always immensely appreciated!

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1 year ago

The First

 The First

Pairing = none (hints of Imin x Iminyë)

Genre = General audiences

General ratings = fluff & a twinge of angst

Content warnings = none

Word count = 832

Notes = amma means ‘mother’ in Primitive Elvish. Hope you enjoy! This is for day five of @tolkienfamilyweek, ‘found family’!

 The First

Nendarnē remembered.

She remembered waking up for the first time.

She was confused at first, of course. Before walking on two legs, she crawled on all fours. She looked at foxes, raccoons, rabbits and wolves to learn.

She remembered drinking and eating for the first time.

She remembered exploring, sleeping and running for the first time.

She remembered seeing her reflection for the first time and being fascinated by her features.

She remembered stumbling upon other elves and being terrified, as well as curious.

She remembered slowly starting to take care of them, taking them to safe places while they slept (they always slept. Nendarnē found it weird, because they weren’t gone like sometimes animals were. They’d fall asleep and never wake up again. But then again, their chest wouldn’t go up and down while they breathed. The Asleep Ones breathed. So Nendarnē found it weird.)

She remembered feeling cold for the first time and hating it.

She remembered hunting for the first time and eating the meat raw, much to her stomach’s displeasure and keeping the animal’s pelt because she felt guilty (surely her stomach making her suffer was proof that she should not have done that.)

She remembered going back to the lake she awoke next to, to stand in the water and look at the fishes and trees.

She remembered hunting again and always keeping the pelts of the animals out of guilt.

She remembered one day putting those pelts together rudimentarily with thick grass blades and other things, to create the first garment ever (she kept it even after it fell apart. She kept it for all of her life.)

She remembered putting animal pelts on The Asleep Ones so that they were not cold.

She remembered trying to communicate with animals by mimicking their noises.

She remembered crying for the first time when she injured her calf and being surprised that her eyes were producing water.

She remembered growing and developing, while The Asleep Ones stayed put, showing no sign of ever waking up.

She remembered yelping when some of The Asleep Ones woke up. She remembered them being confused and afraid, just like she had been.

She remembered calming them down and cooing at them, petting their hair and caressing their backs.

She remembered how she taught them everything she knew.

She remembered how they developed a language to understand each other better, thus creating Primitive Elvish.

She remembered naming them; Imin, Iminyë, Tata, Tatië, Enel and Elenyë.

She remembered treating them like her cubs.

She remembered being astonished that they were so.. small (at the time she didn’t know it was just her that was abnormally tall, but, well.)

She remembered how later on, they gave her a name, even though they referred to her as amma.

And so, Nendarnē Indarā was named. Her cubs- children, named her after the time she spent close to the tree by the water she awoke next to. Indarā, The Wise, they called her, even if she didn’t particularly think she deserved such a title. Sure, she had taught them how to survive and live, but she didn’t consider herself wise.

She remembered how more and more of The Asleep Ones woke up, until not one of them was sleeping anymore.

She remembered the first mating season, where couples formed and fëas entwined for the first time.

She remembered politely refusing every mating offer she received, for she had everything she needed : her children.

She remembered Iminyë’s stomach getting rounder.

She remembered Iminyë coming to her, tears in her eyes, asking her amma what was going on.

She remembered shushing her heart-daughter, telling her that she was with child, that that was what happened sometimes when a male and a female mated. That she would have her own cubs, her own children soon.

She remembered the gruesome birth of the first elven child, the pain Iminyë was in as everyone did everything they could to make her comfortable.

She remembered holding her grandson for the first time, Ilion, and crying from joy, pressing a kiss to Iminyë’s forehead.

She remembered meeting Míriel and Finwë and practically adopting them as her own, taking care of them.

She remembered more children coming; Elwë, Olwë and Elmo, principally.

She remembered the apparition of Oromë.

She remembered everything he taught.

She remembered the fear that struck her when some of her own began to disappear and never come back.

She remembered hugging her heart-children close when the Dark Rider came closer and closer to where they lived.

She remembered that she thought she was dying with how her heart ached when some of her children left.

She remembered kissing them goodbye as they followed Oromë.

She remembered the heartache that would not leave her alone as one by one, her children- her cubs, left her.

She remembered being obligated to leave her tree, the water she grew by, her home, because The All Father was angry.

Nendarnē remembered, for she was The First.

 The First

End notes : Hope you enjoyed! Reblogs and comments are as always really appreciated!

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