Findarato X Mairafinw - Tumblr Posts
Childhood Crush

Pairing = Finrod x Mairafinwë (OC)
Genre = General audiences
General ratings = pure fluff <3
Content warnings = none
Word count = 1,9k
Notes = Hi, yes, hello 🫣 It has been a while, hasn’t it? Anyway, I found my inspiration back and I’ve finished this piece in time for day 5 of @tolkienocweek ! The prompt was ‘shipping’ so it was in theme and I thought ‘why not?’ Anyway, hope you enjoy!

Finrod never lacked love. He was loved, and he loved back. He loved his father, his mother, his brothers, his sister, his grandfather, his uncle (uncles, sometimes, but he didn’t see Fëanáro much. He was still cool, in Finrod’s eyes. He always received little gifts from his uncle when he visited. It was a little secret between them, because for some reason, Fëanáro didn’t want Arafinwë to know. Finrod thought it funny, because Arafinwë was aware, but pretended he didn’t.) loved him back.
However, as he turned around five (in men years), he noticed something. His father kissed his mother and looked at her with Starry Eyes. His uncles all looked at his aunts like that too, Uncle Fëanáro with Aunt Nerdanel and Uncle Ñolofinwë with Aunt Anairë. He saw teenagers do that, too. And he didn’t understand. Why did they do that? It was so weird!
So he asked his mother and she replied something that didn’t make sense at the time. She said : “People kiss each other and look at each other with ‘Starry Eyes’ because they love each other, dear.” Finrod looked at her dubiously. What did she mean, ‘It’s because they love each other’! Finrod loved his brothers, but that didn’t mean he looked at them with Starry Eyes and kissed them on the mouth!
It was when he turned ten (in men years), that he understood what his mother had meant. He was with his family at a banquet organized by his grandfather Finwë. For once, miraculously everyone was getting along, and then, he saw her. Seated between a teenager Makalaurë and a small Turcafinwë, sat the most beautiful girl Finrod had ever seen. She had long silver hair, just like Lady Míriel (Finwë kept her portrait in his study) and gray eyes like Fëanáro. To be honest, she was the perfect replica of Lady Míriel, but with Finwë’s eyes.
Finrod felt his face get hot, before he averted his eyes. But then, he found his eyes drawn back to her. He couldn’t help but admire her beauty. Finrod didn’t understand at the time why he felt so drawn to her. She was just a normal girl! But that was where he was wrong, because she was the only daughter of Fëanáro. And it was well known that his children are everything but ‘normal’.
He stole glances at her, greedily looking at her eyes and hair and cheeks and smile and- everything. He looked at her everything and felt weird inside.His heart thumped loudly and his stomach felt like it was dancing. He wondered why he was feeling this way.. It was then that they made eye contact. Gray eyes meeting blue ones, holding each other, drowning in each other.
Later on, when Finrod grew restless of sitting and listening to the adults talk about boring things, he got up and went to the gardens. The cool night air was like a balm to his still hot cheeks. He looked towards Telperion, sighing as he felt tiredness come over him. Normally, he’d be in bed by now. It wasn’t that he wasn’t happy he could stay up late, but he really wished they were back home. He missed the feeling of the ocean breeze on his skin and the salty air. At the same time, he felt overjoyed at seeing his grandfather and Tirion again. The city was wonderful and a delight to his eyes. Art was everywhere and people were kind.
He was startled out of his thoughts by the most beautiful voice he had ever heard (after Kanafinwë’s, of course, but not that he’d ever admit it).
Finrod whirled around, cheeks heating up as he saw her.
“H-Hi!” He replied, his eyes widening as she smiled at him.
“You’re my cousin Findaráto, right?” She asked, her eyes twinkling in the silvery light of Telperion.
“Uh, yes!” Finrod stuttered out, feeling nervous for.. some reason. She smiled at him, extending her hand.
“I’m Mairafinwë. Pleasure to meet you!” She said and he shook her hand. Mairafinwë… The name was exactly like her : beautiful, graceful, a joy to look at..
Since that night, Finrod found himself visiting Mairafinwë often : he had gained a friend. She was funny, witty, calm and talented. Their beautiful friendship blossomed and they became closer.
“Don’t move!” Mairafinwë tsked, frowning a bit at Finrod. He sighed, going back into his original position.
It had been two years since they had met and Mairafinwë had invited Finrod over at her father’s house. After talking for a few hours, she had proposed to sculpt him. Finrod, overjoyed, had agreed. Mairafinwë was good with her hands, he had seen the sculptures she made. Of course they were pretty, she learned from the best : her mother, Nerdanel. What he didn’t expect was that it would take so long to sculpt him.
He squirmed in his seat again, admiring Mairafinwë as she worked. The light that came in by the tall windows caressed her skin, making her look softer than normal. Her long silver hair was thrown up into a bun as she worked diligently, frowning in concentration. She kind of looked like Fëanáro when she was working : the same frown, the same twitch of the lips, the same analyzing eyes.
“Can we take a break?” Finrod said, sighing. Mairafinwë looked up and Finrod’s heart skipped a beat or two, his cheeks darkening. She sighed, putting down her tools.
“Alright, alright. We’ll take a break.” She said, smiling. She was as beautiful as always and Finrod found himself unable to look away from her.
When she took his hand and giggled as she dragged him outside, he thought he understood what his mother had meant all those years ago.
Finrod knew that Mairafinwë was older than him, of course. It wasn’t by that much, but it frustrated him to no end when people whispered that he looked like a lost puppy following her around. He was fifteen (in men years)! It wasn’t fair that people thought he wasn’t deserving of her!
Finrod had recognized that he liked Mairafinwë, maybe even loved her. He hadn’t done anything about it, yet. He was determined to court and woo her properly, but he didn’t have the right ideas at the time.
He almost had a heart attack when Nelyafinwë and Kanafinwë approached him with matching grins. They were usually the ones who were the most respectful and didn’t throw pranks, so to see them approaching him like that, he knew that something was going to happen.
Finrod wanted the ground to open up and swallow him when they told him that they knew he liked their sister. However, he perked right up and all his embarrassment was forgotten when they gave him a list of things Mairafinwë found romantic and liked to do that they had roped Turcafinwë into getting for them. He thanked them profusely, before having the scare of his life when their expressions turned grim.
“We support you courting our sister, Findaráto, but listen to my words and listen well.” Maedhros started.
“If we find out you broke her heart, for whatever reason it is, you will pay.” He said, a frown etched on his handsome face.
“Are we clear?” Maglor’s ethereal voice sounded stern.
“Yeah, of course!” Finrod said, a bit fearful. He almost had whiplash from how fast their demeanours changed as their expressions turned happy once more. Maedhros clapped him on the shoulder, smirking.
“Good luck.” He said before they left him with his thoughts.
Finrod had successfully started to court Mairafinwë. Dates had been arranged and he was happy, and so was she. The threshold of hand-holding had been passed and they spent more and more time together, almost attached at the hip.
Everything was going well. Too well.
That’s why Finrod wasn’t all that surprised when one day, returning from a date with Mairafinwë, his uncle Fëanáro approached him, saying he wanted to speak to him.
Seated in his uncle’s office, Finrod felt a bit fearful. He knew that his uncle was extremely protective of his children, everyone knew that. Fëanor looked at him pensively, saying nothing and making Finrod squirm under his intense gaze.
“Findaráto..” Fëanor started, making Finrod gulp as he tried to calm his heartbeat, his nervousness making his palm sweaty.
“Yes?” Finrod said, cursing in his head as his voice came out weak. His uncle gently smiled at him, making him calm down a little.
“Mairafinwë has told me that you have been courting for some time now.” Fëanor said, making Finrod nod in acquiescence.
“She loves you. Very much. It is.. clear that she has fallen head over heels for you. I want you to know, first and foremost, that I support this courting.” Fëanor said, tilting his head. Hearing those words made Finrod significantly calm down, his tense posture relaxing.
“Mairafinwë is someone who loves with all of her being. She is.. she is extremely like my mother in this way.” Fëanor whispered this part, his gaze turning longing for a second.
“I want to know if you love her. As in, you won’t want to leave her side in a century or two. You two are young, and there is plenty of time to grow and mature. These feelings you have for each other may change and that is alright. But I want to know now if you think it might happen.” His uncle said, making Finrod shake his head rapidly.
“No. I.. I love her. With all of my fëa. I think.. no, I know she is the one.” Finrod said, making his uncle’s lips twitch upwards. Fëanor hummed.
“In that case, I want you to know that I entrust my daughter’s heart to you. Be careful : it is delicate and bruises easily.” Finrod nodded seriously, relief washing over him as his uncle gave him his blessing to court Mairafinwë.
“However, I want you to know that if I find out you have not been treating her with the respect or adoration she deserves, or that you have made her sad, there will be consequences.” Fëanor said, a small smile on his lips to soften his words. Finrod nodded again.
That day, he left Fëanor’s mansion happy, for he had gotten his blessing.
It was a month later that Finrod kissed Mairafinwë for the first time. It was magical : something that made him feel whole in a sense and that made him giddy to think about. They laid underneath a tree on the grass, their fingers intertwined.
“I love you, Mairafinwë. I love you a lot. I… I wanted to know if you.. If you’d like to..” Finrod hadn’t thought about how he would ask her to become a couple. Well, he had, but this wasn’t how it was supposed to go. The words were all wrong in his mouth and his mind worked faster than ever to find the right words.
Mairafinwë gently put her hand on his cheek, her plump lips turning up into a smile.
“Take your time, Findaráto. I’m not going anywhere.” She softly said with that magnificent voice of hers.
“I-… would you like to.. to become a couple?” Finrod asked, almost wincing at his clumsy words. In his mind, he had imagined asking her poetically with a grand romantic gesture. Still, Mairafinwë smiled gently at him, her pretty eyes twinkling with happiness.
“I would love to.” She responded, making Finrod nearly bowl over with relief. He smiled at her and she smiled back. And he understood. He understood what his mother had meant.
When she kissed him, he felt his stomach dance and his cheeks become hot and thought : ‘How I love her..’

End notes : I hope you enjoyed! I have one story and some headcannons in the work, so I should post more often! <3
@theladyvanya @koyunsoncizeri
Morning Surprise

Pairing = Finrod x Mairafinwë (OC)
Genre = General audiences
General ratings = fluff
Content warnings = none
Word count = 588
Notes = This is day 1 of Tolkien Family Week! The prompt was Parent & Child relationship.

The sun rose slowly, morning still not upon Valinor. Birds chirped and sang beautifully, a gentle breeze caressed tall grass and flowers while wild animals moved about, looking for water or food. In a majestic and cozy home, small giggles could be heard, as well as hushed whispers. Finrod slept soundly with his wife, Mairafinwë, in their bed as their children snuck around.
After a while of shenanigans on his sons’ parts, Finrod woke up groggily, his eyes widening a bit in surprise as he saw Laurëndo’s chubby face just on top of his own. His son giggled as Finrod chuckled, sitting up so he could take his son in his arms.
“What was that for, hm?” Finrod whispered so as to not wake Mairafinwë up.
“A surprise!” Laurëndo whispered back, his smile wide, showing slightly crooked teeth and dimples.
Finrod smiled back, his heart lifting from seeing his son so happy. He let out an ‘oof!’ as he was ‘tackled’ by Laurëasámo, falling slightly back onto his pillow from the force of the impact. Laurëndo giggled and snickered, sharing a conspiring gaze with his brother.
“Well good morning to you too.” Finrod said, amused, as Laurëasámo kissed his cheek in greeting.
“Your face was all weird!” Laurëndo giggled, leaning against his father.
Finrod chuckled, pressing a kiss to Laurëasámo’s forehead, playfully nibbling at his cheek.
“You better not do anything like that again, or the big bad monster will pay a visit!” Finrod said in an exaggerated deep voice, tickling his sons, much to their delights. They laughed and giggled, their limbs flailing as they pleaded for mercy.
“Good morning, my loves.” Mairafinwë said, startling her husband and her sons. Laurëndo took advantage of his father’s inattention to go hug his mother, smiling as she caressed his hair. Laurëasámo soon joined him, making Mairafinwë chuckled as she greeted them with kisses to their cheeks.
“Good morning, vanimelda.” Finrod said, pressing a kiss to his wife’s lips, smiling in the kiss as their sons scrunched their noses and let out loud sounds of disgust at the display of affection.
Suddenly, Mairafinwë let go of Finrod to take Laurëafëa in her arms, effectively blocking his attempted tackle. Laurëndo and Laurëasámo let out sounds of defeat as they -yet again- failed to take their mother by surprise. Finrod chuckled at his sons’ disappointment, Mairafinwë pressing a kiss to the crown of Laurëafëa’s head.
The triplets pouted and complained, still snuggling up in their parents’ embrace.
“It’s not fair! Why can’t ammë be taken by surprise!” Laurëndo said, making Mairafinwë laugh and Finrod chuckle.
“Because your ammë lived for a very long time with your uncles and they did the same thing to her very often.” Finrod explained, a smile on his pretty face.
His sons nodded at him in understanding, their golden curls bouncing slightly from the movements. Mairafinwë stretched, before pressing a kiss to Finrod’s cheek, getting up.
“Ammë is going to prepare breakfast alright?” She said, making her sons cheer.
She got up from the bed, ruffling Laurëasámo’s hair before she got out of the bedchamber, making him complain and tut.
Finrod smiled as his sons started theorizing about what would be for breakfast, the Sun’s rays warming his skin and making the triplets’ hair shine. He felt his heart swell with love for his little ones as well as his darling, a smile creeping up on him.
Animals skittered away from the home as loud giggles and laughter could be heard, shrieks of joy brightening the morning.

End notes : Hope you enjoyed! I had fun writing <3
@theelvenhaven @tolkienfamilyweek