Mount Athos - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Is there an Orthodox Christian book club on Tumblr yet? If not, please reply if you’d like to start one!

Reply with your favorite Orthodox book / what you’re currently reading / what you’re planning on reading next!

My current favorite Orthodox book is My Elder Joseph the Hesychast. I’m currently reading St. Paisios the Athonite’s biography but I plan on reading St. Silouan the Athonite’s book next!

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1 year ago
If A Person Wants To Get An Idea About The Pyramids Of Egypt, He Must Either Trust Those Who Have Been

“If a person wants to get an idea about the pyramids of Egypt, he must either trust those who have been in immediate proximity to the pyramids, or he must get next to them himself. There is no third option.

In the same way, a person can get an impression of God: he must either trust those who have stood and stand in proximity to God, or he must take pains to come into such proximity himself.”

+ St. Nikolai Velimirovich

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1 year ago
As Health Comes From Bitter Medicine, So Too Does Salvation Of Souls Come From Bitter Experience.

“As health comes from bitter medicine, so too does salvation of souls come from bitter experience.”

“So in every tribulation, let us say, ‘Thank you, my God, because this was needed for my salvation.’”

+ St. Paisios the Athonite

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1 year ago
Kingdoms Pretending To The Name Of 'Christian' And Their Peoples, Have Worn The Mask Of Piety, While

“Kingdoms pretending to the name of 'Christian' and their peoples, have worn the mask of piety, while 'denying the power thereof'... Strange as it may be, it is precisely the Christian countries who keep the greater part of the universe in the iron grip of slavery.”

+ St. Sophrony of Essex

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1 year ago

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6 months ago
If You Could See How Much Grace Descends During The Divine Liturgy, You Would Gather The Dust In Church

If you could see how much grace descends during the Divine Liturgy, you would gather the dust in church and wash your face with it!

+ St. Gabriel the Fool-for-Christ (☦︎ 1995)

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5 months ago
"The Leaf That You Needlessly Ripped Off The Tree Is Green. This Is Not A Sin, But You Still Regret It

"The leaf that you needlessly ripped off the tree is green. This is not a sin, but you still regret it for some reason, for once the heart has learned to love, it pities every creature. Man is a great creation. If you see a man who is lost and dying, then cry and pray for him if you can, or, if you cannot, then at least sigh for him before God. The soul that does so is loved by God for it becomes like Him."

☦︎ Saint Silouan the Athonite

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