Mount Rageous - Tumblr Posts
you're welcome ^^
Thanks again @i-hate-task for this adorable picture of Fairy Ritz

Veneer had to wrap fairy Ritz in burrito jail cause he got spooked by accident and bit veneers finger
I see the conversation like this after fairy ritz got wrapped up like that
(Veneer cut holes in the back of the little blanket for fairy Ritz to put them through lol)
Veneer: “ok til you calm down your gonna be stuck in there”
Fairy Ritz: *hisses*
@simplydannie @dancebattler @gabykatttt @noxmeigui @angiesstarss
I did a comm for @poyo-shooty-art / @shootysturs of their mountraegon OC Razz Sel

If anyone's interested I still have commissions open.

It’s Lesbian Visibility Week! Just for fun, I thought throughout the week I’d try to do art of both OCs of mine who are lesbians, and favorite characters that are either confirmed or headcanoned as lesbians. Not sure if I’ll make it a daily thing, but I do wanna make plenty of art for it! First art piece is my OC Patti Cakke, and Velvet who I do headcanon as gay! I really wanna do a fan comic of these two having a one-sided-enemies to lovers story, hopefully I can soon—
I’m cooking. Branch and clay coming soon


My Trolls 3 OC!!! I loved making it soooo much! You can make your ocs over my drawing!

Veneer fanart. Coming: never. Just kidding, i don’t really have the ?mottivation? (Idk How to spell it but yall know what im talking about) to finish it 🥲
Im sorry 😭 i can’t stop drawing this gay twink now😭

My first ever Mount Rageon Oc, Kristen.

Sorry for not asking for permission but i drew your mount ragous oc!

Sorry for all these watermarks lol
OMG, They're very cute, but just so you know, Fanart is always allowed. I'm proud to say that I absolutely LOVE it and find it stunning, thank you very much for the fanart you absolutely beautiful and wonderful individual! <33