Mouse Art - Tumblr Posts

Hunter's Dream from Bloodborne, from 2020 when the game was turning five. Drawn with an attempt to emulate Edward Gorey. The outlines for the church and the stairs were made with a very good and proper pair of projections, though you may notice some fudging in those four spike things around the spire because the projections were intersecting and I couldn't be bothered to fix it properly. Two wolves, one simply couldn't be bothered with that at the time and the other definitely spent more than a week getting this finished.
Ordinarily when I say I drew something with a mouse I am compelled to add, "using the Pen tool" as while it doesn't make the process faster it does take the need for precision movement away. Every single visible line in this drawing was done with the Pencil tool this time, though, because there were 60,000 of them and I think doing that with the Pen tool would take longer than remaking the game from scratch.

"Pontes had so very many appointments to attend to, the bulk of them made centuries in advance. He did not have room for Death in the schedule, and to expect otherwise was simply unreasonable."
Character design/drawing from 2020. Very much tonally inspired by the work of jouste.

Eleonore Mordis Linden, a character who came about in response to the art prompt "Design a magical girl with an improbable/impractical weapon." So I went y'know what's real impractical and unwieldy? Impossible geometry. And decided to make her powers the Penrose steps. But not really because I thought them being circular looked nicer and the only way to do that (simply) is to essentially draw a turbine, the geometry of which is quite possible. I did start a different circular Penrose steps thing once that I'd conceptualised mathematically but then my laptop died and took that file with it before being brought back to life. Maybe one day.
Anyway I later decided on a name and personality, the latter of which I recently described as, "the type of person to ask you if it would be funny if she ate this entire ice cream in one go and then do it before you can respond." Then I did that redesign in the first image because my 2019 self didn't have a single clue how to design a magical girl. 2022 me is slightly better but gave her that disaster of a hairstyle that 2023 me has somewhat corrected.
2020 me would like you to see these projections from the making of that second image:

Plus the result of those, sans Eleonore:

With a mouse, too. Little guy was not acting normal.

Goofy robot I kept thinking would have aged poorly but it turns out didn't really. Good job me of yesteryear.

Lil guy in skull. From 2019. I remember being proud enough of this one that I had it set as my phone background until the phone in question stopped working last year.

Thing I made in 2021 for what would've been Steve Waller's 70th birthday. Credits on albums don't really go into the minutiae of what bit of what track who did what for so I can't quite be sure that he did what I'm about to say he did, but I've seen in live videos that he did guitar talkbox stuff, and he was Manfred Mann's Earth Band's guitarist when they recorded Angel Station so I at least have reason to believe that he was the one doing the really sick talkbox/guitar solo on Angels At My Gate, the title of which this drawing is inspired by. Not the lyrics. The lyrics are about being addicted to cards, which doesn't look as cool.

Committing to the bit is important.

There was a plan in place to post daily ending on this but I ran out of stuff I felt like posting before I could finish it. Oops. Anyway here's Mia Kovalenko aka snake girl until I think of a funnier superhero title. She has a snake in her repertoire that also breathes fire so she's all set for gun bars in a future hip-hop career. You'll have to take my word for it that she's a magical girl and doesn't normally dress like this because taking the time to draw her in regular clothes is simply not on the docket right now.
This is one of those times where "I drew this with a mouse" mainly means exactly what it sounds like rather than "I drew this with the Pen Tool" which is what it usually means, because I was simply not going to do all those scales if they required more than one click to come out.

Finally turned my art of this wizard dude into a gif. I hope it's immensely annoying that it doesn't loop.

Started drawing characters for a comic idea (which I have decided to tag with "bunth" for reasons that aren't as funny to me as the tag itself) that's slowly taking shape in my brain. There's gonna be a lot of drawings eventually and the original plan was to post them all at once when they were done but I changed my mind because I think spreading them out over multiple posts is better for my hashtag discoverability.
Anyway here's Bosse. She's a goblin lady named after a goblin lad I made like a decade before her and forgot existed until I was done drawing. A buddy of mine on Discord heard she was around 5'7" and posted three pleading emojis in sequence. She'll get to punch a dragon in the face one day probably.

Second contribution to the bunth tag. This is Shiafpin. He's a real skinny orc fella who used to be a priest until he got some funky ideas about whether this colonial missionary stuff he was involved in was really justifiable and maybe kind of killed a man about it. I posted him somewhere and just called him "orc bloke" and I was told yup that's a bloke right there.
Second drawing was my first go at a couple subjects art-wise and I imagine you may be able to tell.

Korym. He's an elf stuck in the middle of some kind of succession crisis civil war that he doubts there's any real victory in because the neighbouring empire is eyeing on the country. He will stab the king in the face if he gets the chance. A pal of mine saw the drawing on the right and just said Don Quixote and I was like how did the thought not occur to me on my own.
Both of these drawings kicked my ass an unreasonable amount for different reasons.

Öfalaie. She's a dwarf who's a witch. If she needs to fix a heart that's out of order she'll stick a frog in its place to keep things in operation, which works. Has never thrown a punch, but in this economy she just might.

Unit SE-3134 had been taken far from base, so returned by a trail seldom travelled by. There she came across a relic from years long gone. The handle of a sword jutted out of a worn-down stone, and there remained the whisper of an old message carved into its surface; the blade would be lifted by the hand of one pure of heart, to unite all the realms in war and in peace. The hands of the impure would be burnt for their arrogance. Unit SE-3134 wrapped her hand around the sword; not the handle, for it was too small; and immediately was aglow with heat. Before she could remove herself her whole hand had melted off, and a great havoc was wrought upon the circuitry underneath. Evidently the sword believed her heart was impure. She was a killing machine, after all. She hadn't imagined she'd had a heart at all before.
For Robot Day on Newgrounds

Strián, a troll archer. He's like 2 metres tall and surely not thinking about the war. Like most trolls (who, being big guys who eat a lot, used to hibernate in the winter) he tends to start falling asleep when he sees snow. Or perhaps he's learning how to read in that second image and his teacher's choice of book is boring him.

Road lord Torafk Troks. Simply not a fun guy. Will chase you across multiple countries for stuff he doesn't even know the value of as long as it's his.

Roxy Cotton, vampire OC belonging to GlassGoblin, for a secret santa on Discord.

Forgot to do a post here featuring all of them so here it is now. Hopefully more guys of this kind incoming this year.
I felt like putting effort into tagging today (procrastination is hitting hard) so I went way beyond the tag limit and tumblr ate them lol; post looks naked now.

My stylus is still not working, so ... Well ... I just want to draw again. Posted 3rd January, 2023

This is my first Adobe Photoshop animation :>