Perspective - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

Astronomy, Mercury & the Sun 6-24-2024.

diamondblade1 - The Light Shines!

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10 years ago
A Study Of Atmospheric Perspective Using Oil Paints. I'm Just Blocking In The Color Right Now :) #workinprogress

A study of atmospheric perspective using oil paints. I'm just blocking in the color right now :) #workinprogress #wip #study #oilpainting #oilpaint #landscape #perspective #color #atmosphereicperspective #paint #art #artist

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8 years ago
So I Finished This Painting Almost A Year Ago And Didnt Realize Its Been Sitting In My Drafts This Whole

So I finished this painting almost a year ago and didn’t realize it’s been sitting in my drafts this whole time.

30″ x 40″ oil on canvas

Thanks to the lovely @thescarlettwidow for being my model

Took ten moths to complete

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1 year ago

I know I’m being an insufferable worldbuilding nerd here, but my basic metric for evaluating media with very inhuman protagonists is “how easily can one offer a complete and coherent account of this media’s plot without ever mentioning the fact that the protagonist is, for example, a talking car?”. The harder it is, the higher it scores.

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2 years ago
Ruko-3s File Charting The Stars Log 01-Home Base

Ruko-3s File “Charting the Stars” Log 01-“Home Base”

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2 years ago

What is it, you fight for?

I keep asking myself the question. What is it that I fight for! This question, sprouted in thought because I feel that this planet is sooo fucking ghetto. I’m not saying that I have been on other’s. Or even know wha it’s like. But! What I am saying is that It has to be better some way some how!!! Why is it that we have to pay to live on this planet and for what! Also not to mention we're also kept in line by some fictional being that regulates how well you deal with bull shit it decides to put you through. To me! None of this makes sense. What so fucking ever.

Today I was on the metro north train. Headed from Yonkers to Grand Central. Me not paying any mind to whats going on around me. Because I’m busy being face down on my phone scrolling through “Tic Toks” to make me laugh or to feel righteous abut some social injustice done right. That I did not notice that I made it to yankee stadium. Where all of my alarms bells and whistles have gone off. Because a bunch of loud and drunken white folks have gotten on from the game.

You see I’m not always around white folk. And when and or if I am, It is because I have to be. This was crazy all of them were very loud. And very drunk and very disturbing. The group started chanting, fuck Biden. And other game like chants. I had no problem wit what they were saying I just had an issue with the volume. I became super perturbed and even greatly annoyed. My ears flickered and my face, it rested like it never rested before. This resting bitch face, felt so legendary that it could have starred in its own Movie. A movie that literally is made up of grunts and looks. I felt like a cat among dogs. I see why they sit there and make faces now. When all you are doing is sitting there trying to relax before your 12 hour shift in the hot loading dock.... and boom!!!! This wave of drunken entitled people come and just took over.

I’m writing about this because, These spaces they take up when they enter, is crazy. It’s almost as if the energy gets warped. Like a real ilife glammer spell is casted before your eyes. I had to ask myself. If any person of color were to come in to such a public space and create such a nuisance. Would it have been accepted or even tolerated. As they chanted in camaraderie of fuck the president or even when being vaguer with other statements. Would it have not been challenged? I started to feel unsafe. As a sea of people who are Notoriously known for violence when intoxicated. Started to take over the car I was in. It’s really the first time in my life that I felt like an other. Not for my sexuality like I usually do. But! Because of my skin!

Now! They did not do anything to me. They did not intimidate me. And! They did not have anything to do with me. My point is that in black and brown spaces. We’re inclusive of everyone in the space, "usually". We acknowledge and for the most part tolerate others as much as we can. We see each other. And we in a way create a psychic safe space. You can agree to disagree. But! As a spiritualist and psychic. What I learned is that white people don’t always do that! But! Expect you to provide it. They walk around with is hard energy and take, take, take. I truly believe the mentality they posses is a cancer to this planet. This statement even ones for those who think like them. It’s tiring and annoying at this point in life. And I’m only in my mid 20’s This planet really needs a reshaping. A restart.

I just wanted to go to work. I’m tired. And this is how I fight this fight called the human experience. But! I don't wanna do this anymore. I’d rather live in the woods with the tree spirits and animals where I know at least there intentions are true. Where if there’s a real fight it’s because of survival. True grit! Not a created problem and blame the person who’s living in it,the issue.

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10 months ago

Digital Nuance, Public Discourse, and Public Approval: The Steady Decline of "Having a Dialogue"

Being on the internet as someone who operates from a place of nuance and complexity as opposed to simplistic and impulsive knee-jerk reactions feels like being a masochist because there's so much you could say but it would take too long to write out and mostly fall on deaf ears.

It also doesn't help that although there are many people out there that are happy to have these complex discussions, you're much less likely to find people who are capable of doing so in a way that doesn't convey the idea that the only perspective they're open to is theirs.

This mentality is not just aggravating to deal with as someone who wants to contribute to these discussions, but actively drives people away from having them, which is incredibly counterintuitive given how much stress and importance is constantly placed on speaking on issues.

This, if anything, calls into question why stress is even placed on having discussions about any topic. If there's supposedly only one right view and thus solution to an issue, why even start a dialogue in the first place? To talk in circles? Unless, they're not that simple...

It's a rare occurrence, but my faith in humanity is slightly restored whenever I see what could've easily turned into a heated argument about a topic beautifully and amicably resolve itself with each party respecting each others views without attacking them.

Though, I feel like the concept of "ratioing" people is what holds us back from these occurrences happening. I can't help but feel that people on the internet are less concerned about actually defending their argument, and more about whether other people will back it up.

Saying this, I can already hear people defending ratioing because of how it supposedly "puts people in their place" and makes them feel shame for what is mostly agreed to be the morally or intellectually incorrect way of analyzing a topic.

Again though, why should the focus of having an opinion be attempting to "prove" that it's the so-called "right" one through public approval which is also nothing more than simply a larger group of people's opinions?

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7 months ago

If life is a never ending loop of dirty dishes and laundry then that means life is a never ending loop of home cooked meals and comfy clean clothes

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1 year ago
I Think Pumpkin Panic Is Such A Cool Concept, And I Really Hope It And Other Works Made By The Creator

I think Pumpkin Panic is such a cool concept, and I really hope it and other works made by the creator (Bilalaika) gain more traction! I think it's I made fanart of it! I had alot of fun drawing the Pumpkin Fella!

I Think Pumpkin Panic Is Such A Cool Concept, And I Really Hope It And Other Works Made By The Creator

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9 years ago

Embodiment and Empathy and my sprawling ideas...

So somehow my thesis on explaining how comics is an inherently empathetic medium has descended into an interdisciplinary dissertation that encompasses the fields of neuroscience and cognitive processing, medical humanities, disability studies, art therapy and the theory of art. The application of these theories seeks to analyse the embodied aspect of comics, but I feel like my tutors will be surprised when they read it given that it is the final piece of coursework towards my Masters in Literature.

Also, you can tell I've got a high word count, because I'm talking like this. ^

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1 year ago

Practicing perspective art for something big!!

Practicing Perspective Art For Something Big!!
Practicing Perspective Art For Something Big!!


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