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"I may not be as flexible as I was a couple of months ago, but can still give you an amazing show at home... wanna come and see?"

Many rumours were spreading around the university about one of the male lecturers willingly putting himself up for an experiment to become pregnant. This wasn't confirmed until maths lecturer Tom Wilson returned from a semester off university with a small but noticeable bump that stretched his suit to its limits.
"Well, I had a busy couple of months, but I'm back for a little while to introduce you all to this subject.. any questions before I begin?"
Every student raised their hand.
"You want to know if I'm pregnant, right?"

One perk of being a magistrate is that you can wear a large enough robe to cover all kinds of weight gains. Lyle made the most of this by being able to cover up his growing baby, and quickly disrobing in between hearings to feel the little kicks from the baby.

Leon wanted the cash quickly, and was willing to do anything to get it. When he saw a classifieds ad offering $55,000 to any fit and healthy men to take part in a trial for 12 months (10 months + 2 months recovery), he was curious and applied for it.
Little did he realise what the experiment was and how transformative it would be. It involved pumping himself with oestrogen before doctors created an artificial womb for him, before inserting an inseminated embryo and waiting to see what happens.
Eight months later, Leon walked into the lab a changed man, physically and emotionally. Over the past fortnight, he resorted to wearing bras to cover his pecs that transformed into breasts to prepare for breastfeeding. His belly button popped out, making it extremely difficult to wear tight shirts as it would make it quite obvious it wasn't just a fat belly. He has had to buy larger jeans to cover his widened ass and hips, and he can feel his ass leaking some sort of liquid, which makes him worried that the baby will be coming out there rather than through surgery.
He also felt more bonded to the child than ever before, and was ready and willing to do anything to protect this child, even though he is putting it up for adoption for an infertile couple he knows. He is worried about this feeling of emptiness he'll have once he has the child, and is in the office to ask about becoming either a surrogate or having another child for himself.

Raj was so confused. He had been feeling nauseous and exhausted for a couple of weeks now, and also was struggling to keep most food down for fear of vomiting it back up again. Even then, he's still gaining weight both across his belly and his chest. He had this weird feeling that this was similar to what pregnancy is, so he ran to the chemist and got a pregnancy test, telling the cashier that it's for "his girlfriend", and not telling her that this may be for him after a one night stand with a mysterious woman.
He got home, peed on the stick and anxiously waited for the results.
Raj was even more confused than before.

Matt was sitting on the sofa, having pumped his man-breasts for the second time that day, wondering how he got himself into this mess.. I shouldn't even be doing this, he thought.

Bashar thought he was just going through a strangely intense bulk. While he continued to lift weights and build muscle, he had the most intense cravings for all kinds of food, especially burgers. His addiction hit its peak when he had all five of his meals at a local burger joint near the gym, and could feel his shirt tightening against the belly, which weirdly shifted in response.
The realisation his when he was squatting at the the gym in pain around his back and belly, until a weird pop sensation followed by something leaking out of his butt, shook him back to reality. His gym partner, Raf, immediately realised that Bashar was pregnant this whole time... but there was no time to stuff around, Bashar had a baby to deliver through his bulked-up thighs!

No one really knew what was going on in the country town of Griffith. The small hospital suddenly saw a burst of what looked like masculine-appearing women bursting into their maternity ward, in the deepest throes of labor. However, when the 'women' got into the private rooms, they wiped off the makeup to show their stubble and could show themselves for what was really happening: farmers in outposts giving birth to what they hope are kids, but otherwise could be alien offspring.
The hospital staff were not prepared for when they walked into the delivery rooms...

Brendon used any excuse to show off his changing body in the gym. From his fitness physique days to his future as a baby production machine, he loved making everyone know that he still looked hot regardless.

No one suspected that Jared was pregnant at this point, so he was still able to maintain his work as a UPS parcel delivery officer. Only time will tell if he can still keep working in a couple of weeks, let alone months, before a WHS officer tells him to stop.

This reminds me of @bigmpregnm's work on Patreon, "Life Lessons", and kinda what I imagine may happen over the course of the story... this particular AI program finds it hard to see professors as anything other than old, but oh well 😅
(p.s. if you haven't yet signed up to their Patreon, get on that right now - the stories are great, and a great way to support their work!)

Rashid was doing all he could to continue being the college jock he wanted to be, without thinking about the fact that he’s about to drop a kid at any point, including tonight when he’s dancing at the club!
The moment it happened was a blur - he was with this hot chick, who wanted to try out a strap-on. He didn’t think much of it, but kinda now thinks it may not have a been a strap-on but an actual magical dick that makes anyone pregnant, including guys.
Doctors don’t believe him when he says he’s pregnant - they genuinely think he’s gone insane. His friends are slightly weirded out, but also fascinated with the transformed “turtle shell”, as they call it. He still has a muscular physique, and his abs are visible… they’re just stretched to their limits with a baby underneath.
He’s now biding his time by partying, barely studying and carrying on as usual. He knows he’s going to give the child up after he gives birth - however that happens - so he’s just ready for it to be over.
Little does he realise that the girl managed to trigger a whole new transformation. Every time he has sex, he’ll have this urge for the girl to use a strap-on, and will become pregnant through the wonderful world of the occult. Rashid’s going to be the most productive baby machine in the world, especially with how much of a womaniser he is…

In between court appearances, Tom loved getting back to the privacy of his chambers office, so that he could briefly take off the paternity bands he wears under his suits and let his baby stretch and move around before running - or really waddling at this state - back to the court for yet another directions hearing.
Tom’s managing KC knows that his mind is elsewhere, so he’s only recommending clients with fairly straightforward matters so that Tom can slowly wind down his work before going on leave. Much to his annoyance, the KC has a point - Tom will have no time to even think about matters on hand when he has a crying baby, milk spilling out of his chest and no sleep to deal with.

Stan's boss hadn't gotten around to setting up a sit-stand desk in his office, which was probably for good reason. As his pregnancy progressed, it became harder to constantly go from standing to sitting, while also acknowledging that it would minimise the pins and needles feeling he got in his swelling feet from his growing belly.
More importantly, Stan was eager to just go on paternity leave so he didn't even have to worry about the state of his workspace.

All that Sergio wanted to do was find a suit jacket large enough to cover this ridiculous belly that was swelling, and could also cover the sweat patches under his pecs - or more like breasts, he thought - and underbelly. He's also had to work out a way to avoid spending more money on pants that can support his sore hips that seem to be widening as well.
He had no way to appreciate that he had a medical miracle growing inside of him, after that one night stand with that hot blonde woman he picked up one random Friday night at a bar. He'll find out eventually...

Reece was excited to be having a child, especially at his age. He wasn't excited about his pecs turning into breasts. He truly hoped that was just a minor side effect of the hormones he was asked to take in the early stages, and won't become a permanent part of him.

Felix found it quite frustrating finding shirts and pants that fit, as well as seeing his hard-won abs slowly disappear and give way to some sort of belly. All he could think about was that muscle daddy from a couple of months back when he was holidaying in Thessaloniki, and whether that links to whatever is going on here.

... nearing the end of a directions hearing...
Judge: So, we need to set a timeframe for the parties to prepare any written submissions and their respective parts of the appeal book, as well as the first period of hearings. Are there any specific dates that cannot work for either party?
You: Your honour, I may be in a position to assist the court within the coming two weeks, however I will be taking extended leave for a period of 3 months from August.
Judge: I have a feeling I know the reasons, but for the transcript can you explain the circumstances?
You: Your honour, I don't expect it to be a surprise that I am expecting a child within the coming weeks, so will be taking some paternity leave for the first couple of months.
Judge: While that is exciting, and I am sure all parties including the Court congratulate you on your pending bundle of joy, a 3 month hold on this case is a bit of a long delay.
You: I appreciate that, your honour, and if it may assist the Court, I can look to rely on my junior counsel and instructing solicitors to prepare all relevant evidence, submissions for the case book.
Judge: Very well then... you're probably going to be too tired to be worrying about this appeal, anyway! Your worry will be whether you've fed your baby and changed their nappy!
You: Most likely, your honour!
Patrick was finding it harder to find anyone who would fuck him at this obscene stage of his pregnancy, especially as he decided to be upfront on Grindr about being pregnant. He sometimes just wanted to be with someone who would make him feel special, rather than be used to satiate some guy’s fetish.
Arguably, the last time Patrick felt comfortable while having sex landed him in this whole mess in the first place…
“Two weeks to go”

Brad found it harder to comfortably walk between the two lecture theatres he taught in at university at 35 weeks. He tried to ask the Faculty of Law administration to rearrange his classes to be in either the same theatre or at least next door to each other, but the faculty wasn't able to accomodate it. He thought about taking the matter to the Anti-Discrimination Board, but knew by the time it would make it to conciliation, he would've already gone on paternity leave. It's just a lot of effort for little gain.
(Just experimenting with generative AI videos... not too sure I like it to be honest)