Mr. Perry - Tumblr Posts
sympathy for the villain except it's just mr. perry from dead poets society
I had a thought today
Basically Todd is a worried boyfriend and can’t sleep the night after the play because Neil is away and mr perry seemed so mad
So he just, sneaks out and goes to Neil’s house to check
He tries sneaking in from a door/window, whatever, doesn’t matter
The point is than war veteran mr perry hears said door/window open and someone come in, and that wakes him up
He immediately thinks it was Neil who was sneaking out or smth, and very mad goes to his room.
At the same time as this, Neil is in his office, gun in hand, not having yet fired. Neil doesn’t hear him.
Todd managed to get in but is lost because he literally never went to his house before plus it’s dark and he doesn’t dare to switch on the light, plus he’s really trying to be careful to not make noise
When mr perry sees the window open he just puts two and two together, which means than sound of one thing opening and the sound of someone falling equals Neil sneaking out
Mrs perry is still asleep
So mr perry goes around all rooms checking and just like in the movie, enters into the office. Except Neil, startled, gun in hand, sees his father so mad and realizes than it’s either him or his father. Either he dies and breaks free from his father, or his father dies and he breaks free from his father. Was it a rash, reckless decision? Or an accident from being startled while having a gun in his hand? Neil doesn’t know, what he knows is than two seconds later his father is bleeding on the floor.
The noise of the gun obviously scares Todd who forgets being careful and just runs to where the noise came from, and find the whole scene before him: Neil, shirtless, still sitting on his father’s chair and just staring in shock, gun still in hand, and his father on the floor, and the red blood.
Anyway they run away after that.
mr perry and umbridge r like a match made in heaven
Dead Poets but as philosophic stuff because I'm desesperately trying to learn this shit and nothing is sticking to my brain:
Neil: existencialism, specifically absurdism. Basically, life has no meaning, so you can either accept it or not. There is no greater goal or anything. Includes thinkers such as Camus or Sartre.
Todd (mostly at the start of the movie): determinism, which is kind of the opposite of existencialism, since the idea is a 'everything was planned out before and you cannot change it' type of mindset. It excludes freedom of choice, since your decisions have very little impact over everything. You're just in a boat in a storm and you have very little control over anything.
Charlie: hedonism, which is the pursuit of pleasures and the avoidance of pain. According to this idea, you'd take action depending on how much pleasure or pain you'd get from it.
Cameron: utilitarianism, or acting in a way to maximize happiness for the biggest amount of people. Includes philosophers such as Bentham or John Stuart Mill. Examples of utilitarism could be: if you were a train conductor and you had to either
stay on tracks, do nothing and hit a group of people that were on the rails
change your trajectory and instead hit one person
what would you do? Well according to utilitarism you would change trajectory, as it would benefit the greatest amount of people.
Meeks: rationalism and consequentialism. Tbh I don't really understand rationalism, but from what I know, its basis is that reason is a source of knowledge and stuff. Consequentialism is interest in the consequences of one's actions; realistic consequences. So before you act you think of the consequences kind-of-thing.
Pitts: solipsism, according to which the only thing that exists for sure is the thinker. I don't really get how it's different from Descartes 'i think therefore i am', but so solipsism would mean that you can only be convinced of your own existence.
Knox: idealism; reality, perception, ideas etc are all linked, and ideas represent a reality. I didn't really listen during this part of the lesson tbh -which is why I have to revise now using things like this post-.
Mr. Keating: stoicism; accept that some things are out of control, and act in a way so to do right by others and stuff. A stoist philosopher was, for example, Crysipus, who died laughing at his own joke.
Chris: eudaemonism, which is similar to hedonism, except that happiness is seen as a logical finality and it's basically a fact that most people want happiness. So it's happiness instead of pleasures that is pursued, with philosophers such as Epicurus.
Mr. Perry (not a Dead Poet but the only person I could think of for this): deontology, which is like a set of rules around duties and obligations, and has as a goal to preserve future generations. Idk he doesn't totally fit deontology but I had no one else in mind. Anyways I hate Mr. Perry and I hate learning philosophy.
this account is a Mr. Perry hate account
neil deserves the whole world, let's kill his dad
He Could Never Love You- An Anderperry edit
TW// blood
⭒neil and todd manage mr.perry :) and get their happy ending as god intended!
⭒it was a rainy day when they decided that it's either their love conquers with one life wasted, or the excruciating old man does with two lives wasted.
⭒the plan was easier said than done but love gives strength. neil was the bait, and todd was the executioner.
⭒on the ground the clear water drizzled, in the sink, the cherry red water drained.
⭒love conquered.
(my first edit, hope it translates my vision somewhat accurately!)
mr perry and umbridge r like a match made in heaven

We all hate mr. Perry
Have you noticed how Neil's voice brakes when he talks to his father?
I hate the fact that mr. Perry probably actually really loved neil
Like, whenever i wach the movie, i start crying when he finds neil, because he sound so shocked and broken
I dont think he even realised how horrible he was to him