Mr Snake X Mr Wolf - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago


I love the last one

Snake be like

"this is my family and if anyone tries to touch them I will kill every single person in this room and then I'll kill myself"

Soo cuuuuttttteeeee 🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️😭😭

Got any mr snake headcanons?

Ouhh yes I've been waiting for this one 🙌

Not really too much but I got a little handful for you anon:

- He's the type to sit on the couch and say he's gonna watch TV but as soon as he sits down a few minutes later he's out like a light, head leaned back in that open mouthed snore, but soon as someone touches the remote he's like "IM WATCHING THAT" and then nah he's asleep again

- sprinkling in a little fluffyvenom because I have to, I personally headcanon Snakey as a demiromantic gay man, so while Wolf had already realized his feelings for the reptile well into their friendship, it did take Snake a bit longer and getting to know him to realize those feelings as well, part of that being he'd never felt as close with someone as he did with Wolf

- I feel like he would enjoy golden oreo cookies for some reason

- his collection of hawaiin shirts is insane, half the time he'll notice a new shirt in his closet that he doesn't even remember buying, but he just goes with it cause hey the more the better right

- hates anything thats sour or bitter, Wolf convinced him to try black coffer and it was the worst experience his life

- If anyone touches his family or hurts them he will kill everyone in this room and then himself (pretty much true)

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2 years ago

Wolf: snake

Snake: yes love?

Wolf: snakey

Snake: yeah?

Wolf: snakeyyy

Wolf: snake

Wolf: snakey-poo

Wolf: sweetheart

Wolf: handsome

Wolf: sugar-fang

Wolf: baby

Wolf: sweetie

Wolf: Honey

Wolf: cutie

Wolf: sna-

Snake: WHAT!?!?!

Wolf: I love you.

Snake: I love you too but, Im gonna f@$#ing kill you if you do this Sh*t again-

(wolf really likes to annoy snake lmfao)

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