Ms. Bucket - Tumblr Posts
So are telling me that, you’re shipping Ms. Bucket with Willy Wonka? Or is like one-sided? I need answers
Yep! It was not planned, and usually we'd never ship Wonka with anyone; but as we went over plot points everyone listening along went 'oh. oh this works really well.'
It's two-sided, but it's one of those relationships that defy titles: they simply know that they enjoy eachother's company, that they bring out a side in eachother that no-one else does- at least, for Mrs. Bucket, not since her late husband- but Wonka doesn't care for any label outside of a product's (not to mention, Wonka has a complicated relationship with the feeling of 'love') and so they simply are.
Molly Bucket understands Wonka in ways others don't; she knows his moods, its tells, her hiding places, how to clean his office without stressing him out, how to put her back to bed when she begins to spiral at 3am. And Molly never intended for it to be this way- in fact, she initially spent time with him to try and convince him into therapy for her son's sake; she was quite certain for a long while that the chocolatier was leading Charlie along, and would soon enough drop their whole family back into poverty.
But over time, over hot chocolates and talks and listening to William's ideas and rants, she realised he really did love the factory, that he did want the best for Charlie, but that he was so complicatedly lost in his own psychology's labyrinth that his logic and methods were beyond anyone's understanding… until, as she listened, she realised some of them did make sense.
And Wonka didn't like her in his office; he doesn't like anyone in his office. But she came with hot chocolate- his favourite- and she didn't pry in the way others pry and she didn't have annoying habits and- oh her voice. Like a siren on the outskirts of a whirlpool, her voice made Wonka feel so soothed, so feminine, so delicate, like none of the stressors mattered anymore, like time had stopped and death was no longer encroaching slowly.
He began to call her petnames like Gumdrop, Butterscotch, Cupcake. She calls him Dumpling, Teddy Bear. Sickingly sweet, but what do you expect from a confectioner? Still, it's not all cutesy- Wonka's still Wonka, and still has the energy of that one cat-knife meme; he'll say something with a sinister edge, and Molly'll give him a "Oh Will!" and William will reply with a "What?! It was called for!". She can only keep him in line so much.
But over time, realising she loves this woman dearly, Molly finds it's time to drop the 'Mrs.' in her name. That perhaps her husband would've wanted this for her. And the two help eachother out in hard times.
there's your infodump if u ever have specific questions happy to answer lmao