Charlie And The Chocolate Factory - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

CatCFember - Day 18 - Only the Stars Turkentine/Bill - (written to this song)

'England, October 8th 1971. Two men share a silent moment in the dead of night, just to be.'

The night was dark, and bitterly cold. It often was in their humble town; the winters felt like they grew harsher each year, draining colour the streets could barely afford…

But not this year. This year felt different.

Perhaps he was still recovering in the wake of recent commotion- a candyman can only take so much- but he could have sworn the nights had grown warmer since October 1st. Like something had changed in preparation for a new era, like the streets were less dreary, the frost less numbing on his skin.

But there, then, as he sat in the middle of a pitch-black field, on the most remote hill, Bill did not care whether it was freezing ice nor scorching heat. There, then, as he sat under a sky with no moon, with a man deemed his sun: nothing else mattered.

David rested his head softly against his partner’s shoulder, a tired silence shared between the two. As they stared upon the horizon, both were lost more in their own thoughts than the silhouette sea of barely-legible houses. Other than the factory that never slept, no one in their right mind would be up that late; at least, no one with nothing to hide. No one like them.

The two older men were each other's secret, and only there, only then, in the dead of night on a pitch-black hill, could they find a moment’s safety in eachother’s cold embrace.

No. Out there, only the stars knew.

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2 years ago

We're still alive by the way,

turkenbill has consumed us also our turkentine introject from childhood woke up and there's been a lot of onboarding him into the system; it's a whole thing

also we need to do work because 1.4 of 'the Inner Worlds' is coming out on Friday and it is not finished

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2 years ago
WW&tCF (ft. Matilda) - FR: Class War - 'Revolting'

WW&tCF (ft. Matilda) - FR: Class War - 'Revolting'

'The children could only take so much pressure, so much discipline. And now, as they sang and tore up his classroom, Mr. Pratt could only stare to the horror at the front of the class: Miranda, his prize student, his teacher's pet, leading the charge from the heights of his desk... And bloody Turkentine below her, with the biggest shit-eating smirk he's ever seen.'

Okay, so some context under the cut:

a roleplay started with @bunnyonacupcake lead to a side-story post-factory (same verse as Factory Rejects) that follows Turkentine's class and its ongoing rivalry with the Class for Excellence. Said class is lead by Mr. Pratt, who is the most pretentious, deplorable, winning-obsessed man you'll ever meet. He's looks and sounds like Matt Berry if Matt Berry were a John Lennon kinnie, and holds his students to the highest standards that they've all become either snobby-nosed know-it-alls, or nervous wrecks.

One of those, is an AU of @bunnyonacupcake's Miranda Mary Piker. This little school-obsessed boffin is Pratt's parrot, watchdog, and star student. But over time, with influence from others (and some visits to Bill's shop), she eventually starts to see that maybe there's more to life than just studying and rules.

And so, I was listening to 'Revolting Children' from Matilda...

Thus came this little moment, when everything comes to a finalé.

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2 years ago
WW&tCF (OC) - FR: Class War - 'Mr. Pratt'

WW&tCF (OC) - FR: Class War - 'Mr. Pratt'

Meet Mr. Cornelius Twat Pratt: teacher of the 'Class for Excellence' (it's just the upper set), Mr. Turkentine's long-standing rival, and avid John Lennon kinnie. also he's designed after matt berry.

There are two things that piss this man off more than anything: 1) That the Beatles split up (of which he is in a support group for) & 2) That Charlie Bucket, a member of Mr. Turkentine's class, won a Golden Ticket and the entire bloody Wonka factory.

Also, Mini-fic for the art:

Pratt stood at the front of his pristinely perfect classroom, nothing out of place but the slightly unkempt children sitting in front of him. His shorter-than-average bulky frame was far more apparent when measured up to the height of the blackboard, but what he lacked in stature, he made up for with a presence that took up more space than it had right to. "Good morning, Class. And Congratulations." His words had an odd cadence to them, almost like they weren't being pronounced correctly... "You are the chosen ones. Those deemed worthy enough for a chance to be the best. And if you're in my class, you Will be the best." His lips unfurled into a toothy, smug grin. "Why?" The mentor stretched out an arm, equipped- oddly- with a conductor's baton instead of the usual pointer or ruler. With a loud clack, Pratt slammed it against the blackboard, the words 'Win.' written gorgeously in cursive chalk. "Because you have one purpose in life: to Win."

Pratt lowered his baton, mouth forming an almost pout, eyebrow raised. "Failure is not on the curriculum. Perhaps for other classes- 7A, 7C, and damn well sure 7B" a slight growl slipped into tone for the last, but very quickly dissipated. "Never 7S."

In his white turtleneck and light blue-grey suit, he looked more like a fancy CEO giving a pep-talk than the teacher of a rather lower-tier comprehensive school. Pratt closed his eyes, and broke into an almost mocking tone. " 'How am I, a small weakly child, to raise to such ranks' you may sing out in desperation. Follow me, and you. will. find. your. answer." His grin dropped, a serious tone, and outstretched his arms, "So long as you are in this class, I am your God. Your Messiah. And if you fail me, you'll surmount to nothing. Understand?" As he looked out at the children he would teach for the forthcoming years, a chant of 'yes, sir' perfectly in tandem- likely out of intimidation, albeit- he could only feel power coursing through his body. Turkentine stood no chance.

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2 years ago
The Inner Worlds - DID System Art The Factory, Chocolate Room

the Inner Worlds - DID System art ▸ the Factory, Chocolate Room

One of the location shots for our ongoing emulation series on Youtube, allowing a visitor to dive into the inner world of a dissociative identity disorder system, and experience both the good and the bad.

Squidgevt- our first visitor- ended up in one of the most infamous, trauma-filled location: the Factory. Overseen by our childhood persecutor (which is an incredibly simplified explanation of the man), it's perhaps better akin to a fae-trap than a wonderland...

Drawn in biro pen & mildliners Please do not repost. This is for our use only.

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2 years ago
UK Revival Veruca Salt (Kazmin Borrer), Because She Posted A Tiktok That Showed Off The Outfit And We

UK Revival Veruca Salt (Kazmin Borrer), because she posted a tiktok that showed off the outfit and we fell in love with the design.

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2 years ago

What if Oompa Loompas were ghosts for a non-replica, of Charlie and the chocolate factory musical? Think about it, it could be creepy but awesome to see how that is handle.

The idea of the Oompa Loompa being ghosts... my mind immediately goes to a darker, more gothic-horror-fantasy take on CatCF (PotO's designs come to mind). My heart loves this.

The Factory's set up in some old refurbished castle, the tickets are sent out due to an anxious obsession with his own mortality, Wonka's design probably looks like something straight out of @rknchan's sketchbook... that was partially a joke, but there's a little pair of glasses she reblogged a while back that he'd absolutely wear. also i think it's high-time we have a poc Willy Wonka, so this one is.

Anyhow I digress- the question at hand: There would be two ways to implement ghost Oompa Loompa, in my eyes:

The Oompa Loompas started exactly as in the original: uncomfortably hired into indentured labour brought over from a foreign country to work at his factory. However, due to whatever circumstances, this does not work out. The Oompa Loompas all eventually pass away. But this is a gothic horror, so now your factory's got ghosts. Sorry fam, that's just the rules of a gothic-horror. Wonka's got guilt, but he's grown accustomed to it. They're just there. But they also make him feel eternally more lonely, and also now he's down a ton of workers and he's not doing so hot.

2. You go full-on Leeds Revival with the Oompa Loompas, cut out all that problematic shit, and these things are just... straight up ghosts. They were there when he moved in and they're chill; some of them whisper him ideas in the night, and some of them make his life hell. Due to the way ghosts work in this universe and because I feel oompa loompas always need a unified design they all sort of look like these faceless pale apparitions with no discernible features besides the occasional hint as to how they died.

God, the set and costume design for this would be amazing. Why isn't this a thing. now i want to sketch this.

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2 years ago

Despite the other art, our musical wonka isn't a shitpost.

He's pretty complex, we just haven't posted about him yet. But he came about from the thought of "why are all Wonkas tall and thin? not all of them are going to have the metabolism of the gods." So suddenly our brain does its fixation thing and it turns out it was actually an alter we were taking inspiration from and we have this fabulous, complicated, messed up fellow owning our attention. This Wonka (He/She/It) is very prone to stress & spirals, and quite often finds himself obsessing over his own mortality. The way she presents herself on the tour, you'd mostly think she's just a bit of an asshole... until you realise she alliterates more when she's stressed, she keeps popping these little medicine candies in her mouth, occasionally she makes mildly concerning comments about death and temptation, and there's a Lazurus Room in the basement. "Memento Mori, Charlie".

Closing the factory was an overnight choice after she became paranoid that the world was out to get her. The tour was a choice after she obsessed over her own death during a sleepless spiral. This Wonka doesn't even want an heir, but it's yet another backup plan for when the night finally claims her. So he sets up a tour, and he trials them to the ultimate test: Temptation.

And when all is said and done, months into moving into the factory, Charlie learns the truth...

He looks to his new mentor, and he asks "You planned it, didn't you?" And she replies. "The hand of fate needs an arm, and I simply volunteered."

And that's not even getting into all the little details, nor the other characters: with such hits as Esports Streamer Mike Teavee only got his ticket cause 'Chat said it would be PogChamp', Tiktoker Violet & her Less Successful Tiktoker mom, Charlie Needs Therapy because his Mentor Refuses Therapy, Molly Bucket trying to protect her son and Accidentally Falling in Love With A Very Broken Person (aka 'Mr. Wonka is your dad now, Charlie'), the Oompa Loompa Night Shift, and Also Miranda Is Here And Wonka Pushed Her In. we love him a lot

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2 years ago
The Wonderful Whimsical Willy Wonka: A Mystery Of Magical Candy Concoctions, The Pinnacle Of Confectioners,

The Wonderful Whimsical Willy Wonka: a mystery of magical candy concoctions, the pinnacle of confectioners, and proof that you should never meet your heroes.

He(/she/it) may seem fine at first; eccentric of course- what inventor isn't- but quite the bit self-grandiose, tells you not to eat anything whilst chewing on chocolate. Yet, there's little quirks... rushed speech, compulsive alliteration, a posh English accent that occasionally slips into something less rehearsed, the unwrapping of little candies from a hidden pocket when stressed, and an odd fixation on Temptation and Death that results in a Las Vegas-esque musical number mid-tour (Did he practice that?!)

A man prone to spirals, to fixations, to paranoia of her own mind, who closed its factory certain the world was out to get it, who reopened its factory after, at 3am in the dark of its office, realised that no Lazarus Machine nor Wonka-Vite would likely succeed. Willy Wonka did not want an heir, but it had become another nocturnal necessity.

And so: Six tickets, Six tests of temptation.

"Gloop, Teavee, Beauregarde, Salt, Piker, Bucket! Do come in.~"

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2 years ago
CatCF Musical -Memento Mori- Wonka's Office
CatCF Musical -Memento Mori- Wonka's Office
CatCF Musical -Memento Mori- Wonka's Office

CatCF Musical - Memento Mori - Wonka's Office

A long messy room, often inhabited in the early hours of the morning. Submerged in the glow of a large fish-tank, there's little ambience but the sound of bubbles and silence and the occasional frustrated ramblings of the confectioner in a creative trance at his desk.

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2 years ago
CatCF Musical -Memento Mori
CatCF Musical -Memento Mori

CatCF Musical - Memento Mori

As the famed chocolatier walks around its factory in a spiralling haze, lost to yet another self-debate of right and wrong and temptation and death, the hoards of Oompa Loompa dance away, a songbird serenade to the subconscious:

E v e r y b o d y L i k e s Y o u

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2 years ago

So are telling me that, you’re shipping Ms. Bucket with Willy Wonka? Or is like one-sided? I need answers

Yep! It was not planned, and usually we'd never ship Wonka with anyone; but as we went over plot points everyone listening along went 'oh. oh this works really well.'

It's two-sided, but it's one of those relationships that defy titles: they simply know that they enjoy eachother's company, that they bring out a side in eachother that no-one else does- at least, for Mrs. Bucket, not since her late husband- but Wonka doesn't care for any label outside of a product's (not to mention, Wonka has a complicated relationship with the feeling of 'love') and so they simply are.

Molly Bucket understands Wonka in ways others don't; she knows his moods, its tells, her hiding places, how to clean his office without stressing him out, how to put her back to bed when she begins to spiral at 3am. And Molly never intended for it to be this way- in fact, she initially spent time with him to try and convince him into therapy for her son's sake; she was quite certain for a long while that the chocolatier was leading Charlie along, and would soon enough drop their whole family back into poverty.

But over time, over hot chocolates and talks and listening to William's ideas and rants, she realised he really did love the factory, that he did want the best for Charlie, but that he was so complicatedly lost in his own psychology's labyrinth that his logic and methods were beyond anyone's understanding… until, as she listened, she realised some of them did make sense.

And Wonka didn't like her in his office; he doesn't like anyone in his office. But she came with hot chocolate- his favourite- and she didn't pry in the way others pry and she didn't have annoying habits and- oh her voice. Like a siren on the outskirts of a whirlpool, her voice made Wonka feel so soothed, so feminine, so delicate, like none of the stressors mattered anymore, like time had stopped and death was no longer encroaching slowly.

He began to call her petnames like Gumdrop, Butterscotch, Cupcake. She calls him Dumpling, Teddy Bear. Sickingly sweet, but what do you expect from a confectioner? Still, it's not all cutesy- Wonka's still Wonka, and still has the energy of that one cat-knife meme; he'll say something with a sinister edge, and Molly'll give him a "Oh Will!" and William will reply with a "What?! It was called for!". She can only keep him in line so much.

But over time, realising she loves this woman dearly, Molly finds it's time to drop the 'Mrs.' in her name. That perhaps her husband would've wanted this for her. And the two help eachother out in hard times.

there's your infodump if u ever have specific questions happy to answer lmao

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2 years ago
Wonka Gets Cute With Molly, But Not In A Way, In A >:3c Way.

Wonka gets cute with Molly, but not in a 🥰 way, in a >:3c way.

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