My Followers - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

To my newest moots!

Thank you all....for supporting my weirdness! lol❤️







To My Newest Moots!

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6 months ago


@ people that follow me for fics

my writing schedule:

mon, wed, fri.

i will post on saturdays.

my inbox/dms are open any day of the week and I will check them every day (I will see ur message/request, dw!!) and I will try to post my responses within 48 hours depending on the day.

I might post requests on wednesdays too depending on how many i have

ty!! xox

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9 years ago

It's time

It's Time

Well here comes the New Year. First of all, I would like to congratulate all users of this website with this holiday and may your 2016 be filled with lots of happiness, peace and love. Just want to say a big “Thank you” to the staff of this site, the Creator of this website and all who have made this site exist. This place gave me a lot of beautiful moments and lots of laughter. Don't know what would have happened if I had not discovered this place, because it also introduced me to many interesting fandoms and introduced me to many interesting people. Thank you very much.

And now, to the very important people:

@dorkydrakie​ Dude, words can’t describe how grateful I am for what you and I still communicate and we're still friends. In this year so much has happened with us:  school, personal difficulties, exams, university... a lot of things. Even still you and I have shared problems and concerns and almost the same dreams of our future. I want to thank you for all the smiles and laughter that you've given me, for you taking the time on such a man as I am, and for what you understand me. I can wish you lots and lots of things, but I want to wish you the most important things: stay the same great person as you are now, ‘cos the world needs more people like you. Good luck to you in your creative endeavors. Your art is beautiful, develop your ability and you will achieve a lot. Let your life and the live of your family be even better. Enough with all the obscure difficulties and spitting in the face from life. Happy New Year to you, Drake!

@silent-again​ Despite the fact that we met recently and talked not very much, I think that our start of friendship is very important. I was very pleased and felt different, when we started to exchange short messages on the Drake’s streams and here on Tumblr. You became the first person who lives abroad (who lives abroad) on this site, and probably in general, who began to communicate with me that much. And I'm very grateful for that. And for that you became a Drake’s friend. It was very nice to receive little surprises in the form of drawings and the references in the posts. It also made me a little different to treat this site and the people on it. Thank you for your help and feedback, for that you appeared in my and Drake’s lives. And I wish you also stay a good person, to develop your abilities and to achieve in life everything that you want, and to overcome all the difficulties that my get in your way. Be happy in the New Year.

And of course my followers. Thank you that you are still with me. Thank you to those who came, thank you to those who have been with me for a long time and all the people in general, who once left a like or reblogged my posts. The fact that someone like my work means a lot to me. Thank you all.

I hope that in the new year I'll meet more people and make lots of friends here. Happy New Year, guys!

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8 years ago

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Well, here comes the new year. For me personally, 2016 was very good if to compare with the 2015, but still, it could be better. But since all my relatives are alive and my friends continue to be my friends - the year has been good.

On this day, I want to wish a Happy New Year to all the important people to me and I want to start as usual with the Tumblr team( @staff​)Guys, thank you very much for your work and for what you continue to make this website better. Thanks to you, many people get great positive charge by visiting your website or by running their blogs on it. I want to wish you success and strength in the New Year!

The next person on my list is none other than Drake( @draketw-art​). My friend, despite how hard it was for you at the Institute and sometimes in your personal life (you know what I mean) you continued to be yourself. You continued to be an awesome person. Your messages always bring a smile on my face. Just because it is you. Thank you so much for being my friend, you have no idea how glad I was to see you this summer and hope that in 2017 we will again be able to meet. You are a wonderful person and I wish you nothing but happiness and strength for all your plans. You will be able to conquer all the tops just believe in yourself and succeed!

Illise.( @silent-again​ ).My dear Illise.This year has been very eventful for you and these events were very important. You went to College, went to work... and with your hand happened the whole story! How much will you remember. But still, I am very glad that we continued to communicate in this year. Spoke a little bit, but for me these short chats were and still are very important and precious memories and I want to thank you for it. I hope that the New Year will bring you only joy and happiness and all the negative will not even touch your life. I also want to wish you strength for all your business and plans, happiness and health. Happy New Year!

And of course I want to congratulate all users on Tumblr and my followers that stayed with me this year. Guys, thank you very much! You are one of the reasons why I want to draw and drawing some things and it is very pleasant when you are enjoying my work. Happy New Year to you!

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1 year ago


So as per my previous announcement, SUNDAY(that means TODAY😭) is my last day here. I’m going for a 3 months break for my studies and future planning. So, after my return you will get to know what was the important future planning. Also, my requests will be open so if you want to send any request you can send me coz if I get time after my exams, I would work on them and the requests you have already send (don’t think I’m ignoring those but I have saved them all to work it) 😅

My stories will be available for you so enjoy them meanwhile and I WILL MISS YOU ALL A LOT😭 My followers and mutuals here are so sweeet that I will miss to see our interactions😭😭😭








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2 years ago


@rsclopez, @manymaria111, @olivia-the-weirdo, @sarcasticrandy, @royallaufeyson, @essenceinpink, @totesnothere04, @mechformers, @angel-of-silver369, @the-hufflebird-girl, @villirios, @dyingofcookies, @goddesslilithmoriarty

If you don't think that fanfic writers get attached to their commenters and repeat commenters... you're crazy.

There's people who comment on my stories, disappear for months at a time, then comment when they catch up and I almost always remember their tagnames. It means the WORLD to me as a writer to have people who comment both regularly and irregularly on my stories/oneshots/moodboards.

When you guys go away for a few weeks or months... we notice! We hope you're okay and just taking a break, and when you come back rested and excited to read more stories, we're so happy to have you back.

So yes, please comment on stories even if it's once in a blue moon. You're not annoying, you're not overbearing for multiple comments or being super excited. You're helping fuel a writer to keep writing just to see what you have to say next about the next chapter! You're doing the Lord's work with your comments!

Whether you leave a Russian novel in a comment, or just go "noice", like... it makes the writer brain go !!!!!!💞

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7 months ago

Hello Everyone! I just wanted to say that, for the next few months I won’t be posting as frequently as I usually do. The reason why is because college will be starting again for me, and I need all the time I can get for each of my classes. I will try to post every once in a while, but I will be posting less. So, if I don’t post anything for a while, it is due to me being busy with college work. I love all of y’all and appreciate y’all’s support.

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2 years ago

I shall let you live.

A Moment Of Light During The Siege

A moment of light during the siege

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2 years ago



@waltdiegi-theartist I hope your 14th is amazing dude! Have fun and enjoy this moment man.

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1 year ago

If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on anon and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better! 💙💙💙

Thank you so much

@fillthelighter @vinylbiohazard @smol-sorrows

@qth-15 @jounosparticles @chrisat8bit @cheezbot

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1 year ago

i hit 100 followers and i just wanted to say thank you ❤️ i love yall

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1 year ago

i can’t explain how badly i want to hug all of you. or if you don’t like hugs, maybe a high five. point is, i love you guys all so much ❤️

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5 months ago

My followers profile Part 1

My Followers Profile Part 1


My Followers Profile Part 1


My Followers Profile Part 1


My Followers Profile Part 1


My Followers Profile Part 1


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