My Own Character - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

@jaysquid this is my court of darkness character!

Name: Lunaria Dark-White

Age: 25

Species: She looks human but no one really knows exactly what she is because of her powers. Even the S ranks don't know and that scares them.

Sexuality: Bi

Birthday: March 21st

Pronouns: She/they mostly

Weight: 55ks

Height: 5'9ft tall

Looks: Those are headphones on her head. Not cat ears.

@jaysquid This Is My Court Of Darkness Character!

Casual: Pretty much anything that's comfortable. Sometimes she'll wear a shirt and skirt, sometimes she'll wear a hoodie and jeans. It just depends on her mood

Formal: Mostly dresses but is not afraid to go out in a suit and has actual done that before.

Personality: She's a very kind and caring person but she's still unpredictable and no one can tell what she's thinking at a given time. Also when she's mad she's MAD. Like you better run and hide and hope that she doesn't find you when she's pissed





Learning new things

Food- she won't eat some foods but she will eat mostly anything





Perverts/Flirts (which is why she stays away from Fenn a lot)

Being alone

Being judged

Mushrooms or any foods that have a weird/ slim-like texture if that makes sense

Entitled people/people who thing they're above everyone

Other information: She does wear a chocker that the headmaster gave her but it doesn't really do much to her powers. The only visible thing that it does is make her eyes red. Apart from that her powers aren't blocked at all but she does hide them and pretend to not fully know how to use them by the headmaster's request.

Her familiars are a wolf named Moon and a fox named Shadow. Moon has white and blue fur with blue eyes as well as wings. Shadow has whit and red fur with black wings and blue eyes. She rescued them both in the humans world when she was younger and has raised them both since they were little.

That's pretty much it. Let me know if you want to know more about her!

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1 year ago

Hazbin Hotel OC

So I finished season one a couple of days ago and I absolutely loved it! I've actually had this oc since the pilot came out but I decided to change it up a bit and add more detail now that we actually have a show.

Hazbin Hotel OC

Name: Lunaria

Age: In her mid to late 20s/early 30s when she died. Her current age is unknown to most people.

Century she was alive in:21st century

Birth date: November 6th 1994. 

Demon species: Half fox and half wolf demon.

Looks: Part of her body is fur whilst some aren't. Her face is human looking as well as part of her arms. From the shoulder down to her elbows she has normal skin but the rest of her arm is fur. Similar thing with her legs, from below the knee down it's fur and her feet are paws. Her hands aren't paws but they have short fur on them and have extendable claws. Her ears are wolf ears and her tail is of a fox. Her skin colour is pale which makes her blush very bright whenever she blushes. Her lips are a soft pink and she has fangs that can be extended. Her eyes are red but they were green when she was alive. Her fur is a mix between red/orange and gray. She's 6'10ft tall and she usually wears more modern styles but she doesn't mind trying out older styles. Her body is also covered in a lot of scars from the abuse she went to when she was alive.

She does have two demon forms that are either a wolf or a fox. In her demon form she looks like a gigantic version of that animal(imagine a fox or wolf that's as big as a building) her eyes a black and red with red lines coming from her mouth like blood. Her fangs and claws are very long and she could destroy buildings with one swipe of her paw.


Her voice: she was a singer in life and now that she's in hell her singing voice can manipulate and hypnotise any demon. She doesn't use it often because she doesn’t care about power and owning souls. She could if she waned to and definetly has enough power and potential already to become an overlord but she doesn’t want to. She doesn’t really sing anymore because of it- she can’t turn this power on and off so the most you’ll hear her doing is humming or whistling. This also only works in person, it won’t work if it’s through a recording or a radio. 

Her growl/howl is also very loud and powerful. This time instead of it being able to manipulate people it’s used as a warning than as a tool to hurt. Her growl can make the ground shake if she’s pissed of enough which could cause the floor to crack and for the demon to fall. Her howl can be used to allert others to her location if she needs help or it could be used to throw demons away from her. She can also use it to collapse walls/buildings creating a blockage or a way to crush/imobalise someone. Uisng her growl will hurt her thoat if she uses it too often without much of a break and it could lead to her temporarily losing her voice or even damaging her throat/vocal cords. 

Acid: She can produce acid to come out of her mouth at will. It’s basically what it sounds like and it can be used as a weapon or as a distraction. She doesn’t use it often because she finds it disgusting and it does hurt her to do that. Image throwing up bile when you’re sick but much worse- that’s how it feels like for her. 

Mind manipulation: This can only be used if the demon is under the influence of her voice or they’re very vulnerable(like they’re very high or they’ve just arrived and have no clue what just happened). She can essentially read their mind and make them do/see anything that she wants to. She does have to be close to them for this to work and she does have to really concentrate on what she’s doing. If she loses focus then it won’t work and it could end up hurting her physically(like making her dizzy or getting a massive headache). 


She owns a variety of weapons for her own safety. She can protect herself without them but she does sometimes prefer to fight with them. And they come in handy if she can’t use her powers or doesn’t need to. 

Double sided spear: It’s exactly what it sounds like. Imagine what Vaggie has but the sharp end is on bothe sides. She can take it apart and make it two seperate spears but she’s more used to using it as one big one. It is made from angelic steel and she got it from Carmilla. She paid a lot of money to get it made, especially because it’s custom only for her. She only uses it in big fights or as protection during extermination day. 

Two pistols: Simple enough. Those weren’t custom made, she actually found them on the floor after one of her hunts when she first arrived in hell and she took them as protection and kept them ever since. She did eventually decorate them to make them more personal, they’re both dark purple with some sparkles/glitter and they have a keychain of a red rose on the handle. She caries them around all of the time whenever she does outside just in case. 

Personality: She’s a very kind soul despite being in hell. She is cautious around new people/demons which is understandable seeing as almost none of them can be trusted though when you do earn her trust she’s much more friendly and outgoing around you. She’s very helpful and isn’t afraid to lend a helping hand. She does have a temper, a very bad one as well and it’s difficult to calm her down if you piss her off. There are certain topics that are sensitive to her and despite being a past singer she does have a lot of insecurities and social anxiety. She is also autistic which can affect how she acts around others and in certain situations. She’s very clever and can almsot always figure out if someone is being genuine or not. She also has a very good memory which sometimes is useful sometimes it’s not. She’s very passionate about what she loves and she cares deeply for her loved ones. She does get embarassed/flustered easily, especially by flirting. 

Likes: Spending time with Charlie and Vaggie, helping around the hotel, certain alcohols(especially the fruit flavoured ones), dancing, gardening, reading, Italian food, fashion, demon meat(has to be cooked though). 

Dislikes: turf wars, demons making fun of Charlie and the hotel, Angel being a pervert all of the time(she doesn’t mind some of his jokes but if he goes on and on than she gets annoyed), Adam/Lute, being wet for too long, very spicy food, bland/unseasoned food, Valentino and Vox(Velvette she doesn’t have much of an opinion on), being lied to. 

Backstory: She grew up in a vey religious family, like overbearingly religious. Though despite that they weren’t very faithful to one another. They kept cheating a lot and she rarely saw them. She essentially had to be a mother figure to her 3 younger siblings(1 girl two boys) and she got sexually assaulted by her dad whenever one of his chicks or her mom weren’t up for sex. She didn’t get pregnant, he had enough common sense to use protection. Lunaria always wanted to get into the singing career and would take part in any musicals or talent shows that she could. Her parents saw that and they thought she was trying to get away from them so they forced her into an unwanted marriage with the son of one of her uncles. She was 16 when she married despite not wanting to. She was married to him for three years and during that time he was nothing but an asshole to her and abused her because he wasn’t happy that he couldn’t marry the girl that he wanted. When she was 19 they got into another fight and Lunaria stabbed him in the chest before pushing him into the fireplace on accident. She ran away after and she bumped into her friends who helped her out. She was never caught and the death of her husband was seen as an accident by his fault. One day he bumped into her siblings and took them away from their parents and to her friend’s house where she was currently living at. Their parents didn’t come looking for them and Lunaria was able to finally pursue her career as a singer. She was very successful and was able to provide a happy life for herself and her siblings but when her family found out about that they were livid. So they tracked her down to where she lived and tried to beat her and her siblings up and force them to come back with them. Lunaria wasn’t having it and she fought back and there were a lot of guns shots which ended up killing her siblings and her parents. She realised what happened and had a complete breakdown from the trauma of her childhood, her marriage and now. She died by suicide shooting herself in the head.

Sins she committed in life:



Lust (she had a few one night stands during and after her marriage)


Self harm


Underage smoking/drinking

Sins committed in hell:






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10 months ago
So I Have This Idea For A Series Inspired By Ramshackle. It's Called "Stray Kids" And It's About Four

So I have this idea for a series inspired by Ramshackle. It's called "Stray Kids" and it's about four homeless kids who are like family to each other. They lead a good life even though they don't have it easy, but everything goes wrong when the new mayor of the city they live in, plans to get rid of people from the streets. Now they must find a way to save the streetwalkers and maybe change some things in their world in the process ;]

Brandon is not one of these four, but he also comes from the streets. He is a dealer and seller of various illegal drugs, items, etc. He belongs to a gang that deals professionally. He will also experience various adventures with the main four 🤫

☆Name: Brandon

☆Age: 19

☆Pronouns: He/They

☆Orientation: Gay


● Sells illegal items

● Belongs to a gang

● Gay as fuck

● Emo boy

● Loves to tease people

● sometimes he's a bit of an asshole

● Bad but sad boy

● Tired all the time

● Professional fraudster and conman

● He has been in this gang since he was 9 years old

● He loves dogs

● He doesn't know where he comes from or who his parents were, only that the bandana he has around his neck was from someone important

● It may not seem like it, but he is easily embarrassed, but he hides it well

● If you piss him off, he may kill you

● Carry a knife twenty-four an hour

● He secretly draws things but keeps it in his notebook because he would probably get ridiculed

● Plays the guitar a little, but not very well

● He is in the gang mainly because it gives him a roof over his head and money. He secretly hates a lot of people there


● Rock Music

● Music with lewd lyrics

● Dogs

● Cheat people

● Draw

● dark colors

● Rock style

● Alcohol

● People like him

● Outplay others

● Play games

● Sleeping


● Gang members

● Cats [And especially be compared to them]

● Mean rich people

● Do things he is forced to

● When someone hurts dogs or other animals

● When he can't sleep

● A sound similar to a gun shot (he has a bad association with it)

■Some facts■

● Often feeds stray dogs

● He doesn't sell stimulants to young people because he knows how easy it is to become addicted and how much money they can lose

● Once he thinks, he always bites his lower lip

● Sees well in the dark

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