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6 months ago

Guys why is Coco an orphan?

This is pretty long so im putting it all under the cut

Out of all the other kids in the orphanage Coco is the only one whose an animal, and thats not even to mention the fact that theres no other animal npc's in any of the game, well except for the shopkeepers.

Because the game never explains this i have gone towards speculation to come up with an answer-

So basically what i think is that the non human/demi-people/furries are a private race of people who rarely interact with the outside world.

In N2 id like to speculate that they live in a moutain village far away from human settlements/bases/cities/whatever (mostly because in N2 theres no more moutain region we can visit)

These guys are a tight knit community who never leave the mountains except for specific resources, but they probably dont leave even for that because of shopkeepers like Ollie and Cooper whom do live in the cities and own multiple businesses

I also think that in N1 These guys are more common and do actually live near/with humans, and we just dont see it because the protagonist isnt really sight seeing, theyre on a quest :/

Evidence on why i think the anthros dont interact with human society: The way most people treat Coco in extinction.

Most people in extinction treat Coco like hes a weirdo or a pet, or even something unnatural! Almost like people arent used to anthros among human society! THRY TREAT THAT WEIRD TREW IN THE CITIDEL WITH MORE RESPECT THAN COCO!!!!!

I definately dont think that the guild is actively hiding their existence or smthing, i wholeheartedly believe they just dont interact with people. "Oh bUt wHaT aBoUt tHe TyRanTs?" Valid reason not to believe this, but counter argument-these Anthros are weird species of nexomon. Look at the Tyrants, theyre fairly recent in the extinction universe (only being around for a few decades or whatever) and are made to be expectionally smarter and stronger than the normal nexomon, so thats why they dont care about attacking the anthros, theyre nexomon whom have no instinct to participate in this battle.

Even with this theory though that doesnt explain why Coco is an orphan living with humans. Even if his parents are dead or whatever shouldnt he be an orphan amongst his own kind?

Coco never mentions his past or creatures like him (granted no one else does) the only thoughts we get on this being his interaction with Cooper in the games beginning where they show a distaste between eachother


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