Nexomon Coco - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

Actually no instead of paying attention in class let me talk about my nexomon furry idea

Guys, what if Ron, Coco, Molly and those other 2 guys i forgor their names are actually Nexomon?

Hear me out here-

Before the Human Nexomon war began the world was completely normal right?? Then Omnicron came and started fucking shit up

So what if Omnicron created them as sort of a test run, and they just failed and gained their own sentience?

Proof on this theory? All nexomon are based on real world creatures AT LEAST TO SOME EXTENT!! And these demihumans are the most animal-like nexomon have gotten so far (not counting N2 because its too long after the Nexomon Human war)

But also they dont seem to be under omnicrons control during N1 before you fight him in the nexolords tower so thats why i say their failed

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6 months ago


The relationship between Solus and Coco is gonna make me cry :((((((

Im replaying nexomon extinction rn and i got to the part where solus has to go into the haunted forest and-

The way coco decides to go with solus without a second thought!!!!!!!

Look I KNOW THAT it was probably just bc in canon Solus is mute and needs someone to talk for them or whatever but COME ON!!!!!


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6 months ago

Guys why is Coco an orphan?

This is pretty long so im putting it all under the cut

Out of all the other kids in the orphanage Coco is the only one whose an animal, and thats not even to mention the fact that theres no other animal npc's in any of the game, well except for the shopkeepers.

Because the game never explains this i have gone towards speculation to come up with an answer-

So basically what i think is that the non human/demi-people/furries are a private race of people who rarely interact with the outside world.

In N2 id like to speculate that they live in a moutain village far away from human settlements/bases/cities/whatever (mostly because in N2 theres no more moutain region we can visit)

These guys are a tight knit community who never leave the mountains except for specific resources, but they probably dont leave even for that because of shopkeepers like Ollie and Cooper whom do live in the cities and own multiple businesses

I also think that in N1 These guys are more common and do actually live near/with humans, and we just dont see it because the protagonist isnt really sight seeing, theyre on a quest :/

Evidence on why i think the anthros dont interact with human society: The way most people treat Coco in extinction.

Most people in extinction treat Coco like hes a weirdo or a pet, or even something unnatural! Almost like people arent used to anthros among human society! THRY TREAT THAT WEIRD TREW IN THE CITIDEL WITH MORE RESPECT THAN COCO!!!!!

I definately dont think that the guild is actively hiding their existence or smthing, i wholeheartedly believe they just dont interact with people. "Oh bUt wHaT aBoUt tHe TyRanTs?" Valid reason not to believe this, but counter argument-these Anthros are weird species of nexomon. Look at the Tyrants, theyre fairly recent in the extinction universe (only being around for a few decades or whatever) and are made to be expectionally smarter and stronger than the normal nexomon, so thats why they dont care about attacking the anthros, theyre nexomon whom have no instinct to participate in this battle.

Even with this theory though that doesnt explain why Coco is an orphan living with humans. Even if his parents are dead or whatever shouldnt he be an orphan amongst his own kind?

Coco never mentions his past or creatures like him (granted no one else does) the only thoughts we get on this being his interaction with Cooper in the games beginning where they show a distaste between eachother


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6 months ago

Ur art is so soft and fluffy i freaking love ur Nexomon art and the way u draw Coco ❀️❀️❀️

πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί ty, heres a coco as thankz

Ur Art Is So Soft And Fluffy I Freaking Love Ur Nexomon Art And The Way U Draw Coco

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2 years ago
I Just Want Them To Hang Out

I just want them to hang out

(Click for better quality)

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2 years ago

The MC, Coco, Ross, and Nora have like, the most chaotic group/friend/found family dynamic of all time. You have:

No brain cells wannabe

Ross would fight anyone who even looked at the others wrong. He's the 'I'm the only one allowed to insult them' friend. It doesn't matter if he is a human and his friend is the Ruler of all Nexomon, he will size you up if you try to fight them.

Boy never thinks. Nary a thought runs through his mind. Yet, he sometimes makes the most philosophical comments at random times. And then Coco makes fun of him for it.

Someone plz help his Nexomon, they are one of four reasons he is even a functioning being.

Is the only human with a somewhat positive(?) relationship with Fenrir. Fenrir constantly belittles him but Ross just. Doesn't care at this point. And Fenrir respects that. Gets along fine with all of the other CoO.

Deena tries to mother him, Nora, and Coco. Ross is not very recipient to this. He thinks its awesome when she beats people's asses in battles though.

Curses the most out of the four of them. May not know much sign language, but MC taught him the curse word signs after years of asking. (All four of them can read sign language.)

The One with (almost) all of the brain cells

Nora is the only one who is capable of functioning on her own as an adult. Thus, she has to follow Ross around so he does not die. (The last time she left him alone he ran into New Ignita and was held captive by Mulcimer.)

The book she holds, which is a book on different species of Nexomon, is the last thing she has from her parents. The others understand this and never mess with it. They all read it sometimes when Nora gets sad.

Her Nexomon are just as smart as she is. She often lets them wander around when traveling around the world. They always come back to her, often with little gifts. (Rocks, flowers, and the like. One time it was a wild Maern though.)

Very respectful to all of the CoO, so they all think she is, at the very least, not to bad of a human. Nadine in particular like how she approaches problems. The only thing she thinks Nora needs to be is more assertive.

Deena's mothering was received best by Nora, who is not really bothered by all of the fusing. She asks lots of questions about everything. Nexomon? The guild structure? How the MC's powers work? The birth of Tyrants? Everything.

Nora is the only one other than the MC to be fluent in sign language. She learned alongside the MC and it currently trying to teach Ross more signs. It is not going great.

Sassy 4th wall breaking cat

Coco is the second most functional member of the group, but there is also a large gap in between him and Nora. Has to follow around the MC so they are not caught doing crimes.

Coco and Ross have antagonized each other since they were babies. At this point, it is their natural state.

Does not currently own any Nexomon, but all of the other three's Nexomon like him for some reason. He does not enjoy this when they are 3x larger than him.

Literally couldn't give less of a shit about how the CoO feel about him. Zetta thinks that the fact he is a cat is fascinating, and Coco wants him to leave him alone.

Deena is very hesitant with Coco, as he has already scratched Zetta three times. Coco tries to be nicer to her for the MC's sake. (but not all the time)

Coco can read sign language very easily, bit his paws were not made for using sign language. He tries to make up his own to accommodate, but it turns into a complex game of charades.

And a deer-wolf-thing with a spinning addiction

Simultaneously a sugar-sweet puppy dog and absolutely fucking feral. (And yet, is somehow more functional than Ross.)

Didn't really get along with the other kids at the Orphanage at first, except for Ross. Nora arrived a little later and Coco 'begrudgingly' began to hang out with all of them.

Their Nexomon adore them, even more than Coco. Ross and Nora's Nexomon also adore the MC. In fact, most Nexomon adore the MC. All Nexomon adore the MC? (Not surprising in hindsight)

My personal human name for the MC is either Helie or Helios, in reference to the Greek Titan of the Sun. Solus, Omnisun, and Helie/Helios, Titan (or Tyrant) of the Sun.

Easily gets along with the CoO the best. Being their niece/nephew give them the privilege of annoying them constantly. The CoO don't mind it because at least it's something new, they have never has a new family member since Metta Luxa's birth.

Deena tries to simply be their for the MC, and she doesn't want to push anything onto them. (which causes her to redirect this energy towards Ross, Coco, and Nira). Grunda has unfortunately (according to him, anyway) ended up with a parental role as well.

Tries to split their time in between their human and Tyrant form. Typically uses Tyrant form to either chat with other Nexomon, get places faster, or for whatever stupid idea Ross or Coco has come up with this time, much to Nora's chagrin.

They are one the inherently chaotic groups I have ever seen in a video game and I love them.

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