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11 months ago

jaemin headcanons — how he would treat you on your period

warnings | menstruation obviously, one (1) swear word, a tiny smidge of a mention of nsfw

a.n | felt like i was dying at work today because my cramps were so bad so this is purely self indulgent lmao

Jaemin Headcanons How He Would Treat You On Your Period

you absolutely cannot convince me that jaemin isnt the absolute sweetest mf to you when you’re on your period

he for sure has a tracker app on his phone so he knows when exactly you’re supposed to start

he makes sure that the bedsheets are clean around that time so you can snuggle up into a nice clean bed

your every wish is his command, and he won’t make you do anything you don’t feel like doing

but one thing he will make sure that you do is eat enough healthy foods and drink enough water (not that he doesn’t do that all the time, but this week is the most important)

he always has the fridge and pantry stocked with the ingredients for your favorite meals and snacks so he can make them for you

he doesn’t care if its the most convoluted recipe he’s ever seen in his life, or even if he has to drive however long it takes to get to your favorite random takeout place

he will make absolutely sure that you have your favorite food

he’s so incredibly gentle and understanding with you, and he’s exactly what you need

he knows every month is different from the last but he can always read the room

if you feel clingy, then he won’t let you go

if you want your space, then he keeps the distance he knows you need, but he’s still just a room away in case you call out to him for anything at all

even if you’re having a particularly bad day and there’s a chance that you might snap at one of your friends or coworkers, you’ve never snapped at jaemin because he just knows exactly what to say and do

if you have to work the day it hits or the day its the heaviest, he makes sure he’s at home so he can be there when you finish your day

sometimes you’ll come back home and you’ll be okay, maybe on a good day where your body decided to give you a break or the pain meds you took really just did their job

other days though, you’ll open the door with a frown on your face, your eyes welling up with tears because the day was so long and nothing was going right and you’re just in so much fucking pain

he immediately leads you inside, helping you take off all your clothes and running a bath for you, complete with all of your favorite bubbles or muscle relaxing salts

jaemin must have an internal thermometer or something because the bath water is always right, never too hot or too cold

he’ll sit in the tub behind you so you can lean back against him while he softly scrubs shampoo into your hair and massages your scalp

he presses little kisses to your cheeks or shoulders or back every time he hears you sniffle, and he’ll give you his undivided attention if you decide to tell him about your day

theres a bottle of cold water right next to the tub for him to grab whenever you bend forward from a wave of pain; he rubs your arms or your thighs softly until it subsides, and brings the straw up to your lips for you

“you’re okay, baby, take a drink” and after you take a few gulps he’ll set it down and pat your flushed face with a cold fluffy cloth

if you’re up for doing your skincare, he’ll do it for you with you

he’ll brush your hair up into a ponytail and/or put on your matching fuzzy bunny eared headbands

he’ll wash your face for you with your cleanser, and his gentle fingers will smooth the face cream down your nose and across your cheeks (he likes to squish your cheeks together and kiss your pouty lips to make you giggle)

if it isn’t obvious by now, jaemin doesn’t let you lift a finger

after drying you off and getting you dressed up in his comfy clothes, the heating pad is already warmed up and ready for you on the bed

and i’ll just say it, i know what you’re thinking

no, jaemin is not at all opposed to helping you out if you’re feeling particularly.. needy

he didn’t necessarily mean to stumble upon the fact that orgasms help with period cramps

he was just researching ways to help you feel more comfortable

but he is more than willing to do whatever you want whenever you want, so this of course is not an exception

“jaem, i’m literally bleeding down there”

“yeah and?? we have towels”

he’s not trying to pressure you into doing anything you aren’t up for

he just wants you to know that anything he can do to make you feel better, he’s 100% willing to do, no questions asked

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