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11 months ago

jaemin headcanons — how he would treat you on your period

warnings | menstruation obviously, one (1) swear word, a tiny smidge of a mention of nsfw

a.n | felt like i was dying at work today because my cramps were so bad so this is purely self indulgent lmao

Jaemin Headcanons How He Would Treat You On Your Period

you absolutely cannot convince me that jaemin isnt the absolute sweetest mf to you when you’re on your period

he for sure has a tracker app on his phone so he knows when exactly you’re supposed to start

he makes sure that the bedsheets are clean around that time so you can snuggle up into a nice clean bed

your every wish is his command, and he won’t make you do anything you don’t feel like doing

but one thing he will make sure that you do is eat enough healthy foods and drink enough water (not that he doesn’t do that all the time, but this week is the most important)

he always has the fridge and pantry stocked with the ingredients for your favorite meals and snacks so he can make them for you

he doesn’t care if its the most convoluted recipe he’s ever seen in his life, or even if he has to drive however long it takes to get to your favorite random takeout place

he will make absolutely sure that you have your favorite food

he’s so incredibly gentle and understanding with you, and he’s exactly what you need

he knows every month is different from the last but he can always read the room

if you feel clingy, then he won’t let you go

if you want your space, then he keeps the distance he knows you need, but he’s still just a room away in case you call out to him for anything at all

even if you’re having a particularly bad day and there’s a chance that you might snap at one of your friends or coworkers, you’ve never snapped at jaemin because he just knows exactly what to say and do

if you have to work the day it hits or the day its the heaviest, he makes sure he’s at home so he can be there when you finish your day

sometimes you’ll come back home and you’ll be okay, maybe on a good day where your body decided to give you a break or the pain meds you took really just did their job

other days though, you’ll open the door with a frown on your face, your eyes welling up with tears because the day was so long and nothing was going right and you’re just in so much fucking pain

he immediately leads you inside, helping you take off all your clothes and running a bath for you, complete with all of your favorite bubbles or muscle relaxing salts

jaemin must have an internal thermometer or something because the bath water is always right, never too hot or too cold

he’ll sit in the tub behind you so you can lean back against him while he softly scrubs shampoo into your hair and massages your scalp

he presses little kisses to your cheeks or shoulders or back every time he hears you sniffle, and he’ll give you his undivided attention if you decide to tell him about your day

theres a bottle of cold water right next to the tub for him to grab whenever you bend forward from a wave of pain; he rubs your arms or your thighs softly until it subsides, and brings the straw up to your lips for you

“you’re okay, baby, take a drink” and after you take a few gulps he’ll set it down and pat your flushed face with a cold fluffy cloth

if you’re up for doing your skincare, he’ll do it for you with you

he’ll brush your hair up into a ponytail and/or put on your matching fuzzy bunny eared headbands

he’ll wash your face for you with your cleanser, and his gentle fingers will smooth the face cream down your nose and across your cheeks (he likes to squish your cheeks together and kiss your pouty lips to make you giggle)

if it isn’t obvious by now, jaemin doesn’t let you lift a finger

after drying you off and getting you dressed up in his comfy clothes, the heating pad is already warmed up and ready for you on the bed

and i’ll just say it, i know what you’re thinking

no, jaemin is not at all opposed to helping you out if you’re feeling particularly.. needy

he didn’t necessarily mean to stumble upon the fact that orgasms help with period cramps

he was just researching ways to help you feel more comfortable

but he is more than willing to do whatever you want whenever you want, so this of course is not an exception

“jaem, i’m literally bleeding down there”

“yeah and?? we have towels”

he’s not trying to pressure you into doing anything you aren’t up for

he just wants you to know that anything he can do to make you feel better, he’s 100% willing to do, no questions asked

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2 years ago

Lento ...

 Lento ...

〯₊ ¡Mark Lee! (NonIᴅᴏʟ!Mark x ɪᴅᴏʟ!NonIdolꜰᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ). ᴘᴀʟᴀᴠʀᴀꜱ: 994 palavras ᴀᴠɪꜱᴏꜱ: menção de comida.  〯₊

  Se Deus existe ele me odeia. Se Alá existe, ele me odeia. Se algum Orixá existe, certeza que me odeia. O fato é: não importa sua religião, seu Deus provavelmente me odeia. E se você é ateu, bom então a vida me odeia.

Por que sério, além de ser afim do cara ele tem que ser meu melhor amigo, e ainda estar saindo sem parar com a minha colega de apartamento? Tem como piorar?

  Hoje, sexta feira a noite e mais uma vez estou no meu quarto me preparando pra mais uma noitada. Moletom e pizza sempre foram a melhor escolha pra uma fossa em casa. Park Mina, minha companheira grita do corredor que está saindo, e apenas escuto, com meu cérebro trabalhando ardilosamente pra acabar comigo, me fazendo imaginar como será sua noite ao lado de Mark Lee. Eles vão pra balada? Pra um restaurante? Karaokê? Eles vão se beijar? Vão comprar coisas um pro outro?

 Suspiro tentando ignorar a vozinha chata na minha cabeça, e dou o play no meu Dorama lindo do Chanyeol. Mas mal consigo me concentrar no gigante adorável e seus óculos sem olhar para o celular a espera de alguma notificação do rapaz me convidando para uma noite de jogos que fazíamos antes.

 Finalmente minha campainha toca avisando que o entregador havia chegado. Meu nível de serotonina se levanta minimamente com a perspectiva de comer minha pizza de brócolis. Abro a porta pronta pra brincar com o rapaz, que poderia ser tranquilamente Heechan, o filho da vizinha que sempre me entrega meus pedidos, mas me assusto vendo Mark Lee parado ali bem na minha frente. Eu congelo com a visão, e por um instante acho que tô alucinando, mas o moreno ri de canto provavelmente nervoso.

"Hey! Alguém em casa?" sua voz é meio baixa e um tanto insegura.

"Ah, oi. O que faz aqui?" é tudo que consigo proferir, afinal, ele é a última pessoa que eu esperava ver ali. Ainda mais vestindo o mesmo que eu: moletom.

"Vim te ver, faz tempo que a gente não se fala" Mark ainda falava baixo me olhando incerto, e eu ainda não sei o que fazer. "... então eu posso entrar? Por que assim, aqui tá um pouco frio..."

  O deixo passar e só então percebo minha pizza, suas sacolas em mãos. Vamos de volta para o quarto e tento agir normalmente. Nós sentamos na cama e ele espalha o que trouxe: balas, chocolate, salgadinhos e soju. Abrimos a bebida e a sua cara quando vê o sabor da pizza é a melhor.

"Brócolis? Sério?"

"Yah! Não me julga!" digo um pouco mais alto "e se eu soubesse que vinha, pedia ainda mais brócolis!" aponto pegando uma fatia. "Pensei que estaria com a Mina."

"Não, você sabe que balada não é a minha praia. — Lee responde como se fosse óbvio. Solto uma risada descrente.

"Vocês andam tão colados que não duvidei de você ir com ela." solto um pouco ácida antes de tomar um belo gole de Soju.

"Isso é ciúmes?" indaga sorrindo de lado. Minha vontade é de gritar que sim, que ele era cego, lerdo e burro demais, mas só rolo meus olhos e bebo um pouco mais. "Wow! Vai com calma ae!"

"Eu mereço essa bebida divina, okay?" reclamo pegando a garrafa que me foi tomada e terminando de uma vez.

Consigo o fazer ficar quieto enquanto assistimos o Dorama, e como sempre seus comentários são os melhores e me fazem rir, mesmo eu querendo ficar brava.

"Oh! Chanyeol, por que tão lindo?" solto baixo, mas aparentemente Mark me escuta e cutuca minha perna. "Que? Ele é. Faz rap, dança, canta, compõe, atua, é fofo, engraçado, inteligente, fala inglês, e ainda sabe montar um bar." listo as qualidades do meu utt, sob o olhar tedioso do meu amigo.

"Eu também sei fazer tudo isso!" ele me responde parecendo ofendido.

"Hum, eu não deixaria uma furadeira sob sua responsabilidade." implico rindo, mas percebo que sou a única que o faz então paro desviando meu olhar do seu, super intenso.

  Me viro prestes a perguntar por que me ignorou nas últimas semanas quando sou surpreendida por sua mão na minha nuca, e ele me puxando para um beijo. Mas demoro pra processar e quando vejo, Mark me olha apreensivo.

"O que foi isso?"

"Eu gosto de você. Mais que como amiga, e estava com medo do que ia pensar, da sua reação e de estragar nossa amizade, então pedi ajuda da Mina sobre o que fazer, por que não aguento mais esconder meus sentimentos por você."

  Assim que tenho minha resposta o encaro na dúvida se o bato por me fazer acreditar que estava interessado em Mina, ou se o beijo por finalmente saber que sou correspondida.

"Mark Lee!" solto brava o dando um tapa em seu braço. É, parece que meu sangue quente age mais rápido que eu. "eu não acredito que fez isso comigo!" lhe dou leves tapas, e o idiota cai de costas na cama reclamando. "Eu acreditei que tava afim da Mina, seu desgraçado!"

"O que? Por que?" o moreno consegue segurar meus braços parecendo bem confuso. Ele para então pra pensar e sua boca se forma um "O" num sinal claro de que entendeu o que aconteceu. "Não, nunca gostei dela assim."

"Certeza?" preciso confirmar para poder tomar meu próximo passo, e quando ele confirma com a cabeça, me jogo em cima dele, colando nossos lábios.

É a sua vez de não entender o que aconteceu, mas quando seus olhos encaram os meus e ele vê que eu também sentia a mesma coisa, finalmente nos beijamos de uma forma intensa.

No final das contas não era só Mark Lee que era lento. Eu também era.  

 Lento ...

[Masterlist ] • [NCT 127 Masterlist] • [NCT Dream]

🍵🌿🖇..⃗. buy me a coffee?

Tags :
2 years ago

Lento ...

 Lento ...

〯₊ ¡Mark Lee! (NonIᴅᴏʟ!Mark x ɪᴅᴏʟ!NonIdolꜰᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ). ᴘᴀʟᴀᴠʀᴀꜱ: 994 palavras ᴀᴠɪꜱᴏꜱ: menção de comida.  〯₊

  Se Deus existe ele me odeia. Se Alá existe, ele me odeia. Se algum Orixá existe, certeza que me odeia. O fato é: não importa sua religião, seu Deus provavelmente me odeia. E se você é ateu, bom então a vida me odeia.

Por que sério, além de ser afim do cara ele tem que ser meu melhor amigo, e ainda estar saindo sem parar com a minha colega de apartamento? Tem como piorar?

  Hoje, sexta feira a noite e mais uma vez estou no meu quarto me preparando pra mais uma noitada. Moletom e pizza sempre foram a melhor escolha pra uma fossa em casa. Park Mina, minha companheira grita do corredor que está saindo, e apenas escuto, com meu cérebro trabalhando ardilosamente pra acabar comigo, me fazendo imaginar como será sua noite ao lado de Mark Lee. Eles vão pra balada? Pra um restaurante? Karaokê? Eles vão se beijar? Vão comprar coisas um pro outro?

 Suspiro tentando ignorar a vozinha chata na minha cabeça, e dou o play no meu Dorama lindo do Chanyeol. Mas mal consigo me concentrar no gigante adorável e seus óculos sem olhar para o celular a espera de alguma notificação do rapaz me convidando para uma noite de jogos que fazíamos antes.

 Finalmente minha campainha toca avisando que o entregador havia chegado. Meu nível de serotonina se levanta minimamente com a perspectiva de comer minha pizza de brócolis. Abro a porta pronta pra brincar com o rapaz, que poderia ser tranquilamente Heechan, o filho da vizinha que sempre me entrega meus pedidos, mas me assusto vendo Mark Lee parado ali bem na minha frente. Eu congelo com a visão, e por um instante acho que tô alucinando, mas o moreno ri de canto provavelmente nervoso.

"Hey! Alguém em casa?" sua voz é meio baixa e um tanto insegura.

"Ah, oi. O que faz aqui?" é tudo que consigo proferir, afinal, ele é a última pessoa que eu esperava ver ali. Ainda mais vestindo o mesmo que eu: moletom.

"Vim te ver, faz tempo que a gente não se fala" Mark ainda falava baixo me olhando incerto, e eu ainda não sei o que fazer. "... então eu posso entrar? Por que assim, aqui tá um pouco frio..."

  O deixo passar e só então percebo minha pizza, suas sacolas em mãos. Vamos de volta para o quarto e tento agir normalmente. Nós sentamos na cama e ele espalha o que trouxe: balas, chocolate, salgadinhos e soju. Abrimos a bebida e a sua cara quando vê o sabor da pizza é a melhor.

"Brócolis? Sério?"

"Yah! Não me julga!" digo um pouco mais alto "e se eu soubesse que vinha, pedia ainda mais brócolis!" aponto pegando uma fatia. "Pensei que estaria com a Mina."

"Não, você sabe que balada não é a minha praia. — Lee responde como se fosse óbvio. Solto uma risada descrente.

"Vocês andam tão colados que não duvidei de você ir com ela." solto um pouco ácida antes de tomar um belo gole de Soju.

"Isso é ciúmes?" indaga sorrindo de lado. Minha vontade é de gritar que sim, que ele era cego, lerdo e burro demais, mas só rolo meus olhos e bebo um pouco mais. "Wow! Vai com calma ae!"

"Eu mereço essa bebida divina, okay?" reclamo pegando a garrafa que me foi tomada e terminando de uma vez.

Consigo o fazer ficar quieto enquanto assistimos o Dorama, e como sempre seus comentários são os melhores e me fazem rir, mesmo eu querendo ficar brava.

"Oh! Chanyeol, por que tão lindo?" solto baixo, mas aparentemente Mark me escuta e cutuca minha perna. "Que? Ele é. Faz rap, dança, canta, compõe, atua, é fofo, engraçado, inteligente, fala inglês, e ainda sabe montar um bar." listo as qualidades do meu utt, sob o olhar tedioso do meu amigo.

"Eu também sei fazer tudo isso!" ele me responde parecendo ofendido.

"Hum, eu não deixaria uma furadeira sob sua responsabilidade." implico rindo, mas percebo que sou a única que o faz então paro desviando meu olhar do seu, super intenso.

  Me viro prestes a perguntar por que me ignorou nas últimas semanas quando sou surpreendida por sua mão na minha nuca, e ele me puxando para um beijo. Mas demoro pra processar e quando vejo, Mark me olha apreensivo.

"O que foi isso?"

"Eu gosto de você. Mais que como amiga, e estava com medo do que ia pensar, da sua reação e de estragar nossa amizade, então pedi ajuda da Mina sobre o que fazer, por que não aguento mais esconder meus sentimentos por você."

  Assim que tenho minha resposta o encaro na dúvida se o bato por me fazer acreditar que estava interessado em Mina, ou se o beijo por finalmente saber que sou correspondida.

"Mark Lee!" solto brava o dando um tapa em seu braço. É, parece que meu sangue quente age mais rápido que eu. "eu não acredito que fez isso comigo!" lhe dou leves tapas, e o idiota cai de costas na cama reclamando. "Eu acreditei que tava afim da Mina, seu desgraçado!"

"O que? Por que?" o moreno consegue segurar meus braços parecendo bem confuso. Ele para então pra pensar e sua boca se forma um "O" num sinal claro de que entendeu o que aconteceu. "Não, nunca gostei dela assim."

"Certeza?" preciso confirmar para poder tomar meu próximo passo, e quando ele confirma com a cabeça, me jogo em cima dele, colando nossos lábios.

É a sua vez de não entender o que aconteceu, mas quando seus olhos encaram os meus e ele vê que eu também sentia a mesma coisa, finalmente nos beijamos de uma forma intensa.

No final das contas não era só Mark Lee que era lento. Eu também era.  

 Lento ...

[Masterlist ] • [NCT 127 Masterlist] • [NCT Dream]

🍵🌿🖇..⃗. buy me a coffee?

Tags :
2 years ago

Lento ...

 Lento ...

〯₊ ¡Mark Lee! (NonIᴅᴏʟ!Mark x ɪᴅᴏʟ!NonIdolꜰᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ). ᴘᴀʟᴀᴠʀᴀꜱ: 994 palavras ᴀᴠɪꜱᴏꜱ: menção de comida.  〯₊

  Se Deus existe ele me odeia. Se Alá existe, ele me odeia. Se algum Orixá existe, certeza que me odeia. O fato é: não importa sua religião, seu Deus provavelmente me odeia. E se você é ateu, bom então a vida me odeia.

Por que sério, além de ser afim do cara ele tem que ser meu melhor amigo, e ainda estar saindo sem parar com a minha colega de apartamento? Tem como piorar?

  Hoje, sexta feira a noite e mais uma vez estou no meu quarto me preparando pra mais uma noitada. Moletom e pizza sempre foram a melhor escolha pra uma fossa em casa. Park Mina, minha companheira grita do corredor que está saindo, e apenas escuto, com meu cérebro trabalhando ardilosamente pra acabar comigo, me fazendo imaginar como será sua noite ao lado de Mark Lee. Eles vão pra balada? Pra um restaurante? Karaokê? Eles vão se beijar? Vão comprar coisas um pro outro?

 Suspiro tentando ignorar a vozinha chata na minha cabeça, e dou o play no meu Dorama lindo do Chanyeol. Mas mal consigo me concentrar no gigante adorável e seus óculos sem olhar para o celular a espera de alguma notificação do rapaz me convidando para uma noite de jogos que fazíamos antes.

 Finalmente minha campainha toca avisando que o entregador havia chegado. Meu nível de serotonina se levanta minimamente com a perspectiva de comer minha pizza de brócolis. Abro a porta pronta pra brincar com o rapaz, que poderia ser tranquilamente Heechan, o filho da vizinha que sempre me entrega meus pedidos, mas me assusto vendo Mark Lee parado ali bem na minha frente. Eu congelo com a visão, e por um instante acho que tô alucinando, mas o moreno ri de canto provavelmente nervoso.

"Hey! Alguém em casa?" sua voz é meio baixa e um tanto insegura.

"Ah, oi. O que faz aqui?" é tudo que consigo proferir, afinal, ele é a última pessoa que eu esperava ver ali. Ainda mais vestindo o mesmo que eu: moletom.

"Vim te ver, faz tempo que a gente não se fala" Mark ainda falava baixo me olhando incerto, e eu ainda não sei o que fazer. "... então eu posso entrar? Por que assim, aqui tá um pouco frio..."

  O deixo passar e só então percebo minha pizza, suas sacolas em mãos. Vamos de volta para o quarto e tento agir normalmente. Nós sentamos na cama e ele espalha o que trouxe: balas, chocolate, salgadinhos e soju. Abrimos a bebida e a sua cara quando vê o sabor da pizza é a melhor.

"Brócolis? Sério?"

"Yah! Não me julga!" digo um pouco mais alto "e se eu soubesse que vinha, pedia ainda mais brócolis!" aponto pegando uma fatia. "Pensei que estaria com a Mina."

"Não, você sabe que balada não é a minha praia. — Lee responde como se fosse óbvio. Solto uma risada descrente.

"Vocês andam tão colados que não duvidei de você ir com ela." solto um pouco ácida antes de tomar um belo gole de Soju.

"Isso é ciúmes?" indaga sorrindo de lado. Minha vontade é de gritar que sim, que ele era cego, lerdo e burro demais, mas só rolo meus olhos e bebo um pouco mais. "Wow! Vai com calma ae!"

"Eu mereço essa bebida divina, okay?" reclamo pegando a garrafa que me foi tomada e terminando de uma vez.

Consigo o fazer ficar quieto enquanto assistimos o Dorama, e como sempre seus comentários são os melhores e me fazem rir, mesmo eu querendo ficar brava.

"Oh! Chanyeol, por que tão lindo?" solto baixo, mas aparentemente Mark me escuta e cutuca minha perna. "Que? Ele é. Faz rap, dança, canta, compõe, atua, é fofo, engraçado, inteligente, fala inglês, e ainda sabe montar um bar." listo as qualidades do meu utt, sob o olhar tedioso do meu amigo.

"Eu também sei fazer tudo isso!" ele me responde parecendo ofendido.

"Hum, eu não deixaria uma furadeira sob sua responsabilidade." implico rindo, mas percebo que sou a única que o faz então paro desviando meu olhar do seu, super intenso.

  Me viro prestes a perguntar por que me ignorou nas últimas semanas quando sou surpreendida por sua mão na minha nuca, e ele me puxando para um beijo. Mas demoro pra processar e quando vejo, Mark me olha apreensivo.

"O que foi isso?"

"Eu gosto de você. Mais que como amiga, e estava com medo do que ia pensar, da sua reação e de estragar nossa amizade, então pedi ajuda da Mina sobre o que fazer, por que não aguento mais esconder meus sentimentos por você."

  Assim que tenho minha resposta o encaro na dúvida se o bato por me fazer acreditar que estava interessado em Mina, ou se o beijo por finalmente saber que sou correspondida.

"Mark Lee!" solto brava o dando um tapa em seu braço. É, parece que meu sangue quente age mais rápido que eu. "eu não acredito que fez isso comigo!" lhe dou leves tapas, e o idiota cai de costas na cama reclamando. "Eu acreditei que tava afim da Mina, seu desgraçado!"

"O que? Por que?" o moreno consegue segurar meus braços parecendo bem confuso. Ele para então pra pensar e sua boca se forma um "O" num sinal claro de que entendeu o que aconteceu. "Não, nunca gostei dela assim."

"Certeza?" preciso confirmar para poder tomar meu próximo passo, e quando ele confirma com a cabeça, me jogo em cima dele, colando nossos lábios.

É a sua vez de não entender o que aconteceu, mas quando seus olhos encaram os meus e ele vê que eu também sentia a mesma coisa, finalmente nos beijamos de uma forma intensa.

No final das contas não era só Mark Lee que era lento. Eu também era.  

 Lento ...

[Masterlist ] • [NCT 127 Masterlist] • [NCT Dream]

🍵🌿🖇..⃗. buy me a coffee?

Tags :
6 years ago

Tulips and Tears || Lee Jeno


⇢ summary: life was normal. life was decent. that was all until a certain, non-normal, young boy came barging into your life whilst you were minding your own normal, decent business. this one interaction, which brought many more, sparked something in you that you never thought would exist. (high school au; fake dating au)

⇢ genre: fluff; romance; angst; alternate universe; one shot

⇢ word count: 5430

⇢ warnings: uwu dropping; lots of tears; mild swearing

⇢ note: this is my first one shot so bare with me here. i’m also not original so here goes nothing.


“Y/n, come on, you never do anything fun with us.”

Your closest friend, Huang Renjun, was calling you one Sunday afternoon. The two of you first met in your shared art class when your teacher decided to partner the two of you up for a project. While working, you happened to click easily. Sure, you had your differences like everyone else, but you seemed a bit relaxed with him, and he with you. That’s when a small friendship blossomed in your boring, monotone life.

“Jun, it’s okay. I don’t want to show up and just make the atmosphere uncomfortable. Please, it’s fine.” You switched your phone from your right ear to your left in the middle of your sentence. Cramps on any body part just made life horred.

You heard the elder sigh in defeat. Pure annoyance from your reply could be heard as he spoke. “Fine. But next time, you have to meet the others. You’d love them. I have to go Y/n. See ya.”

The line ended before you could reply. You placed your phone on your desk while staring at your history notes. Perhaps a break really was needed. Perhaps you should’ve gone with Renjun. Or, perhaps your decision was for the better.

Whether you made the right decision or not, the decision was made. Nothing could be done.

You turned your head and glanced at the electronic clock on your nightstand. It read 2:56 p.m.

Groaning, you threw your head on the desk in front of you. A soft boom echoing in your seemingly empty room.

Perhaps it was for the best?


You slowly opened your eyes. Light from your open windows blinding you. You slowly picked your head up from your desk, disoriented. While scratching your head, further messing up your hair, you looked at the clock. It read 4:34 p.m.

Shit. I’m already so far behind. Great. You thought to yourself. Life can’t get any better than this.

Finally finding the strength to get up, you walked towards the bathroom. Slightly wobbling as you did so.

You looked at your face in the mirror. You looked like you just came out of a horror movie. Eyes dark and tired, hair flying everywhere. You looked almost identical to Anna in Frozen. Sighing, you fixed yourself up and went back into your room to grab your laptop, shoving it into a bag.

Bag around your shoulders, you walked into the living room, seeing that your parents weren’t home. Instead a small note was left on the coffee table.

Left for the store, be back later. Don’t get into any trouble.


A small smile left your lips as you opened the front door to your house. Your feet carried you to your favorite quiet café. You didn’t have to walk far because it was so close to your home.

The café had small, cute tables outside, and since it was such a nice day, you decided to sit out there. Of course after you got your drink and snack first.

You were just about to open the door to the café when you felt an arm wrap itself around your neck. Startled, you turned your head in a panic and saw a sight you didn’t think that you would see.

A teenage boy with black, messy hair and sharp features had wrapped his arm around your shoulders. You had to admit, he was pretty handsome, but you were confused as to what he was doing exactly. A young girl stood nearby. You recognized her from your home ec. class. Kim Jisu was her name.

“See, this is my girlfriend. Jisu, meet Y/n. Y/n, meet Jisu.” His voice was rough and yet sweet as he spoke.

You looked up at him, confused by his manor. He looked at you with eyes that screamed ‘help me’.

“I’m sure she’s your girlfriend. I don’t believe you Jeno, my sweet. So, when this sore joke of a ‘girlfriend’ gets more boring than she already is, then call me.” She blew him a kiss before glaring at you and walking away; dramatically swaying her hips in desperation to be noticed.

As soon as she was out of sight, the teen pulled away from you and bowed so low that you were concerned for his back. “I’m so, so, so, so, so, so, so sorry for putting you in such a situation, Y/n. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?”

You were startled by his off behavior yet again. You looked at him with curiosity and asked a question that happened to pop up first. “I’m sorry, do I know you?”

The boy looked up at you, his face flushed pink. His eyes were wide and heartbroken. He stood up straight and dusted his pants off a bit.

“S-sorry. I should’ve known you wouldn’t recognize me. I’m Jeno. L-lee Jeno. I’m in your biology class.” He scratched the back of his neck nervously.

That’s when you remembered, “Oh! You’re the kid who’s frog exploded during dissection!” You smiled up at him, remembering the fond moment of all your fellow classmates screaming in fear when it’s guts landed on their skin.

“Oh. Um, you remembered that. I really didn’t mean for that to happen. I didn’t even know how that could happen.”

“The frogs were pretty old, and they were in glass jars for the most time. They also happened to be rotting so much that when they came into contact with the oxygen in the air, that the frog’s stomach swelled and exploded. A common mistake that teachers will do. I mean, all the teachers we’ve ever had had bachelors degrees from online, so of course they wouldn’t know the basic fundamentals of decomposition.” You didn’t realize that you were rambling on and on until Jeno’s mouth was hanging wide open. “S-sorry.”

“No! No, it’s alright. I knew you were really smart, but I don’t know you were that smart!” His face lit up like a Christmas tree. His dark eyes sparked and you forgot that you were staring at them.

You snapped out of your daze when you felt your stomach growl. “Sorry, Jeno. It was nice meeting you, but I’ve got to eat.” You turned to open the door yet again when you were stopped, but this time, it was a strong hand that grabbed your wrist.

You turned around to see a large veiny hand holding your wrist. That hand was connected to a very fit Jeno. His eyes widened in shock at his own actions.

He pulled back immediately. “S-sorry. Um, I need your help.” His gaze was down at his hands, which were now fiddling with each other. He seemed uncomfortable being in your presence, yet his aura was so confident that you couldn’t help but hold your breath.

You didn’t reply to his statement, which made him look up. He searched your face for a motivation to continue. His gaze fell on your glittering, y/e/c eyes. The two of you stood like that, in front of the coffee shop for about a minute before he shook his head and continued himself.

“Listen, I’m so sorry for immediately pretending like we were dating, but I had to get myself out of that fast. She’s been following me around since the third grade and I can’t stand it anymore. She’s never left me alone, I think that was the first time in a long time. Listen, I need you to continue this for just a month or so, so that she can leave me alone. I can’t sleep at night anymore. I…I need your help.” He looked at you with pleading eyes.

You were shocked at the words that came out of his mouth. You had only really just gotten to know him, and now he’s asking for you to be his fake girlfriend. You felt your heart beat faster and faster, your chest swelled, you couldn’t breathe.

“I’m…I’m sorry. Excuse me.” You opened the door to the empty café, but was stopped by something in the corner of your eyes. You looked back at your classmate in horror.

Lee Jeno, one of the hottest guys at your school (even considered by teachers), was sitting on his knees, hands folded in front of his chest in a pleading manner. He was begging you, begging you for you to go along with being his ‘girlfriend’.

You couldn’t believe his childish manner, and ushered him to stand up.

“Fine! Fine! I’ll do it, just stop it before someone sees wh--”

A pair of strong arms wrapped around your waist before pulling towards a very firm chest. You were being hugged, by Lee Jeno. Lee Jeno! Before you could react, he pulled away with an adorable eye smile. “Oh my god, thank you so much Y/n, you won’t regret this!”

He looked at you for another second before running off to the right. He had just hit the corner and was about to turn, when he stopped, looked back at you and ran back to you.

Confused, you stared at his bizarre manner until he reached you. When he caught up to you, he placed his hands on his knees and panted for about a minute, catching his breath. He finally looked back at you, “Hey, I...I forgot to ask you, but, can I ask you for your number, I mean, I don’t know how else I can be able to contact you.…”

Yeah, here, let me just ge--” You froze, hand in your back pocket. “I forgot my phone at home. B-but I remember my number, so I can write it down for you.” You let go of the door and walked back to your outdoors table, surprised that your laptop and belongings still there.

You grabbed a notebook, scribbled your number onto a random page, ripped it out, folded it and gave it to the dark haired teen.

“Thanks Y/n. I’ll see you around.” And with that, he was gone.


~The Next Day~

The hallways were filled with high school students with a purpose, to either graduate, or to find a significant other. Sometimes both, sometimes neither. It just depends on the person. Some kids wanted to get to the top of the social status, but that didn’t always happen. There was one certain kid though, who walked the halls with another purpose: to somehow sell that she was somehow dating one of the most popular kids at school. That kid was you, and you were lost.

Telling your mother would not be the best idea, for she would probably treat him like her future son-in-law. You considered asking Renjun, but you knew that he was just an acquaintance and that he probably couldn’t help you. So, you kept it in, watching videos online for some dating tips. However, the biggest thing is kissing. Of course, the thing to sell that you were dating him was for you to kiss him, and that was a big problem.

You’ve never kissed anyone before.

Naturally, you were sure that he’s had experience before, so this would be super awkward for you and hilarious for him. You were sure to be the laughing stock of the school. Only, there was something worse. Kim Jisu was a b+ student, loved by most of the school’s faculty, which meant that when she beat up someone for no concrete reason, she would be given a two minute talk and no referrals, detentions, or suspensions of any kind.

You would be dead meat by the end of the week.

Fumbling with your locker, you felt a hand on your shoulder, which made you jump.

“Renjun! You scared me! Don’t do that!” You gripped your backpacks’ strap tightly, trying to calm your racing heart.

He cackled loudly, leaning on the locker beside yours. He wiped a tear from his eyes, “Oh, that was too much. Sorry Y/n, I just had too, you know how much that brightens my day. Anyway, have you seen Mr. Seo’s work assignments? I swear he’s going to kill me before the holidays.”

You grabbed your bag before closing the locker door with a BANG!

“Yeah. Why in the world does he need us to write a twenty page biography on Shakespeare? And couldn’t he have made the deadline in two weeks and not in three days? I’m swamped enough as it is.” The two of you walked to your third class of the day, art.

“I get it. And Mr. Moon had to give us a whole thirty page math packet due this friday. We just got back from our weekend break. Come on.”

The elder opened the door for you before you walked inside. The room was arranged with the teacher’s desk at the front of the room, with a chalkboard behind it. The student desks were in pairs, where you and Renjun walked to the middle of the room for your next assignment. Hopefully it wouldn’t be anything too crazy.

When Mr. Qian walked into the room, your crazy class started yet again.


“Alright class, your new assignment is due Thursday, and be sure to team up with your partners and not copy anything from online. Do you hear me Mr. Park?” Your teacher questioned the blonde freshman at the front of the room.

“Yes sir.”

The bell rang, indicating that class was now over, and into your fourth period, which was luckily a free period.

You were gathering your stuff when the chinese boy who sat next to you asked, “So, Y/n, when are you going to come with my friends and I? There’s only four of us in total and I’m sure you’d love them. Please? I promise you, you won’t regret it.”

You sighed, accepting defeat. You have refused to keep your life an open book for the longest time, and finally, it caught up to you.

“Sure. I can hang out with you soon.” You smiled sweetly before watching your friend jump up and down in joy.

“Yes! Finally! The guys have been dying to meet you! How about this weekend? If you don’t have any plans of course.” The warning bell rang.

“Sure, sure! Now hurry up and get to class before you’re tardy.” You put your bag on your shoulders, leaving the room without another word.

The hallways were somewhat crowded. Fourth period was the one just before lunch, so most kids were hiding in the bathrooms eating lunch so that they could use their actual lunch time to catch up on homework and assignments. Sure it was gross, but you have to do what you have to do.

The hallways began to narrow as you walked to the more abandoned side of the school, the one where druggies and burn outs would stay for ninety percent of the day. There was one room that no one dared to enter because a science teacher stabbed himself in the heart in the middle of class back in 1987. Everyone believed that the room was haunted, so that left you an empty classroom to do your assignments.

The classroom was somewhat clean besides the thick layer of dust on the desks and the bleach stain in the carpet near the chalkboard.

You sat at the only non-dusty desk in the room and opened up your laptop, starting on Mr. Seo’s project. You had just gotten done with the first page when the door opened, startling you.

You hid your face behind the screen of the laptop, refusing to meet eyes with the figure at the door. Just because you stayed in a haunted classroom for and hour and a half every day doesn’t mean that you don’t believe in them.

Hesitantly, you looked up from the screen to see something you weren’t expecting.

“Y/n? Is that you?” Lee Jeno.

“O-oh.” You straightened your posture before tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. “Yeah. I guess you found my hiding place.”

“Is this where you stay all period?” He silently closed the door behind him before brushing the desk in front of you and making himself comfortable upon the wood.

“Pretty much. I never really get any peace and quiet so, this is the best option.” You gazed into his eyes, dark brown orbs that couldn’t be read. What was he thinking?

“Well, can I join you for a little?” He shifted a little bit, making sure that the structure beneath him wouldn’t give in at the last moment.

“I guess, I mean, you’re already sitting down.” You closed your laptop, interested in the conversation at hand. Your hands supported your head while your elbows rested on the device. You tilted your head at him, indirectly asking him, ‘So what are you doing here exactly?’.

He noticed your action. “Oh, sorry. I was looking for you, um, I kind of wanted to ask you if you could sit with me at lunch, just pretend that we’re dating. That might start it off. She’ll get off my back if you’re a bit clingy, so...clingy is good. B-but not too clingy.” He let his feet dangle off the edge of the desk, kicking them. “So, maybe I can go to my friends and you can walk in after and sit down where Jisu usually sits. She’ll get the picture.”

“I think I’ve got this. I mean, I used to take acting lessons in junior high, so I think I can do this. You can count on me, I guess.” You scratched the back of your neck.

He grinned at you, “I know. Trust me, I honestly think that you’re the perfect girl for the job, hands down.”

You sat there, staring at him, you’re heartbeat getting louder and louder by the second. This has never happened to you before. Why was you’re nervous and circulatory systems going out of wack?

“Are you alright? You don’t look so good.” Jeno stood up from his seat, walked over to you and placed his hand on your forehead, checking your temperature. “You’re kind of warm. Do you want me to take you to the nurse’s office?”

You stood up abruptly, “N-no! I’m fine, I swear.”

The bell rang.

Shit, this is really going to happen. Gathering your belongings, you walked over to the door, the boy behind you.

“So, I know this is going to be tough, so I’ll make it up to you when this passes, okay? I feel really bad.” Jeno walked beside you, hands in his pockets, his bag slung over his shoulder. The first button to his uniform was undone, his tie loose around his neck.

“Oh, you don’t have to do that. It’s nothing re-” A finger placed itself softly on your lips.

“Hey, I insist. If you don’t take this, I’ll never forgive you.” His finger removed itself from your pink lips.

“If you say so Je-no-fun.” You smiled at your little joke before your face dropped at the sight of him.

His mouth was left open in shock, tears welled up in his eyes. He quickly wiped them before they fell down his cheeks. “That is the first time anyone has ever said a joke that golden before. Bless your heart Y/n.”

You chuckled silently, “Come on dork.”

The two of you reached the lunchroom, which consisted of half the population eating and the other half working on assignments. Jeno looked at you before shooting two thumbs up before sitting down with his friends. You looked over and saw Jisu getting her lunch. You usually bring your food from home, so before she left to sit down with him, you took a deep breath and strutted over to him.

When you were sure she was watching you from behind you, you went up to Jeno and pecked him. Right on the cheek. You could feel the atmosphere darken as you sat down to his right.

“Hi baby.” You smiled at him and winked. You could feel your ears redden a bit at your own actions, but what else could you do in that moment to ‘claim your territory’?

You were just getting your lunch out when you heard a female voice clear her throat behind you. Nervous, the whole table, including you, turned to Jisu, who had a few veins popping out of her forehead and neck.

“Sorry to bother you, but I sit there. Not you.” She may have tried to say a sweet sentence, but she spat it out at you like you were a rodent.

“Oh, well, I kind of want to sit next to my boyfriend. You can sit across from us though.” You tried to keep your voice steady and calm, but felt more reassured when Jeno placed his hand on yours.

“It’s fine Jis. Just sit across from us.” Jeno looked at her with innocent eyes, which you noticed. Sneaky little bastard.

She clenched her jaw in annoyance and placed her food across from the elder. You had survived the first few minutes and it was already too much. You have to go through a whole month or more of this.

The brunette took a seat across from you guys. She was pretty tiny, around 5’2”. Her dark brown hair came all the way down to her waist. Jisu’s hands were littered with rings and bracelets. The hot pink nail polish hurt your eyes.

Her gaze pierced into your soul, making everyone at the table uncomfortable.

The lunchroom went silent for a few moments, a single pin could be heard at all corners. The noises resumed after someone coughed in the very back.

Jisu never softened or lowered her gaze on you, making you turn to Jeno, trying to look away from her. “Did you get the text I sent you? About my parents going on a business trip this weekend?” You looked at the teen with innocent eyes, trying to see if he could tell where you were going with the conversation.

He smiled at you, eyes shaping into half moons, “Yeah, I talked to my mom and she said it was fine that you could stay over.”

“Oh, you’re a lifesaver!” You pecked his cheek, confused at your actions once again. This whole lying this was coming way too natural.

You could see his cheeks get pink, “Anything for you baby.”

You’re heart fluttered at his words. No one has ever said something like this to you. You gazed at him a few seconds more. He had just became engaged in another conversation across the table. His eyelashes were so long and dark, the mole under his eye fit so perfectly on his face. His nose was the perfect size. His li-- no. Stop.

You looked back at your food, ready to eat, when you noticed that Jeno’s hand was still clutching onto yours. Silently, you removed your hand from his, feeling the warmth leave yours. He noticed, but didn’t draw any attention to it, placing his hand on the table. 

You started on your food when someone ran over to the table. He was around the same size as Jeno, perhaps a little chubbier. His hair was a bright orange, which shockingly complemented his lightly sun kissed skin. “Hey, gonna borrow this a bit bro, sorry. Nice chick.”

He winked at you before grabbing Jeno’s backpack. Within second of him arriving, he left.

The boy who was just stollen from shook his head and laughed. “Hyuck probably didn’t do his assignment again. Typical.”


Lunch had just ended and you were grabbing your stuff, but you were interrupted by a voice.

“Hey, Y/n,” You looked up at Jeno when he covered his voice, “Nice acting today. I owe you. Coffee after school?”

You stood up, backpack wrapped around your shoulders. Is he being serious? If anything, you need a break before your head implodes from stress, then explodes from the stress of imploding.

However, you nodded, “Sure. The coffee shop from yesterday?” You had to strain your neck to look up at him.

“Sure. Just meet me at the school’s front doors. Bye Y/n.” He winked before running off in the opposite direction.


It’s been a month. A month since you and Jeno started ‘dating’, and life honestly couldn’t be any better. The two of you would study together and pretend that it would be a date so people didn’t think it was too suspicious. Both of you were brought up to the top of the school, academically and socially.

Renjun introduced you to his friends Jaemin, Donghyuck(the guy from lunch), and surprisingly Jeno. All the more reason to keep pretend dating. However, you and Jeno agreed that when the dating contract ends, that you’d end it on good terms from Renjun’s sake.

However, since this whole secret came about, you couldn’t help but fall for Jeno more and more everyday. It’s been tough keeping it in when the only thing you would do was flirt and share quick pecks on anything but your lips. You both agreed that too much PDA would be unnecessary, and since you weren’t really dating, that fully kissing was too much. Especially since you were only faking it.

Since it’s been a month and because Jisu has cut herself out of Jeno’s life, you believed that it was time for the two of you to end what was happening. Sure it would be hard for you, but he couldn’t like you back. He’s a god in an eighteen-year-old’s body.

Sighing, you looked at yourself in the mirror, fitted for the last month of spring. You couldn’t help but feel your chest falling. Never in the world did you imagine falling in love in high school. It was too cliché for you, but yet here you are, in love with the kid you never imagined you could talk to.

Taking a deep breath in, you walked to school, cherry blossoms finally falling off their trees, expressing that their time was up. Perhaps you were a cherry blossom too, finishing your journey. Perhaps this would be the only thing in life for you. This might be the only spontaneous thing for you. How could you go on after this? Could you go on after this? You never realized how much he meant to your life. He became closer to you than Renjun, you’re first friend.

“She doesn’t mean anything.”

You stopped in your tracks. Imagining him expressing his true feelings for you. He never felt anything for you. You were just a hunk of meet to be tossed around. This was nothing for him. Your only job was to do his dirty work.

“I’m serious. Nothing at all.”

That wasn’t your head imagining things, that was someone talking. The voice sounded so much like his though. You were on the main road, where anyone could walk and talk about how ‘she was nothing at all’; but only one person that you knew of had a similar voice  and situation as your fake boyfriend. He was your fake boyfriend.

Looking around, you didn’t see anyone on a call, until you say a figure in front of  you. He wasn’t facing you, but you knew it was him.

“Will you fucking listen to me for once! Just accept it and leave it alone.” He hung up. 

Before you could react, he turned around, making direct eye contact with him. You were angry, sad, betrayed, rejected. Tears welled up in your eyes, but you get more angry at how even blurry, he looked handsome. You felt tears stream down your cheeks. 

Jen started back at you, shocked that you were there. You usually arrive later, however today was not the case.

Overwhelmed by emotions, you turned around and ran back home, regretting even looking at him. You wished everything was normal, that you were back to only talking to Renjun, that you had never met Donghyuck, Jaemin, and especially Jeno.

God, Jeno. The name made you gag in disgust. How could you even imagine falling for him? You knew you were smarter than that. Life was so much better without them. No having to worry about Jisu ever beating you up. Never having to take time out of your day to hang out with Jeno’s obnoxious friends. No Jeno.

If only you could go back in time with Doc Brown’s Delorean and fix everything.

You reached home and slammed the door shut. Leaning on the back of the door and crying. You cried until it hurt to continue. You cried so much that you became Alice. You cried so much that you ran out of tears to cry with. 

Hours had passed when you remembered that you had school that day. Standing up, you grabbed a tissue before calling your school, claiming that you were sick, just so that they knew why you weren’t there that day. How could you tell your mom? She’d flip if she found out you stayed home.

After hanging up on the faculty, you turned on the television, playing your favorite telenovela. You had just grabbed a bucket of your favorite dessert when there was a knock at the door.

You weren’t going to answer it until you remembered that you ordered another BTS album and that it was suppose to be here today.

Openning the door, you didn’t come face to face with the mailman, but to the last face you wanted to see.

Lee Jeno.

Frowning, you slammed the door in his face, but he stopped it before it could close. “Listen Y/n, please. I messed up.”

You opened the door again, arms crossed at your chest. “What do you want.”

He gulped before shoving a bouquet of yellow tulips in your face. “Their your favorite. So is strawberry shortcakes and watching Teresa when you need to cry. I know that you only love the the fourth, fifth, and sixth Star Wars movies. The new ones and prequels were terrible so you don’t associate with them. It’s the same thing with the Percy Jackson movies. You call them ‘Perry Johnson’, or something. What I’m trying to get at here is that we may have started this whole thing to get Jisu off my back, but I’ve had a crush on you since the third grade. Nothing can compare to you Y/n. God, every time I look at you, I have to restrain myself from kissing you. You’re beautiful, sparkly eyes; your silly habit of sticking your tongue out when you’re concentrated; how your eyebrow twitches slightly when you lie. Every little flaw and perfection about you makes me fall in love with you a hundred times more. You are my world.

“I didn’t mean for you to hear that. Donghyuck knew about our secret and I had to play that I didn’t like you. Please Y/n, believe me. God, please, forgive me. I love you too much to let go of you. I love you, Y/n.”

You felt the tears spring again to your eyes.

“I love you too, Jeno. I can’t believe that this whole thing has gotten to me. I’m sorry.” You wiped your tears, grabbing the flowers and smelling their sweetness.

“No, it was me. I was an asshole. Also, this was at the door, so.” He held up an Amazon package. 

You smiled, “My album. Want to open it with me you cheesy pizza?”

He chuckled at your new nickname for him, “Only if you put subtitles on Teresa, you know I don’t understand Spanish.”



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6 years ago

NCT Dream Reaction | You (crush) Are Their Newest Member

Warnings: Fluff?, We Go Up is the shit, NCT Dream is cute.


When the eldest found out that you were becoming the newest member of NCT Dream, he freaked out a bit.

Mark being Mark, he’s pretty awkward around the opposite gender, so when he found out that you, his crush, was joining, he got a rush of complicated feelings.

This boy is a sucker for you, and keeps you close to him at all times.

He makes sure the others don’t get too close to you in fear that you fall for someone else rather than you.

Really, Mark Lee is your biggest fan and constantly cheers you on when you’re on stage or on a television show with the rest of the dreamies.



This art god is really surprised at your beauty and cannot believe that you’re actually joining the group.

When he heard there was a new member, he was a bit nervous, but when he saw you for the first time, he got super shy.

Every time you remotely tried to talk to the Chinese member, he would chicken out and run in the opposite direction.

Once the other members finally convinced him to talk to you, he found out about a lot of similarities and his crush on you grew stronger yet.

He’s completely open with you being in platonic relationships with the other members, but grows slightly jealous when you hang out with Jeno a bit too much.

However, this cutie still loves you for you and he can’t wait for the rest of the NCTzens to see your talent.



The cutest omg

He’s actually super happy about you joining and loves the cute interactions you have with the rest of the members.

Jeno is pure sunshine and loves you for who you are, so naturally he’d be entirely okay with whatever you decide to do.

His favorite parts of the music videos have to be the dance breaks where you center because he feels you become yourself on stage when you dance.

Always gives you high fives during any transition.

The two of you have your own handshake which is more legendary than the Markhyuck handshake.

This fluffy baby can’t contain his feelings for you when you do aegyo which is why everyone ships the two of you.



He hates you for challenging him in a game of cuteness, but he low key loves you for it.

This teen can’t stop staring at you across the room during vlives which freaks the rest of the dreamies out.

His favorite parts are when he harmonizes with you during songs.

He refuses to sit away from you at fan meets, afraid that the male fans would take you away from him.

He’s extremely open about his feelings for you, but you never really thought he likes you because he does the same thing to the rest of the dreamies.

Jealous whenever someone looks at you for longer than three seconds.



This kid openly flirts with you every single day.

“When I was young, my mom told me to follow my dreams, so where to next?”

Nana made you a cute nickname involving your name which he can only use for you, meaning that if the other members tried to use it as well that they would be beat.

Makes sure you have as many lines as possible in the songs and even lets you rap his parts during a concert from time to time.

Is determined to have you become the face of the group.

Always has an arm around your shoulders or back.



This kid is the holy name of uwu and makes sure you are the yin to his yang.

You complement him perfectly which is what made him fall for you in the first place.

When he first heard about you joining, he tho it you would be mean to him for looking childish, but when you complemented him for it, he fell in love with you.

Chenle and you are the dream ship and every NCTzen is jealous of your closeness to the Chinese member.

Screams whenever you act cute.

Constantly brags about how cute you two are to Jisung.



Omg when he heard about you he completely shunned himself from the dorms.

He stayed in his room for the longest time because of you being the cutest thing he’d ever seen.

Refused to make eye contact for decades.

However the Maknae finally gained the confidence to talk to you, but he still acts very flustered whenever you talk to him.

Can’t stand how you can be so hot but cute at the same time.

It physically hurts him.

He loves it when you sing/rap with him around the dorms.

Constantly sneaks out with you at night to eat Oreo cookies.



Tags :
6 years ago

NCT Dream Reaction | You’re Good at Singing but You’re Shy

Warnings: Fluff?, We Go Up is the shit pt.2, NCT Dream is cute.


Dude he’d scold you for decades for not singing in public.

He’d encourage you to sing as much as possible because he’s an angel.

He’d probably sing a small part from one of your favorite songs to make you join in without realizing it.

NCTzens thank him for it all day everyday.

He cheers you on all the time but understands when enough is enough.



He’d completely understand, but he’d sill silently cheer you on.

Always has his phone ready to record when you’re singing with your headphones in, unaware of the teen.

Invokes you in art projects where he paints something that represents your favorite song only if you sing it for him.

Lies his head on your lap when you are in a decent singing mood and he can never stop smiling the whole time.

He’d make sure that you sing the bridge with him in the songs so that you’re not that embarrassed.



He’s so soft when you sing that it makes you bust an uwu.

Physically picks you up and places you in front of everyone and sings duets from high school musical to help you gain confidence.

Can’t contain his excitement when you sing.

He claps the loudest when you finish, and he claps near a mic to prove to people that he’s your biggest fan.

Engulfs you in a hug when you’re done singing. I’m so soft



This boy fights you when it comes to singing.

“I bet you can’t hit a higher note than me.”

Since everything between you is competitive and since you are shy with singing, he purposely sings worse to make you win without you knowing.

Falls for you all over again when he catches you singing in the shower.

Harmonizes with you when you’re all alone in the dorms because you’ve become most comfortable with him with singing.



Finds soft romantic songs to sing with you because this boy is a classic flirt.

Always ruffles your hair when you hum to yourself in the car.

He’s very understanding with your fear of singing, however he still encourages you once in a while.

Writes songs with you to help you expand your vocal range.

Truely wants to help you become the best you you can be.



This baby is so supportive.

If you don’t want to sing, he sings your parts for you (unless it’s a recording).

He addresses this to fans almost every vlive so no one bashes you for not singing your own part.

Trusts your decision on not singing even though he things your perfect in every way.

Busts an uwu when you do sing.



Helps you dance to take off stress, so when you’re being pressured by the members with your singing, he takes you to an empty room and the two of you dance.

However, he plays most of the songs on your playlist so that you can be more happy with what you’re doing.

He mostly helps you with dancing because you mindlessly sing when you practice and Jisung really loves it when you do so.

Doesn’t try to push you to sing because he knows how much you hate it.

Can’t help but smile at your entranced self in the studio’s mirror.



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