Nagi Bllk - Tumblr Posts
Ahh your writing is sooo cute💜💜
hi, could i please request some headcanons of meguru bachira, rin itoshi, seishiro nagi, hyoma chigiri and hyusei shidou with a polyglot s/o (who can speak and understand english, japanese, portuguese, french, spanish, etc)? love from brazil!! <3
❝a promise that you'll never find another like me❞

synopsis : When they started dating you, they didn't know you were a polyglot... And now, to be honest, they can't live without it.
pairing : Bachira, Rin, Shidou, Nagi, Chigiri x genderneutral!reader •— Blue Lock
tw : none ! It's fluff !
word count : 1115~ words
author-note : Hi ! How are you ? This ask was very fun to write, I personally speak French, English and a bit of spanish, so I mainly used them ! I used my french ass and I'm proud of it ;) ! It's my first time writing for all of them tho (except Bachira but it was deleted lmao), so I hope you like it and that I don't have made them to occ ! I have feelings for Chigiri istg, marry me pretty boy :( Love from France, and take care of yourself ♡

BACHIRA was amazed, like a little kid. The first time he heard you talk in an another language, he froze. He told you to repeat 3 or maybe 5 times to be sure he hadn't understand a word. When you told him that you were polyglot and that you could speak english, french, portuguese, spanish and obviouly japanese, oh boy, he was too stunned to speak. You can't stop him anymore. He's gonna ask you 24/7 to teach him insults (to use against Kunigami, mainly) and to talk in the language of your choice. You can't tell him no. He's so excited each time, it's literally too cute. At first, you answered that you won't teach him bad words; you don't want him to make fun of his teammates. Then, after a long baby tantrum, you agreed.
"Uhh, can you repeat again ?"
"Again ?? It's the fourth time already !"
"Y/N, please !"
You sigh, but made it anyway.
"Mama na quinta pata do cavalo", you said again.
"Mama nea kinta pata do cavalo ?"
"Not bad for a beginner. Use it wisely, babe."
"I will, count on me !"
He kissed your cheek, heading to an hangout with his Blue Lock friends, a smile on his lips. You were kinda suprised and embarassed, to say the least, when he came back, telling you that he insulted Kunigami and that he told all of his friends that you were his "bad words teacher". You have such a good reputation now...
CHIGIRI immediately noticed your small accent when you first talked to him in japanese. He didn't ask anything about it, because he didn't want you to be, perhaps, uncomfortable or embarassed in his presence. But when you two get together, he asked if you were polyglot and you answered yes. At first, it was a bit weird because he didn't know what to do when you cuss in French or Spanish. But he learnt to love it; you were even more beautiful when you were talking in an another language, and he can't help himself but stare at your lips, now. He asked you to teach him some words (mainly petnames) to use.
"Mon cœur, can you please pick up this box please ?", you asked him in the store, kind of upset that the box was too high for you.
"Yeah, obviously, ma chérie. Do you need anything besides this ? Or perhaps, do you need me to stay with you ? It will be easier for you to take this", he said, pointing at an item near your head, with a teasing smile.
"Ahahah, so funny, Hyoma. Me cago en tí...", you mumbled under your breath.
"Too bad I know this one too, pretty."
"I hate you."
RIN, like Chigiri, immediatly heard your accent. But he also immediatly asked you about it. Where were you from ? Where did you learn all these languages ? Was it hard ? Did you struggle sometimes to find the words ? He was intrigued and very curious about it; it was the first time he ever heard someone speak a good english in his entire life. When you two get together, he watched you cuss in French a hundred times before asking the meaning of it. When you dropped an item on the floor, you had this habit to say "putain" or "merde", and at first, he didn't dare ask you to teach him some very common words in one of your language. But now ! Oh lord have mercy.. He has a list in the notes of his phone of insults to use on Isagi, or even better : Sae. And he's very proud and happy about it.
"Uh, how do you say it again ? Fils de chien ?"
"Yeah, exactly like that. It's an equivalent of "son of a bitch" but in French"
"Perfect for Sae."
"You have the same mother tho..."
NAGI is probably, the person with the most knowledge in terms of languages in these 5 guys. Playing Valorant, Genshin Impact or even Minecraft developped his understanding in all situations. He mostly knows some gaming sentences, but when you talked to him in an another language, you were surprised to see him understanding a bit of what you were saying. He can't respond tho; but he was curious, so you taught him a bit of usual sentences (he stopped when you put the grammar in front of him...). One day, he surprised you when he responded to you in one of your languages. In fact, he had been learning one for a quite long time now, because he wanted you to be more comfortable speaking around him.
"No entiendo nada de este ejercicio, pero no es tan complicado. Soy demasiado tonto..", you sigh, frustrated.
"Puedo ayudarte si quieres, cariño.", answered a voice with a strange accent.
You turned your head, shocked to see your boyfriend Nagi speaking spanish.
"How do you..?"
"I learned it. I like spanish."
"Oh. That's cool !"
"Yep, wanna teach me some ?"
"Sure !"
SHIDOU, like Bachira, is stunned. He wants to know how you managed to speak so fluently all these languages, and now: he shows you off 24/7, you have no choice. When he talks about you to someone, he always tells them how smart you are, he's definitly a simp for you. He wants you to speak one of your languages all the time, even if he doesn't understand anything, because gosh, you're hot :/. He's so curious about you, but even more after you told him you were polyglot; he doesn't want you to feel uncomfortable around him of course, so tell him if it annoys you, he won't took it badly ! He's a tease, so sometimes, it may be too much for you.
"How is it possible for you to have a s/o ?", laughed one of Shidou's teammate.
"Don't be jealous man", he smirked, "they're too much for me anyway. They're so beautiful and smart dude, they speak 5 LANGUAGES ?? It's hot tho-"
"Shidou...", you sighed, tired of his antics, "I'm waiting for you for 5 minutes already, hurry-up !"
"I'm coming !"
He rushed outside the soccer stadium, his teammate looking towards you, and Shidou immedialy kissed you, like he hasn't saw you for months (he wanted to show you off again, ig)
"Hola mi amor", he said with a nasty grin.
"Shut-up, or I'm going to slap you, I swear."
"Okay okay babe, let's go !"