Nagireo - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

I swear I laughed so much at his scene, basically, nagi and isagi being nothing without their boyfriends (then).

#clown To Clown Communication
#clown To Clown Communication
#clown To Clown Communication
#clown To Clown Communication
#clown To Clown Communication

#clown to clown communication 

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9 months ago
I Have A Cold So The Art Isn't Arting

i have a cold so the art isn't arting 😔😔

*throws nagireo sketch at you and runs away*

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8 months ago

just finished episode nagi how tf did they manage to add even more gay shit

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8 months ago

I need a gay show that hits the same as the queer-baiting ones.

Recs are welcome 🙏🏻

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6 months ago

There is no way non-homophobic Nagireo deniers are real.

If you don't think Nagi and Reo are a thing, either you are homophobic and hate to see boys happy together or the reading comprehension devil has gotten to you.

I am going to pull panels directly from the manga (both the Blue lock manga and Episode Nagi manga) and I am going to escalate the gayness as I go.

1. Here, we have Reo realizing his feelings for Nagi and being vocal and completely clear about it.

A vertical panel that depicts half of Reo's face. He is smiling and his eyes seem full of love and surprise. He is also slightly blushing. Under his face with, black letters it reads, "I want this guy!!!"

2. Then, we have Reo calling Nagi his treasure and also being ridiculously possessive for no reason.

And also him openly admiting that he only has eyes for Nagi.

The panel is split in half. On the top, we see Reo smiling with his eyes wide open and saying, "That's because he's "my" treasure!" On the bottom half of the panel, we see the side of Nagi with a bored expression on his face.
The panel is split in two. On the top half, we see Reo with his tongue out and the meta-vision eyes. On the bottom half, we see Nagi looking directly at the "camera" with a slight shock. On the left side of the panel, it says "I only have eyes for Nagi" and it's clear that Reo is the one saying it.

3. Then we have Chigiri and his choice of words when talking about the relationship between Nagi and Reo (and also Reos reaction to them). Mind you, he has seen them together for just 90' and some spare moments here and there in the startum if we are being generous.

The picture contains two separate panels. One of these shows Chigiri looking downward and saying "Seems like he got rejected by Nagi, who he thought was just his pet dog." separated into two bubbles. The second panel shows the side of Reo's face wrinkled with anger.

4. Just Nagi openly admitting that him and Reo are partners. (Also, this happened twice, but there is a limit on pictures in a single post, so I am not putting it here.)

The panel just shows Nagi saying "I am not a slave. I am Reo's partner." separated into two bubbles.

5. We also have Reo thinking about how football was what got him and Nagi together. And since if it weren't for it, they wouldn't be a thing, he concludes that they should live together ( just the logical next step, you know). And they were roommates

On the right side, a panel of Nagi walking during after hours takes up more than half the image. This panel reads "I'm sure if it wasn't for soccer... he and I..." Then the space left on the left is divided into two panels. The one on the top shows Reo in the school uniform and says "...could never... be together..." The bottom panel shows Nagi picking up some mail. Beneath these three panels there is a fourth one with just text. It says "So let's live together, Nagi"

6. Then there is Reo straight up proposing to Nagi. Not even an exaggeration, he fell on one knee and held out his candy apple.

This is a picture with Reo on the left. He has fallen on one knee with his arms extended. One goes on the side, for balance, while the other one is in front of him holding a candied apple. On the right, we see Nagi standing straight with a blank expression and pointing at the candy apple in Reo's hand.


Reo's face when Nagi and he were being separated in the second stage.

This is a panel of Reo on the verge of tears.

And Reo's face when him and Nagi were just together in his room. This boy has nothing but love in his eyes. Find you someone who looks at you the way Reo looks at Nagi.

This is a panel of Reo looking at Nagi, who is out of frame. He is genuinely smiling and there is a certain twinkle in his eyes. His eyes are actually full of love.

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the only real smile

nagi seishiro x reo mikage (pre-blue lock setting)

The Only Real Smile
The Only Real Smile

Nagi’s used to walking through the school gates alone, without trouble, without glances and whispers and outright cheers. 

Now, whenever he sets foot into the campus, the students around him erupt into cheers, fangirling, screams…but it’s not for him. Every time, it’s directed to the boy whose arm is slung over his neck, or the boy cycling the bike in front of him with his purple sweet-smelling hair tickling Nagi’s face. The popular top student who chanced upon Nagi sitting in a dreary stairwell, playing video games where he wouldn’t be interrupted, and convinced him to play soccer with him. 

Mikage Reo. Hakuho High’s pride and joy, top student, brilliant athlete, president of the football club. The young purple-haired boy also happens to be the heir of the Mikage Corporation. His last name screams power and wealth. Reo might as well be the most popular student in the school. 

And who wouldn’t like Reo? He’s kind, smart, generous, well-behaved, and trained in etiquette. More importantly, he pampers Nagi, he makes sure Nagi’s comfortable, he treats Nagi like, well, his treasure, which is what Reo likes to refer to him as. 

Reo says he and Nagi will become the best soccer players in the world together, and as much as Nagi thinks it’ll be a pain, he can’t help but look forward to that bright, promising future…the both of them on the world’s pedestal, the very and ultimate top. 

Nagi Seishiro and Mikage Reo. The world’s ultimate duo. 

It kind of sounds nice. Like something out of a video game. 

And so because he wants to attain that wonderful, enthralling title, he puts up with Reo’s long and methodical rituals and routines. He sticks with Reo’s training schedules, he plays exactly how he knows Reo wants him to play. It’s worth it at the end, when it’s just the two of them on the grassy field, when the sun is melting into evening, and they’re cycling home and his nose is buried in Reo’s hair, the citrusy sweet scent of lemon flooding his nose and making him want to fall asleep. 

That being said, one thing he does have to put up with is Reo’s gigantic fanclub. 

Like this one girl, he doesn’t remember her name, but she’s unnecessary and a pain and irritating when she runs up to Reo and presents him with a tacky pink handmade card and chocolate in a heart-shaped box. 

“Reo-kun, please accept this confession from me!”

And then the girl tries to show off her chest to Reo, in a pitiful attempt that doesn’t go unnoticed by Nagi. What he notices too is the legion of girls hiding behind the corner, eyeing his partner with starry eyes, eyes that he’s sure misses the real Reo behind all the fanfare and shine to his surname. 

See, these irritating girls, all they see in Reo is his Mikage name. Their dreams with him are positively drowning in the wealth of his last name, gilded in gold and adorned with jewels. They map out the fastest way to becoming Mrs. Mikage, they’re only charmed by his wealth and the smiling facade he puts on day after day for the masses. 

A pain, all of them. 

Because he knows the true Reo. He’s the only one who experienced Reo as a partner. Reo with his hands, scarred and calloused like an athlete’s, in his hair. Reo’s intoxicating lemon scent. Reo lavishing care on him, treating him like a treasure worth more than all the gold and jewels in the world. He’s the only one that gets to see that side of Reo, the soccer fanatic side who has that sparkling gleam of triumph after a match they won together, the intense side brimming with passion over his favourite sport, the hopeful side who maps out his dreams and Nagi’s dreams and unites them. 

All these other girls, they’ve never seen what he’s seen. 

An unfamiliar feeling rises up his insides; it scorches his guts and throat and rips a bitter hole in his heart. He doesn’t like this feeling. It’s very troublesome. It’s a feeling borne from all these nuisances crowding him and Reo, a feeling so dizzying it makes his head spin and his heart ache, a feeling that causes bile to itch at his tongue. 

He shouldn’t have to have Reo around all these girls. Reo shouldn’t be spending his precious time with them. Reo shouldn’t be lavishing those beautiful, sparkling smiles Nagi loves on those girls, those girls who don't deserve the pleasure of Reo’s smile, even if it’s a fake smile. 

None of it. 

So he tugs at Reo’s shirtsleeve to get his attention, and when quizzical, beautiful almond-shaped eyes turn to him in inquiry, he bodily drags him away, shouldering past all the other girls towards their classroom. He doesn’t care when they glare at him, when they whine and try to wheedle Reo into staying, but even if Reo agrees Nagi doesn’t agree, and he’s hauling Reo away from that crowd of irritations no matter what. 

Reo’s confused, to say the least. He tries to impress upon Nagi the ruination of his reputation if he leaves so abruptly when they reach a secluded corner, but the words queuing up on his tongue wither into ashes at the look on Nagi’s face. 

It’s intense. It’s the sort of look Nagi gets when he’s scoring a particularly enthralling super goal. The warm honey colour is slowly taking on a deep and hungry black, a poisonous and intoxicating sort of primal desire screaming promises of chaos and destruction. It’s at this moment when Reo is reminded of just how powerful and dangerous his treasure is, of how he lives for that look in his eyes, when Nagi’s laziness is stripped away for something dark and raw and emotional. 

“Never,” he says, and his words drip intensity, “hang out with those girls again. It’s troublesome for me.”

“E-eh?” Reo stutters, somewhat shocked. “But, you know, I really have to—”

“Please, Reo. It’s troublesome. It makes me angry.”

Nagi, who expresses everything within the lines of “it’s troublesome”, who has such pale and almost nonexistent emotions, saying that he’s angry, with such an intense look on his face?

Reo almost never sees this side of him. 

Nagi waits for his answer, the anger burning hot in him, apparent in his eyes, concentrated on Reo. He waits for argument, he waits for complaints, and maybe, maybe just a little part of him is tensed up for when Reo walks away from him, disappointed and tired with him. 

But then Reo just breaks out into a smile, one of those brilliant, raw ones without any hint of pretence—the smile only Nagi gets to see, not those girls. A part of Nagi laughs triumphantly at the fact that only he gets to see Reo’s real smile, not the fake turn of lips he puts on for the crowd…

“Okay, Nagi. Whatever my treasure wants.” 

…See that? It’s Nagi’s win. 

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6 months ago
Blue Lock - NGRO Week (Twitter) Day 2 Reo's Birthday!
Blue Lock - NGRO Week (Twitter) Day 2 Reo's Birthday!
Blue Lock - NGRO Week (Twitter) Day 2 Reo's Birthday!
Blue Lock - NGRO Week (Twitter) Day 2 Reo's Birthday!
Blue Lock - NGRO Week (Twitter) Day 2 Reo's Birthday!

Blue Lock - NGRO Week (Twitter) Day 2 Reo's Birthday! 💜

Ko-Fi (Memberships/Shop) ~ Commissions ~ Redbubble

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5 months ago

how am i rin? i don’t know

How Am I Rin? I Dont Know

me and mutuals i talk to a ton as blue lock duos!!

Me And Mutuals I Talk To A Ton As Blue Lock Duos!!

me and @reapkusho as kainess (im ness)

Me And Mutuals I Talk To A Ton As Blue Lock Duos!!

Me And Mutuals I Talk To A Ton As Blue Lock Duos!!

me and @waffledforbreakfast as nagireo (im reo)

Me And Mutuals I Talk To A Ton As Blue Lock Duos!!

Me And Mutuals I Talk To A Ton As Blue Lock Duos!!

me and @the-rini-rush as rinsagi (im isagi)

Me And Mutuals I Talk To A Ton As Blue Lock Duos!!

Me And Mutuals I Talk To A Ton As Blue Lock Duos!!

me and @sl-vega as otoya and karasu (im karasu)

Me And Mutuals I Talk To A Ton As Blue Lock Duos!!

Me And Mutuals I Talk To A Ton As Blue Lock Duos!!

me and @fishii28 as bachisagi (im bachira)

Me And Mutuals I Talk To A Ton As Blue Lock Duos!!

i love all of my mutuals, but these are ones i talk to a ton! i care about every one of my followers, and if you wanna chat outside of tumblr, my discord is [_bllklover5109_]!!

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5 months ago

how am i rin? i don’t know

How Am I Rin? I Dont Know

me and mutuals i talk to a ton as blue lock duos!!

Me And Mutuals I Talk To A Ton As Blue Lock Duos!!

me and @reapkusho as kainess (im ness)

Me And Mutuals I Talk To A Ton As Blue Lock Duos!!

Me And Mutuals I Talk To A Ton As Blue Lock Duos!!

me and @waffledforbreakfast as nagireo (im reo)

Me And Mutuals I Talk To A Ton As Blue Lock Duos!!

Me And Mutuals I Talk To A Ton As Blue Lock Duos!!

me and @the-rini-rush as rinsagi (im isagi)

Me And Mutuals I Talk To A Ton As Blue Lock Duos!!

Me And Mutuals I Talk To A Ton As Blue Lock Duos!!

me and @sl-vega as otoya and karasu (im karasu)

Me And Mutuals I Talk To A Ton As Blue Lock Duos!!

Me And Mutuals I Talk To A Ton As Blue Lock Duos!!

me and @fishii28 as bachisagi (im bachira)

Me And Mutuals I Talk To A Ton As Blue Lock Duos!!

i love all of my mutuals, but these are ones i talk to a ton! i care about every one of my followers, and if you wanna chat outside of tumblr, my discord is [_bllklover5109_]!!

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7 months ago
Let's Go To The Beach - Beach, Let's Go Get Away

let's go to the beach - beach, let's go get away

[based on this]

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