Nallea Judgement - Tumblr Posts

"oh, hey ninara! I already know you so this is kinda cheating on my part, but you're very sweet and I'd love to become better friends, especiaLLy now that I'm spending more time at my hive. it'd be cool meeting aLL the troLLs you hang out with too, you sure know a lot of people! though I guess by that logic I do too."

"aLL in aLL, I've gotta give you a solid 10/10. you're a very good friend and I bet we'd make a pretty cool team, right?"

see what this prick thinks of you. i'm joking she's actually quite sweet :)! she's quite critical of most highbloods unless they meet very specific requirements that are based on pure vibes alone

"a streamer, huh?"

"that sounds cool as heLL! you gotta let me foLLow. I don't have much time for watching streams and videos, but you look pretty awesome! definite 9/10!"

see what this prick thinks of you. i'm joking she's actually quite sweet :)! she's quite critical of most highbloods unless they meet very specific requirements that are based on pure vibes alone

"hmmm... you're a toughie, for sure. I like your style, it's definitely not for me but I see the appeal. you look pretty confident overaLL, which I always appreciate. trouble with your ancestor, huh? I won't pry, but I getcha, a couple people I know have uh.. questionable ancestors."

"real cool. definite 9/10, taking off just one point because I'm jealous I could never pull off that jacket."

see what this prick thinks of you. i'm joking she's actually quite sweet :)! she's quite critical of most highbloods unless they meet very specific requirements that are based on pure vibes alone

"aww, you definitely pass the check, don't worry. you look like the nervous type, but that's okay, I'm nervous sometimes too. a dark secret... now that's intriguing."

"you seem real sweet! I love your shoes and hair! 10/10!"

see what this prick thinks of you. i'm joking she's actually quite sweet :)! she's quite critical of most highbloods unless they meet very specific requirements that are based on pure vibes alone

"'pretty poet' is right! I love your eyeliner and freckles, they remind me of consteLLations. not to mention your hair! is it dyed? super cool. definite 10/10!"

see what this prick thinks of you. i'm joking she's actually quite sweet :)! she's quite critical of most highbloods unless they meet very specific requirements that are based on pure vibes alone

"huh. weLL."

"you seem like a reaLLy cool person with a cool style. I like your piercings! your hair looks reaLLy nice too, do you use any products? 9/10!"

see what this prick thinks of you. i'm joking she's actually quite sweet :)! she's quite critical of most highbloods unless they meet very specific requirements that are based on pure vibes alone