Namjoon Birthday - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

God I'm so embarrassing can't stop grinning like an idiot everytime I remember it's Namjoon's birthday in a few days like I'm newly married and holy shit it's my husband's birthday and I'm all giddy about it. I should stop.

But he fine tho . . .

God I'm So Embarrassing Can't Stop Grinning Like An Idiot Everytime I Remember It's Namjoon's Birthday
God I'm So Embarrassing Can't Stop Grinning Like An Idiot Everytime I Remember It's Namjoon's Birthday
God I'm So Embarrassing Can't Stop Grinning Like An Idiot Everytime I Remember It's Namjoon's Birthday

God I'm So Embarrassing Can't Stop Grinning Like An Idiot Everytime I Remember It's Namjoon's Birthday

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5 months ago

It’s now officially September 12 where I live, so happy birthday to my first and ultimate bias, the man who has raised my standards in men to incredible heights, Namjoon! 🎉

Its Now Officially September 12 Where I Live, So Happy Birthday To My First And Ultimate Bias, The Man

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1 year ago

🎈Happy birthday Namjoon 🎈

One of my favorite things he’s ever said, and he’s said a lot of intelligent, thoughtful things, was a comment he made during their hiatus announcement video last Summer.

I’m gonna paraphrase, but he essentially said that out of the myriad of realities in the multiverse, he genuinely believed (or wanted to believe) that he was living in the best possible one. That he was living the best possible outcome of all the random realities for Kim Namjoon that there are.

And wow, that hit me.

At first, it didn’t. I had recently lost a pregnancy, painfully and traumatically; I was grieving that and watching the world seem to fall apart around me, and struggling to find the will to keep going, to keep caring, to keep watching all the girls who were pregnant at the same time as me have healthy, beautiful babies and to click the “❤️” button rather than scream at them to shut the fuck up about how “blessed” they are.

So for a second I scoffed at him, like, “well no shit he’s living in the best reality; he’s a famous, successful and beloved celebrity with more money than he knows what to do with.” I mean — that’s the alternate reality we all would like to wake up and find ourselves in at least some days, right?

And, well, fair enough. But his words stuck with me, and the more I thought about them, the more I realized his words were deeper than that. I think they were about cultivating joy, and gratitude, and intention, and putting effort into making the life you’re living, no matter what it looks like, the best it could possibly be, out of all the random dice rolls in the universe.

And that’s a powerful fucking decision to make.

There are forces outside our control, of course there are. There are things we can’t escape, realities we can’t change. But there are almost always more things that we can change than things we cannot. And one of the biggest ones is our perspective.

What would the world look like if we all decided, individually, to make this right here our best reality? To stop wishing we were someone else doing something else somewhere else. To instead wholeheartedly believe that this is the chosen life, the one that deserves all of our effort, all of our passion, all of our attention. I think it would be transformative.

I encourage you to try it, even just for a day. Believe that your life is charmed, that it is destined and fated to matter. I’m not talking about manifesting, I’m talking about choosing.

Since hearing those words from him, I’ve tried to make small changes, everyday changes, but intentional ones, to enjoy the life I find myself in. To appreciate it, really appreciate it, despite its hardships, despite its ugliness, despite its many, many imperfections. To write more, to feel more, to forgive more, to listen more. To smile and dance around in my kitchen to KPop songs more. To tell my husband I love him more.

I can promise you that while my reality has not changed much at all since last Summer, it has nonetheless risen in my esteem. I can agree with him now; I can say that I too, am living in the best possible reality, out of the myriad of them that there may be, floating out there in the ether.

Maybe in one of them I am smarter, cleverer, notable for accomplishing something great. Maybe in one of them I’m more popular, more loved, more lauded.

But in this one, I am me, right where I am. And I choose to believe that that is no accident.

When he gifted those words to me that day, it was just that: a gift. And maybe I’m silly to read so much into a throwaway sentence from a pop star, but I’m not sure that’s what it was. I think it was vulnerable, thoughtful encouragement from a man who has enough power and wealth to be anything but vulnerable and thoughtful. And yet, he chooses to be.

Thank you, Namjoon. And happy birthday 💙

Happy Birthday Namjoon

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5 years ago

What I love about Kim Namjoon

His intelligence

His incredible way with words

His love for nature

His leadership abilities

How he genuinely learns from mistakes

His immense talent

His cute dimples

When he dances and really feels it

His voice

His love for his members

His philosophical way of thinking

How he is such a hard worker

How he is always trying to improve himself (even though he’s perfect to me)

How much he loves Ryan

His music


A small list can’t sum up all the things I love about Namjoon but it’s his birthday so I thought I would try. Happy Birthday Joon! I love you <3

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5 years ago

Namjoon's Birthday

Let's take a picture of the most beautiful thing you've seen or felt that day. Let's do it the Namjoon way.

Doesn't have to include any face it could be anything.

Please spread the word.

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