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well, aren’t you two popular!

i can’t stop thinking about th team leaders. especially fuya because like… in a narrative sense he got the short end of the stick. his “role” is to be an example to the wicked twisters, to show them what’s at stake, and to be the first “loss” without being a character the player has to… care about, necessarily. because it’s not about “ohh this character that we loved so much is dead,” it’s about establishing the stakes of the reaper’s game in-canon (not so much outside of that, though. especially if you’ve already played twewy.)
but also like… it’s not. impossible. for his death to also be a “this character that we liked died” moment, even if he’s absolutely not given any sort of depth or on-screen time as compared to motoi or kanon. because what neo twewy also does really well, i think, is that you sabotage the deep rivers society by…
fulfilling their final wishes!
which i don’t see talked about enough. maybe because it didn’t hit for other people like it did for me, but like. the reason the deep rivers society end up at the bottom of the barrel is because you, rindo, go back and time and make sure they can do all the things they wanted to before they got erased. they’ve already lost hope of getting out - see: the secret reports. it’s been more than 30 loops, it’s about survival. you help these guys go to an art exhibit they really wanted to see, see a lecturer they always wanted to listen to, etc.
and that’s the direct reason the wicked twisters don’t get erased, yes, but it’s also the direct reason the deep rivers society do get erased. because you encouraged them to do something they loved for the last time. and while that already makes me deeply sad, fuya didn’t get that. he just got a team that… didn’t show up when he needed them to.
and he got erased for it! after. over 210 days of the reaper’s game.
so. yeah. fuya kawahara, everyone.