Nerr Unwittingly Does The Waterbending Thing When She's Upset - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago

Headcanon- Corrin and Kanna can sing Lost in Thoughts All Alone and use the same waterbending powers as Azura and Shigure, better, in fact, with less severe consequences. My reasoning? In Hidden Thruths 2, Anankos says, and I quote, "However... Only those with the same ancient blood could unlock the song's power." Now, he means the same blood as Cadros, the first king of Valla, right? But Cadros' blood is nothing. The game says that the ancient dragons chose the human generals who led their armies to rule, and gave them their blood (dragon's blood) as tangible proof of their right to rule. Cadros must have just been a soldier until Anankos gave him his own blood, which imbued him with the power to use the spell Anankos created. Corrin has that "same ancient blood" flowing through their veins directly, what with Anankos directly being their father. Think about how diluted Anankos' blood is in Shigure, and tell me Kanna, the direct grandchild of said god tier being, doesn't have a better propensity for revitalizing people by singing? Now, I'm not saying they could sing the 4th verse without dying, but they could probably sing the rest of the song twice without dying, considering the draconic blood in them is so strong they can turn into dragons. As a human, a human who's weak enough to get killed by his own curses, Anankos can give life to barren wastelands, eternal youth, or perpetual continuation of one's bloodline. I think his kid has the stamina to cast a spell twice.

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